
Natural Resources Quotes

There are 358 quotes

"The idea that we could convert natural resources into human cognitive ability seems like a pretty damn good trade from the perspective of economic flourishing and environmental sustainability."
"The availability of water and food freely is a freedom from natural tyranny."
"One of the main tenants of the resource-based economy is that all natural resources are the common heritage of the people."
"With a documented history of over 2,500 years, the region of Xinjiang was a vital hub on the ancient Silk Road. Fast forward to today, and the region contains over 20 percent of China's fossil fuel reserves."
"We're on the road to becoming a critical mineral superpower, unlocking Canada's natural resources to create more jobs and prosperity."
"The Democratic Republic of Congo produces over 70% of the world's cobalt."
"The mineral wealth of Congo, a marvel and a curse."
"The teak growing in Burma is so abundant that it has been used to make enormous constructions like bridges that have lasted for nearly 200 years."
"Guyana has discovered one of the largest deposits of oil and natural gas... said to become the richest country in the hemisphere."
"Find alternative means of energy... we have plenty of Natural Resources instead of oil."
"The game changer in India is... our natural resources are actually all of you. It's the people."
"I want clean, healthy wildlife habitat, clean air, clean water, lots of animals, vibrant ecosystems, and I want access to those natural resources if they can be utilized in a sustainable fashion."
"Ukraine's exclusive economic zone within the Black Sea may contain more than 2 trillion cubic meters worth of natural gas."
"Cannabis is a plant that grows from Earth naturally."
"These plants are found all over your planet... to be pathways to the one Creator."
"God wants everybody to be rich because energy from the air from the sky from our winds from our land and all that is god-given."
"We have one of the largest natural gas deposits... in the world."
"We're sitting on top of something special, fueled by the greatest treasure on the planet: American energy."
"Money doesn't grow on trees, but Apple does grow on fees."
"Cod was one of the most valuable fish in the world."
"Recent news of significant oil and gas deposits off the coast of South Africa has thrust the nation into Global geopolitical challenges."
"The recent discovery of oil in South Africa holds significant promise for the local population."
"With challenges, this oil discovery indeed has the potential to change everything."
"Nothing is more essential than the air you breathe and the water you drink."
"But now next, next on the agenda, I also... I got some investment money. Next on the agenda is, can we harvest these trees? I haven't really been doing that."
"Gold is one of the rarest elements on earth."
"The first trillionaire they will ever be, is the person who exploits the natural resources on asteroids."
"South Africa: extremely rich in valuable minerals."
"Political institutions and foresight are much more important for economic prosperity than geography and natural resources."
"The precious sap of the dragon's blood tree has been highly sought after for various purposes, known for its healing properties in treating a wide range of ailments."
"The Central African Republic is a landlocked country smack dab in the middle of Africa, despite being full of natural resources like gold, diamonds, and uranium. It's one of the poorest countries in the world."
"Exxon Mobil discovered a literal ocean of oil beneath Guyana's coastal shelf."
"The worst case scenario is fresh air and clean water."
"Ukraine could have easily become an enormous provider of natural gas to Europe."
"It is believed that our ancient ancestors found large somewhat rounded boulders."
"Having natural resources doesn't mean that you're immune to running out of cash."
"Humans have been making art from natural resources since the beginning of recorded history. From the ancient Egyptians to modern-day sculptors..."
"Sustainability is the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level. It's also the avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance."
"Jesus also puts things in the earth and we use them."
"Springs are like petroleum. You can always build a chocolate factory. But Springs you have, or you don't have." - Helmut Maucher
"Not only did the people of mesoamerica clearly figure out how to create or derive liquid mercury from Mercury or they also knew of deep underground water systems and lakes that could be accessed through caves."
"Bolivia has a very large lithium set of deposits within it, very necessary in the coming age of green energy, but you know there is one element more present in Bolivia than lithium, and do you know what it is? Hopium."
"Wood will always be cantankerous fibrous...unlike other man-made materials."
"If you're interested in natural resources and precious metals please do come."
"Russia is basically a gas station with nukes."
"The best source of red light is the sun. It's full spectrum light; it includes red."
"Rivers don't follow political boundaries, rivers flow through states over international borders."
"It's full of rare earths, it's full of gold and minerals."
"Congratulations, you found the largest diamond ever discovered."
"Hemp is literally a miracle plant... it's a fucking plant meant to be used by us."
"Water is an element, a celestial element, and to show you how important it is, it covers over 70% of the earth."
"There's enough energy coming from the Sun and the wind to power the world."
"Gold, silver, precious stones are always found underground. They're always found in small quantities. They're rare, they're expensive, and if you put them through the fire, they get bigger, they become more expensive, and become more pure."
"The Pumukel hot springs: A natural gift warming filled with relaxing waters and minerals."
"Alaska: Pays all of their residents royalties for its oil and gas industry."
"Sure sure sure, but I mean like they took this beast out of the water, they also eat him, yeah man they use the oil for everything."
"It's thought there's over $200 billion worth of gold down there."
"Oil and gas are Texas's greatest gifts from God."
"The biggest resource that the United States has is its location on the globe, it's got the best landmass, you know, it can feed itself, it can produce if it wanted to."
"Pack animals don't need fuel, as they can survive on water and forage in their environment."
"Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world."
"Absent a global recession or depression, we were going to arrive at shortages of various natural resource commodities."
"America's seemingly bottomless supply of natural gas...has become another primary factor in encouraging manufacturing to relocate back to the United States."
"The Nile is the earth's resource. It belongs to the earth as it goes on its travels on earth. It belongs to no one."
"The best thing in the world you can drink is spring water."
"I think if we all want breathable air and drinkable water we need to learn how to live with less."
"Africa wrote the greatest place on the planet. Limitless resources and minerals."
"It's a vicious cycle as the lake grows, more people are driven into the charcoal industry, destroying one of the few remaining natural resources left."
"No country would find 173 billion barrels of oil in the ground and just leave them there. The resource will be developed."
"Europe is facing large amounts of natural gas by pipeline directly from Russia, and it's very difficult to switch off that supply."
"Europe wants to get gas from Africa... Europe must be taught a lesson."
"Often people find it hard to understand why European countries are so interested in Africa. It's true that European countries like France exploit Africa to this day. However, Europe wants to give that up when it comes to one thing: natural gas."
"Africa is rich in natural gas, oil, and various other natural resources. However, natural gas stays the center of attention."
"The biggest of the benefits would be a steady income for African countries, considering the unstable government shifts."
"One thing that is very clear in these accounts is that copper can be detected by the careful observation of the surrounding environment..."
"All of our drinking water comes from mother nature but it might not always be there to meet our demands."
"Spain is the country most prepared for receiving liquefied natural gas."
"If you know what you're doing, this island can give you so much. It's there for you to take and use it."
"Do you know what seaweed is? Yeah, seaweed, you can eat it, that's cool."
"Russia is a net exporter of valuable raw materials."
"We must look to icebergs if we were to find almost perfect water stored and packed for thousands of years."
"Proximity to freshwater: the key to civilization's success throughout history."
"Grapes and you can actually use grape leaves in certain ways and grape skins."
"Wind is free, my Sun is free, and that'll never change."
"These natural tools offer us the ability to seek greater knowledge, tools that could positively affect life on our planet."
"Gold is the most beautiful of the Earth's elements."
"Both Russia and the U.S are using natural gas as a political weapon."
"Offshore gas pipelines: constructing a crossing in the depths of 980 feet."
"It's one of the few places you're allowed to keep what you find and several times a year someone pulls an uncut multi-carat diamond from the mud."
"Ukraine has lots of natural resources and great agricultural lands they just need a better and more functional government free of Russian corruption and interference."
"Wild edibles can literally save your life sometimes."
"I don't think you can ever tame the beast the same way as you can gold and silver."
"There's massive amounts of gold in the grand canyon... billions and billions and billions of ounces."
"This farm layout is all about foraging, and that means your farm naturally produces things you can forage and harvest."
"If Russia adds the Arctic area to Russian territory, they will have their hand on roughly 16 percent of the world's untapped oil."
"Venezuela, a rich country blessed with bountiful natural resources, is now a hell hole." - Tucker
"Africa holds the center, natural resources, and thankfully, the African Union is talking about new partnership for Africa's development."
"The Indian subcontinent's geography... creates the richest and the most highly fertile piece of Farmland anywhere in the world."
"Nature has provided the ultimate glue there."
"Cone snails weren't just killers; they were living pharmacies."
"Our ancestors tried different mushroom species, like picking out library books from nature's library."
"Africa needs to be built by Africans. We need to believe in our natural assets: the landscape, the minerals, the rich culture."
"The youngest country in the world is South Sudan rich in oil reserves."
"The Colorado River serves as the lifeblood of the Southwest."
"Thank god for wild pomegranates, otherwise this entire colony would have been wiped out."
"That's only with natural gas and with renewables too it's going out there and it's fine it's stranded hydroelectric and geothermal particularly and it's taking advantage of those energy resources that exist out there."
"Nature is just naturally abundant and so giving."
"Water is the most important treasure we have on this planet."
"The leaves and flowers of violets are edible."
"It really wasn't a leap at the end of the day. It's just a plant."
"The coconut tree: food, water, tools, cloth, fire, baskets, soap – a true tree of life."
"Every tool that we use is basically coming from nature and we repurpose it just like every other tool."
"It is an exchanging the gifts of the earth that you shall find abundance and be satisfied."
"Africa is the richest continent on the planet."
"Gold and silver were here when the earth was formed. It's God's money."
"Everything we need is here in Jamaica... God has given us everything in the herb, the fruit supply, everything that we need to sustain ourselves."
"The country has a wealth of natural resources and energy."
"Bolivia's lithium future isn't looking so bright."
"The Thacker Pass lithium deposit is located within an extinct supervolcano and is one of the largest lithium reserves in the U.S."
"Forests and trees are literally the lungs of the earth."
"It's estimated that the entire country holds about 25 trillion dollars of untapped minerals and ores."
"Think about how many foods grow wild that we can't eat because we don't have the strength or the teeth to cut them open."
"Natural resources due to its abundant natural resources Africa is indispensable to the global supply chain."
"Africa holds 30% of global mineral reserves, 8% of natural gas, and 12% of oil reserves."
"Meteors bring free, ready-made iron to the planet’s surface."
"Hello and welcome to this English lesson about natural resources. You don't know what natural resources are? They're basically everything we find in the world."
"Sinkholes provided fresh water to the inhabitants but some were believed to be portals to the dark and scary underworld."
"All of these towns in this region as best I understand and all the way out to the tip of the peninsula to uh gur all these communities rely on this hot water and as also as a heating source."
"We're now the number one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere on earth."
"We literally started with dirt, grass, trees, wood sticks, you know?"
"There's a thousand times more thorium than there is uranium available to us."
"The amount of sun, wind, and wave energy that we have available to us is the envy of the world."
"A railway would help these governments tap these so far untapped natural resources."
"Deserts are rich resources that provide the world with vital minerals."
"Illinois has a lot of open land, a lot of wind, and a lot of sunshine."
"Plato tells us that Atlantis abounded in both cold and hot springs."
"So you can see that the finding natural gold can be very profitable."
"Wild berries and nuts are abundant resources for foraging."
"The sector massively affected by corruption is natural resources, particularly oil."
"... typically anytime you have coal or oil in an area, you will typically have natural gas as well."
"You need to be able to tap into that human resource and mineral resource."
"Singapore has no natural resources to speak of; what it got was leadership."
"Tasmania's greatest natural resource is water used for the generation of hydroelectricity. It produces a constant cheap source of power, power without pollution."
"I think reality is that, at the moment, the money is in the hands of the economic growth powers that are looking at natural resources, particularly in Africa."
"We can take advantage of our natural resources in a sustainable and futuristic way."
"We've got our own spring in Wales. It's pure and uncontaminated by fluoride and other chemicals."
"This forest has so many things to eat in it, I could live out here if I wanted to."
"The darling River behind me and rivers like the darling River are the lifeblood of Inland Australia."
"Long term every day we've got this beautiful gorgeous pasture behind us here and it makes sense to let them eat a lot of the bugs and the nature and the grass and all of the goodies that the land has to offer."
"Copper is one of the few metals that actually occur in nature directly as a usable metal."
"It's like black oil coming from the ground, it's so beautiful."
"Alabama's trees are a valuable economic resource, but today we're dealing more with the value of trees as living wonders."
"A natural resource discovery, like oil, is an opportunity that often gets wasted."
"The stream flowed into towns at the bottom of the mountain, then it's distributed to people."
"Unlike other major river valleys in Montana, Flathead has never been dammed for hydroelectric power or mined for natural resources."
"Mediterranean zones with access to natural irrigation are some of the most fertile areas on the planet, making perfect areas for civilizations to be birthed."
"It is the lifeblood of the Western United States."
"We're very fortunate being this close to the ocean that we're actually able to draw up water from a saltwater well."
"This forest is literally a drugstore."
"The Bering Sea... is probably as rich a fishing ground as any place in the world."
"The body has the most amazing capacity to heal itself when you actually give it the resources and the opportunity."
"It's God's little joke that the areas on Earth that are richest in fossil fuels are run by some of the worst people that have ever lived."
"Sand, believe it or not, is a scarce resource."
"The water is phenomenal, these springs put out about 850 million gallons of water every single day."
"We were blessed in California with the greatest water source in the world, the Sierra Nevadas."
"We are living in a time when flowers are trying to live on flowers, instead of growing on good rain and black loam."
"Coconuts by far the number source of the best water on earth."
"The greatest resource we have is water."
"We are blessed to have very productive aquifers in central Arizona."
"It's pretty cool to be able to get all my drinking water from these Mountain Streams."
"Both sands are natural; in fact, what people don't understand is pool sand and play sand are both quartz, made from quartz rocks, both silica based."
"Once people saw rivers, they came to appreciate them for the resource that they were."
"Those living on a mountain live off the mountain."
"Australia has abundant sunshine, strong winds, and bus-size batteries."
"Drinking water derived from the summit of Fairfield mountain, no additives or chemicals."
"Wind is a great resource because it is also free."
"The islands of Southeast Asia were also extremely rich in natural resources, many of which are scarce if not entirely lacking in Europe."
"Chile is a very centralized country... but the natural resources to produce clean electricity are spread throughout the country."
"Rubber is actually a natural element found in nature."
"Australia has made itself very wealthy by digging up dirt to sell overseas."
"Slovakia claims to have more public mineral springs per capita than any other country."
"It's really delicious salt, I'm going to take some put on my dinner tonight."
"It's almost hard to imagine what he would have seen here in Wausau at the time, really vast tracts of the white pine, this great white pine resource, one of the great resources in all of North America."
"Up through the ground come a bubblin' crude: oil that is, black gold, Texas tea."
"The federal government owes a very strong obligation to preserve our natural resources."
"Africa is a continent blessed with an abundance of natural resources."
"Natural resources are the backbone of many African economies, providing valuable income and contributing to the development of infrastructure and social services."
"America is rich in natural resources, but we would be poor without the means of moving the products of our minds, fields, and forests."
"Africa holds 65 percent of the world's arable land and 10 percent of the planet's internal renewable fresh water source."
"Collectively, the continent has a lot to gain in pulling together and harnessing its vast natural resources."
"Africa is a major producer of important metals and minerals."
"The natural hydroelectric power resources... shall remain forever in their possession."
"Resources are literally falling out of the sky."
"Apple wood is an important resource carrying great flavor."
"We're very blessed to be able to catch these fish right here."
"A group of powerful countries take action after recognizing that any further deterioration of Natural Resources threatens humanity."
"Canada is a vastly diversified land, rich in minerals, forests, water power, and fertile plains."
"We are at a unique moment in history, the likes of which he has never seen in his 50 years of investing in the natural resource sector."
"Sunshine is free here in California."
"Zealandia is rich in raw materials."