
Revitalization Quotes

There are 482 quotes

"It's a place that's been deserted by many, and I think if more people take the opportunity to look here instead of looking elsewhere, we can be more of a prosperous city."
"Dare to make that bold change. There will be sacrifices and roadblocks, but you are protected. It is an imminent move. What is stale and depressed will be revitalized with this new energy. You will be shown the way."
"The electric revolution is breathing new life into old cars."
"It's exciting and it's fun, it's like something I'm like 'Oo this makes streaming fun again'." - "It's exciting and it's fun, it's like something I'm like 'Oo this makes streaming fun again'."
"Dying Light took what was otherwise beaten to the bone marrow and did something almost entirely new with it."
"With your help, factory floors across this land are once more crackling with life, industry is booming, and the American spirit is soaring higher, stronger, freer, and greater than ever before."
"It's fresh, it's taking part of what you put into this restaurant to begin with and we've modernized it."
"Let the breath of God breathe upon you, live right now."
"He's unafraid to just smash it all to bits so that there can be this revitalization of the Christian America."
"The Red Door is returned to form with terrific performances from the entire cast."
"I really feel like all this new stuff is breathing a lot of new life into the game."
"This title is a fantastic revitalization of survival horror."
"Rising is a breath of fresh air for the series."
"That victory for Cyril Gane breeds new life into this division."
"Your aim is to make this town fall in love with this high street again."
"It's revitalized the entire division, not just one person."
"We're gonna make America wealthy again, we're gonna make America strong again, we're gonna make America safe again, and we will make America great again."
"This season might just be exactly what the franchise needed…"
"Kill la Kill started and some said it saved anime."
"This gives a fresh injection of life into MGM studios."
"It's a franchise expansion, giving it a breath of life for a brand new generation to enjoy."
"This is like the old days, they say boxing needs a boost."
"It just feels like I've had a second career given to me."
"You've brought them back to life; you're like a fire starter in their life."
"He actually made the ITV's Good Morning Britain relevant again."
"Liquid, I think just all these teams emerging and all the storylines and everything, it was the oh, the shot in the arm that we needed."
"Brexit has reinvigorated democratic politics in this country."
"Resident Evil 7 and Village both managed to revitalize the series."
"You help people to feel actually alive again."
"Scream revitalized the flagging sub-genre in blockbuster fashion."
"Black Summer is the perfect case study in why zombie flicks are no longer classed as flogging a dead horse within the horror genre."
"Indeed bringing back the fun, bringing back the joy."
"Motivating a new pivot or motivating a new course of action and re-energizing through what you've done."
"The gaming industry needs a healthy and vibrant GameStop."
"It's like growing, it's like, oh yeah, that's the keys. That's what you needed to be like, revitalized, re-energized."
"Marriage has not died and i think that if more people start opening themselves up start understanding what marriage actually is understanding what they have to bring to the table i think that we can turn things around."
"She's done a pretty great job of figuring out... and getting successful again."
"His sound pack absolutely breathes life into this old classic."
"Stunning rice paddy art: revitalizing culture with magnificent designs."
"It's an adaptive reuse project and it'll save two important historical landmarks that are on the verge of collapse, bringing new life to the original social district of San Francisco."
"What Joe is doing with the Bushwick collective is an amazing thing and that's the closest we have in New York City to a free wall."
"1.14 such a good update it literally brought seed Sunday back from the ashes."
"That is the American dream that is what we are running to and with your help that is what we are going to revive to save this great country."
"I will open up rivers in desolate heights and fountains in the midst of valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water." - Isaiah
"The tag-team division needs a major kick in the ass."
"The shattered backboards almost rejuvenated the way that sneakerheads viewed the Air Jordan one."
"Revitalized the stagnating Mega Man franchise."
"I can't change the reputation overnight, but what I can do is change this place and help give a new identity and put it back on the map in Lampeter."
"What a cool way to modify some of these assets and really bring some new life into them."
"I finally feel alive, I feel like I just needed some food, some iced coffee, and meat."
"Halo Infinite's campaign breathes new life into the franchise."
"A brand new soundtrack for the attraction was created; the park updated its theming in the queue, and for the first time in a long time, the animatronic came back to life playing once again with a refreshed look."
"I love breathing new life into old characters"
"People love the Mandalorian... brought the luster back to Star Wars."
"It kicks a lot of adventure back into it. It's gonna breathe some fresh air."
"You feel reinvigorated recently... about a long-standing structure."
"Resident Evil 7 is undoubtedly a return to form."
"Seeing jewel tones like this full purple look is actually really reinvigorating."
"I love that idea... just everything redone. That's a way to re-energize it."
"I see a revitalization here, a light inside you that's ready to shine."
"Feeling like a new man after the ball, bro. Hold A to Sprint, that's a crazy way to start the game."
"If Wizards of the Coast wants to revitalize standard, it has to reinvest in the local game store."
"Maybe we could help that ghost town school open back up. It could be kind of cool."
"This man almost single-handedly breathed life back into this dying Community."
"You're coming back to life, finding a reason to live."
"For now this definitely brings this car into the future and revitalizes it for me."
"Ybor city has these neat retro trolleys pretty cool now this whole area went through a revitalization in the late 90s."
"Gordon brought the Historic Hotel back to life."
"Detroit's growing legs and moving out of water you've been waiting for the moment where the AER plan would show fruit this appears to be it."
"We need fresh energy, we need fresh ideas, we need fresh blood."
"We're giving Maine back a big part of its history, a big part of its industry."
"Resuscitate aspirations and goals, breathe life into them."
"Not only seen as an incredible Batman game but a revitalization of the superhero game genre as a whole."
"I think it's gonna be a really good thing that'll bring back some life and excitement around this area of the park again."
"Jonathan Hickman redefined, modernized, and most importantly, saved the X-Men."
"A Batman Beyond movie is exactly what will inject new life into this story and give us the greatest iteration of this classic hero ever."
"Took something deeply familiar and revitalizes it."
"I would say hold your horses before you give up on them completely because that commitment I saw today, it was a spark, it was hot, it was soul, it was gamers wanting to be a gaming company again."
"Tornado Springs... it's really going to feel like this area is just coming alive. It's going to be absolutely brilliant, it's going to be awesome."
"She injected a lot of fun into TNA at a time when the company was dying because of her family."
"Because honestly, we need all the fresh blood we can get!"
"Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire completely reinvigorated this region that had previously been a paled 2D paper cutout."
"I feel that you'll start feeling alive again."
"Something new is happening, a new generation of young Christians is recapturing this vision for millennials and those of Generation Z."
"I feel so alive again. I feel like I have endless ideas."
"You've come in and turned this key and now they're energized again."
"Cadillac Williams has taken a program that wasn't even on life support and made them show heart."
"I would be more than happy if we could see or help restore vitality to Japan..."
"Magic items alone pumped life back into a dying game."
"The old ones turned back to their life-giving powers."
"Think of it like an intervention, a fun intervention."
"Chiron's healing has brought you back to life..."
"He felt the energy of revitalized life flowing through him."
"It revitalizes the scent of the interior, it gives it a nice, fresh zesty scent."
"History is literally helping breathe new life into their house."
"To rejuvenate is to give new energy or vigor to, to revitalize."
"This series isn't just about renovation, it's about revitalizing a community and helping families find their dream homes."
"It's like their joy comes back to life."
"You're going to feel revitalized, making plans, achieving those plans."
"It's a dense, rich, nourishing hair mask really meant to revitalize dry, brittle, chemically processed, damaged hair."
"How can you let the capital city sit like that, how can you let Covent Garden sit like that, make it available to people, give them the chance to do something, otherwise no one's going to want to come visit this place."
"Exposure to Nature can have a calming and revitalizing effect on our mental and emotional state."
"All of a sudden our dreams feel alive again."
"What a magical time and also totally breathe fresh life into the X-Men line when it needed it more than anything."
"We have to deal with it so that we can reclaim our high streets."
"Aaron recognizes the value of breathing new life into old structures."
"We're taking an abandoned property and we are making something out of it."
"I love how a piece like this kind of breeds new life once you bring, like, other accessories in."
"Revitalized his career as a YouTuber."
"Bernard Montgomery's leadership revitalized the Allied Forces."
"Drafting Stafford revitalized a city and team that just went oh and 16 and set them up for the success they're having today."
"The GHND not only wanted to make the city beautiful again out of nostalgia, Instead, they wanted to strengthen the city by creating more housing, fixing the urban fabric, and increasing economic activity."
"A lot of people looked around St. Louis and wondered if the city ever could be renewed, reshaped or revived."
"Dan Campbell had completely revitalized the Detroit Lions franchise on the field."
"2022 Suzuki Hayabusa, a long-standing classic in the motorcycle genre, has gotten revitalized. It looks great, the dash is amazing. Always been a fan."
"It changes everything because it seems to not only reactivate you, it transforms you in some way."
"Despite challenges, there's hope: with new ownership and strategic planning, Italian football can reclaim its glory days."
"Celebrating Kitty's story is just one of the ways Charlie and AJ are breathing new life into Pum."
"Knoxville struggled for much of the 1900s, but the World's Fair in 1982 helped to revitalize the city."
"We were so hopeful for an amazing bright and vibrant future and we never got it so it's up to us at this point in time right now reel everything back in and try to make it bright and vibrant once more."
"Yeah, that is the movie that really reinvigorated Bond as a franchise."
"I do a digital detox for 1 to four weeks around the holidays period and that completely resets me and makes me feel so revitalized and creative and re-energized for January onwards."
"It feels like it revitalized my passion for fashion."
"I was pumped again for the first time since, you know?"
"You put a spark, you put that light back in her eyes, her spirit's alive again."
"Refreshing energy, washing away tiredness."
"Looking back at their models at the time, it's actually really important to acknowledge the significance of the 851 bike simply because it completely revitalized their public image altogether."
"Detroit's resurgence has attracted major corporations and organizations."
"The future of our cities rests on our ability to reclaim neighborhoods like this."
"You can see they've done a lot of nice work here. The loss of manufacturing left all those empty warehouses downtown, but they're doing a great job rejuvenating that area."
"Do I think that this season revitalized American Horror Story a little bit yes I do because it was something so fresh for American Horror Story"
"The future from the past will result in economic revitalization for this town."
"We're back, we're in control and we are going to make this place real fun again."
"There's New Hope for projects you had almost given up on."
"The village has an air of energy and drive it hasn't seen for a while."
"you saw when I was just the shell of myself and you rekindled me"
"The Plaza Hotel stands as a testament to Chua's ability to breathe new life into iconic properties."
"Spirit is giving you a way to add some of this meat back onto these bones."
"But with some cleanup and some well-placed new parts, the old girl cleared her pipes and roared to life."
"Suddenly it's a band that just found their stride again."
"...the best thing that has ever happened to the Motor City in a while."
"They needed some juice, and they got it."
"He revitalized the art of the period."
"The southern states didn’t stop there. Their manufacturing, energy, and agricultural industries have been revitalized and are becoming a massive boost to the economy of the region as a whole."
"Maybe that's how I can kind of just reignite."
"May I awaken revitalized and prepared to embrace a new day."
"You can have assets that anchor communities, like turning abandoned assets into community spaces."
"It's like bringing new life into something that's dead. It's our legacy."
"It was like a new lease of life for me."
"Former parking lots are once again grand and people-friendly squares."
"Revival, spiritual renewal, is always followed by economic revitalization."
"This could have easily gone wrong especially now when we're in like remake hell but she breathed new life into it you know it was some great hat tips."
"As of January 2021 only a handful of stores were left, and I've seen no news on what Clarion plans to do in an effort to revitalize this mall if any."
"You are watching plants sway on these ancient buildings, giving them new life even in the absence of the old."
"One of the things that sampling has done is that it's revitalized a whole bunch of musicians' careers."
"It's always great to see something breathe new energy back into it."
"I know that some people can get upset when I paint silver trays but this was so beat up and so worn out I just really want to give it some new life."
"Everyone is a champion in their own right and they need to revitalize the championship."
"UK5 has single-handedly reinvigorated my love of Drag Race."
"...you just brought the life back into them in such a deep way."
"Let's make Decker great again. I say it, I want everybody in this room, everybody say it out loud. Let's make Decker great again, let's make Decker great again, let's make Decker great again."
"I feel rejuvenated. I feel refreshed."
"...so like if you have a dead community in my opinion just kill it and start over it's so hard to like Revitalize something that isn't working."
"The fight needs to happen we can't just watch this division just wither away it is it is eroding it is it is post Amanda Nunes it has been no good we we need something to happen here and Kayla Harrison can be that thing."
"Sharing is caring, yes, absolutely, so we're here to deep dive into anything peptides, wellness, aesthetic sexual wellness, and here just to revitalize your look, your health, and your sex life."
"It's given me a new lease on life."
"They need to tear it down, because now people want to go in there."
"This is going to Revitalize the convertible Market"
"...It's a terrific addition for the entire neighborhood, providing another exciting reason for visitors to come downtown."
"...leaving those buildings in better shape than they were with new life..."
"...whatever it is I want to be involved in a community I want to help Revitalize..."
"Heal, revitalize your heart, that's what you're doing."
"...not just a vehicle but an opportunity for someone with the passion and vision to rekindle its spark."
"Calgary's been investing heavily into revitalizing our downtown scene."
"...it really has brought that sort of new tourism to the town."
"Fresh air felt like we had risen from the dead."
"A Song of Ice and Fire is a testament to the way that reworking a story's themes can revitalize an age-old genre."
"There's a lot of buried treasures in here and one of them we're going to resurrect."
"We're going to make this city a viable going great city."
"Social media has breathed life back into racing."
"His goal was to breathe life into these inaccessible areas through murals and art, installing them in the most unexpected of places."
"He's invested into revitalizing his home city. So his mission is to revitalize Detroit and get it back on its feet because it's struggled a lot."
"A rejuvenated, re-energized band."
"No, we need to put Felix in charge of the Atlantic City revitalization program."
"High Quality slate found near Rheneas in 1951 with no trace of metallic substances has given new life to the Skarloey Railway."
"After just a few minutes, we were all excited to give this thing a new life."
"I mean, it's one of the best parts of having these series for both the room and for the local players. I mean, it brings in new life, it injects new blood into the scene for at least some period of time."
"One incredible example of this is the Mother 1 25th Anniversary Edition, where they improved upon the art and just made it look fantastic and really breathed new life into an old game."
"It is time to give them New Life."
"Creating the ideal shopping center that Victor Gruen envisioned requires focusing on the urban core and revitalizing the actual main streets."
"I am convinced we really can bring life back to pretty much any place."
"Relisting old inventory... It gives your listing basically new life."
"Life will revitalize itself if you just take a breather."
"I just feel so rejuvenated now of my energy."
"It's been so invigorating and brought me back to life."
"I'm hoping to breathe new life into them."
"Ben this really revitalizes the character and does some amazing stuff with it."
"...the revitalized group will be tackling various topics with a new agenda aerod dromes unite."
"I was so tired, so I feel a little bit more alive now."
"This was fantastic because just like that, they have breathed new life into this bloodline story."