
Dealing With Negativity Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"You never engage with the negativity. Never."
"Be confident and just ignore the haters. That's the most important thing."
"Read the right books, immerse yourself with high quality people, and don't listen to haters."
"I've learned to be very confident with myself, to the point where comments like body comments or any negativity now doesn't affect me."
"The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will be."
"The great thing about haters is haters highlight your weaknesses."
"Ignore negativity if it's negative you are not required to pay attention to it that's your choice okay."
"Surround myself with things that make me happy and honestly try to ignore the hate."
"People that hate and just dare to hate just you how are you happy to see somebody lose?"
"Focus on the good people because there are bastards out there."
"The harder you work on yourself, the less work you have to put in when you deal with these [ __ ]."
"Throw shade back at them and block their negativity."
"I encourage people to stick around even if they are hating."
"We shouldn't shun away negative stuff in our lives, we should preserve it and learn."
"The way to deal with energy vampires: don't give them any energy, don't give them your power; ignore them, smile at them, laugh in their face."
"There's always going to be bad... we can't change that. What we can change is how we react to it."
"Life is too short to put up with [expletive] anyways."
"You're alright, and don't personalize somebody else's bad behavior. If they can't own their stuff, that's so not your problem."
"The best comeback you can tell someone when they're being negative to you is to say, 'Are you okay?'"
"Think about how much grace it must take to be able to say this to the people sending you death threats."
"You deserve sugar not salt. So if somebody's being salty to you this week, peace, escape, come home to yourself."
"Having some self-respect and if people are mean to you, just being like 'okay, I'm done' is also a good one."
"Ignore the negative people or ignore the negative self-talk you have in your head. I don't allow the negativity to get to my heart. What I do allow is the negativity as just my fuel to keep going."
"It's not your job to detox toxic people. It's your job to detox a part of you that resonates with their toxicity."
"I just feel like if there's... if somebody's going to be negative then that means you must be doing something positive."
"Ignoring mindless negativity is like starving a fire of its oxygen."
"Ignore them, remove them, move on with your life."
"Just ignore the trolls and they will go away."
"You're too busy winning to be bothered by their insecure antics."
"No one's entitled to anything, and don't let the hate get to you because they'll hate you regardless of what you do."
"I stopped reading stuff people wrote negative about me. I delete comments. I don't respond to trolls."
"Negativity comes towards you, when people try to bring you down, ignore it."
"I've developed a really good shell to deal with stupidity and idiots."
"I want to know more about myself as a personality and as a soul."
"Stick together, there's a lot of people hating, but at least we're doing that."
"Don't give the haters any kind of attention, don't acknowledge them and they're going to go away."
"People where their mind sets out loud and so people who come at you with negativity very sadly they are wearing out loud the condemnation that they live in and that is sad for them that is not sad for me."
"It's always good to be nice to people. It's a lot of mean, crappy people out here, but you just gotta hit 'em with more kindness. Keep smiling."
"The best thing you can do to respond to a person like Sam Hyde is to completely ignore him."
"I think it's some people's goal in life just to try to get under your skin. I don't understand. If you're that miserable, if you just walk around miserable all day, then it's you. You gotta deal with you. Look in the mirror and deal with you, man."
"We all have our haters and it's irrelevant just ignore them say what you're gonna say because they're gonna hate you no matter what."
"We've got to find ways to think positively even when we're dealing with folks that think negatively."
"People might be mean to you in the world, you cannot control other people. The only thing you can control is yourself."
"Haters going to hate, so let them hate, I'll be holding on, keeping the faith."
"Don't listen to the negative people, stay positive."
"The haters are gonna hate... it's hard for people to see other people happy."
"Next time you see a hater, look him in the eye and say, 'Until you do right by me, please get out of my face.'"
"The best way to deal with negative comments and people online is to just remember that people that you will see trying to bring others down are the same people that would never say it to your face."
"Don't worry about these haters, let them hate. I love you so very much."
"I'm learning that you don't feed trolls because the more information they know about you, the more they're gonna use."