
Personal Readiness Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"A lot of us are sitting around waiting to feel ready, waiting to feel courageous, waiting to feel confident, waiting for the right time. And that's not ever coming."
"The importance is she wants to be ready when she meets her groom."
"You've mastered it and get ready. A lot of people are not going to be prepared for this."
"The Hermit believes in you and if you can kind of just feel like you're ready, it's going to be all right."
"The right person waits until I am ready, meaning you're not going to miss out on the right person."
"Every cycle that you win back when you do performance optimization, you can invest in something new that you haven't been able to do before."
"To be of service, you have to be fit for service."
"You don't understand it's not that we're not ready you're not ready for Milo."
"You have a baby because you can provide the best for it. If you aren't in a position to provide for the best for it, don't have a baby. I'm having a baby because I'm smart."
"With great power, the heart of Spider-Man has never been captured as well as it has been in those movies and this one. When will I know I'm ready? You won't. It's a leap of faith."
"You always were worthy. You always were ready. You just needed a little nudge."
"Some of y'all may just got out of something and not looking for something. It's like when you're not looking for it, that's when you get it."
"Your days of being single may be numbered. Love is coming in, so get ready."
"If you haven't strengthened your mind solidified your relationship with you and your family you and God you and your community you're going to it's going to be hard on you really hard on you."
"God calls you because you would go just the way you are."
"I am not engaged...I just like to be prepared."
"The universe hasn't been letting anybody into your life for a while on purpose."
"You're strong enough now to start putting it out."
"It's powerful for you to say: 'I am open to new opportunities, I'm open to new possibilities, I am open, universe, and I am ready.'"
"Part of feeling confident is when you feel prepared."
"Sometimes it takes 30 years until you are ready to do it."
"Equal justice and equal opportunity are ideals we should seek."
"I think my way is going to be um I feel like I've been preparing for this for a long time."
"Are you ready for more? The universe is testing you with this surprise."
"Honestly I'm just very excited I'm I'm I'm not the most creative when it comes to this stuff so I know that con is you ready to go inside yeah I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready very ready here we go you ready go for it."
"Keep what is sacred near to you for it is only to be shared when you are ready."
"I want to feel good, feel ready and prepared and happy."
"You do not need to be vulnerable towards anybody until you feel as if you are ready to do that."
"You're gonna meet somebody that can change your life. Are you prepared?"
"Your heart's excited and ready for that new beginning."
"Trust Zoey and go for it. That's what I'm hoping to do soon. I got the shark face. I'm ready to go."
"It's gonna be so irresponsible for me to have a baby right now."
"No, literally, it doesn't matter what age you are. You could be 30 years old and be like, 'I still don't feel ready,' and that's fine."
"She really cast herself as a celebrity... and was not prepared to be a member of the royal family."
"Y'all thought I was waiting for his Queen to get ready I'm gonna go over there pissed off I'm wearing green."
"Prepare mentally, physically, spiritually for all possibilities."
"Are you ready to receive... the difference between taking that extra energy and becoming the ten."
"What about for the Long Haul? Am I actually ready for this?"
"This is the best new moon of the year, but it only works for those that are solid in themselves."
"Prepared doesn't necessarily mean I'm gonna win, but I feel ready to give him my best."
"If you're prepared for it... Then you'll be way better off and you definitely will be more comfortable."
"The biggest preparation you better have is knowing where you're going when you leave this Earth."
"Prepare yourself financially. Love will fall into place."
"Anything is possible do everything once you feel safe and ready."
"I don't want to get married yet. I haven't leveled up my charm."
"Discover yourself first before getting into marriage."
"I tend to start my 'new year's life changes' a bit earlier when I feel ready."
"I think I'm single because I have not met the right person quite yet... compatibility values um communication... someone that's intellectually smart."
"It's such a hard one to answer because you don't just one day wake up and be like, 'Yeah, I'm ready for a baby.' But at the same time, it is just kind of like a natural progression, and you will know when you're ready."
"Before you take that trip you better get your house in order and stop playing around with your soul."
"November 2022 is going to be an absolutely mind-blowing time for you, everything that was happening in your life so far was preparing you for this moment."
"I'm ready for this, guys, it's gonna be lit."
"I'm a straight up prepper dude, I am ready to go."
"I know that I'm nowhere near ready to be a wife again, but I know that when that time comes I'm going to be so great at it."
"I'm about to be self-defending champ, you feel me?"
"You're ready to do something quite exciting."
"I wouldn't want her to come back before she's ready...taking the time to really stand back and make the best decision for yourself sometimes can be daunting, can be terrifying, but unfortunately it is a necessary evil."
"When you're supposed to fall in love you will no matter how good enough you are for it or not."
"I'm ready to start my life. I'm ready to have my baby. I'm ready just to be happy."
"You are ready and able to take action, your birthright of power. You have the support of those who came before you. There may be challenges or struggles, but you have everything you need to overcome them. You will prevail."
"You're just so ready for everything to be new."
"When do you think someone is truly ready for sex? It's different for everybody."
"You're ready to welcome success and abundance in your life, that's what I'm getting with the Freedom Card, you know? It's like your arms are wide open to receive these blessings, to receive success, to receive abundance and freedom."
"Spontaneous Awakening: You're not even expecting it, but opportunities are coming your way."
"If you're not emotionally available, that's a big red flag."
"I'm ready to stomp on that loud pedal one more time."
"You're not up here because you're not good, you're not beautiful, you're not smart; it's just that it ain't your time yet."
"Are you ready for one chapter of your life to be over with so that this brand new start completely emerged?"
"I felt comfortable having kids because I'm in a safe and stable environment now and because I understand myself and my challenges well enough that I feel like I can do a good job of raising a kid."
"I feel like I gotta work on myself and get myself fully comfortable and happy with what I have before I start putting my time into someone else."
"I'm not afraid to love wholeheartedly again."
"Putting on makeup makes me feel ready for the day."
"You have to be okay with knowing at the end of the conversation that you might be single and move on from that."
"If you're not ready for it, don't be ready for it."
"You've been training for this for lifetimes. Part three, you are ready."
"Preparation is not enough, also pray because you can marry the unprepared. He is God who prepares men."
"Close Enough breaks down that wall and shouts at the top of its lungs: it's okay to have a kid while not having your [__] together."
"There's somebody they're very, very attracted to that they want to make an offer to."
"They prepared you for it. If anything, they prepared you for this 10th pentagon that you're gonna get."
"This person is balanced, healed, well-rounded. They're not a fixer-upper."
"This is a moment, an opportunity that I've been prepared and prepped for my entire life."
"Are you ready for Christmas? You're probably not if you're like me, giving is so good."
"I'm excited. I'm more prepared than ever. For me, this sport of boxing I've fallen in love with, and it's an honor to be on the card with some legends, some world champions."
"I'm excited, I'm happy, very confident, not cocky, and I'm just ready to show everyone a double greatest since Muhammad Ali."
"How do we spiritually prepare ourselves for what's coming?"
"You're attracting someone into your life who it wasn't you weren't ready for them before this journey."
"Everybody can't handle a relationship because everybody is not mentally, physically, and emotionally ready for a relationship."
"Open up your heart to love; your soulmate is trying to find a way in."
"If waiting means bringing the right love, then you're willing to wait and build the necessary foundation."
"Breakups aren't easy. When people are ready to talk about it, they will. I'm not like everybody else on this."
"There's an opportunity here as well for you guys I do see that but the universe is gonna unlock that door when you're ready."
"Do not fear the final test, don't fear the final crisis, just prepare spiritually, physically, and then brace yourself for it. But don't fear the final crisis, don't treat the final crisis as you treat a literal exam when you went to school."
"Feeling prepared really helps... because I just had everything I needed."
"You don't have to rush, do whatever you're ready."
"You are now looking upon the horizon, the roads forking, and you think to yourself, 'This is a world filled with possibility. I am steeled and ready for the challenge that lay before me.'"
"I'm ready to settle down. I'm ready to find someone. I'm not just out here."
"I'm Rory and I am emotionally available for people that are emotionally unavailable."
"It's not about waiting for that person, it's about preparing to receive what's best for you."
"If push comes to shove... you should be comfortable enough."
"Are you ready for the love of your life? Genuinely ready to meet your match?"
"The fool really only comes forward when you're ready and it says that you're leaping forward without attachments to what was or what could have been."
"Know that you are enough and know that the best option for your heart is on its way for you."
"If you're not prepared for battle, you're gonna lose."
"It's all in the mindset, you have to mentally prepare yourself for anything." - Nick B.
"You don't have to have your own house in order before you take on the problems of society as a whole."
"She wanted to be a mother, she was up for the challenge." - Kathy
"Marriage should only be when I want it, when I am ready for it, and when I feel like it's someone that I want to lock down into a position."
"Get ready and know that you are so deserving."
"They will come to you on their own when they are ready."
"The turning point is here, divine timing is perfect."
"You've waited a long time for this, leveling up, opening up to this beautiful relationship."
"I've been training day and night for years to be prepared for this moment."
"If you're not ready, if you feel like it's just pressure from your family to settle down, it's going to be one of the biggest mistakes you'll be making in your life."
"I'm ready. I don't know, I'm never really ready but I'm as ready as I'm gonna be."
"I always carry some sort of tinder bag that I can hook to my belt."
"Just understand the moments will present themselves naturally, and you will naturally take them."
"But until they're ready for themselves to do it, they'll lose the weight."
"Love will find you. It is being fine-tuned just for you."
"Julia's finally ready, somewhere there's my baby's fit, damn cutie oh my gosh bro."
"One thing that I've learned is no one is actually ever ready."
"Feng appears to have a favorable attitude toward the trials, she said to be ready for the new challenge."
"You're gonna be bigger and you're gonna be ready for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"I'm so excited it honestly has just been so like a long time coming it's just been in the works for literal years so I'm like just freaking ready I'm ready to boogie to spooky scary skeletons."
"Love is coming into your life, and you got this."
"Dude, trust me, I want to do that. It's just, having the mental capacity to be able to be like travel and drag everyone with me and stuff like that, it's, uh, man, I gotta make sure it's all good, you know?"
"Stay single until you're actually able to find someone who complements your life."
"I just wasn't ready to do it. I didn't want to do a book just to do a book. If I was going to do a book, I wanted to make sure it was something that everyone that might read it will take something from it."
"I'd wanted to hike across the great Caucasus mountains for ages, but I just never felt ready."
"You can change your own life when you're ready to change your own life."
"I feel like the right time to just move in with somebody is... when you got your [stuff] together."
"Forgiveness isn't something that is forced; it comes from a subconscious level when we know we can forgive that person."
"There is no initiatory point where you magically become a witch; it is instead a name, a title that you can give yourself when you feel ready."
"God can only take you further based on are you prepared."
"God is getting ready to advance you, but first, you need to be prepared."
"I'm not ready to start dating yet, but I feel positive about meeting someone when the time is right."
"I was ready for it... if that's something that's in my future, what am I going to do about it?"
"Something is truly ready for you, Leo, after holding on to it for so long."