
Ancestors Quotes

There are 402 quotes

"I would rather stick to the food that our ancestors have survived on for so long."
"You have the protection from your ancestors to go through this very life-changing or dramatic time."
"Your spirit guides and old family members are there with you right now, helping guide you through this."
"One of the most important things to note about our hunter-gatherer ancestors is that they weren't dumb. In fact, on an individual to individual basis, they probably had some cognitive ability superior to our own."
"Your tribal spirit has sent a message to say that your ancestral spirits are very dissatisfied with you."
"If you ever want to have your mind blown about what our ancestors were able to do...these naval battles, there's like 600 ships, right, wooden ships, big ships."
"The best way to honor our ancestors is to love thyself."
"Call on the ancestors, but honor their power by taking action in our lives."
"I want to give all praises to the most high and also give all praises to the ancestors that created the journey for us."
"Even from our ancestors going through that shit, it's so hard."
"Every time I tell stories like this, or anytime I tell stories about my ancestors, I feel like I am holding a candle for them."
"I'm always interested in humanizing our ancestors, humanizing the past."
"That's a clear sign from the ancestors saying, 'Hey, this shit gotta go.'"
"But what strikes me as really ironic is that the people who put that house up thought they were harking back to their ancient ancestors of 400 years previously but in fact they were harking back to their ancestors 3000 years previously."
"You don't know the depth in which your past loved ones truly bless you."
"You have some sort of invisible cloak of protection from your ancestors."
"Believe that you are loved, supported by ancestors and guides."
"You stuck to that and the main thing that's coming in here is how favored you are by your ancestors."
"I talk to him all the time. He's an ancestor now."
"I feel like I have made my ancestors and my family so proud."
"You cling to your life as if it actually matters, ancestors cling to you screaming in silence."
"Your ancestors and your spirit guides are saying: do not settle for less."
"They all stand behind us and they guide us."
"The Disco Kanté is just a reminder that our ancestors were way ahead of their time when it came to understanding the cosmos."
"Archaeological research is sometimes the only way we can solve research about our ancient ancestors, how they lived and why they did the things they're known for."
"If only our ancient ancestors left us a helpful instruction guide or manual buried alongside all of their artifacts."
"Trust your intuition because your ancestors are communicating with you."
"It was an emotional thing visiting that little village."
"I'm just carrying on a legacy of my ancestors."
"Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors that jumped from ships, because they knew death was better than bondage."
"This ancient trap also serves as a reminder of how our ancestors were able to weave their ingenuity into the fabric of the Earth itself."
"Our ancestors at this time were incredibly sophisticated, artistic, creative people."
"Our ancestors were clever, and if you've ever tried to work Flint, you very quickly discover how clever they were."
"The light from the star that your ancestors, your spirit team, your guides, your guardian angels have a hand in."
"I believe that ancient ancestors were better connected to the spiritual world."
"You remind him of his past, like his childlike self. Because I feel like you're very playful, my pile twos. You bring a lot of playfulness into this person's life."
"Your ancestors have brought you two together in a very beautiful way. So, how does he feel when he sees you? He feels like he's in a whole 'nother world when he's with you."
"Know that your ancestors are celebrating you, protecting you, holding space for you, rooting for you to succeed at everything that you do."
"Somebody got strong ancestors out here, angels, they're anointed."
"Thank you to my great grandmother Nyla, thank you Guardian Angels, ancestors known and unknown."
"You're not alone. You're never alone. You are never alone. You be chilling with your ancestors."
"You've actually got a lot of protection, so you've got like people in the 5-day that are protecting you, and you've also got like ancestors, past over loved ones, you know, Spirit guides, Angels."
"Some of my ancestors on my father's side of the family did go the wrong way, and there are some that walked uprightly with God, and some did not. But these guys were extremely prophetic."
"Your ancestors love the hell out of you."
"You guys have access to some type of ancient knowledge and information, possibly inherited from your ancestors who might be Star seeds."
"Stories are the memories of our ancestors and through them they ensure that the values rituals knowledge and ways of life are kept alive."
"Our ancestors navigated by the wind and starved, crossing vast oceans and mountain ranges, searching for new lands."
"Your ancestors are rooting for you and acknowledge your capacity for healing and change."
"Almost all the Albert Einstein of all of our ancestors were creating things that had something to do with food."
"Our ancestors might have known far more about the world than we give them credit for."
"Our ancestors were much smarter than many of us give them credit for."
"As it turns out, the guy from the horse on the first motion picture was actually their great-great-grandfather."
"Your ancestors did that, and you will very much pick up on it easy because it's coming through the lineage."
"All ancestors closest to the Sun, please help me channel this message."
"The artistic genius of our ancestors was evident in every aspect of life."
"Your ancestors want to tell you that you don't even know how proud they are of you."
"We are the spirit of the ancestors and we are the spirit of The Unborn, what are you doing the living to make the continuity of life happen now?"
"Our ancestors want the best for us. Time is not real on the other side of the veil."
"Your ancestors want you to know that you are sacred."
"Your angels and ancestors seem to be like overseeing your energy, keeping a close eye on your energy."
"The ancestor was represented differently, in some cases, you will have a very small Stone statue."
"Ancestors are protecting you from whoever is trying to take advantage of you or take you for granted."
"Just pick one person. Just like we don't all have good ancestors, we don't have all bad ancestors either. There is someone who will be in your corner, even if you can't name them specifically."
"Your ancestors want you to know they're around you, they're protecting you... That health of yours is protected, that dream of yours is protected."
"Thank you, ancestors, for knocking that negativity right out of here."
"It's called 'The Ancestors,' black people in the Bible."
"It's fascinating to speculate what our ancestors would have eaten, but in some cases, we do have solid evidence of their Stone Age diet."
"The things we can do today our ancestors would have absolutely thought was witchcraft."
"All our ancestors never broke the time due to 12 o'clock."
"Don't stop until your ancestors tell you to."
"I can't regret it because the souls of my ancestors are all I have left, and random wanderers like yourself will happen to walk my path just as well."
"You are connecting with ancestors... it re-establishes hope."
"We come to acknowledge and to lay flower petals in the water to allow our ancestors to know that we think about them, we remember them."
"It absolutely feels like a conversation with the ancestors and with the Creator."
"I feel like ancestors are here, you know? I feel safe, actually."
"Ancestors are always present, watching over us."
"Protection is really potent with ancestors beyond any other magical entity or spirit that I have worked with in the past."
"my most cherished collections consist of journals meticulously transcribed by my ancestors"
"He will inherit all the knowledge, experience, and skills of his ancestors."
"Your ancestors are watching your every move."
"Your ancestors will see that you're loving yourself more."
"We have gone away from being a raw food eater that our ancestors three million years ago were all raw food eaters."
"Your ancestors see you're going through a glow-up."
"If you don't follow your truth and your ancestors, you may not have your body to continue on this planet."
"The ancestors don't die, they regenerate."
"You're beautiful, your energy is immaculate, and this is things from the ancestors that they want you to know."
"Your intentions are also showing up here, and this is something I'm hearing from the ancestors."
"I used to come to Pestum when I was a little boy. I'm going to be honest with you, I didn't really appreciate all the history of my ancestors like I'm doing right now. This is just incredible."
"Don't be ashamed of your Shadow, because your ancestors, your Spirit guides, you know, as long as they've been having an experience here on Earth, they've dealt with it too."
"Your ancestors got up started whooping ass dragging people snatching by the eyelashes the nose the everything the toes the wigs the hairlines the lace fronts laid them down like some slick ass baby hairs baby like a can of oil."
"Your ancestors and angels are showering you with riches and appreciation."
"Be on guard, your ancestors are giving you a lot of love and protection and guidance right now."
"You are the victory, you are bringing in the victory to your ancestors, to your blood, to your family."
"Foreign is undeniably and unapologetically black, built on the wisdom in the struggle and by the craftiness of our ancestors."
"...the only possible explanation for this was interbreeding of Neanderthals into the ancestors of non Africans but not as much or at all into the ancestors of sub-Saharan Africans."
"These kupuna belong to somebody. These kupunas are somebody's, they’re somebody's children."
"Your ancestors are in the background like clapping for you."
"Micro navigation for me is the culmination of the knowledge and skills of our ancestral forefathers in the ability to read the natural landscape around us."
"If we can understand something about the diets of our ancestors, we should be able to say quite a bit about the lives of those ancestors."
"You can get dreams from your ancestors that are in your subconscious."
"The ancestors: it's time to heal any invisible fault lines that run through you."
"Our ancestors did not die for voting rights. They died for freedom."
"Your ancestors don't like that you put too much energy into this situation."
"The more we find out about the distant past the more we see that our ancestors were more gifted, more capable, and more like us than we often give them credit for."
"You're realizing that you don't have to feel separate from others to honor your ancestors."
"Our ancestors' intelligence is the correct AI that we need to operate off of."
"Our ancestors died before us, and we're gonna die."
"Having said that, I grew up with a heavy sense of what I would not call ancestor worship but I would call ancestor reverence."
"Standing in a building in the presence of our ancestors and their achievement is as great as kneeling down and invoking a God who may or may not exist."
"When we talk about the way we used to live or what was good for our ancestors, we can't cherry-pick."
"You're right. I want the ancestors please block any and all karmic connections from the stream."
"In gratitude, I bow to this land and all of the ancestors who made it available. I see that I am whole, protected, and nourished by this land and all of the living beings that have been here and made life worthwhile and possible for me through all their efforts."
"The greatest honor you can give your ancestors is to say, 'I remember you, grandmother. I appreciate what you did. Thank you.'"
"Listen to your ancestors, listen to your spirit guides, to whoever you call to for messages to keep you safe and to keep you protected."
"We have everything all our ancestors ever wanted... yet we are so miserable."
"Your ancestors are really pissed off."
"The land is Holy Land, the land is where our ancestors are buried, that's where they shed their blood that we might have an inheritance."
"You are covered by the most high. Your ancestors are making sure that everything goes in your favor."
"Thank you to your ancestors. They hear heavy, baby."
"Moana was filled with the light of her ancestors and felt the support of her grandmother."
"Always give respect to your ancestors."
"I find it truly disrespectful to look down on our ancestors and what they've done."
"All of your ancestors have a lot to tell you and a lot of it is hidden truth."
"it felt very comforting... like ancestors or a grandma"
"Your dreams are real, your ancestors are talking to you."
"Your ancestors are not playing, they're taking them down."
"Your ancestors' presence is always felt around you. People can't explain the type of energy they feel from being in your presence."
"Your ancestors or your grandmother that has passed over is definitely protecting you from this."
"Your ancestors and your guides are helping... pulling you away from things that you have been too committed to."
"God loves you. He loved your forefathers. He loved their descendants."
"Your ancestors and your guides are definitely guiding you at this time."
"Wishing nothing but blessings to you guys and may the ancestors shed their light and look upon us with good eyes as we carry you fine to the future."
"When fear overcomes courage, you will run for your safety. Ancestors are giving you strength to overcome your fear and to become courageous."
"Keep applying pressure. Your ancestors are not playing with nobody."
"God has your back, your ancestors have your back."
"Your ancestors, the Spirit guides, are trying to help you."
"Our ancestors were hardened people, you know, their bodies were already acclimated to starvation mode."
"...MyHeritage will use its connections to public databases such as Geni.com and BillionGraves to suggest possible ancestors."
"It's fascinating to think about the technology and inventions created by our ancestors."
"This is what my way of honoring the ancestors that are now guiding me which is nice it's beautiful thank you thank you thank you."
"If I am here I need to prove to you that slavery really existed, talk to the people in the back because I have been to various forts and castles that got dungeons where slaves were. This is the dungeon, this is where our ancestors spent months at a time."
"Our shamans pleaded with the ancestors to save us from our fate."
"Your ancestors are behind you, supporting you."
"My ancestors knew a lot more than you think they did."
"But it's described and told in the way our ancestors knew how."
"Your ancestors, they're coming in, they're protecting you."
"To be a human now, in this darkness of uncertainty, they're all plugging for us. Please feel them, the ancestors and the future beings, let them laugh in your ear as well as slap you on the backside and pull you forward, because we have great work to do."
"I want to first acknowledge my ancestors."
"You have angels that have been shielding you and protecting you, your ancestors they did not miss a beat."
"I want to meet the ones who were already here and already left it in print, already made mistakes."
"Everything is being taken care of. Don't stress yourself about judgment or what's going on behind the scenes because your ancestors have it under control."
"Dedicating a day to your ancestors, giving thanks, offering, and connecting with them in meditation can bring powerful ancestral downloads and guidance."
"Many of our ancestors risked everything to try to make lives for themselves far from where they were born, staking a claim on some unsettled bit of land."
"We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the power and spirits of our ancestors."
"We have always argued that there is a realm for the ancestors."
"At some point, some of our ancestors started going, 'Huh, what if we took a raft and pushed it out in that water and rode out farther than we can see from the shore, would we find something?'"
"Our past does define who we are, it helps to ground us and keeps us rooted to the struggles that our ancestors had to endure so that we could live our lives the way that we choose to."
"We commune with ancestors when you do this."
"I feel the ancestors, a certain energy."
"Oh ancestors, it is to you that we, your children, give respect and honor."
"We never do anything without honoring our ancestors."
"Rise up, O African ancestors, and let our enemies be scattered."
"Ancestors would watch out for family in times of need."
"This transformative era also rekindles our connection to the ancient wisdom of our ancestors."
"It's an opportunity to recognize and thank all of our brave ancestors for making that perilous journey."
"If we took it in a different light, if we thought about it the same way their ancestors would have, we would think about things very differently."
"We carry the spirits of our ancestors with us, no matter where you go."
"The kind of Revenge that's being held right now is a very private one, witnessed by your ancestors, your angels."
"You're getting recognition and reward from your ancestors."
"We knew these mammals; our ancestors knew these mammals. Our Homo sapiens ancestors encountered them, hunted them, painted their images on cave walls."
"Our ancestors were not savages; they were not barbaric nor ignorant."
"Everything is kind of a tribute to our ancestors."
"Heritage also means what's been passed down from our ancestors: culture, tradition, stories."
"Our ancestors had a surprisingly advanced understanding of science and the world around them."
"You think about our ancestors, the insurmountable odds they faced, and they did it with stones."
"Unlike today, where we separate life and death, confining our dead to cemeteries, the ancient Britons wanted to be close to their ancestors who were thought to protect the living."
"The best way to understand the people who came before us is to open their tombs."
"Ajani thanked the ancestors for this wonderful gift."
"Because you have been blessed, my love. The ancestors chose you for a special purpose."
"Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships because they knew death was better than bondage."
"It's an honor to my ancestors to be here and to purchase land here and to build our home here."
"Let us now sing the praises of famous men, our ancestors in their generations."
"This place is home to the Oocca, who may have been the closest ancestors to the goddess Hylia."
"The stove is the shrine where I convene with my ancestors."
"All praises due to the ancestors."
"My ancestors did not die for the right to vote; they died for freedom."
"Many of our forefathers and our ancestors have died for the same thing, for the same cause."
"We've already achieved that. Yes, our ancestors didn't come back in persons, but through generations, here we are."
"I'm grateful to God and my ancestors for this feeling."
"...people should never forget to remember their ancestors and also donate food as much as possible."
"Some people say that in the night, on the cover of the night, the ancestors come out from the underground, and you can meet them here."
"Ancestors congregating in the present through chants and dance, passing on words and movements that are as old as time itself."
"Medicine men often come in to deliver last rites, so that the spirit can be prepared to join the ancestors."
"We're all about going back into the past and trying to use as a resource the best of what our ancestors did, not the worst."
"We won the Haitian revolution by summoning the ancestral realm."
"In your future, man will be able to speak with his ancestors."
"Trust your knowing, you walk with legions of ancestors and guides in the unseen realms."
"The ancestors are the one that made it possible for you to be here today."
"Father God, don't forget the promise you made to our forefather Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob."
"For me, being Kiwi is very much about understanding why my ancestors came to New Zealand, what it was that they loved when they arrived here."