
Extreme Weather Quotes

There are 222 quotes

"CNN reported that as extreme weather poses an increasing threat to China's agriculture and food supply, severe flooding in the Northeast has resulted in crop failures, potentially jeopardizing the food security of China's 1.4 billion population."
"Severe storm sounds exciting. I want to go in a tornado or something."
"The most powerful tornado ever recorded in human history... produced exceptionally powerful F5 class wind speeds measured at a staggering 301 miles per hour."
"Climate chaos, extreme heat, wildfires, record-setting storms suggest a frightening future is already here."
"Extreme weather events often exceed infrastructure capacities and design standards and initiate infrastructure hardware and institutional failures which can cascade to service outages."
"It's like... 113 degrees in Texas and like Texas doesn't have a power grid that functions but yeah, things are going crazy."
"Fire tornado: Firefighters sucked in, hose melted."
"Jupiter's red spot... a conspicuous red spot can also be observed... the wind speed is up to 422 miles per hour..."
"Nightmare of the wildfires... it took living through 40-degree temperatures."
"There are increased reports of a new drought of the century or a new flood of the century or the progressive melting of the glaciers and the poles."
"Over the last months and years, we have seen intensity like never before."
"A wave of snow and freezing temperatures set a unique scene at the Mont Saint-Michel."
"We're entering into a period where almost all of our extreme events are going to be made more extreme by our changing climate."
"Deadly heat and record-setting droughts - it is an absolutely dire situation."
"Extreme weather events are becoming the norm and they have unfathomable ramifications."
"This is where we're at when the planet is so hot that people can't do their jobs, can't live. It's record temperatures, hottest week in history."
"It's not that we're not used to dealing with difficult weather in agriculture, it's just something of this scale is really tough."
"We have to build better... the infrastructure here is not built to withstand these extreme weather events."
"Fight the cold, we need to get the generator working."
"The fire was so big and hot it created its own weather system."
"Perhaps the strongest winds produced on the face of the earth is associated with tornadoes."
"Welcome back guys, it's minus 50 degrees, it's about to drop to minus 70 degrees and we've got a major storm on the way."
"One of the strongest Cyclones ever observed in the world."
"The heat waves are pushing farm workers to the edge of survival."
"Winter storm warnings in extreme southern Texas, where it's supposed to be like 80 degrees this time of year."
"We're gonna have a super storm on our hands."
"The waves were reaching staggering heights of 60 feet."
"That's probably the most damage I have seen from weather and wind ever here in Southern California."
"500-year events occurring only a few days apart. What could it mean?"
"There's always provision, there's always purpose."
"Neptune still holds a meteorological record with storms observed that reached top speeds of up to 1,305 miles per hour."
"The weather is nothing like you've ever seen before."
"Tonight, the historic deadly storms that hit the nation on Christmas Eve."
"This extra storm is no joke, look at this, oh my God look, I'm really about to die right here, I'm medkit up."
"You should be paying attention to this and preparing for more extreme weather in the future."
"When I started studying Antarctica 30 years ago, we never thought extreme weather events could happen there."
"Temperatures just keep breaking records in what meteorologists are calling a once in a thousand years heat event."
"Fire tornado caught on camera. As Australian wildfires rage, a fire whirl, sometimes known as a fire devil, is a whirlwind created by a fire."
"The storm, it had it all, just insane amounts of snow, hurricane-force wind gusts."
"New massive storms will appear in the game world, with a tornado being available to wingsuit through at all times, and things like grapple tethers and balloons being made available for insane creative combinations of chaos and mayhem."
"If this thing hits Florida, it's gonna be like a sandblasting hurricane. This thing has so much dust in it."
"This once-in-a-lifetime storm on the east coast of Australia completely swallowed a whole beach."
"It's literally warmer in Siberia right now than in the polar vortex."
"Extreme weather events are getting more and more common and more and more extreme."
"The world saw its coldest decade on record in 2,000 years."
"Heavy rain hit the city of London on Friday, video shared on social media show water pouring into an underground parking lot and a man being washed away."
"The sands of the Gobi regularly experience frost and snow."
"Hopefully you enjoyed this video to see what it's like in a hurricane."
"The survivability limit is extremely worrying. Millions could die within hours at certain wet bulb temperatures."
"The lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth occurred in Antarctica, plunging to a nightmarish minus eighty-nine point two degrees Celsius."
"The Sahara Desert received 10 times more rain than it does today."
"This is El Niño all day long on Full Throttle coming up this week."
"He was lucky he only froze his toes. If there had been more wind, his ears and face would have froze. His friends found him along the season Roux early in the morning. The three of them managed to get down to base camp at 10 pm."
"We live in an unusual period of extreme weather and it has nothing to do with carbon dioxide."
"Crazy stuff like greenhouse explosions and volcano lightning storms."
"It blows from west to east with sustained speeds exceeding 100 miles per hour..."
"We're going to see really low temperatures, super lightning storms, electrical discharge beyond biblical."
"All this said, is it actually safe to fly through the middle of a hurricane?"
"46 million now sweltering as temperatures reach record highs."
"Imagine weather so strong that it blows part of the roof off a mall."
"This tornado holds many records... making it the longest track tornado ever documented."
"It's a scorching hot Sunday in Winter Park, Florida."
"Just over the past few days we have seen life-threatening heat waves, extremely dangerous wildfires..."
"This is just a tremendous rainfall event one that will more than likely be in the history books."
"This is not normal summer heat in fact on Tuesday it may reach 42 degrees Celsius in the UK and if that happens it'll be hotter in the UK then 99 of planet Earth 99."
"Hiding in your bathtub under a mattress with a Category 5 hurricane raging above you."
"Thanks guys for hanging out with me on this first of the year 24-hour stealth camp. I'm so glad that I survived in the minus 22 degree wind chill factor weather and I didn't get snowed in, which was good."
"Violent winter storms sweeping up the East Coast today, impacting 41 million with snow and rain, even tornadoes."
"Excessive heat spurs warnings for more than 100 million Americans."
"The storm is gonna get bad, it's gonna get really, really bad, and we're out here having fun."
"Extreme heat is about to get even more extreme."
"Record-breaking heat waves hitting the West - temperatures soaring to 130 degrees."
"Mother Nature has Only Just Begun her Wrath."
"We are counting down the most extreme weather the universe has to offer."
"It's so hot you can fry an egg on the street."
"But it is the F5 with wind speeds of up to 320 mph which is most feared."
"the fastest wind speed ever recorded... was measured at the summit. That's insane!"
"How cold was it? Like way colder, bone chilling cold."
"From severe drought to unseasonal blizzards to torrential rains that just won't go away."
"The creek fire is generating some of the worst heat in Fresno and Madera counties that's ever been experienced."
"Australia was hitting over 50° C in recent days."
"Beware in the extreme. This is severe central TR. You can see how low the velocity is of the TR jet."
"Can you imagine being out here in the 40s like 40 degrees hell no, no way I'm loving it."
"Imagine actually getting fresh produce in 40 below in Canada northern USA northern Europe northern Asia it's possible now."
"Going underground also has obvious benefits when it comes to operating in extreme alpine weather."
"We've always had extreme weather, but over the last 20 years as climate change has accelerated, it has mutated and become more dangerous and unpredictable."
"The length that the tornado traveled was around 220 miles, the longest tornado track ever recorded."
"This storm vortex is the size of like, what's how wide is it? It's estimated 18,000 miles wide."
"At the edge, wind speeds reach 270 to 425 miles per hour, that's more than twice the speed of even the strongest hurricanes on Earth."
"The blizzard of 2022 has been called the storm of a lifetime."
"The Drake Passage is where three oceans meet, so not only does it have some serious currents from the Pacific, Atlantic, and Southern oceans, but it can also have some serious weather."
"Eight days and nights of rain, 100-year floods, New Jersey earthquakes, and the moon blocks out the sun."
"Did you know that the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was -128.6 degrees Fahrenheit and it was recorded in Antarctica?"
"Millions of Texans have no power, no heat, no hot water on one of the coldest days in Texas history."
"Even the scorching sun can't stop people coming to the town to explore nice food."
"It's probably the coldest day in the whole wide world; it's ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous."
"It snows nine months of the year and hails the other three."
"The weather here is crazy; the winds blow at up to 5400 mph, which is 7 times the speed of sound."
"It's raining rocks; the planet's so hot it vaporizes rocks."
"I bring greetings from the Mayo Clinic where we had minus 50 degrees just recently."
"The intensity of the snowstorm broke historical records."
"We're already at a moment where we're seeing a spike in extreme weather events that are consequential."
"I've taken this thing with me on all of my runs through extremely cold conditions, running through the polar vortex in Chicago."
"On WASP-76b, it rains iron at night."
"It's been over 40 degrees for the last couple of days, so hot in fact, it would literally kill you."
"It rains glass here, and the winds reach the speed of 5,400 mph."
"Heat is the deadliest extreme weather phenomenon in the United States."
"With thousands displaced from their homes and incalculable damages, Canadians are on the front lines of extreme weather events exacerbated by climate change."
"The weather conditions were extremely poor with high winds, heavy snow, and freezing temperatures."
"It's the hardest week ever on record in Thailand, capping off a month so intense that the heat index here in Bangkok has surged past 50 degrees Celsius."
"We expect more extreme heat waves, more severe thunderstorms and extreme rainfall events, more flooding, and more intense bush fires."
"Many make it their life's mission to see what it is like at Ground Zero in the heart of a twister."
"The worst storm since records began."
"Big Heat Wave out west across the Rockies, across the Central and Southern Plains, a lot of heat out here."
"Climate change is supercharging some of these extremes that lead to billion-dollar disasters."
"It was truly the storm of the century."
"The coldest temperature ever recorded in Canada was minus 63 Celsius or minus 81.4 Fahrenheit."
"There is a planet that has winds blowing at seven times the speed of sound."
"This RV can withstand temperatures down to -20° and still not freeze any of the tanks or components."
"The streets were flooded with water within about 15 minutes it went from normal calm weather to an insane hurricane."
"It was the craziest storm I've ever been exposed to while staying outside."
"I have covered the world's most extreme weather over the past decade and have witnessed firsthand how climate change is impacting our weather patterns."
"This winter will be one of the longest and coldest winters we've seen in years."
"My coldest day ever was in Chicago, it was with a windchill 64 below zero."
"Freezing temperatures, ice, and snow left us days without power and water, but we made it through."
"Scientists measured the winds inside it at 300 miles an hour."
"The lowest temperature ever recorded in the US was at Prospect Creek in Alaska, at minus 80 Fahrenheit."
"The hottest temperature ever recorded in the US was in Death Valley, California, at 134 Fahrenheit."
"We must also continue to build a culture of preparedness so that communities that face increasing extreme weather events are ready and resilient."
"The recent extreme weather is a wake-up call for us all to do something about climate change."
"The polar vortex, snowmageddon, snow catastrophe... we're running out of names."
"It was negative 50 degrees, we were going through a polar vortex."
"The steep and rocky sides were beyond the ability of man to carry, and under the awful hailstorm that came like a torrent from its summit."
"A suburban Melbourne street pummeled by winds that reached 157 km an hour."
"The new breed of super storms may transform our environment into a place that is incompatible with human life as we know it."
"This April is quickly becoming a disastrous month for extreme weather around the world."
"The hurricane is 20 times the size of any hurricane on Earth."
"We were in Las Vegas during quite literally the hottest week ever recorded on Earth."
"The Sahara is known for its extreme climate, characterized by scorching daytime temperatures that can exceed 120° in some areas, as well as bitterly cold nights."
"Global warming leads to an increase in extreme weather events such as heat waves, droughts, cyclones, blizzards, and rainstorms."
"The best climate scientists in the world are telling us that extreme weather events like hurricanes are likely to become more powerful."
"The sad fact is most the men lost in this storm didn't drown; they froze."
"We have a huge blizzard moving in; they're calling for the biggest snowstorm in 150 years."
"The weather's been absolutely scorching today, 41 degrees in the middle of November."
"We have a single day where it turns from summer to winter, and it's unbearable."
"For the fourth time this week runners will be facing extremely challenging weather. The pace sustained by these athletes is already crazy fast, but in this weather it’s absolutely off the charts!"
"It was so hot even the roads were melting."
"When you're driving through extreme cold weather conditions and dealing with snow, the best thing to do is just to slow down."
"The winds on Neptune reach the speeds of 1600 miles per hour, that's three times faster than a commercial airplane."
"People just don't understand the risks of extreme heat, they don't get that how dangerous it really is and how quickly it can become really dangerous."
"It's blowing a hoolie outside, it can be like -10ºc and snowing, and we're still sat in the boat toasty warm, no clothes on. Au naturel."
"It was cold enough that even some lakes, some rivers, and even the sea froze over."
"With climate change, we're getting more kind of floods and more dangerous extreme weather conditions."
"The impact of climate change caused by humans has led to mutant weather events."
"The winds on Neptune can reach speeds of over 2,000 kilometers an hour, the fastest in the solar system."
"There is now an emerging consensus that we will see more extreme weather events and more intense hurricanes and tropical systems as a result of human-caused climate change."
"I have a deep fascination with weather, mainly extreme weather."
"A dust storm like nothing you have ever seen before," said Melina.
"Climate change is already really large enough to cause extreme weather events and with 99% certainty, it is caused by human actions."
"Our weather patterns alone would be considered catastrophic by most Galactic standards."
"Apparently, it's going to be one of the hottest days ever recorded today."
"The main reason of the armored vehicles is to drive into tornadoes and measure scientific data that other people can't safely collect."
"It's the hottest summer we've ever had."
"California had one of the worst heat waves in modern memory."
"We're told to prepare for sub-zero temperatures, but the mercury has dropped much further than expected."
"The Sahara Desert in northern Africa is the largest hot desert in the world and reaches temperatures up to 122 degrees Fahrenheit or 50 degrees Celsius during the day."
"The biggest snowfall in 40 years brought life to a near standstill."
"Extreme weather event: you need to get food and water and emergency supplies for three days and evacuate and go to a safe place."
"This is by far the strongest tornado of the night."
"A truly biblical proportion kind of rainstorm."
"The unseasonable heat is setting up a weather whiplash."
"Locals know not by hearsay what the temperature of around 50 degrees feels like."
"The coldest temperature in English history was -15 degrees Fahrenheit, again completely unfit for humans."
"Extreme heat, no longer a freak event but seen as a fixture of our summers."
"We do not want to ignore the flash flood emergency that is going on."
"It's been down to 30 below zero and hasn't let me down."
"That's an act of God, your honor, to have temperatures go that low."
"Death Valley soars to 130 degrees, potentially Earth's highest temperature since at least 1931."
"The sudden skyrocket in heat caused thermometers to burst."
"This was the coldest playoff game since the Ice Bowl."
"We do really hope that extreme weather events in the summer are a last minute wake-up call to policymakers, the corporate world, and all citizens."
"It's like the hottest day on record."
"This must have been one hell of a hailstorm."
"It's really cool to have a hot tub outside when it's 40 below."
"The extreme weather, which has affected many millions of people in July, is unfortunately the harsh reality of climate change in a foretaste of the future."
"This was the first time in 90 years that we've had this much rain in a 24-hour period."