
Thought Management Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"You want to have command of your life, you must have control over your thoughts."
"Next time you have a thought... that was a thought. I don't have to do anything about it."
"Reject any wrong thought as soon as it comes to mind."
"Everything is about how you perceive certain thoughts. A negative thought for me is any thought which does not create inner balance."
"It is work, above all else, that saves us from the disasters of conflicting thought."
"Thinking about what you've been thinking about and say, do I really want to think this? You become the shepherd of your thoughts, the gardener of your mind."
"You would never let anybody just walk on in with big old dirty muddy shoes right and just walk through your house... so then why do you allow all these dirty, gross negative thoughts to enter in your headspace and just stomp all over your thoughts?"
"You cannot control how you feel, but you can always control what you think and how you behave."
"It's never about shutting down the thought. It's just being able to bring your consciousness, your attention somewhere else."
"You must become a good custodian over your thought life."
"You can't take thoughts out of your mind, you can only replace them with greater thoughts."
"The secret is just not having stupid thoughts."
"With cognitive defusion, we create a little space between ourselves and our thoughts."
"Every thought that you don't take captive will take you captive."
"By choosing better feeling thoughts and by speaking more of what you do want and less of what you do not want, you will gently tune yourself to the vibrational frequency of your broader perspective."
"Just because you think it doesn't mean you have to believe it."
"Casting down imaginations... take every thought captive."
"Observe your thoughts and let the negative flow away, feel your energetic vibration rise."
"Spaces... a good way to organize all of my thoughts."
"Make discipline in your thoughts a daily practice."
"Just because you have a thought you don't like doesn't mean anything about you."
"You acknowledge them sometimes the thoughts will hijack you but you can always come back so you cannot do anything wrong."
"Resist negative thoughts and assist positive thoughts."
"Embrace your flaws and say, 'Yeah, I'm very needy. I'm very, very needy right now. I'm codependent. That person didn't like my art. I don't know why. I have to figure out what they like, and I'm going to draw that until they like it.'"
"You're not your thoughts you're the Observer of your thoughts."
"When your brain tries to offer you an unhelpful thought offer it something in return."
"Her intrusive thoughts went in, now we down to about 51% of the time they win."
"We must guard the gates so that we think correctly."
"If you will take control of the gates, my mind, the ability to take captive thoughts will be a whole lot easier exercise for me."
"You only have control over your thoughts, not over what happens in the outside world."
"No matter what kind of crazy intrusive weird Twisted negative all of whatever thought that you're having, if you believe it to be real, if you believe that just because it popped up in your head that it's real, that it's going to happen, then you're going to start feeding it."
"I think that's the thing that I really had to learn the hard way is not letting a thought consume me and then make it my identity."
"The only way out of that bondage is to deal with the thoughts."
"You may not be able to keep a bad thought from coming, but you're in charge of what you're going to do with that bad thought because if you entertain it long enough, you'll start seeing pictures."
"You can always control what you think."
"Meditation isn't at all about learning to have no thoughts; it's about learning to manage your distracting thoughts when they arise."
"It is about realizing that you have a choice when negative thoughts arise."
"We manage our minds, the most important thing of all, by finding our thoughts and deciding if they're helpful."
"If somebody comes to me saying, 'I have these thoughts and I want them to stop,' what can I do? That's a better outcome for society."
"By managing your thought process, you manage your reality."
"The best way to overcome undesirable or negative thoughts and feelings is to cultivate the positive ones."
"I built a life that has so much intention and control and then went and eliminated all of the things that actually caused me to have negative thoughts."
"They manage their monkey mind; they don't let their thoughts take over or their emotions run their lives."
"Our mind should rebound off the thought and back onto the object of meditation."
"We manage our minds by finding our thoughts and deciding if they're helpful."
"The good news is that once you recognize that these thoughts are troublesome... you can apply the same set of skills and you just have to learn to apply them at that next level up."
"Control your mind, control your thoughts."
"Stop playing whack-a-mole with your negative thoughts; you're just going to get another one."
"Catch the thought before it's able to form any further."
"Unwanted thoughts are like stray cats that trespass across our yards... do not feed these strangers."
"It's a skill that you're learning to be able to catch yourself when your thoughts are negative."