
First Aid Quotes

There are 214 quotes

"Everything is going to be okay; the first thing that you got to do always is clean the wound."
"CPR is an emergency procedure that combines chest compressions with mouth-to-mouth."
"So what are we gonna do we're gonna check the body, I don't see any external bleeding right now but I definitely be checking the back and legs if they have broken bones you're not gonna be able to do much in this situation with those broken bones."
"First aid and baby care centers offer convenience when you need it most."
"Simple first aid kit... just something simple to take care of those minor cuts and injuries."
"Having some way to brace a sprain or a break is just a really good idea."
"Remember, it's all about redundancy in your first aid kit."
"This is the smallest kit to handle severe bleeding wounds."
"A pocket mask is 90% more effective than mouth-to-mouth."
"For minor cuts and scrapes, follow these first-aid steps: clean, treat, cover, protect."
"You never know you'll be the first responder."
"Bleeding is bleeding, so you gotta control it."
"Neosporin, it's great for your first-aid kit, that stuff is incredible."
"Your best option in heavy bleeding is to apply gauze and pads and pressure to the wound. When you leave a tourniquet on long enough, it cuts off blood for so long that your limb can atrophy and fall off."
"Once a month, once a range day, every chance that you think about it, take some time to pull a tourniquet out and try to apply it in at or under 30 seconds."
"Band-Aids make it so easy. It keeps it clean and keeps it from getting infected."
"With that, some antibiotic ointment or Neosporin... that is great to be able to protect those wounds."
"Rubbing frostbite can will just cause more tissue damage."
"The Heimlich maneuver is used for choking."
"The first priority is always going to be CPR. Um, the secondary would be getting them warmed up, okay?"
"Does anyone here know what you're meant to do if you're stung by a jellyfish does anyone know pee on it is exactly the right answer yes if you get stung by a jelly for sure meant to pee on it."
"Having like a little small trauma kit in case stuff goes sideways can literally save a life."
"It's really important for us to keep their mouth clean... if they're unconscious you do not sit them straight up in order to clean their mouths you're going to put them on the side."
"Thanks for watching. Hope you've enjoyed it and you've learned some basic first aid skills."
"You can clean a wound with urine, but do not drink your pee."
"Because you never know an emergency will strike even on a cruise, for this reason, I always travel with a mini first aid and emergency kit. This includes Band-Aids gauze alcohol wipes a mini tweezers and so much more."
"...cover it with petroleum jelly that is what you want to do with a blister."
"You can perform the Heimlich maneuver on yourself."
"...first aid kit... very easy and cheap to make your own first aid kit."
"Definitely recommend bringing a first aid kit just in case... and the last thing I want to recommend bringing would be drugs."
"I grabbed some thermals, some warm clothing out of my pack, and make them into a little wad and press them onto the wound. Keep the pressure on."
"The Surviveware First Aid Kit is just that, no matter where you are, this 200-piece first aid kit has got you covered."
"Rescuers need to know when and how to use the AED safely and to perform the steps of CPR for unresponsive victims who are in cardiac arrest."
"First aid is essential in order to give somebody that chance of survival by providing some basic life support skills."
"Prioritize breathing over bleeding over bones and burns."
"Full after 30 compressions, stop compressions and open the airway by tilting the head and lifting the chin."
"If you suspect a person is having a heart attack, or are unsure, have someone call 911."
"Alert EMS or 911 immediately if possible. Send a bystander to make the call and report back to you with confirmation that EMS personnel are on their way."
"Place one pad on the center front of the chest and one pad on the center back."
"Check the mouth for the obstruction and attempt to ventilate."
"The goal in learning first aid is to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to provide help in a medical emergency."
"Early CPR and defibrillation increase the chance of survival."
"If the person is unresponsive and not breathing, call 911 and begin CPR. Give 30 compressions and 2 breaths."
"I feel armed with knowledge. If an emergency happened and someone asked if anyone knew first aid, I'd confidently say yes."
"Flush area with water should be the first step in the treatment of a patient with a chemical burn."
"I have saved probably six or seven lives in my tour guiding history of people who ate something that they were allergic to accidentally you pop a Benadryl in their mouth and they're good to go well at least to get to a doctor."
"He even provided first aid before the ambulance arrived."
"First aid is so important, you guys, it's like the number one thing for me to have on the go."
"Take a CPR course, take a first aid course, you can definitely save a life."
"My mom, a former nurse, grabbed me, rushed me to the bathroom, placed me under a cold shower to help soothe the burning and itching."
"If you start to cough while eating or drinking, immediately lift both your arms up in the air. The act opens your airways and will allow you to catch your breath."
"Trauma kits—you need to have one and you need to know how to use it."
"Knowing basic first aid can really help you help yourself or help others until emergency services arrive."
"...these things are really equipped with with with a lot of life-saving stuff or or first aid equipment."
"Apply pressure right there. Will you? Don't you see the bleed?"
"Looks like you've got a nosebleed there. Pinch your nose and tilt your head back, okay?"
"First aid training so important you never know when you're going to need it."
"The Surviveware first aid kit: a comprehensive solution equipped with approximately 100 high-quality emergency essentials."
"Follow the DR ABC code to give the best outcome until the emergency services arrive and take care of casualties."
"I have a small first aid kit... this one has Band-Aids in it and this one has different burn gel, antibiotic ointment, hydrocortisone cream..."
"You don't need a plaster, Peppa, your knee is better."
"Never use cotton balls to clean a wound. They can leave fibers behind, increasing the healing time."
"If you do get bitten by a stray dog or a wild animal, the first port of call is to wash the bite with soap and water right away."
"if you're interested in having a little first aid kit that you keep in your bag i highly recommend adding this to it"
"If you can see it, make sure you assess the mouth. If you can get it out, get it out."
"The first step during a fire is to rescue the patient."
"They just performed First Aid on an injured colleague."
"This is a boo-boo kit. This is not intended to be a trauma kit or even a first aid kit. This is, 'I got a paper cut, I have a blister, I have a bit of a headache,' this is just to address the little cuts and scrapes you get in your day-to-day life."
"One of the most important pieces of equipment is going to be the tourniquet."
"Acting decisively, the remaining officers administered first aid, reviving the unconscious individual."
"The guy is blue he's not breathing he's a drowning Victor you need to get him out the beach and start working on it."
"Medical or first aid, this is going to depend on your training. As a former medic, EMT, I carry a pretty extensive kit. These are my two favorites."
"One of the most generous first aid kits I've ever seen in a survival kit."
"Lifeguards recommend treating with warm water, antiseptic spray, and a big dose of courage."
"Cornstarch is one of your best friends, it's a common thing you can get from a supermarket and it's excellent for stopping bleeding on cockatiels."
"Super glue is a better band-aid than most band-aids. Super glue is going to help keep stuff together. This really will seal up nice and quick a basic nick or cut. I can't say enough good things about superglue."
"Knowing CPR, first aid, or fire safety training can be priceless. It's terrifying to imagine losing someone because nobody knew what to do."
"Just keep the pressure on the wound."
"This is all of my first aid stuff so I can literally reach behind me and grab this."
"Stay calm, lie down, and keep the wound below the heart. Don't suck the venom out."
"'...it's important to know the basic ways to save someone.'"
"It's going to be pretty important to learn how to take care of yourself and others, so learning some first aid now before your neighbors are trying to eat your brains is going to do wonders for your survival."
"A medical supplemental kit can provide additional supplies beyond what's in your baseline first aid kit."
"If you do get a nosebleed don't hold your head back, instead hold your head in a normal upright position, pinched your nose together just below the bony part and squeeze tightly for 2 to 5 minutes, breath through your mouth until the bleeding stops."
"Don't take it for granted. Those little cuts and scrapes can turn into a worse problem if you're not prepared to stop it. Some of those tiny cuts, man, they bleed like nasty."
"Emergency first aid skills could save your life or save the life of your hiking partner so don't overlook them."
"To treat hypothermia, get the victim out of the elements, get them dry, and warm their core body temperature as soon as possible."
"Shock is a condition that can accompany trauma, blood loss, heat stroke, an allergic reaction, and other ailments."
"Remember the key to emergency first aid is being properly prepared, staying calm, determining an emergency plan, and acting efficiently."
"Hopefully, you'll never have to use wilderness first aid skills, but if you do, it'll be important that you have the correct knowledge and preparation."
"If you accidentally cut into the quick, you can apply some of this powder to the bleeding area and it will stop the bleeding almost instantly."
"A proper first aid kit is one that you put together."
"First aid in the wilderness is usually a matter of improvising."
"If you're helping someone else in an emergency situation and you need to access this bag, you need to tell someone 'hey get the first aid kit out of my bag', you can say the blue pouch."
"You're not supposed to suck a snake bite, okay? Don't suck. Evidence suggests that can cause more harm than good."
"Remain calm and keep your heart rate down. By doing that, you slow the spread of the venom in your body."
"Stop the bleeding first, period. You have just jumped over a huge hurdle once you've done that."
"When you have a nosebleed, apply an ice pack to reduce swelling, pinch the nostrils together, and lean forward slightly."
"With those snake bites, because there's venom, you gotta stay calm."
"The heat from the water will actually denature the proteins in the venom, rendering them inert, completely harmless."
"The real ultimate goal here is to bring awareness to First Aid."
"Benavidez dragged everyone into a defensible position to direct their fire at the enemy and provided morphine to the wounded."
"Keep your trauma kit, keep your first aid kit, burn kit, stuff like that, you know, be smart about it, know what you should bring, be safe."
"Neutrophils are the First Responders... they're usually the first ones to notice it."
"Remain calm, keep the bite below the heart level, wash the wound, and seek immediate medical attention."
"The importance of staying calm, lowering the bite wound below the heart, and seeking immediate medical attention."
"First aid is emergency care given immediately to an injured person."
"If you think someone has hypothermia, you should warm the person by wrapping a blanket or towel around them and give them warm drinks and high energy foods such as chocolate."
"First aid for heart attacks begins with calling 911."
"The S.O.S. Parach Shears feature 11 built-in tools, making it the perfect tool for medics and first responders."
"I cried a lot... he made like this baking soda paste... it worked, it draws the poison out."
"Did you apply this tourniquet? Nice work, you might have saved this sport's life."
"It's important to tailor the first-aid kit that you have to whatever you do so that you don't have a lot of extra materials in there."
"For example, what were to happen if your passenger received a laceration on their arm or leg, was bleeding really heavily, and you're far away from help? Do you have a proper trauma first aid kit to stop the bleeding and administer first aid?"
"The side recovery position is when you place someone on their either left or right side to assist in being able to breathe better."
"If you have been bitten or stung by a venomous invert, then you need to contact a physician and seek out medical assistance right away."
"First thing you learn is to relieve all external pressure from the injured limb."
"The aim of first aid is to try and stop things getting worse."
"I don't really need my bulletproof vest, I'm going to be helping people with first aid."
"For our medical kit, we have tourniquet and Israeli bandage for hemorrhaging and stopping bleeding immediately to save a life."
"Psychological first aid is a means of providing psychosocial support to individuals and families immediately after a disaster."
"Learning some first aid now, before your neighbors are trying to eat your brains, is going to do wonders for your survival."
"The recovery position is an awesome thing... if they vomit, it can drain out of their mouth, and their tongue's not sitting on the back of their throat."
"Safety first, bring a first aid kit."
"As a St. John Ambulance volunteer, I'm continually developing my knowledge of first-aid and emergency care."
"That first aid training turned out to be very useful, that man is now my husband."
"The most important part of any resuscitation is the immediate commencement of good quality basic life support."
"When your child gets injured, it can be really scary. I hope by the end of this video, you feel a little more confident in what you're going to be monitoring, basic first aid, and what you're doing in the moment when your child injures themselves."
"Remember your ABCs: Airway, Breathing, Circulation."
"You always want to make sure that you're taking care of the ABCs: airway, breathing, and circulation."
"This is some practical first-aid stuff that you can use when you're out in the real world."
"If you think your dog is having heatstroke, use tepid water, not ice cold water."
"Taking a basic first aid class and knowing how to use the gear in here is extremely important."
"If you need to irrigate a wound or something, the bottle's the way to go."
"It's important to have wilderness first aid or wilderness first responders training... we're going to be the first ones to make the finds."
"The best initial method to control external bleeding is direct pressure."
"Immerse the burn in cool tap water or apply cool wet compresses."
"We're there to provide practical care and emotional first aid."
"Side recovery position is when you place someone on their either left or right side to assist them in being able to breathe better."
"A first aid kit is probably the number one thing you should have in case of emergency."
"Thank you so much, so uh first aid kit obviously is essential."
"Ensure your own safety, stop any bleeding, quickly assess the severity."
"It's where you learn first aid and you go around places and help people."
"If in doubt over injury, treat as a fracture."
"If you are providing a service, you need to make sure you have first aid facilities or first aid trained individuals."
"They said it was the best first aid class they had ever had."
"Get some basic first aid training; you are an absolute asset in a disaster situation."
"If you mess with a snake, call an ambulance, use a broad pressure bandage to immobilize the whole limb, never ever tourniquet a snake bite."
"If the person has got no heartbeat, if there is no pulse, if the person is unconscious lying down, and if you have secured the airway properly, start the CPR immediately."
"Please have a first aid kit. Please, I don't want to see you get hurt and potentially die out in the field."
"Having a first aid kit is paramount."
"I want this to be a vessel, a vehicle that will bring awareness to First Aid."
"Apply direct pressure, apply dressing, and lastly, apply a tourniquet."
"Press down hard and hold the pressure until the bleeding stops."
"Cover the wound with dressing or a clean cloth... any large wound, you're gonna pack the wound."
"Ride the tourniquet high, no matter where the wound is located."
"If the bleeding doesn't stop with one tourniquet, it's okay to use two."
"Twist the rod until bright red bleeding has stopped and the distal pulse is eliminated."
"Secure the rod and band with the strap."
"Remain calm, ensure your own safety, stop major bleeds."
"By harnessing the power of castor oil's antibacterial properties, individuals can enhance their first aid practices and support the body's natural healing processes."
"You do want to take care of every little nick and cut that you have in a disaster situation or survival situation."
"Right, this is called psychological first aid. We don't really teach much of this, but I've done it so many times."
"Are they breathing? Do they have a pulse? If they're not responsive and they have no pulse and they're not breathing, begin CPR."
"I'm trained in CPR and First Aid, so I'll take your breath away and then I'll give it right back."
"Recognizing bleeding and understanding how it affects the body is an important skill."
"The first lesson in every first aid manual is, in a crisis, stay calm."
"The suit can detect magic, infrared, and x-ray beams, scan injured people to determine their injuries, and even detect plasma levels in blood to help administer first aid on a superhuman level."
"It's always important to have your own supplies on hand so you know how to use them, and you can help yourself out a lot of the time."
"It's great for impromptu treatments, absolutely wonderful for first aid, and especially good if you've got a client that's got anxiety or emotional issues."
"It's also making me want to do a first aid course."
"If you ever get bitten by a snake, the most important thing to do is to apply a pressure bandage, keep the person calm, and immediately take them to hospital."
"If you were bitten by a venomous snake, your first aid procedure is your pressure immobilization bandage."
"By having good first aid you can stop the things to getting worse."
"You can use simple ground black pepper to stop bleeding quickly for small to medium-sized cuts."
"Direct pressure on bleeding is always the first step."
"It's not a Safety Sally certainly to have a very comprehensive first aid kit, especially when you're cutting firewood by yourself."
"If you haven't taken a first aid class... it's an easy thing to do, and if something bad happens, you'll be very glad you spent an afternoon."
"Tide pens a good idea, good one. I also have a mini first-aid kit, that's a good idea."
"I learned the proper way to put on a band-aid at Girl Scout summer camp."
"Steri-strips are a great way to easily close a wound."