
Weather Impact Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"Meteorological experts have stated that since the Songhua River and Hai River basins already have elevated water levels, a new round of heavy rain might lead to rising water levels and even potential flooding in certain regions."
"A bad winter storm took out the Texas power grid... the grid is made out of 200 different... industrial assemblies, each of those is made up of a variety of parts that are differentially susceptible to winter."
"I finally get to watch alive. Don't have to work tomorrow thanks to the hurricane. Wish me luck."
"This is a unique wind event. I don't think that we've seen something like this in a while."
"The weather always seems to keep me coming back like an addiction."
"Excitement doubles as rain falls, adding to the challenge."
"Remember what happened in February when just a little bit of snow managed to cause a major wreak major havoc on the entire state..."
"Every storm in Easy has cost me like a million dollars."
"You know it's not really wet but it's one of those tricky conditions."
"After six days of rough weather, finally, the sun's out, and it looks as though the better weather has boosted community morale."
"He looked pretty miserable in the rain so I thought the least I could do was give him ten bucks... he was incredibly thankful for my donation."
"You can see the raindrops on the camera already and it will have an impact on how you play."
"Wet and Cold makes NPCs wear appropriate clothing depending on the weather, and in my opinion, the AI additions help add to the feel of harsh weather in the game."
"There's a reality to the rise in the heat index and the amount of crime that goes down."
"It's gonna get powered down by the rain and it's going to do absolute monkeys to the Golduck."
"It's just hard to see stuff here, we gotta wait until this rain stops."
"I think everything else is feeling the cooler temperatures, and everything's just improving so much."
"Anything's possible at Singapore, especially if it rains."
"Life could be much worse when the sun don't shine and the rain come down all day, yo, it's a blessing."
"Most of us would relish a sunny day by the water, but for Tara Thorne, who like 39 million Americans suffers from migraines, summer's best can trigger her worst."
"Mistakes like these can change the entire outcome of a game, even if the rain only just starts to build up pressure on the point."
"The weather is the most important and also the most overlooked factor in bass fishing."
"The weather is, in my opinion, the biggest factor."
"Weather has the power to make everybody stop what they're doing, captivate everybody, and take center stage."
"It's all right, hopefully now that this weather's getting better, we won't at least have so much tension in my bloody."
"We're talking about Big Time impacts here for the West Coast of Florida."
"Renewable doesn't work well in extreme weather, never will."
"Solar panels on Earth have to contend with dust, rain, snow, hail, sandstorms, thermal fluctuations and other weathering."
"States of emergency declared as the once-in-a-generation storm sweeps across the country."
"Earth's magnetic field has changed but as the field is weakening both the Sun and galactic cosmic rays are going to be able to have a lot stronger effect on our weather."
"Wet or snowy conditions decrease mounted infantry and cavalry speed."
"Thanks to some unusually heavy rainstorms last fall, the park is bustling with the most wildflowers it's hosted in over a decade."
"I was living in here for probably a month and a half with no ventilation and sometimes it's fine if it's cold outside it's fine when it's hot it is hot and it gets humid and it gets stuffy..."
"They'd honestly would be earlier if our winter wasn't as bad. You know, wet, wet winter."
"The rain starts falling, they're like, 'Oh [ __ ], some BTs are about to come, hell no, we're getting the [ __ ] out of here.'"
"Investigators believe that five six Charlie's violent end was caused by a savage lightning strike."
"I love fall and spring, summer is way too hot."
"Fun fact: 135 days through winter, freezing your ass off."
"Weather is always kind of the one thing within mountain goat hunting that throws the curveball and it's the one kind of big setback you have a lot of the time."
"I'm ready to take this on now, it's not raining anymore, bro that was just the craziest thing I've ever seen."
"I am just so much happier as a person when there is nice weather outside."
"Guys, it's been perfect. The music, like OnPoint, the weather is actually pretty dang good."
"It's gonna be a lit day, the only thing that sucks about today is we woke up to snow."
"So keep an eye on weather right now. China's experiencing a whole lot of issues with the rainy season that's a little bit more intense than expected."
"You actually could not ask for better weather, better operations." - Josh Byerly
"Even if it is raining, it's still beautiful."
"Consider how weathering and the elements will change the materials you model with."
"Ice and snow can interrupt the flow of air over the plane's wings, decreasing lift."
"There is a real shot of something happening, something interesting happening with this storm."
"Different weather environments are going to create very different moods."
"The tide of the battle is turning, aided by clear skies."
"4 degrees colder tomorrow and believe it or not that has a massive impact on the car on the tires mainly the tires."
"Literally raining, my car is even dirty. The little things, you know."
"A wet ride on a route is never going to be as good as that same route done in the dry."
"I just checked the weather forecast and I said whoa oh there's a day it's, I do like to come outside, I can do it in the shed, I'll do one in the shed just for, I don't know, for something different just, kind of neat."
"The visual of him being thrown to the outside in front of his own bus in the pouring Chicago rain was a beautiful thing."
"Vettel's home race, leading by miles, and then the rain started coming down."
"I just had to chill today, it was just way too hot to do anything."
"The fact that the furnace is still going in mid April is annoying."
"Heavy first snow arrives in Seoul, marking the heaviest level for the first snowfall in history."
"The umbrellas were out for a good bit of the front nine"
"98 degrees in the middle of the day here, and when you're pregnant, you're already hotter than normal."
"Doesn't sunny weather just make you feel good?"
"Even when it's raining, it doesn't ruin the game as a whole."
"The weather, which was obviously a big issue."
"I fear this might be our last weekend before winter comes."
"It's a very rainy miserable drizzly day here in New York so as you can tell I'm in a good mood."
"They're altering the weather patterns, they're destroying the natural weather cycles that we have."
"What do you think about this market Sabrina super cool market super traditional totally covered but it is pouring outside and it's really cold but this is a great way to come and warm up inside the market."
"Ten minutes isn't the worst, but it was hot."
"I am shooketh by number of storms we've had these past three years."
"Atmospheric effects are gonna be rather significant."
"I feel like the sun is finally out, I'm so excited. My emotional state, I realized, is so tied to the weather."
"Good news is though, I don't think any of the bandits will be heading out in this. Should be safe outside."
"A prayer any new business, the summer sloppy's of rain."
"Outdoor conditions can make the difference between a productive day and a total write-off."
"Why do we need to think about changing our hair care for fall and winter? Number one, with the changes of season, namely the loss of moisture, less humidity, the dry and cooler weather that often leads to more dry scalp and dry hair."
"Look at all this water that arrived since yesterday, this is nuts."
"It does actually make it feel a lot more Christmassy when it's like this kind of weather."
"You know what it is, the sun's out, and it just turns people into absolute lunatics."
"People's lives are being changed because of this weather event that is going on this evening."
"It's 17 seconds a lap slower in the rain than it was when it was dry."
"If you live in a beautiful place and on top of that the weather is good, then obviously you'll be more inclined to go out and adventure and exercise."
"The sun really was the difference between this being a tough experience and an utterly horrible one."
"As the skies open up, the rain starts to fall, then the water starts to chop up."
"The weather was becoming more of a factor in this game."
"As throughout all of history, weather was King of the battlefield."
"We could see some violent tornadoes, perhaps long-track tornadoes that get down on the ground and stay down on the ground for 20, 30, 40 miles or longer."
"The sun went away but our spirits are still high."
"Some of the extreme weather that's brought these extraordinarily bad conditions has also impacted the quality of life of several mountain town residents."
"When the weather is sunny, it makes a difference to your day because you can open your curtains and just see the Sun, which is so nice."
"I really cannot stress how much different a bit of sunshine makes."
"We got a half an inch of rain, just a slow steady rain for about an hour. It done so much good for our garden."
"Wind chill is the impact of wind sweeping an insulating layer of warm air away from exposed skin."
"I wish I lived the kind of life where the weather really mattered."
"Bread is very difficult to bake if it's too cold outside."
"I empathize with those of you who've been suffering terrible heat this summer."
"Why is there so many packages? Everything's backed up from that winter storm that hit the East Coast last week."
"Wind and solar output can dramatically change in a matter of seconds to minutes depending on the situation."
"Every single one of us, we're feeling a little more energized despite the rain today."
"PDR is a great career, especially if it hails in your area a lot."
"They say things happen for a reason, don't they? And if it wasn't for the weather being so terrible up at the first cave, I probably wouldn't have stayed a second night."
"Material effects for making objects wet and dripping when it rains, or to get covered with snow or dust."
"Weather is massively underestimated and it's a silent killer."
"It's crazy that we now it rains once and everyone's like, 'Can I change my entire life because it's raining?'"
"An unprecedented series of powerful storms has replenished most of California's reservoirs."
"Large, possibly damaging hail... bigger than golf ball size."
"The Austin Pride Festival that we've been hyping for so long was postponed due to severe weather."
"It's super cold today, so the asphalt is a little bit different."