
Psychological Resilience Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"Self-esteem is the immune system of the mind."
"Many of these coping mechanisms - they served us to begin with. They enabled us to continue surviving in an atmosphere where we were challenged with our very survival."
"None of us, if we were given the awesome responsibility, could do what the women do psychologically. You cannot do it. Your mind is not prepared to do what they do day in and day out."
"The ability to tolerate different wait times between anticipation and reward is so critical."
"Entering on a trendline breakout is much easier to learn than mentally dealing with a drawdown for six months."
"You have to deal with it...you can actually grow from it. But if you put it away or repress it...it just becomes battle damage."
"The fragile wants peace and predictability. So the opposite of that would be something that loves volatility."
"Our brain is so resilient, it can stuff things down and we're like, I'm just gonna get through this. And all of a sudden when you feel good, it's like rarrr. All the shit comes up."
"You know there's a lot of things in life we can measure... But how do you measure mental and emotional toughness?"
"His ability to only focus on potential positives is one of the greatest traits a quarterback can ever truly have."
"The most difficult part of this whole process was not any technical thing, but really it was fighting self-doubt."
"If you stand firm against the gaslighter, you say absolutely not, that happened, and I am not being too sensitive."
"Can we turn a phantom pain into a new source of strength?"
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them."
"The mind force will come back, and when the mind comes back, it will come with a sense of life, but 'Oh no, I've lost it, I've lost it.' And you may forget that the feeling of lost it is only a feeling and a thought, and not a reality."
"In the face of it, you need to hold tight onto your reality and memories."
"They both learned that tragic thing. Absolutely. And she learned how to have this tolerance for cognitive inconsistency, this tolerance for two should be diametrically opposed emotions."
"It's not the case that everyone will recover a false memory."
"The doubt will just kind of go poof as you stay at the root of your confidence."
"I was constantly at war with my mind, fighting against stress, strain, fear, doubt, overthinking, procrastination, and also extreme self-criticism."
"Psychology is an important part of staying alive."
"When things are bad, people don't look beyond the bad times."
"Hope is something that you absolutely have to have when serving time."
"Stress is not what happens to you but it's how you respond to it."
"The power of your mind can transform sorrow into joy, defeat into victory, stress into peace."
"The mind has this interesting thing that we can endure so much pain."
"Psychological resilience to just be able to do that on the fly as a family."
"Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed, it means the damage no longer controls our lives."
"Most people when they fail at anything, it's because of their psychology, not because of external obstacles."
"We had this power the entire time over the people who were hurting us it turns out as much as they try to control us we were ultimately what they feared most..."
"It's not just for the psychological 'Are you willing to do anything?' but it's also like a 'no going back' kind of a thing."
"You grow up in a culture that's very authoritarian... if your body or psychological state fails it's because you're weak."
"Life cannot break these core hopes out of us, they are integral to you and may be tied into your beliefs and even your core wounds and core fears."
"It was really hard to have a good mindset after this but yeah since we are thinking that we were sort of out you know I felt like I actually helped us for some reason you know it was a kind of a buff."
"Hope. It burns us. It burns the flesh, I know, but it's important to have it every once in a while."
"Certain players are built for pressure, bred to be under the lights. And I think he is one of them."
"Nearly 50% of trauma survivors exhibit post-traumatic growth. It's a real phenomenon among regular people like you and me."
"It really can heal that wound and inoculate you against manipulation of others."
"There's something called post-traumatic growth."
"The human being is capable of holding extraordinary amounts of emotion, extraordinary ability to expand and feel."
"Living in the 'and': You can have a rich and meaningful life and forgive."
"Shut the [__] up and please stop telling me you can't do it, you can do it."
"Construct a narrative about ourselves that empowers us."
"You're putting yourself through it twice when you really need to only put yourself through it once."
"Hope is that one element that can keep us going. The worst thing to happen in life is to lose hope and be hopeless."
"Mind over man, if you guys are wondering why people don't stop these runs..."
"Humility to believe you may be wrong can be a saving grace in mental illness."
"Ultimately, if you are able to endure their rage... then you may be able to weather their narcissistic injuries."
"Everybody got their own demons, everybody fighting their own war."
"It takes a strong man to deny what's right in front of him. And if the truth is undeniable, you create yourself."
"The unlimited mind does not view suffering the same way."
"You can actually use that doubt in a positive way, that doubt will now flip around."
"I believe anybody could have a developmental experience that would cause you to be immune to this madness."
"Hope sits on top of a keen awareness of the trials and tribulations of life."
"Ultimately, I feel that if you live in fear of these people, you're giving them power over you and power over your life."
"So dopamine has the capacity to take us from down in the dumps or in max effort with thinking that there's no way we can continue and in a heartbeat reshape our whole perception of everything and restore our energy levels."
"The worst-case scenario isn't even that scary."
"Cognitive flexibility is when we allow ourselves to be able to see what we're doing, how we're thinking about something, and then being able to observe it and be flexible with what's coming up."
"We all fear a lot of things in your life but most don't happen."
"Clutch master TSM 13 to 7 what just what do you think just when you think TSM are gonna shut down the mental plays they just keep on rolling through."
"So much of breaking the cycle of gaslighting is taking our power back."
"I don't think that you're busted in some way."
"For her, recovery is not about resiliency, but empowerment."
"You can't be so comfortable on this fake foundation of identity that you've built because eventually it's going to come crashing down."
"It takes a strong mind to break from those cycles."
"Confront the stress, confront what's causing you distress."
"No matter how talented you are, a psychological battle is very different from a physical battle."
"I never thought like, 'Oh, I'm gonna die.' I never feared. I was like, 'They're gonna find me.'"
"Almost every major fear I've had, I've experienced. I feel more whole because I faced them."
"This is really beneficial right expanding your comfort zone you can expand your comfort zone so much to where it's literally infinite where nothing bothers you anymore it's really cool."
"So this is really beneficial right expanding your comfort zone you can expand your comfort zone so much to where it's literally infinite where nothing bothers you anymore it's really cool."
"They're able to hold on well to their reality."
"What you focus on grows stronger... what you resist persists."
"Leveraging social support structures improves the ability to tolerate stress."
"For Jinx, emotional pain plays upon our innate feelings of ego strength—are we good enough?"
"Surrender what's out of your control and act as if you already have it."
"Hope is powerful, it's liberating, it's an anchor, and it is also your permission."
"You can't control the events and circumstances of your life, but you can control your responses. And that's what mind management is."
"People definitely need to have stronger mindsets."
"The mental toughness, it just seems to be next level." - BC
"No one can make you feel anything without your consent."
"For long-term investors, it's about having the mental fortitude."
"We see hope in everything because we need that to survive, that's the only thing we have left, hope."
"Remembering that you experienced trauma isn't being a victim making your identity out of it is."
"Memory is subjective, our minds are constantly reframing our pasts. However, they strengthen us for our present battles."
"Coping mechanisms do little to actually change situations; they more so just allow us to manage the feelings and the thoughts that we have, which we often see as unpleasant and want to chase away."
"I don't know how you recover from this like how do you ever get to be a little girl again who just wants to ride her bike?"
"Being able to feel an emotion that we don't like, like discomfort, is such a gift."
"You can't be anxious forever. So eventually you will calm down in the face of whatever it is that you're phobic of."
"The mental part of the game is so much more deteriorating than the physical. Our bodies are pretty incredible, but if you don't pay attention to your mind, it's a recipe for disaster."
"The most interesting part isn't the physical survival, it's the mental survival."
"Conditioning the mind is everything, it's the Holy Grail."
"We release from mental chatter, overthinking; we find ourselves making rapid correct decisions."
"God has not given me the spirit of fear but of power, love, and sound mind," he said.
"Being of service seems to be incredibly important when it comes to our psychological resilience, well-being, and our psychological resilience."
"Everybody has issues but you want to know how much of a handle they have over their traumas."
"The virtue of the five is non-attachment. So, that's your skill. When everyone is over personalizing, the five is able to be like that Buddhist saying."
"Our emotions come from how we interpret events; mind over body."
"Psychological resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress."
"A lot of this game is not just what you can do physically but really what you do mentally."
"You are conquering a lot of fears, moving through a lot of psychological and mental blockages."
"It's as much a mental battle as physical pain."
"The pain turns out to be much less bad than you thought."
"It's all about that mental aspect and that mental fortitude."
"Our final aim in this talk is to separate our emotions from trading."