
Demystification Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Drawing is not a talent; it's a skill that anyone can learn. It's about the process of seeing."
"Demystifying means helping people understand something that's complicated to them and breaking it down so it's very simple to understand."
"I kind of think it's cool, man. He's like demystifying it a bit."
"It's really important to kind of demystify therapy...therapy is about the conversation."
"Science is the greatest engine of just demystification the world has ever seen."
"I hope and pray that this video has demystified the process for you... how to create a signature coaching program."
"Demystifying a disease is important for Public Health."
"Foraging: it stops being a mystery and just becomes something you can do."
"This is to show you how to do it like I learned how to do it just by catch as catch can and to demystify the process so that you can try it and learn more about it. That's how this whole thing works."
"Highlight on healers: a series to demystify your soul's journey."
"Everybody thinks there's this big mysticism to making movies... You've made a movie."
"Investing doesn't have to be taboo. Let's break it down."
"We're going to demystify it a little bit for people today."
"It's just what you do. You shouldn't have this vision of the artist or the writer as some kind of divine figure."
"We're going to try to demystify a lot of the language that we see out there and we're going to try to take the sting away from the fear of dealing with numbers."
"My hope is that it can show others that are interested in learning how to harvest their own meat how non-intimidating the process can be."
"...the purpose of this channel is to demystify some of this stuff."
"...hopefully this takes a little bit of the fear out of what's involved with CNC and I'm going to keep doing videos like this to show different examples of simple projects that can be done just to prove that it's not scary..."
"I like this question a lot because it really does teach the whole process of digital signatures and it kind of demystifies the digital signature process."
"I think that actually social media has done a lot of good in demystifying a lot of the negative trappings of the fashion industry."
"I wanted to demystify it so when you watch it you can be better prepared for your Apple interviews or any interviews in Tech for that matter."
"We need to demystify it, especially we have daughters now we need to demystify it, speak up, tell him that you are not hitting the place, can you tweak a bit, can you move a bit, can you shift a bit to get it deeper, I'm not talking"
"Hopefully that has demystified sharpening chisels for you, it's really not a difficult process."
"The goal is to demystify the process of putting together a quality DIY disc grinder."
"Toonami was the first that effectively demystified the style for American audiences."
"Anything I can do to make people understand... these things are more accessible and to lower the intimidation factor."
"Demystifying certain GMAT topics."
"I'm going to demystify every single thing."
"I hope you enjoyed this introduction to the Gilbert cell and that it's helped to take some of the mystery of this circuit out of your minds."
"Don't let batteries overwhelm you; it's really not rocket science."
"Demystify club gear and show you how similar all DJ gear is."
"Demystifying a lot of concepts along the way too."
"It doesn't have to be scary, it doesn't have to be intimidating; it's actually pretty basic."
"Demystifying and simplifying the process of becoming an effective and productive software engineer."
"I want terminals to stop being something that people are scared of."
"I wanted to demystify the whole thing for you."
"It's not necessarily an intuitive topic, so hence the webinar to try to shed some light, take the mystery away."
"Hopefully, monoids are not quite as scary now."
"There's a lot of mystery around making albums or mini albums, and guys, we are going to totally demystify that."
"It's no longer magic, something that's actually tangible."
"The real hope in this class was to get you to a point where you could take this journey from not necessarily doing any programming to getting to a point where now a bunch of the stuff that you actually see... has helped demystify some of those things."
"Therapy is not supposed to be this mysterious, secretive thing."
"I try to tell people this is not rocket science; this is actually really simple when you kind of get out of your own way."
"These algorithms are actually pretty easy, and machine learning is really nothing to fear."
"So don't forget, this is where we take the mystery out of the air gun."
"It's not as scary or as complicated as people are making out."
"We're taking the mystery out of cooking."