
Seizing Opportunities Quotes

There are 461 quotes

"A lot of us are sitting around waiting to feel ready, waiting to feel courageous, waiting to feel confident, waiting for the right time. And that's not ever coming."
"Don't miss the opportunity because of excuses. We have this short time in the frame of eternity to represent heaven."
"Capture the moment. Are you gonna let it slip or you gonna win the siege world?"
"There's so little time we have on this planet, and there's so much calcium out there. We just gotta grip life by the dick and balls sometimes."
"Luck is on your side. You have a new beginning coming. Seize the moment."
"Seize this moment and start to be a real creator of your own life."
"If you want opportunities, embrace the business owners when they're there."
"All of the chances you need to take... do the things you have to do and get in now before it's too late."
"Opportunities are within arm's reach, seize them."
"I really enjoyed that fight. It was a good way to start tonight through fighters sensing the moment and both trying to seize the moment."
"Take the opportunity, don't let it slip away."
"If somebody's out there helping you, your obligation is to use it. Seize the opportunities available to you."
"Just don't hold back if you get the opportunity don't hold back."
"You're in your dreams right now. Don't miss right now, don't miss today, don't miss this opportunity, don't miss this moment."
"You only get one shot at life, so take advantage of it."
"The eight of wands is an energy of once the opportunities present themselves, it'll help move you along in the direction of making these things."
"Grab this opportunity, grab your chance, and run with it."
"Introduce yourself, meet a lot of people, and embrace the opportunities."
"Remain flexible, opportunities may show up unexpectedly."
"Take initiative and be open to magical opportunities."
"If there's a moment or an opportunity coming along for you that you feel intuitively instinctively that it's meant for you, grab it with both hands."
"Just give me one fun opportunity for violence and oh how I'll capitalize."
"These opportunities don't come around every day, you don't want to let it slip away."
"If somebody offers you an opportunity say yes and figure it out on the way."
"Accept an offer for something you want to do."
"You just need to open up to those opportunities."
"Take the opportunities you have and run, create like there's nothing holding you back, believe in yourself like you have all the courage in the world."
"Don't let work distract you; seize the opportunity for love."
"A chance turns you into a history maker if you just have the courage to take the chance and act on it."
"Opportunities awaken hidden potential and require you to take a chance."
"Take your power, this is your moment to shine."
"I am optimistic about the opportunity if we seize it."
"Be confident in yourself and take opportunities when they present themselves because that's the only way to grow and get better."
"It really forces you to be more outgoing and live in the now and really grab opportunities that are offered to you right here, right now."
"Don't cling to anything that isn't resonating with you, and seize anything that is."
"When opportunities came, I always put myself in a position to win."
"I like to build new things. Seize the moment."
"Jump in and do something, opportunity is around you."
"Honestly, this is big fun. You have to embrace the situations like this."
"Take advantage of those opportunities you get here that you kind of just take for granted then you're gonna wish you took advantage of them once you graduate from here."
"It's about just getting the best result possible when the opportunity presents itself."
"You never know when it'll be your last time on that field, so you might as well go all out and have the best time in the whole entire world."
"So let us seize this moment. It is a critical time, I feel it so deeply."
"Sometimes you just gotta throw those plans out the window and seize the moment."
"If you seize every opportunity, you'll flourish."
"This is your set time, your moment to take off."
"Seize this opportunity to increase these skills and lifestyle."
"We have to grab that moment and don't let it go and communicate messages that are very positive."
"You've got to grab your moment with both hands."
"I think you've got to be lucky in football... He got his break and he's took it with both hands."
"Edge of greatness - take opportunities with confidence."
"There's integration that needs to take place in one area of life so you can take hold of the opportunities and take advantage of the blessings coming in in another area of life."
"Seize the moment, don't lose grip of the moment."
"Opportunity is in front of you. Don't miss out. Don't see the situation as a never-ending story."
"Opportunity is knocking. What are you going to do with it?"
"When you get an opportunity you think you're not ready for, say yes and then figure out how to do it."
"This is just one of those internet opportunities you can't let pass by."
"Don't wait for that perfect moment, just go for it, take flight."
"Never miss the opportunity... start saying yes more."
"Opportunities... it's about finding joy in the journey in the detours."
"Always say yes to opportunities, even if you don't think that maybe it'll pay off."
"Don't pass up on the opportunities that you know could change your life just because it requires you to make a sacrifice."
"No more waiting. There will never be a good enough time. Time is now. The time is now."
"It is freeing you completely just feel like everyone else and why wouldn't you take that opportunity."
"You're really starting to enjoy being you Taurus, and I like that for you."
"Act upon an opportunity, an idea; make the most of each moment."
"Every single moment is an opportunity to get it popping or squash something."
"When they do, I hope you don’t just persevere – seize the opportunity to make meaningful changes in your life."
"Don't wait for the right moment. Sometimes the moment is just forced upon you and you have no choice but to go with it and make it work."
"Day by day, one day at a time, you learn to see it, seize it, and consume it."
"When you get an opportunity, seek it, grab it with both hands, and leave nothing on the table."
"Be hungry enough to take advantage of inconvenient opportunities."
"Just embrace it, take your opportunity, that's what you've got to do."
"All you gotta do is take those opportunities and you're gonna be really good."
"Don't let that ship sail away. Get in the game."
"Live Your Dreams today because tomorrow your reality could be your dreams."
"That's the attitude you need to bring to life, I think. The kind of 'one life, it's worth an attempt' energy."
"I want to make the most of the opportunity. That's pretty much all I really have to say on it."
"Seriously if you don't do it now when will you do it again are you going to finally take the reins take your life by the horns and do it."
"When somebody gives you an opportunity, you gotta jump on it."
"Set your intentions to move more quickly on opportunities."
"I actually think the message here is very positive... being Brave and Bold and going after it can actually work out in their favor."
"You gotta grab your moment, forget about all that other stuff, grab your moment, believe, grab it."
"Life is short, bro. Every opportunity you got in life is short."
"Seize the opportunity with both of your skills."
"Life is short... I've always understood that life is short and then we've got this one chance and that it's worth it to try to make something big out of it."
"It's unbelievable how many people see opportunities and don't grab them. Instead, you today have said, 'I want this, I'm going for it.' That's the first step."
"Jump at it and you will be rewarded before I end this video."
"This is where you seize the opportunities and you win."
"Opportunities are waiting for you, walk through the door."
"Go out there and seize the opportunities that are there for you."
"You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow the opportunity."
"Aries, unexpected opportunities, grab them and run!"
"I don't want people saying whose money they backed him."
"Are you living a life that is reflective of that? It was an opportunity."
"Always take the bet, if there's an opportunity, even if there's a risk involved."
"Never pass on the opportunity, that's true, that's true."
"Every now and again we're going to be presented an opportunity to go to Baba Yaga's Hut."
"This is the time to take action and make declarations."
"Trust the opportunities or the consistently good things that come in through this."
"Grasp this opportunity with both hands because it will not come around again for you."
"Amazing opportunities are coming in towards you, pay attention to signs, symbols, and synchronicities."
"Opportunities like this don't come around every day... they really made sure to grab it with both webbed feet."
"Opportunities may show up, and if they do, definitely give them the energy that they deserve."
"I cannot miss this opportunity. A great and exceptional door is about to be open for you."
"Maybe there's no getting back on board, and maybe what you want to do is take this opportunity to really center yourself."
"There's no better time than now to put into action."
"Every time I'm given the opportunity... I try to come with something very powerful."
"It's time. It's the right time. It's the right place and you've absolutely earned this opportunity."
"Big shifts happening, progress starting to flow, solid opportunities coming into your life."
"Seize the moment to share the gospel with family, friends, and whoever the Lord puts in front of you."
"Be ready to transform with wisdom, seize opportunities courageously."
"When this opportunity come around it was like a yes all the way."
"It's about being a human being who's had a dream all his life and when he got the chance to realize that dream, he grabbed it by the Scruff of the neck."
"You control your opportunity. When you're around the right people and in the right places, opportunities present themselves."
"Little things are the opportunities that's my opportunity right here this person right in front of me that God has put in my path."
"There are no rules you have to use the power while you have it."
"I'm a real big believer in opportunities and taking chances."
"Capitalize on this opportunity now, take it by the scruff of the neck."
"Destiny is forged by your actions, and now more than ever we must fight to seize the opportunity that we have created for ourselves."
"Exactly, you're being fearless and bold, you're not allowing excuses to hold you back anymore, you're like 'I know what I want to do and this is what I want to do and I'm going after it' and you know that these opportunities are there for you."
"You have an opportunity now. You don't have time to wait."
"When an opportunity presents itself, you have to step up to the plate… you have to capitalize on the opportunity when it's there."
"Just grabs the game by the scruff of the neck."
"An amazing opportunity is going to arrive... it is very important for you to go for it right right right right right now."
"I went for it, I chased the opportunity, and I got to a place where I was making enough money to be able to drop out of high school."
"If they have an opportunity, they have to try and make the most of it."
"Let's stop waiting for the right time, let's just do the things we want to do."
"Life is too short. If you want it, you should go and get it."
"Act upon the messages and opportunities that come your way."
"Pay attention to exciting opportunities in October that will allow you to be passionate and yourself."
"That's so amazing, I didn't want to miss out."
"They were impatient, they didn't sit on their hands, and they tried to maximize once again the window that they have with Luca."
"When there's times of change, when people are moving, people get scared, but this is the time, this is where the opportunities are."
"Embrace the opportunity that comes your way."
"You'd better seize the opportunity now, enjoy it while it lasts."
"We knew big plays would come, we had to take advantage of them."
"Sometimes you just gotta take opportunity when it presents itself."
"You're meant to be prosperous, confidently accept opportunities."
"The opportunity kind of just came about right and I decided to try it."
"Every time somebody gave me an opportunity I served that [ __ ] every time."
"Use this lucky time... to dream big, to figure out who you are." - Encouraging seizing opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery.
"Victory over adversity, seizing opportunities."
"The time is now... why not get the show on the road now?"
"You may have a very good period now, take a chance on your opportunities."
"Opportunities multiply as they are seized, why do opportunities multiply as they are seized? Well, one of the reasons why is seizing can be looked at as loyalty to the vision."
"Find the joy and opportunities in front of you, even the blocks, even the challenges."
"You have more power than you may give yourself credit for, this is a chance when you really want to take the reins."
"We must take advantage of every single moment."
"If you got the hustle, when you get the opportunity, go nice, my [ __ ]."
"In order for you to take advantage of a new experience that's coming into your life, be it love, career, business, family, whatever it is you're striving for, you have to believe in it and you can't give up on this."
"Opportunities don't last forever, so you gotta always grab it when if there, okay? So, you ready?"
"You're taking this opportunity in your stride instead of waiting for the universe to give it to you."
"Now is the time to step into our power and our destiny."
"You don't have to be a special. You just need the drive to learn and grab opportunities."
"Opportunity came along and put its arm around her and said I'm going to walk you to the next thing."
"Go explore the excitement, the connection of worlds and people and energy and go and Mars go in there, go in, take the advantage of the big doors."
"Gotta take advantage of every opportunity to laugh and smile that you can, right?"
"You only get one chance to do this thing, so why not make the best of it?"
"If you've ever wanted to do something, now is your time... now is an amazing time to do it."
"Now's the time to try and grab that opportunity."
"This moment in time will provide you with an option and opportunity."
"Resealing an aquarium is a very useful skill and pretty easy to do."
"Don't miss the moment when the wind blows again."
"Never too late to chase your dreams, you only got one life, YOLO."
"Take advantage of opportunities when you see them."
"Take advantage of opportunities and be ready to respond to the season."
"Believe in your skills, believe in opportunity."
"Take some action because you've earned this opportunity to step forward."
"The worst is behind you here, I do feel like you're stepping into happiness, stepping into luxury, stepping into good times here with the nine of cups, with the two pages and the world which we're going to get into."
"Forget the fear and forget the intimidation factor and we need to make a run at this we need to do it."
"Life is so short, you gotta grab it by the horns."
"You gotta take it when you can get it, and get it while you can."
"Life is short, don't be reserved your whole life, don't hang on to things that you're on the fence about hanging on to if an opportunity pops up take it have fun do what you want."
"If you want a new job or you want to expand what you're doing, definitely do it, go for it now is the time to go after what you want."
"You're seizing the day, taking action, and deciding that you're not interested in staying where you are anymore."
"Eventually something magical comes out, you gotta take the pins out, you just gotta seize it."
"Seize the opportunity on the 29th of September, it's rare and significant."
"Someone has to become the sixth wand and the leader, basically. And that's your opportunity this week: choose your moment well, take your time."
"This is your one moment. You better take advantage of it."
"We're more of them, this is our moment, walk with confidence, we are going to seize this day."
"Opportunities now around you, doors are opening, your actions need to match with the energies around you now."
"When great stuff comes across your path sometimes you just got to fork over, you know it?"
"A lot of opportunities come from saying yes."
"I just can't be more grateful and proud to kind of seize my opportunity."
"They want you to break free from procrastinating and embrace the opportunities that come your way."
"When do you ever get the chance to do that again? You have to do it."
"Start doing whatever it is that you've been wanting to do and start doing it now."
"When one of the most important opportunities arises, it is very important that we seize it."
"Not everyone gets the opportunity to do this especially not at this level so why not enjoy it while you're here?"
"A true sin would be letting this opportunity pass."
"He started off just doing exactly what we knew he was gonna do, just refusing to concede for long enough until the opportunities finally come his way and he clutched it."
"As long as you're feeling clear and as long as you can see what's being illuminated, there's definitely an opportunity here."
"You have to grab the opportunity when the timing places it before you."
"If you're not having fun in life, then you are missing out on huge opportunities."
"Every now and then there's a really amazing opportunity that comes your way and you take advantage of it."
"Where there is an opportunity then you really do have to go that extra mile, let nothing come in your way."
"Seize the moment because unless one of y'all transitions into a real entertainment talent, something that's sustainable and can be marketed across several years, then this is going to be short-lived."
"Run with it because it's a really awesome opportunity."
"The opportunity of a lifetime must be used within the lifetime of that opportunity."