
Conclusions Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"The eclipse is a grand finale, showing the results of big shifts and changes over the last two years."
"Conclusions invariably come after investigation, and not before."
"End on a high note. There's amazing research that found that people disproportionately remember things based on how they end."
"If you start with the wrong assumptions, you'll most likely get the wrong conclusions."
"Just because you don't have the exactitude or exact certainty you would like, that doesn't prevent you from reaching a certain conclusion."
"Accurate information has practical application, and a faulty premise will lead to faulty conclusions."
"You can draw different conclusions from history. That's what history is about."
"If you're not studying it, how can we feel like we're comfortable in our conclusions and the things that we're pushing?"
"Representation matters, and we all draw conclusions."
"It seemed like more of a plan than unfortunate circumstances."
"Conclusions are within reach, if you've been feeling lonely, this feels really fast."
"Yeah, I'd say they stuck the landing on this that's a good ending."
"There's so many conclusions to different plot threads, an end of a journey, and set up for new journeys for all of our characters."
"When in doubt meditate right don't jump to conclusions."
"Do not ignore history to make the conclusion you want to believe in be more valid."
"Evidence should explain the available facts entirely and should not lead to multiple different conclusions."
"If you actually allow yourself to connect deeply to your life, you are promised grief on the other end, and then to also experience that deeply."
"Context is so important in everything, okay? Don't make conclusions."
"If you can look at a database of 45 million people who voted in this election and you can't draw some conclusions from that, you're doing this wrong."
"No collusion... that's not what we learned this morning."
"You know I'm right," he told her solemnly, "therapy is over."
"So what's the conclusion on all this? Well, I mean if you look at the data and you look at history and history tends to rhyme doesn't it always have to repeat but tends to rhyme."
"An expert scientific report we've obtained concluded it is extremely unlikely that the slug in question entered the factory on its own volition."
"That's just fine, however, you gotta get to the right conclusion."
"A third installment is supposed to be the final test, the final conclusion of all the accumulated power and story. You don't get to cheat and just have something save your entire trilogy in the very last installment. It doesn't work that way."
"Make sure what you finally do is the product of your own conclusions, conclusions from the debate, conclusion from what makes the best sense to you to Trump."
"Just look again before you come to a conclusion."
"At the end of the day, that's exactly what I was hoping for."
"The longer the time frame, the stronger the conclusions."
"The true end of this story will always be all good things."
"You're getting data from across time periods across cultures across disciplines across methodologies all of which point to the same final conclusion."
"I told y'all this months ago. This is exactly why the show came to an end."
"It's not too far-fetched for people to come to that conclusion, and I don't think it makes people bad for coming to that conclusion."
"Show me the data, show me the evidence, show me your analysis, and then show me your conclusion."
"If you start with the wrong assumptions, you'll likely get the wrong conclusions."
"The moon rang like a bell for about fourteen hours, indicating it is probably hollow."
"Does Avengers endgame feel like the natural conclusion to the Marvel Cinematic Universe?"
"Without any real conclusion to that but some interesting insights."
"There are hard limits to some things, so yeah, this brings us to the conclusion of the whole fantastically absurd and fully preventable mess."
"Wrong assumptions lead to wrong conclusions."
"With the first two days completed, we now move on to the grand conclusion."
"I do wish they ended on a bit more of a high note."
"I think it's important to not jump to conclusions, let it play out."
"Let us have a healthy debate, let us do some more studies if necessary, and let us come to the right conclusion about everything."
"How on earth could you reach a conclusion that anything you've ever experienced is supernatural in origin?"
"Endings bring clarity and unexpected revelations."
"If you blow the ending, it really doesn't matter what you did building up to it."
"Based on this IR spectrum, we can say that B is the answer."
"Do your own digging, do your own research, make your own conclusions."
"It confirms the data shows that they do not tell us more opposed to white people."
"I loved how he supports everything with historic facts to come to his very cogent conclusions."
"There are many ways of looking at a problem, analyzing a product, and coming to a conclusion."
"But I do need to feel some sense of there being a point. That the story we've been with for eight seasons led to something real and conclusive."
"None of those seven from Sirhan's revolver hit Kennedy."
"He came to conclusions based on things that he thought were facts that just are not facts."
"Clearly the 15 with the victory but I think the real conclusion I'm coming to from this video over last year is that the a55 is performing better."
"Summarize your findings and conclusions highlighting key insights and actionable recommendations for stakeholders."
"I want to make my own conclusions. Give me them, give me the information."
"Jumping to conclusions involves interpreting things negatively without any facts to support our conclusions."
"They concluded there was only one perpetrator in the house and the prints at the crime scene matched the shoes worn by Land."
"The discipline of biblical theology brings you to a stable theological conclusion."
"It just shows the harm you can do when you jump to the wrong conclusions."
"...they pushed their conclusions far beyond the evidence to prove what they wanted to believe."
"Seek outside opinions, but form your own conclusions."
"All conclusions come with error bars."
"Research results may be good but conclusions may be wrong. So when you see a really good research piece like this, understand that what you do with that is really important."
"I think that gives people confidence, and it allows you to get to conclusions."
"No one could have predicted it, yet it's the only conclusion that would make sense."
"The chimp does not work rationally; it typically jumps to conclusions and fills in missing details."
"They come from different perspectives, different backgrounds but very much have come to a similar conclusion on the state of the world."
"Incorrect data leads to incorrect conclusions."
"I'm going to go through a series of things in this talk which are why we leap to the conclusion we leap to conclusions based on patterns and evidence which in fact are meaningless."
"That just goes to show you people come to conclusions on things that they don't even have all the facts about."
"The more data you have, the more analysis you give it leads to better conclusions and more confident buying decisions."
"Conclusions are usually signaled by words like 'therefore,' 'thus,' 'consequently,' and 'hence.'"
"Anyone can do it, you know? I'm not like some scholar with three degrees in history. When you really dig into this stuff, you can draw some conclusions that are evidence-based."
"Lukács hasn't absorbed shock into the system. He arrived at very different conclusions about the nature of modern society."
"If you abandon that special revelation and just use man's own naturalistic assumptions and guesses, you'll get some really wrong conclusions."
"I think we should leave them to form their own conclusions. I think perhaps you're right."
"It's very fulfilling to think that people will listen to this conversation and will reach their own conclusions."
"...more than 30 hours after that scream, Gulfport investigators had already reached several conclusions about the murder of Karen Gregory."
"So, what we want to see before we draw any conclusions about how the world works... What we want to see are studies that are well replicated. Those are robust findings in different populations with slightly different methods."
"Technical analysis is not about gathering evidence to support your conclusions, it's about gathering evidence and then drawing conclusions from that evidence."
"I tell you these things to explain how I arrived at the conclusions you were about to read."
"So we always need the combination of lines of evidence to get to something right."
"We cannot afford to base our conclusions on any one result, nor can we afford to dismiss anything."
"How do we really arrive at even any conclusions? There is a difference between comprehensive knowledge and meaningful knowledge."
"We are coming to conclusions other than the ones we've been given."
"It's important not to jump to conclusions when you're testing your stones."
"If your dad won't explain things to you, then he can't be surprised when you form your own conclusions."
"If a moral relativist can arrive at the same conclusions as anybody else but use a different train of thought, then why is that such a bad thing?"
"I think it's totally reasonable for people to draw conclusions about my relationship based on the things I show them."
"...the facts will lead you there and I think it did in this case."
"That's the way we're going to come to the most reliable conclusions."
"The arrogance of portraying your conclusions in such iron-clad language."
"People believe that their experiences are memories when in fact they're jumping to conclusions."
"Our AI is going to take care of doing the inference and figuring out what conclusions it's able to draw."
"What do we mean by reasoning based on knowledge to be able to draw conclusions?"
"Watch how I live my life and then draw your conclusions accordingly."
"Being an investigator is about keeping an open mind, it's not about jumping to conclusions."
"...people just have to study what's there and come to their own conclusion and that way I don't feel like I'm pushing somebody in a direction where I I shouldn't go myself."
"You've got to come to conclusions."
"By doing so, she would have had this ability of really arriving to logical conclusions."
"I have a lot of respect for this, and I would love way more conclusions like this."
"We don't derive overarching scientific conclusions from individual studies; we look at the totality of evidence."
"If you're wise, in fact, I think you derive more conclusions from their actions than their statements."
"Don't believe what I say, look at the data, and you can arrive at your own conclusions because data speaks way louder than opinions."
"I'm all about collecting data and examining the results, mate."
"I kind of hope that the conclusion of this is like, don't judge a book."
"Not every equation has a solution, that's a perfectly good conclusion."
"Proper procedure has become as important in medical ethics as correct conclusions."
"So now that I have a couple of successful bends behind me and I need to move on to other things. I'm going to draw some initial conclusions about the results that I saw."
"Equity research is when you are carrying out an investigation or studying something in order to draw a conclusion."
"A very common mistake is jumping into conclusions and assuming things."
"Like my mama says, endings are important."
"It's really scary how quickly people jump to conclusions when no concrete evidence is presented."
"Endings are most of the time the best parts of not just TV shows but books, games, songs, movies."
"Always write about the ending, where the writer puts their ideas."
"You can't judge a book by its cover, but you can by its first few chapters, and certainly by its last."
"Unexpected results in terms of the autopsy itself kind of pointed you in a certain direction about what the manner of death might be."
"Reaching a conclusion before it's warranted shuts down the opportunity to find the correct answer."
"It's raining and her daughter has wet hair; it means she was outside and not sitting in her bedroom."
"In conclusion, there are uncountable reasons to..."
"Flawed criteria will always produce faulty conclusions."
"Have the conclusions or recommendations been appropriately drawn from the data analysis?"
"Reason allows you to question morality and then come up to your own conclusion."
"Reason... refers to thinking logically on the basis of verified evidence to arrive at sound conclusions."
"Once we've done that, we've got a model, we've got coefficients, and we can start drawing conclusions or insights from this model."
"What happened to truth? What happened to actually arriving at a conclusion after finding out more information?"
"Inform the parties of the conclusions of the report."
"I would rather be cautious about coming to a firm conclusion."
"Instead of jumping to conclusions, do a little bit of research."
"Doubt causes people to think, and thinking leads people to conclusions."
"We have to really pay attention to just the facts that we're discovering and come to some logical conclusions based on the evidence that is provided."
"Go back and watch that film, look at the year in which it was made, look at the predictions that were made in the film, and you come to your own conclusion about it."
"Land records help you to understand and make some of the draw some of those conclusions about who your ancestors were and why they may have done some of the things that they did."
"Being an investigator is about keeping an open mind, not about jumping to conclusions."
"We want to really make sure that we're confident in our conclusions."
"The preponderance of evidence leads to these conclusions; it's the best model that fits with what we observe."
"Instead of listening to conventional wisdom or what people tell you is the truth, you go into the real world, you collect behavioral data and understand, get to your own conclusions."
"I want to be perceived as somebody that uses a rational thought process to arrive at their conclusions."
"We can know something about reality and come to conclusions about it."
"You can do things on your own and come to important conclusions on your own."
"We've all learned a valuable lesson: always investigate before jumping to the conclusion."
"I think it's important to come to your own conclusions based on the evidence presented."
"We took what the artist left for us and we drew logical conclusions using facts from his art."
"Rationality, just in broad strokes, I'm just talking about coming to conclusions on the basis of reasons."
"It's always fascinating when you take things from a completely different perspective and arrive at those same conclusions."
"I just want people to think about things better and come to better conclusions about people."
"The noise created by different contexts don't wash away all the meaningful conclusions you could make."
"The American people... they're plenty smart and if you give them the facts, they'll draw their own conclusions."
"It's very interesting that they came to that conclusion; obviously, it's based on some very good intelligence."
"The purpose of logic is to input true observations in order to come to true conclusions."
"When you really use your eyes, you're gonna draw the right conclusions."
"The Book of Revelation is a book of final conclusions."
"It's astounding how these little meetings of the mind lead to clear and concise conclusions."
"Your conclusions are only as good as your assumptions, of course."
"Don't take anybody's opinion for it on YouTube; learn the facts, make your own conclusions from that."
"It's our responsibility before we jump to conclusions."
"We come to a lot of good conclusions and we'd be making some valid points here and there."
"Science isn't just like a list of observations... we rather make observations and then use these observations to defend broader conclusions."
"Even though we might be coming from different places, we might arrive at the same conclusions."
"Fundamental truths help us to come to correct conclusions."
"You can literally go to the research paper, skip all the way to the end, and see what it is the researchers themselves said about it."
"Science reflects the best conclusion based on the available evidence."
"A paper of this score will also be cautious of their conclusions, only creating conclusions that can be rationalized based on the data collected."
"Ultimately, we want to offer up resolutions, conclusions, or solutions based on evidence."
"Don't accept what they say blindly, go do your own research and draw your own conclusions."
"A rational mind does not glom onto irrational conclusions just because they haven't figured out a logical one."
"It's not about following what your parents did; it's about questioning with the intent to reach a conclusion."
"It may turn out that I'm jumping to conclusions, but it's suspicious enough to merit investigation."
"Airplane crashes lead us to draw incorrect conclusions."
"Explain how your conclusions are limited considering the constraints of your data."
"Your conclusions and future directions require you to first reflect on the process."
"Expect powerful change, conclusions are within reach."
"Communication is key, conclusions are within reach, and the energy is gaining momentum."
"Do all the research you want to do and then come to your own conclusion."
"There can always be a new observation that can be at odds with our conclusions based on our previous limited data."