
Assertion Quotes

There are 1110 quotes

"Let's call this out. The best way to preserve our humanity is to assert our humanity."
"Technically, I could just end it here. We're the most powerful country in the world."
"Don't question me; I know what I'm talking about."
"It's literally a proven thing. You just go, 'Look, here you go.'"
"There's simply no denying what's going on." - Asserting the undeniable truth.
"Nobody could stop you. You need be charged." - A bold declaration of determination.
"I'm a grown woman okay, and I was raised in a certain era and I was raised a certain way, and I'm not making no apologies about that period."
"India has suffered, it needs to understand and assert itself."
"That was dominant right absolutely dominant."
"President Trump, I believe, was the best president of the 21st century. That's a fact."
"You know who I am and you know why I'm out here tonight. There's been a lot going on in the WWE, and to state the obvious, I've been overlooked long enough."
"I am a walking declaration, a woman whose inflection does not rise at the end of her sentences suggesting that a question has been asked."
"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
"We are bigger than you, and that's the right way to do it according to the Magna Carta."
"We've seen nothing that justifies Mike Hickman being murdered."
"The Asbo would have won, exactly, the Asbo would have won."
"Books could be produced more cheaply and directed to entire new audiences."
"I literally told them there was, I was pretty much right about everything that I [ __ ] said."
"Step into your own, stand up for yourself, stand your ground."
"We coming through, hear what I say, we vicious."
"Remote viewing is real and truly need to know." - Courtney Brown
"There is absolutely not a shred of doubt in my mind... there is not a shred of meaningful evidence."
"There's no doubt about it, it had to be Ric Flair."
"Without a doubt, the greatest candy in the world is a KitKat, and that's just a fact."
"We're confident we're going to prevail here."
"Standing up for yourself should never be a loss."
"I'm the smartest fucking person in the group."
"I genuinely believe a better keeper and it's done."
"You identify yourself to me. I don't identify myself to you."
"Let me be very, very clear. Teddy Bruschi ain't gonna say it."
"They gave you plenty of evidence, dude. Plenty of evidence."
"Facts okay, this is not opinion, this is not fiction, this is factual."
"You are in your seat of power in your intelligence space, in that air space."
"Trump was right at every single move." - Mr. President
"This is like rebuking the gaslighting as well and standing up for yourself and saying you may have that opinion of me but that's yours and it doesn't have any effect on me."
"Control equals confidence, man. The more control you have, okay?"
"This wasn't a mistake, Jerry. This was your mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore statement."
"I did that. My button is bigger than yours and my button works, remember that?"
"You don't need evidence, in fact, the evidence is already there."
"I stand by what I say even if it sounds great because I am the deity of multiplication."
"Presidential immunity is something you have to use or wave, you have to assert or you've lost it."
"It's not a theory at this point, it's a fact."
"These are the facts, man. These are the facts."
"At some point two and two equals four and it's irrefutable."
"Don't tickle me, I know what I'm telling them."
"I believe that I'm the most confident person you'll ever meet."
"Harriet is actual quality, and none of you can debate me on that fact."
"Regardless of what y'all talking about, the facts are the facts."
"It is beyond dispute, water's wet, sky is blue, Donald Trump is a card carrying Bonafide racist."
"This land is ours, so turn around and crawl back under whatever rock you came from right now."
"Clean of Pentacles, I'm the queen of this castle."
"Freedom of speech should be free. That's your fucking right."
"Reverend Jim Jordan's voice reverberates with assertion spotlighting the accumulation of evidence."
"I want to retire at 32, vanish off to the sunset."
"Put respect on the name, baby. Stop playing games."
"There's really no substitution for just a big they're good in their only yard."
"When I first started this effort... 'Who the hell do you think you are?' I said, 'Yes I do. I'm a child of the universe and I'm a free citizen of Mother Earth.'"
"Size matters, ladies and gentlemen. Size matters."
"I'm the reason you have those shoes on your feet right now."
"All of them are significant, all of them are real."
"I promise I'm going to put you in your place soon enough. The number one Saiyan here will always be me."
"People just don't vanish. It's not possible."
"We will not stand for it. We were getting ready to win this election. Frankly, we did win this election."
"I'm not here to be accepted by you but I will be respected."
"If you think I'm not a threat, I'm like, ah, incorrect."
"When they keep telling you you're a guest somewhere... no, no, no. This is our country."
"Facts matter, they cannot be denied." - Dr. Scott Atlas
"Opinions are not valid bro, they're not valid."
"You do not know me girl, you do not know me like that."
"Sometimes I am right, and anytime I am, I'm happy to proclaim it from the rooftops."
"No one's going to mess with us. Absolutely nobody."
"I'm a heavyweight... just in case you don't remember."
"We got all the goods, we got all the evidence." - Michael Knowles
"That woman is an absolute gangster when you got a gun tattooed on your hip you are somebody not to be with you know what I'm saying."
"I meant what I said, I said what I meant, okay."
"Nobody's messing with you, Keith, nobody's doing it, man."
"Money always speaks volumes and speaks for itself."
"The most remarkable aspect of these assertions was the claim that there would be no such thing as Ukraine after the conflict."
"I am the last of Mohicans, the realest motherfucker breathing."
"Tell me this ain't the greatest country in the world."
"Assert yourself through action, not just words."
"We won the state of Arizona and we won it decisively."
"Ladies, no means no, Mr. Sanders doesn't want to give it up."
"This is gonna be glorious because once you see everything every single person on planet earth is going to go, you know what, Donald Trump won this by a landslide."
"Spy ninjas, I told you I was the real Daniel. Thank you. It is him."
"Nobody has more respect for women than I do, nobody."
"There's this quote all about knowing your worth, adding tax so to speak."
"That's one thousand percent, that's the only answer."
"Zhang demanded 'Who You Are' asserting that he already knew everything about Lee Joon kyung."
"Deep Space Nine is easily the best Star Trek show, like bar none."
"I mean I should be here I haven't done anything wrong."
"Don't ask permission, you're not the only one giving that a lot of thought as well."
"You're strong enough to put your feet in the sand and say, 'I don't want to do that, that's you, not me.'"
"Comment below: I deserve the truth. Let's affirm our rights to open and honest communication."
"It really asserted that America was here to stay."
"Stop overthinking, stop trying to think for me... I do what I do regardless, not giving a damn what nobody's saying."
"Everyone is entitled, that is a human right."
"Absolutely no question that there was a kidnapping of a child."
"The mom knows her daughter has no involvement in this at all."
"He asked me to recalculate or look but we had facts on our side we had the truth on our side."
"My proof of claim is that no man or woman will come forth and say my claim is untrue."
"I'm Spider-Man; no one can take that away from me."
"Black women owe you nothing."
"Remember this, you pompous ass, there can only be one reverse rotation Bay in this world, and it belongs to me."
"I'm gonna keep telling you facts, not my truth, not my opinion, facts."
"I will officially crush it anytime I see fit."
"We don't have anything to prove; we're going to go out there and show the world how badass we are."
"I am one of the most empathetic people in the entire world."
"It feels badass, it plays badass, it is badass."
"I just know everything I put forth, I know my worth."
"This is my backyard, and I'm not the one who needs to go."
"See me, I'm the best. Come on and see me, I'm the best."
"I was the baddest motherfucker who's ever walked this earth."
"Not shooting me now would be the biggest mistake of your life."
"If you think it's pink, it's pink, go!"
"Hey, take that, take that now H that guy and take that!"
"I'm smart, bro, you hear me, I never said we will, I said I think."
"I'm a lion in the hood, unlock the zoo, watch your mouth, we watching you."
"Who the hell do you think you are to come here and dictate to my sister?"
"I'm an apex predator, brim stay fresh, feathered up, etc. But nevertheless, I got a message and left one dead messenger."
"Stride out and show how just how strong you are."
"You just don't know what it takes to be this stunning."
"You potentially do, if you're saying Diaz can go on the right."
"You're all mine, unapologetically so, don't back down now."
"I decided to finally cut her and call her on her BS."
"I'm not going to be silent forever."
"I maintained my innocence all this time."
"Assertively engage with life and claim your true place in the world."
"I think people should stand up for themselves because we live in a culture where people are trying to push people around all the time"
"I have an enormous respect now for people who stand up and stand up for themselves"
"Pound for pound, right now, I'm the best fighter on the planet."
"You two are some of the bossiest little babies I've ever met."
"Yo yo yo my name is cool cat and I'm the coolest cat is."
"I think I'm the best without joking. I'm the most complete player that ever exists, skills and all this. If we talk about only the player, the abilities, no, I think 100%, not joking."
"Respect is nothing you ask for, it's something you take."
"I felt alive. I was like now, now you'll see. I'll show you."
"I'll be able to tell Mr. Mooney a thing or two."
"It's time to deliver a message that they have not heard."
"She insisted that staff should be provided with the item she mentioned and I had to replace them."
"You're going to tell them that you can."
"You have to own this stuff. You can't say out of the corner of your mouth or mumble it. You have to have the courage, the confidence to state it, affirm, and embody it."
"I'm tired of being don't walk on, tread on me. Don't tread on me."
"This is mine. You want this white one right here."
"Either way, I was proud of myself for finally standing up for myself and not just letting customers walk over me."
"...start demanding our regality...start taking and start taking it back."
"This operation could not be conducted any other way," King asserted.
"I'm telling you that [ __ ] straight up."
"You must not know about me. I don't have another you in a minute, babe."
"The Prietorum exists, in my opinion."
"More than that, I need to make a statement."
"You mess with me, you're messing with the best."
"'Oh, it exists all right,' she said. 'There's no doubt about that.'"
"We're just going to give adequate evidence for our claim that the Bible is the word of God, and if you're they can take it or leave it."
"I'm the best alive, I am the greatest rapper."
"I can guarantee you we are living under the thumb of the absolute enemies of the world today and the main culprit is either in the United Kingdom or United States right now and I would bet my life on it right now."
"I will not be disrespected in my own garage."
"Cook maybe. You think I'm cooking for [__]? No, no, no, not me."
"Don't ask for your due, claim it."
"Nobody replaces me. Nobody. I'll be here forever."
"I am the best wrestler in the world. I've been the best ever since day one when I walked into this company."
"I think it's true, you know, she's claimed it."
"Put that in your pipe and smoke it."
"The Rock is the host of WrestleMania and The Rock says there is no way that WrestleMania is over."
"Somebody is going to have the last word here and I guarantee you, guaranteed it's going to be me."
"I like to make men uncomfortable. I enjoy making men uncomfortable."
"I can say I'm the most beautiful person who's ever lived and I that would be true."
"That's a hit. I kind of feel myself today."
"You didn't even come close to my power, Saiyan. I am the strongest Destroyer in this multiverse."
"This table should stay here. I'm always right!"
"I'm the main character and you can all shove it. It needs to be shoved, it needs to be shown."
"I'm right about everything. It's definitive."
"I'm gonna give you a damn good thrashing."
"I don't want to surrender my rights."
"Nobody will be able to defeat me."
"Ryan Reese guaranteed he would win the main event because he's better than everybody else at the final table."
"Period. I said what I said, now move along."
"Vulnerability is not weak period."
"There can only be one alpha male, baby."
"Finn and Poe being in a very gay relationship, I said it before and I'll say it again, Finn and Poe are gay for each other and that's final."
"I venture to assert that there is not a single metaphysical problem which has not been solved."
"If I say something that's my opinion, that's just how it is. Deal with it."
"When you come for me, let's go because I got a receipt."
"Tell me I'm not the best in the business because I [ __ ] am."
"That is Gangster I don't even care this."
"I am the best, I am the best, choose me."
"I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with you."
"People have been saying this for years and years and years."
"I'm a good person. I'm not always a good girl."
"I'm not pairing with him," you said bluntly.
"Our voice is just too powerful for you."
"I said they hate me because I bury them I don't put them over and I don't you know I don't put up with their they don't know more than me doesn't matter what they think."
"You thought we're gonna leave you with just that? Come on, the takeover is here."
"I ain't on a level you can reach, you [ __ ] are heading for defeat."
"First of all, it's not Hot Boy Amazing, we taking the Hot Boy off his name. It's Made Major, Mama Made."
"When our parents would be like, 'Yeah, whatever, Daria, you'll grow out of it,' now, if they go, 'Yeah, whatever, wear a tail or be a they, you'll grow out of it,' they're like, 'No, I won't, and you're assaulting me by saying that.'"
"...but Will and Anna were adamant that they really were in love with each other."
"I'm self-proclaiming I'm the number one DB in the entire nation."
"I refuse to be less because you can't handle my more."