
Puzzle Quotes

There are 1599 quotes

"Manifold Garden is both a puzzle game and an experience."
"What has keys but no locks, space but no room, you can enter but can't go outside?"
"The entire solar system is this massive, interconnected puzzle."
"What makes it effective is the build-up; it's just a big puzzle slowly coming together, and we eagerly await what the outcome will be."
"It's like a little puzzle. I don't know what I'm putting together, but I'm going to try and put it together."
"Even though this looks like a builder right, this looks like Sim City, it is more of a kind of a puzzle game management game."
"Definitely has merit to it, one of the things that have puzzled me about this conflict."
"Stealth rewards patience and forethought, making it closer to a puzzle."
"Solving the square one can be broken down into three steps: convert to cube shape, orient layers, and permute layers. It's that easy."
"This was a crazy almost week-long puzzle that brought the entire Community together."
"The wooden mask unlocks the secret puzzle to reveal the 10th mask, Konahrik."
"Regularly voted as the number one map, it has its own jumping puzzle in a temple and I love the steps here, it's my favorite spot."
"This is the time we need strength and wisdom and courage."
"This is a puzzle that can be solved... we just need to find the pieces and put them together."
"Oompa loompa doompety doo, I've got a perfect puzzle for you, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory."
"A game like this can only be unlocked by someone with the goat key."
"This is a gorgeous idea for a puzzle, isn't it?"
"Every row, every column, and every box contains the digits one to nine."
"I'm just excited to get that puzzle done so I can see what I look like in that wedding dress."
"Paul has given us a puzzle set... but the pieces are missing."
"Vivid Loaf is a mind-bending mindfuck of a puzzle game."
"Is this the version of Candy Crush? Another dimension to the game that rewards players who spend time investigating, researching, and testing."
"I'm hoping this one is getting us, is moving the puzzle piece a little more."
"Despite the amazing stroke of cryptographic genius required to crack the first three sections, the fourth and final sections of Kryptos remain unsolved as of 2022."
"A popular puzzle that hit the market in 1974, the Rubik's Cube can be purchased for a mere three dollars online."
"It's a creepy little puzzle game that feels a little more like little nightmares than say Outlast it executes well and is engaging for what it is."
"There is such potential for a modern Mario platformer that's all about puzzle solving."
"This is the final shot. Threading the needle. Finish the puzzle, amazing. Didn't lose any pieces. It all fits."
"Contrary to belief, the most rewarding part of solving a puzzle is never the last piece."
"This is a clever puzzle game that immediately suggests all sorts of ingenious interactions and consequences."
"I am sweating I cannot believe that a puzzle game is making me freak out this much."
"This is the best Tetris or one of the most enveloping puzzlers I've ever played."
"Activate all six prisms on the platform to get it moving."
"One of these doors got to be open, huh? The final piece of the puzzle."
"It's almost less of an FPS, more of a puzzle game now with the amount of planning and patience."
"This site was a puzzle, a maze with a series of dead ends and one path to navigate through it."
"This felt like a little puzzle, and I really enjoyed that."
"The Layton mysteries and puzzles are one in the same."
"This puzzle took me a reasonable amount of time to figure out my first time through but it was really satisfying."
"Regardless of what you do, there's no way you can actually fill this edge without breaking another one."
"You should now be holding a fully solved 5x5 professor's cube in your hands... and mix it up and try it again."
"It's a puzzle every single turn which satisfies my inner Johnny."
"I love mazes like this, man. This is so good, this is making me appreciate Super Mario Odyssey more and more."
"But as of right now, no one has solved the riddle of what these two ciphers mean."
"Your life is like a puzzle, things will start to fall into place, resolution will take place."
"Each new finding is a key piece in putting the big puzzle of the universe together."
"It's like a puzzle and all the pieces fit together."
"They're little pieces of a puzzle that all fit together that we need at particular times in our life."
"Just being able to look at that puzzle and not be paralyzed by it is a kind of adulthood."
"You do have a choice, you just have to search for what the puzzle pieces and which ones fit together the best for you and your masterpiece."
"It's kind of an image that shouldn't work, and yet when you look at that puzzle up close, you see how every single piece fits perfectly."
"Boom, how many pieces are there? 400."
"The pieces of the jigsaw were finally starting to come together."
"I love the idea of like you actually have to try to figure out the puzzle."
"This connection feels like a puzzle that needs to be solved. I was trying to keep this neutral, but it feels like person A is the person on your mind."
"The expensive team have cycled to a pond."
"Iruma and Lee decide to tackle the riddle head-on, each taking half of the puzzle and embarking on separate quests."
"It's a real kind of intriguing puzzle, isn't it?"
"It's like a three-dimensional puzzle. I want to look at all the sides."
"Rubik's Cube has been puzzling the brains of millions since 1974."
"We have a puzzle, how to increase the entropy of the early Earth, and life is the solution to that puzzle."
"Marvel did a great job of keeping this puzzle together."
"That's the art of this life, it's a puzzle and a lot of little pieces come together and in the end you've created this beautiful tapestry that is your life."
"Crazy Quilt's whole thing is committing crimes and then leaving behind clues and puzzles for people to solve."
"He wants us to finish the puzzle. Okay, and now going back in the direction. It's Buzz's turn. Okay, wait, I think we got to do the letters."
"It's similar to laying out a puzzle on the table and you've put all the pieces together, except the last piece—the ending of this series."
"It's like the biggest puzzle in the world and the more you can fall in love with the challenge of figuring out small pieces of it here and there the better you'll do and the longer you'll be around in the markets."
"Could still use it, like especially if he was at that angle he's at right now, yeah, right, where he's at three or the six, he could do either one, but he just wants to get solved that riddle with a 248, sure."
"The Malazan series, known for its complexity, is described as a satisfying puzzle once you start putting pieces together."
"The whole thing was a cleverly planned jigsaw puzzle so arranged that every fresh piece of knowledge that came to light made the solution of the whole more difficult."
"This, my friends, is the first clue in our puzzle."
"This movie is a puzzle, the way everything kind of plays together and links together, and then you see the full picture, you're like, 'Oh.'"
"It feels like some great puzzle and I'm missing the one or two pieces I need to bring everything together."
"I'm pretty optimistic that some of the pieces of the puzzle are going to fit together."
"I still can't believe I did this entire puzzle in one sitting."
"For most people, weight loss is a riddle inside of a lockbox that nobody seems to have the combination for."
"Okay actually first I put the entire puzzle just straight on top and um hello look at look at colors that looks so cool it's just colorful puzzle pieces on colorful puzzle pieces oh my gosh."
"There we go the second installment of the Karen puzzles Puzzle series."
"Your code word for the comments so that I know that you watched all the way to the end will be glasses. Happy puzzling!"
"The missing piece of his motorbike jigsaw."
"The thing that brought me to this was the science and the puzzle."
"I've often compared this to playing a life-size version of Soab Bon or one of these sliding puzzles."
"That's a puzzle he can't solve. Phil Davis has fought a brilliant fight."
"Each one of us is our own Rubik's cube."
"If you can solve the mystery, you could win the prize of a lifetime."
"This isn't Magic; it's logic. A puzzle."
"It's possibly the best puzzle in the whole game."
"True crime is very much like a puzzle."
"After nearly a month of silence, an image appeared on the subreddit announcing the conclusion of the puzzle and just like that the hunt was over."
"This game relies heavily on exploration to find key items in order to open the basement door or gain access to other areas."
"Doing a puzzle is going to activate your mind and keep it in working condition."
"If we can figure out pieces of that puzzle, everything gets a lot easier and better."
"Uncovering Jack the Ripper's true identity remains one of humanity's most persistent puzzles."
"This crossword game will sharpen your brain."
"We've got ourselves a little puzzle, number one. Sir, I guess we have. Interesting."
"I'm just gonna show you guys the footage of what happened last week so you guys can see in real time how I dealt with the Vault puzzle situation happening."
"Felix has a way of putting subtle, very subtle hints in his puzzles as well."
"I called it a puzzle. But what mathematicians call a puzzle, in this case, is impossible. Which is proof that mathematicians can be jerks."
"It's like a huge puzzle and it's not very easy to figure out."
"A creator who hates his own creation, a hidden key, a leap not taken. Retrace your steps, escape your past, and the key of jade will be yours at last."
"Please keep in mind that our puzzle boxes can be solved purely by Logic. No Force hitting or banging is required to move parts or to open the box."
"If you solve this puzzle under 60 minutes, Wes gets a thousand dollars Canadian."
"It's a puzzle, you can figure it out."
"Labsterium continues to not only amaze me, impress me, impress the audience that's watching these videos, but they continue to up the level of quality, ingenuity, cleverness, and all that stuff into their puzzles."
"The real world's fastest Speed Cube. Now, I get what you're implying. You're implying that someone's going to solve the Rubik's Cube very fast."
"...a riddle wrapped in an enigma."
"It's funny how like you know it's like puzzle pieces like you say like you know that doesn't Happ and that doesn't happen then we don't get that that highlight play that boom right that boom."
"Acting is like a puzzle for me, and he gives me pieces of the puzzle."
"you have all the pieces of the puzzle to be happy but something's just something's missing"
"There was one piece that did not fit."
"Solving a fun puzzle where every piece of furniture needs to find its perfect spot."
"Imagine trying to solve a puzzle: who at that deserted radio station could orchestrate a situation where a man ends up with a bomb around his neck forced into a deadly scavenger hunt?"
"Solve this riddle and you can go to the mall this weekend."
"Could it be that we are playing with a puzzle box ourselves by choosing to watch the film?"
"The lengthy puzzle that was forgotten about by most had finally been solved."
"I love these. I have never seen a puzzle like this before."
"Jeremy tricked us, I can't figure this thing out."
"Fein grinned at last, the final piece of the puzzle had fallen into place."
"It's a totally different puzzle experience where you get to solve thousands of puzzles and collect cute characters and to level up as you progress."
"It goes without saying that there'll be plenty of puzzles to solve for players to move forward."
"A puzzle game with water physics made for a fun time."
"That's the last piece of the puzzle right now for the United States."
"I'd love to know in a comment, have you ever done a puzzle from this brand? Did you like it?"
"Certified incomplete puzzle created by Simone Yetch who confirms that she is not sorry."
"Coding and programming is a big puzzle piece; it's like a big problem-solving task."
"Nothing really clicks exactly into place."
"You're going to have two and a half hours to finish a 1000-piece puzzle."
"Jigsaw puzzles have been some of the most difficult that we've done on the channel but also some of the most rewarding."
"The solutions are usually pretty zany."
"So after finishing the sorting, I have to apologize, I lied to you. This puzzle isn't entirely edge pieces. I mean, sure, it's mostly edge pieces, but we also have four corner pieces."
"Also, one more quick thing, I know you're all gonna ask, yes, these are the exact same puzzle cut and yes, you can swap pieces from one puzzle to the other and they fit perfectly."
"This one was super fun and we loved this puzzle."
"If you have the patience for puzzling and you're interested in getting better, you definitely can."
"A simple key can hold the answer to a deadly puzzle."
"One of the most brilliant, coolest and probably the most memorable puzzles this year - solved in 50 minutes."
"It's not often the woman can look back and see the events of her life like tiny confused pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, meeting finally and neatly to form one picture."
"I have at last found a case which I cannot solve."
"What a magnificent puzzle you are."
"It's about how you fit in a puzzle."
"The sudden and mysterious dismissal of her brother's tutor added layers to an already convoluted puzzle."
"If this is nine, these have to add up to 14 without using 5-9."
"That's absolutely brilliant. That is one of the most brilliant puzzles you will ever see."
"The show was designed as an intricate puzzle that the audience is supposed to be able to solve."
"This is like the riddle of the Sphinx, you see this cat and you gotta figure it out."
"It's called Einstein's puzzle or the zebra puzzle as it is said to have been invented by Albert Einstein."
"Fitting should be approached as if you're putting together a puzzle."
"No, you're not saying it, you can add a letter to the end to get a U.S. state capital."
"I just accidentally solved the puzzle."
"This is truly a mystery and a puzzle we're still trying to solve."
Name a word that completes the phrase: "Heart of glass."
"...it's kind of like when you're doing a puzzle, it's like the cover of the box. It's like, oh that's what it's supposed to look like. Now let's figure it out, how do we get there?"
"...by the time I'm done putting this puzzle together, I've learned so much."
"All in all, probably took me about an hour and a half to two hours to complete. Pretty cool puzzle."
"What a lock, imagine having to unlock this to get to your locker or something."
"I can't believe I finished it. I can't believe I finished. I finished it. I finished the 24,000 piece puzzle. It's done. It is finished."
"It's like a three-dimensional puzzle."
"The first ever Magpie magazine featured this puzzle which was Mark's offering for that puzzle and it remains to this day one of the most memorable crosswords I've ever solved."
"Eventually, I gave up. Told my mom about what happened though. A couple of days later she wrote me a letter and at the end of it, it wrote 'yellow' which is six letters and 'Butterfly' nine letters."
"Every case that comes in... you have to look at it... Solving a case... is like putting together a puzzle."
"Best Fiends is a great little game that features an array of puzzles with an engaging story."
"Right then and there I get a chill because up until that point it seems like I'm putting together a puzzle but none of the pieces are matching."
"I like a challenge. You know, it's like sometimes people are in my shop like, 'You get bored doing this?' and like, every board, it's like a puzzle."
"So that's the evidence folks, that's the pieces of the puzzle in this case."
"So we probably have all the vowels already."
"Chess puzzles challenge even the best players. Sometimes, it's about finding the least obvious move."
"Investigators felt like they had all these puzzle pieces right in front of them but none of the pieces seemed to connect."
"So as bizarre as this case had seemed at times, investigators believed they had solved the most important part of the puzzle."
"Basically with every delivery you get to go through different case files, different evidence, different clues, different audio recordings, and one by one you eliminate suspects until you solve the case. It's almost like an escape room but at home."
"You have a bunch of puzzle pieces but put them together and I think they paint a big big picture that puts Lori Vallow right in the middle of all the conspiracies."
"I have never put all these tiny squares together before and I really enjoy piecing little things."
"Every story is like a puzzle holding within its words the keys to its own deeper meaning."
"'Triangle' takes a unique twist on the concept of a time loop, creating a complex narrative that leaves the audience piecing together the puzzle along with the protagonist."
"By controlling the flow of information, you can ensure that players understand that there's a problem before they find a solution, because the alternative can be really confusing and can completely undermine the puzzle."
"This had been the missing piece of the puzzle that would fit the other Pariserolus species."
"Once you know the pieces of the puzzle, Mulholland Drive becomes my favorite Lynch film."
"If you can't put the pieces together, you can never get to peace."
"Journaling is like a puzzle for your inner work."
"What a puzzle that is, that is so ludicrously original and clever."
"It's a unique puzzle that we have to solve in order to build trains."
"This has the answer to a crossword puzzle."
"I think we just found the most supporting piece of the puzzle."
"In order to solve the puzzle of the house, one must enter it in a certain order, much like the movements of the dance must be done in a certain order."
"Some of the best conversations I have are over a puzzle, like honestly. Cuz you're kind of occupying your mind in a different way and you can just kind of relax into it."
"This is my number one favorite puzzle in my collection."
"...this is the type of puzzle where i just want to take my time and really savor the experience not try to rush through it not worry about the time at all."
"I wrote an algorithm just to crack the Jane Street puzzle."
"This is green fog, so this is another H solid color puzzle. To have this to complete that collection is so exciting."
"This seems to be super rare, probably only sold in this building. So, I've been researching Nevco, so the fact that we found a puzzle by them that doesn't seem to have been in their main catalog is just super interesting."
"I think she's leaving us clues. I think it's a puzzle and I can solve it."
"I think what RZ Twin said to you wasn't crazy at all. I think it's a puzzle."
"There's something about that that looks nothing like a puzzle, which is why it's fun."
"As we find the pieces things make more and more sense"
"They feel like you're the missing piece to their life puzzle."
"Every time I see this puzzle on the shelf, my fingers just itch to start it."
"I love the image on this puzzle. I just love all the colors, all the animals, just the detail on it."
"It just seemed like a really cool puzzle."
"Things were not adding up, and it was only adding to the puzzle that began forming the moment Shikamaru had brought home the QB's jinchuriki." - Shikaku
"Cicada 3301 will always remain ingrained in the hearts and minds of Internet users."
"I love reviewing like online horror series like ARG stuff just because I think it's really cool to put together this giant puzzle and see how everything fits."
"The mystery of Cicada 3301 is often considered one of the greatest internet mysteries of all time."