
Investment Growth Quotes

There are 211 quotes

"Discipline, that's you deferring a portion of your salary towards your employer's retirement plan, the 401(k), that's the money that's getting invested, giving it enough time with the free match, and this thing, you are going to turn that one dollar not into 88 dollars, you're going to turn it into 176."
"I started off getting maybe six, seven cents per month in dividends...now I'm at 68.59 a month in dividend passive income."
"Compound interest is...the magic of making money grow faster the more you invest."
"With cryptocurrency you could be making 10 20 30 returns."
"Dividends have historically been responsible for a large portion of growth from the stock market for the last century."
"Thinking that Tesla's going to be a thousand percent stock again is kind of silly... but can it be a 20 30 40 gainer for the long term? For sure."
"All the profit you generates within that account becomes completely tax-free."
"I do see huge growth here and it is a stock I wanted to diversify that's not 100% crypto-related."
"A lot of the stocks on our list might not pay the highest monthly dividends but they produce a great return and grow your portfolio."
"Wow guys if R breaks $40 next Target $68 wow wow wow we got this here that's massive you're 5x in in what a month 5x in a month guys that's what we've gotten on this channel like it's it's incredible."
"Your wealth doubles every 7.2 years if you're making 10%."
"Even if Bitcoin only goes up 30% a year for the next nine or ten years, that still takes it to way over a million dollars."
"He originally started with roughly a three thousand dollar account and over the years he's transformed that into will over two million dollars and getting close to that three million dollar mark in just a few years."
"Could we see a big growth in adoption here in the next year - absolutely and that's what we're looking forward to in this sense of the investment potential behind Bitcoin."
"Our portfolio's growth today is negligible, it's really negligible but there are people out there that are changing their lives off of moves that we told them to make."
"If your goal is to grow your money, you can do that through the stock market... You own a piece of these companies and as these companies grow, so do you."
"Compound interest is reinvesting earned interest back into the principle of an investment resulting in exponential growth over time."
"If you put a million dollars 35 years ago in the stock market, it's worth $26 million today. In private Equity, it's $39 million."
"Initial value 43.6, final value 63,000. That is a 44.49% increase."
"In the long term, stocks are going to grow and grow and grow if you invest in good companies."
"If it actually held the kind of CAGR that it has, then by year 30 even if I was not dripping the portfolio would be making 671 grand a year."
"I think both of them could do a 10x from here that would not be unreasonable."
"I think BNB has the potential to do a three to four x."
"The power of exponential growth: the longer it's there, the better it works out for you."
"Preserve your capital first, grow it second."
"Bitcoin was at $3800 in March of 2020. It's over a thousand percent, over 10x from a year ago. Are you kidding me?"
"If you just put away 15% of your income for 40 years and it appreciates at 7% annually..."
"By the time I land, it's a 45 minute flight, he's like we're at 12k, we've doubled up."
"Small investments now will make large investments in the future."
"In this video, I'm gonna break down everything you need to know about an HSA so you can increase your chances of growing it to anywhere between 300 and $600,000."
"If you maxed out your HSA at $7,200 per year as a family over 30 years, then at a 7% return, your account would grow to $680,000 of tax-free money."
"Bitcoin is up almost double since the beginning of the year."
"We're just getting started, it's going to be a lot more aggressive, completely different."
"The big checks start coming in they're going to come in in sizes we've never seen before."
"If ethereum runs by 10, the good old coins are gonna run by 20, 30, 40."
"The concept still stands that you're going to be better off with tax-free growth than capital gains growth."
"You're gonna have a potential for long-term growth financially, historically the stock market has provided higher returns over the long term compared to other investment options such as bonds and savings accounts."
"Every institutional dollar pushing in now is going to be much higher than it was last year."
"A 2.3 percent yield in a time when the market's not doing much... is nice especially when it's got the type of growth opportunity a company like Skyworks Solutions has."
"You're not going to have a 50 Grand Day by putting a thousand dollars at risk or you're not gonna have a fifty thousand dollar day by starting off with a 500 account."
"The crypto market is ramping up, more investors are getting interested."
"If you can keep making 25-30% on trades, you'll be very surprised 10 trades later where your account's actually at."
"JPMorgan stock is not just going to be a dividend beast for the next five, 10 years, but it's also gonna well over double up over the next five years or so."
"This stock could literally 3x in the next three years."
"Winning traders are the ones that add to their winning positions."
"Well, it's a small Berkshire and it'll double like rabbits, you know. And of course, it's not a small Berkshire." - Charlie Munger
"The more you put your money to work the more it'll grow."
"A 3.63 average dividend yield, almost twice the yield on the overall stock market."
"These are solid dividend-paying stocks that will not only put cash in your pocket but also grow your portfolio."
"Talking about 100x or 1000x, that is certainly possible if you get into the right projects at the right prices."
"Anyone can get started... pennies, dollars... eventually $5,361 passively."
"All of this really just begins with a hundred dollars a week and once you get this down that amount could scale up to whatever amount you decide to invest in."
"Arc invest also bought a ton of teradyne crowdstrike cloudflare and Prime medicine over the last quarter increasing their share accounts anywhere from 40 to 80 percent in each position."
"Is this the best deal that I can take advantage of and is this gonna grow my account?"
"Things grow over time, things grow over time. If you would have got in at one thousand, you would have still been up by a lot."
"Watch Tesla go from 168 to 800 and it's like wait, that's how I want all my stocks to move."
"BlackRock increased their bitcoin holdings by 300 percent during the last three months."
"The more you invest, the wealthier you become."
"Long-term holders are very similar to a snowball gaining speed over time in size."
"It's the starting point. Keep adding more over time, keep getting more cash flow."
"Bitcoin has gone up on average 170 a year for the last 11 years." - Bitcoin Expert
"Bitcoin's been going up, what, two million percent or something over the last 10 years."
"Start small, learn from mistakes, grow your investments."
"You need to actually kind of bump up to these more expensive items."
"Investment is necessary to protect the buying power of your money and allow it to grow over time."
"Bitcoin gives you freedom... unconfiscatable wealth, mathematically guaranteed to increase purchasing power."
"Hodling is what we all need to embrace in the coming year and present bull market cycle because One dollar invested in Bitcoin at its first market price would be worth $29.8m today."
"Even today the increase in ETH in the staking contract keeps increasing which means that maybe when these ETH come unstaked more people will just continue to stake and that will offset those pressures."
"Winklevoss own Gemini Galactic snags FINRA broker-dealer approval... Big shout out to them and just shows guys more investment, more expansion, more building, and all these things will culminate to higher prices, higher valuations."
"You want to increase your BTC value as much as you can."
"Learn how to double and triple your money and make cash flow while you wait for the double and the triple."
"All these characteristics often fund a growing dividend or share buybacks."
"If you want to keep growing as a financially educated person or as an investor, you have to constantly keep learning."
"Your stock should be moving from bottom left to top right."
"This strategy is a little bit more advanced however you can turn 180 into 820 if you enjoy strategies like this or if you want to follow my trades and see how I'm trading live every single week."
"Share price appreciation over time, stocks probably going back to 200 long term."
"Ono will 10x from here was that a billion dollar market and's going to a very it probably hit 50 billion at least in this in this cycle I believe."
"Every single year after that that number continues to grow with virtually no work on my part."
"We just tripled the money that we started with in the space of a month, amazing!"
"Don't knock putting $50 into a 529 for your kids, that's going to grow."
"Total value locked up in Vesper has crossed $750 million."
"Definitely going to consider adding to my portfolio given this robust return."
"We think they'll go up 80 percent on average per year over the next five years."
"Long term as an asset, crypto just continues to grow."
"Remember the stock did a 15x in the span of about a year."
"Phase one of the bull builds incredible market structure and then moves methodically up."
"The cash flow from dividends is reinvested, further increasing your future cash flow."
"With just 30 or $60,000 of initial capital at 30% annual gains, you can turn 60k into a million dollars in 10 years."
"Once my account gets larger I could consider trading options or futures."
"Bull markets run higher than anyone ever thinks possible."
"The Roth IRA... tax advantage retirement account... max out your Roth IRA account... compounding interest all those beautiful things."
"At the very least we have seen assets go up 5x 10x 1000x."
"Bitcoin is just starting to pick up and that's trickling into other assets."
"You can start with like 20 bucks or 100 or 200 bucks and turn this into tens of thousands of dollars."
"Those extra percentages really do compound earnings really fast over a longer period of time."
"Link tends to slowly gain over the long haul."
"Dividend stocks provide an increasing stream of cash flow over time."
"Not only does Devon Energy pay a strong 6.9 dividend yield but it's increased that from six cents a share to a dollar a share in the last five years."
"Bitcoin can increase by a factor of 10 and it's going to be a one percenter."
"Tesla has done more than a 10x right over the past year and year and a half."
"You can turn your hundred dollar a month investment into a hundred 100 000 or more."
"Ethereum rallies eight percent to hit a fresh new record high above $4,650."
"Utrust... I'm actually steadily increasing my holdings of Utrust at this point in time."
"It's absolutely possible to turn 100,000 in this market into a million dollars, how do I know that? Because I've done it."
"A dollar put away into an index fund at age 20 becomes $88."
"Bitcoin isn't gonna be a 20 trillion dollar asset overnight."
"It's not just about going from 10 to 90 percent U.S investors owning Bitcoin but also their allocation."
"The magic of the dividend snowball effect can help you become a millionaire."
"The most important takeaway is here Brahe scale investment bitcoin trust was up almost 300 percent on the year."
"So let's get that exact number saving that money. I love when my money is making more money in the Sofi high yield savings account."
"Whenever you have a point of resistance, which is where the price cannot break above it, as soon as it flips and starts consolidating and trading above that level, it's going to continue moving up most likely."
"This is the type of stock that can grow your account 10% in one day."
"Not all money is used the same. In some cases, money can be used to rapidly grow the value of a portfolio through consistent compounding."
"A 500,000% gain in roughly 17 years."
"...the long-term investor sees growth..."
"It's not like what they show you on TV where it's like up one second and down the next second and like you're winning so much money and like losing so much money, it's just consistent slow boring yarn growth but is consistent so we like it."
"...the value of those shares would go up above what you'd initially invested in."
"Failure is important... those losing trades, that's where you're going to redefine your strategy the most."
"If you're buying a stock at value, you get to participate in the full growth of the business."
"The market as a whole for little gold stocks, exploration stocks, developers, has moved upwards 10 to one."
"It is so exciting to see the dividends come in every single month and seeing them grow quarter over quarter."
"That's when the dividend snowball can really start to take off."
"If you can just get to the first million, I think you'll be surprised how fast the second million will fall."
"The value of property goes like this, and historically since the Domesday Book, on average, it's doubled every 10 years or an average growth rate is 7.9 percent per annum."
"We're getting amazing, amazing momentum on Bitcoin."
"In the long term, your money will be going up in value."
"Blue means that at the end of the 30 years, your final year portfolio was actually 300 percent higher than your starting portfolio."
"The less tax you pay, the more growth you keep, and the more that growth compounds over time."
"The compound annual growth for Ethereum if you hold for a four-year period is around 80%."
"You just get a steady average of the top companies over time."
"I've owned bitcoin. I started buying it around $200 a share and it's now $56,000 dollars a share."
"The next step or the next evolution for investors is a joint venture."
"Just to think back now, I'm looking at a nice three thousand dollars in growth."
"AMD is up 625% over the course of the past 5 years."
"The money will continue to accumulate tax deferred."
"An iterative macro to understand how much my single investment will grow over the years with compound interest."
"The return since this fund was created in 2004 has been roughly 11 percent annualized."
"If you invest in these companies and they continue to grow and the profits continue to grow, hopefully they'll also be increasing the amount of dividend that they give you as well."
"I really think that within a certain period of time, your 25% that you continue to have will probably make you more than you're making with your 100% right now."
"Our shareholders got a total return of over 600 percent, about a sevenfold increase in their investments during this decade."
"How much are we going to have to increase our monthly investment to become a millionaire in 20 years?"
"Give your investments time to grow."
"If you understand compound interest, things start to get crazy as you can really let that ride if you're able to hold your investments for the long term."
"Especially if you like the idea of a kind of a passive approach, kind of just letting your investment snowball is really the best way to look at it."
"Taking more financial risks and financial chances can be a huge sign wealth is coming your way."
"A multi-bagger is a company that's gone up several times; a 10 bagger would be 10x, a 100 bagger would be 100x."
"One of the biggest fears faced by those pursuing financial independence is the possibility that their investments will not grow fast enough to keep up with their spending once retired."
"We love our money to grow and we love to see us making investments and getting more money."
"The lithium and clean energy ETFs have boomed higher, more than doubling over the past five years."
"If we were to contribute one thousand dollars a month for 25 years at that 3% spread, the difference would be $446,000."
"Start out small because the money is still there; you will make money if you do your research and just put in the time and effort."
"It can always go up, but it can't go down; there's no negative."
"If you had taken 1 million dollars in 1900 and put that in a representative basket of stocks, that money would have grown into 65 billion dollars today."
"One dollar can turn into 88 by the time that you get to age 65."
"Just imagine the growth potential after compounding, woo boy!"
"You always need a growth stock and this is a true growth stock."
"The future value is what the money is going to be worth to somebody at the very end of the investment."
"Bitcoin goes through this four-year halving cycle, keeps making new highs every cycle."
"It's going to be a coin that will continually enhance in value over time."
"Let your money give you exposure to the markets and let it grow and compound over time."
"That one dollar would now be worth 11.84."
"The rule of 72... explains how long it would take you to double your money at any given interest rate."
"You're going to have to invest more money, period."
"If you buy the stock today and this pans out, you would have received 23% interest on your invested money every single year for a decade."
"A lot of people end up growing such a large dividend portfolio that they could live off of their dividends."
"REITs are not just income investments; they are total return investments that generate the bulk of their returns from growth and appreciation."
"I want my money in the future, the higher amount that it compounds to, to be tax-free."
"Every one dollar that you can invest has the potential to turn into 88 by the time that you turn 65."
"We've seen something like a seventy three percent increase between 2010 and 2013 and that is partly because this government has pursued Chinese investment and attracted Chinese investment into Britain."
"That same 10 grand with dividends reinvested jumped to almost five million dollars over a six decade span."
"My dividend stocks tend to do Dividend hikes allowing my income to grow on its own."
"Dollar cost averaging relies on markets going up over time."
"If you would have bought this last year, that was around below 100, maybe even 50, and now it's 555, that means you could have, you know, tenfold your money."
"I still get better every single year at holding my winners."
"Understand the potential of investing in the stock market and how much your money can grow in the stock market."
"There's magnitude in numbers... the multiplier itself is the power behind going in and developing."
"Bitcoin has experienced a strong rebound in 2023, with the price increasing more than 70 percent."
"The beauty of compounding is that the more time you let your investments sit, the bigger that your balance will likely grow."
"The markets tend to go up; that's what your mindset should be focused on."
"Most will see their housing wealth grow over time."
"In 15-20 years, it's probably going to be a 100,000."
"The value of the home is going to increase naturally."