
Roman Empire Quotes

There are 422 quotes

"The big one today is Robert Graves' I, Claudius, which is still the single best novel written about the Roman Empire."
"The Romans had around 60,000 soldiers in total, and Vespasian and Titus began the campaign in Galilee."
"Titus officially opened the Colosseum in spring of the year 80 AD, and organised 100 days of games featuring spectacular gladiatorial shows in the new arena."
"With these projects, the Flavians were in effect returning land that had been used by the emperor to showcase his decadence and wealth to the Roman public for their own enjoyment."
"Christianity, whether it likes it or not, is also an inheritor of the Roman Empire."
"One of the biggest puzzles about the Roman Empire has always been what caused its decline and fall."
"Rome had discovered the art of imperial longevity, thriving not only by exploitation but by creating citizens."
"The Roman Empire's reliance on imported food is a well-known example along with how disruption to its trade network could quickly lead to civil instability."
"The entire history of the United States of America from the Declaration of Independence to today can fit neatly inside just what is considered the decline period of the Western Roman Empire."
"The Roman military was one of the largest pre-modern professional armies that ever existed, protecting over 7,000 kilometers of border and consisting of over 400,000 legionaries and auxiliaries."
"Crucifixion was a public warning. The Romans wanted everyone to see what happened if you messed with them."
"Roman South Shields was clearly a microcosm of the whole empire."
"This community constantly changed and recycled, adapting to a new Roman world."
"The Romans reached Lincolnshire within years of the 43 AD invasion. Lincoln became a great Roman center."
"In their own times, they referred to themselves simply as the Romans, and were the ones who boldly carried its banner into the Middle Ages."
"The Nerva-Antonine dynasty... relied on a unique method of succession, one whereby the emperor adopted the individual who he felt would make the best ruler rather than simply appointing his eldest son."
"The Scottish people have a long and storied history of resistance, dating all the way back to the violent clashes with the Roman Empire."
"The Roman Empire's power did not last, but the Jewish culture is still here."
"The Empire was seen as a high-water mark of architecture, administration, cleanliness, and peace."
"Integration is a two-way street. Rome's failure to integrate the Goths was just one more of its abilities that it had lost near the end of the Western Empire."
"For an extraordinary record of the scale and impact of the Roman Empire, I've come to see what must be one of the most remarkable and surprising leftovers from the Roman world."
"Roman pollution captured in the Greenland ice sheets is dramatic evidence of a burst of energy as Rome transformed the world it conquered."
"Rome’s first emperor left an indelible mark on the built environment of the city."
"This is often referred to as the Pax Romana, the Roman Peace, under which Rome’s 50 to 70 million subjects lived through a period of unprecedented stability and prosperity."
"Tiberius, Caligula, and Nero, through their failings, did much to highlight exactly how great Augustus’s accomplishment had been in bringing stability to the Roman state."
"In AD 43 though, the Romans would conclusively prove that these islands were real, when they began their conquest of the land that they called Britannia."
"Finally, we look over Caledonia, northern Scotland, the land that was never conquered by the Roman empire."
"The Roman Empire was beautifully conceived, a wonderful architecture of stability. I mean, for 100 years, there had been peace."
"Along its roads, in its busy cities and ports, the inhabitants of the Roman Empire experienced deep changes which still affect the world around us."
"To suffer five chaotic decades, but then learn from chaos itself to adapt the empire and come out on top. Rome would die, but not yet."
"Rome stretched from Iberia to Africa, the long way – and while emperors did add a few more provinces in the following centuries, this new age was not defined by conquests, but the victorious quiet of the Pax Romana."
"The empire was stable enough that the next two centuries became largely known as 'Pax Romana'."
"The Roman Empire, at the dawn of the first century, was one of the most formidable forces on the face of the Earth, thanks to their vast armies, superior organization, and groundbreaking approaches to engineering."
"Christianity grew from a minority religion persecuted by the Romans to a faith that dominated the Roman Empire and beyond."
"The big plot twist of the Fall of Rome is that it didn’t."
"The empire in 300 was Pagan, bilingual in Greek-and-Latin, and spread out over the whole Mediterranean."
"Augustus, the first emperor, ruled for 43 years."
"The life and career of Duras Akos is an answer to the question of how Rome was able to create a global state that lasted over a thousand years."
"The Romans had more troops, so fresh troops were sent forth."
"His reign marks the beginning of what is known as Pax Romana, the Roman peace."
"The Roman Empire was powerful, glorious, wealthy, and ruling over its greatest territorial extent."
"By far the greatest civilization of the sixth century was the Roman Empire."
"The area surrounding Thrace had already come under scrutiny from Claudius."
"The tablet highlights Claudius’ inadequacies but the ideas behind the motion were sound."
"Was he the feeble, bumbling oaf who was dominated by his wives as history claims or does he deserve to be recognized as a capable ruler, responsible for expanding the bounds and prestige of the Empire?"
"The Jesus movement was really going against Rome. I think that's what was probably most threatening in the eyes of the priesthood."
"There was nothing they could do except crumble and submit to the great Roman Empire."
"The next few years saw an explosion of activity on all fronts as Justinian let loose every idea he had for how to remake the Roman Empire."
"The last century of the Roman Empire was Christian."
"In a nutshell, classical Rome lasts about a thousand years. Rome grew for 500 years, peaked for 200 years, and fell for 300 years."
"Italy reached its great heights under the Roman Empire and during the Renaissance, a powerhouse of art and culture."
"Rome's renewed stability would not last long, and in the late 4th and early 5th century CE, multiple Germanic tribes crossed the empire's Rhine-Danube border within a few years of each other."
"From this day forward, we take our place as true heirs of the Roman Empire."
"It's Roman, it's late fourth century, and experts reckon it's one of the 10 best Roman mosaics ever found in Britain."
"For the rest of Octavian’s life the people who knew him would simply call him Princeps, or First Man, but history would call him by a different name. Emperor."
"Succession posed a problem for the Romans for two reasons."
"The first of those military emperors was Maximinus Thrax, whose political legacy set the stage for decades of upheaval and the end of the Roman Empire."
"The three year reign of Maximinus Thrax dealt a vicious blow to the empire's stability, which many consider to be the beginning of the end for ancient Rome's centuries of strength."
"Vespasian’s rise to the throne echoed that of Vitellius."
"Thanks to the Western Roman Empire... they've been doing lots of converting."
"Defied tradition around 60 A.D when she led an uprising against the conquering Roman Empire."
"After Constantine, Jesus who had been crucified by the Roman army was now depicted as its leader."
"Rome's simple existence, their conquering of Europe transformed a continent just as much as Europeans conquered the Americas."
"We all like to imagine a Europe where the Roman Empire simply never fell."
"Carthage takes the mantle as the empire that influences the people of Gaul and Iberia, just not in the way that Rome did."
"Purple Dawn: What if the Roman Empire still existed?"
"Rome set about establishing a series of forts and garrisons."
"The Battle of Agrigentum was a major victory for the Romans, destroying any Carthaginian hopes of supplying their forces through southern Sicily."
"The Romans instead looked to a new weapon to ensure their victory, known as the corvus or the raven."
"The tradition of Roman bodyguards dates back to the earliest history of its armed forces."
"By the time Rome came into the picture, it had been hundreds of years since Egypt had been an independent nation."
"The ancient Roman Empire had a room full of extremely strange professions, from curse tablet scribes to whipping boys."
"The Antonine plague was devastating, spreading across the Roman Empire and killing upwards of 5 million people."
"Marcus Aurelius being the man that he was funded ceremonial funerals across the board though this notably helped to wipe out the imperial treasury."
"Roman taxation: a win-win for the empire and the conquered."
"Understanding ancient Rome's economy: mundane realities reveal the essence of a society."
"This new democratically elected government would ultimately establish the Roman Empire."
"Farewell and tell the Romans that if they practice self-restraint and add to it valor, they will reach the utmost heights of human power."
"I'm going to keep doing what I do and continue to work harder to try to both explain and counter some of the religious thinking."
"This is a really superb, beautifully made game that is, you know, if it clicks with you, I think it's really going to stay with you."
"It's estimated that 60,000 to 100,000 slaves were employed to complete the Coliseum."
"Roman power extended much further than the size and mobility of its army would initially suggest."
"Caligula then exploited the feeling in the senate following the discovery of the latest plot and in the next session, granted impunity to the remaining members."
"Germanicus rallied his troops to victory, then traveled back to Rome."
"Leptis Magna: the best preserved Roman city in the world."
"This was hell on earth, literally the edge of empire, and the only way to get out of here: the minimum requirement was to lose an eye, and that's exactly what they did."
"Rivers of ink have been devoted to why the Roman Empire fell, and if it actually did."
"The culture Marcus lived through was the Second Sophistic, with a resurgence of popularity in the Roman Empire."
"Providing water for their populations was one of the greatest benefits of being part of the Roman world, there's no doubt about that."
"Had Octavian lost the battle of Actium, both Roman and Egyptian history would have taken very different courses."
"Hard Knot Fort was demilitarized and abandoned during the late 130s."
"Sicily is going to be very important for supporting your fleets."
"The sheer dedication of Rome to achieving her objectives."
"Constantine unified Rome under Christianity, hoping it would be the uniting force of his empire."
"The Roman Empire never went away; it just reincarnated as the Catholic Church."
"Nero's remembered because he was the first emperor to create a Christian martyr."
"The Romans took over most of the known world; victory brought problems as well as glory."
"Theodosius continued to de-paganize the empire."
"Justinian reclaimed Rome, Italy, and northern Africa."
"Just as Rome in the West began and ended with a Romulus, Rome in the East began and ended with a Constantine."
"The empire of the Parthians would continue to have conflict with Rome."
"Everywhere the might of Roman arms was respected and feared."
"The Roman War Machine was humming; the Empire had ballooned under the leadership of Augustus Caesar."
"In the shell of the mighty Roman Empire, Western Europe was plunged into the Dark Ages."
"After the Marian reforms, anyone could become a Roman soldier as long as they met physical and legal requirements."
"The Roman Empire, S tier, no question about that."
"The history of the Hebrews before that time were allowed by Rome to be their own sect of religion and worship their God without interference."
"He comes from the region of the old Roman Empire."
"The Battle of Adrianople... are frequently cited as having directly led to the final Fall of Western Rome."
"The implementation of these two forces would contribute to the relative recovery and stability of the Roman Empire in the 4th century."
"In the Roman army, deeds of bravery earned more than gold."
"If you were a time traveler and you wanted to visit Rome at its best, you would want to aim for some time during the reign of Antoninus Pius."
"Not since the days of the Roman Empire had such a thing ever been achieved."
"Nothing quite like this has ever been discovered in the Roman Empire."
"Everybody loves a good space Roman, though. Exactly, the Imperium of mankind from 40k is basically just the Roman Empire in the year 400 shoved into space."
"The collapse of the Roman Empire wasn't the debasement of the denarius, they ran out of wood."
"Under the Pax Romana, Rome ruled an empire laced together by extraordinary networks of roads."
"Marcus Aurelius guided the Empire prosperously."
"Trajan, who had shown military success in Germania, putting down a rebellious General, understood the importance of the frontier along the Rhine and Danube."
"People talk a lot about the Roman Empire but people don't talk about what Greece did instead before that point."
"This is the only empire in history to be able to match Rome in every step of the way."
"I know they were really good at building straight roads, but what were they like at cooking?"
"While Roman prices and coinage had remained relatively stable from 30 BC, the reign - and death - of Marcus Aurelius collapsed all faith and responsibility around the denarius."
"Rome after Marcus Aurelius descended from a kingdom of gold to one of iron and rust."
"The province of Egypt was crucial to the survival of the Roman Empire."
"It's chilling evidence of the brutal reality of Roman rule in Britain."
"On Christmas day in the Basilica of Saint Peter Pope Leo III placed a crown on Charlemagne's head declaring him the new Holy Roman Emperor creating a new Roman Empire."
"All over the Empire, towns needed infrastructure."
"Aqueducts, towns, roads... these are the classic stereotypes of the Roman Empire, what it did for us. But more than just clever engineering projects, the Romans could imagine they're all fitting together."
"In this new connected world, the demands of the Roman State and over a million consumers in Rome itself could be met by producers many hundreds of kilometers away."
"The Roman Empire ran on olive oil. It was used not only for cooking but lighting and even the ancient equivalent of soap. You couldn't live without it."
"In the remote town of Hyropolis in modern Turkey, we find the remarkable tomb of a man who seems to have made the most out of the opportunities of belonging to the new Roman world."
"This imperial residence, Hadrian's country pad, was the size of a town."
"We know so much about the Roman Empire, the way they lived and what they did, but the dodecahedron continues to baffle researchers."
"The Roman Empire was a very big part in history."
"London began to thrive like never before with people venturing to this wealthy Metropolis from all over the Roman Empire."
"The fortunes of the Roman Empire had sunk to their lowest ebb."
"The Roman empire spread so far and wide across the world that Roman artifacts can be found everywhere."
"The Roman Empire fell at some point, that much at least I think we can all agree on."
"...the great Pax Romana or Roman peace where the empire was free of both internal and external conflict was one of the greatest achievements of Caesar augustus's Reign and marked the birth of the Roman Empire."
"One-tenth of Rome's total military strength perished in that dark forest."
"The Roman Empire's Christian right yeah the Temple Mount isn't sacred the Christians - what a thought."
"The Roman Republic became the Roman Empire."
"...the Romans come across as both terrifying and seemingly unstoppable."
"The Romans observed that when volcanic ash mixes with water and then cools, it gets extremely hard and almost impossible to break up."
"This strange characteristic of concrete made a significant contribution to the success of the Roman Empire."
"Luckily though modern archaeologists have been able to at least confirm that the Romans did indeed return to the site with the discovery of 8 mass graves identified as containing the bones of military-aged men with signs of traumatic injuries."
"The Roman Empire covered an area roughly five million square kilometers."
"The Roman Empire contributed to modern law and politics, technology and engineering, architecture, arts, literature, religion, and language."
"So we have...up to the present day, still the Ninth Legion being a story, as a tale and narrative which is captured not only academic but also popular interests."
"These are some of the areas in the Principate Roman Empire...this is the Principate empire, these are some of the regions we've been talking about."
"We still have a sneaking admiration for the Roman Imperial project... as the ancestor of modern globalization."
"Why would the Romans have bothered to build something as big as this? Well, actually, the Roman roads are in fact rather bigger than what you can see now."
"If you had eye problems 2,100 years ago and lived in the Roman Empire, it seems you just rubbed a putty-like beeswax mixture on your lower eyelid and hoped for the best."
"And of course the Roman Empire eventually becomes in the East the Byzantine Empire."
"People talk a lot about every aspect, but like, the reason the Roman Empire became an empire was not because its soldiers were like great individual fighters. It's because every soldier in the Roman Legions was a combat engineer."
"As you stand at Housesteads and survey where once Roman soldiers from across the Empire lived and worked under the shadow of the northern threat."
"Think of the men who worked on the wall, Belgians, Syrians, and Moroccans pulled far from their homelands to guard this furthest flung part of a once proud and powerful Empire."
"...you cannot explain the change in the Roman Empire from infanticide slavery racism without the rise of Christianity..."
"The Roman Empire has really never gone away if you're going to talk about a revived Roman Empire."
"Hadrian always has his eye on the Empire as a whole. He is very hot wide horizons. In fact, of all of Rome's Emperors, nobody traveled as much as Hadrian did."
"Christians were always at odds with the Roman Empire. A lot of the earliest Christian apologists were writing to Roman officials or at least perceiving Roman officials as part of their audience in saying here's why we have validity and here's why you shouldn't kill us."
"It's amazing, London lived within its Roman footprints for at least a thousand years which is an incredible thought."
"The Roman Empire lasted over a thousand years and it spanned a huge portion of the globe so the idea that their attitudes towards gay [ __ ] could be summed up at all much less over the span of a fairly brief article on the Internet is pretty insane."
"The Roman economy was broad, fairly advanced, and integrated with a market-based system."
"The early Roman Empire was no different, as technological advancements largely came about and were dispersed by the state."
"All of a sudden, Mithraism is a boom in the Roman Empire."
"The Roman Empire's influence on Morocco is evident in the magnificent collection of artifacts."
"The end of all things is near. In other words, we're living among pagans, under the rule of the Roman Empire."
"Civilizations or complex societies collapsing, the best known example is the Western Roman Empire."
"I think about the Roman Empire all the time."
"People are still arguing about the fall of the Roman Empire."
"Although different sources describe what happened in the Teutoburg forest differently, the result of this battle was basically the same - the complete defeat of the Roman army and the loss of control over the territories east of the Rhine River."
"The tragedy at Teutoburg Forest instilled fear in the hearts of the Romans."
"The fatal wound of the Roman Empire will be healed in the last days."
"The Roman Empire was the perfect model because it was structured on Dominion."
"The Roman Empire crumbled, but the Eternal Empire of Jesus Lives on and will culminate with his glorious Second Coming."
"Constantine reunited the Empire East and West."
"The Romans found lots and lots of colonies. A Roman colony, or colonia, is a settlement that consists of Roman citizens and allies who are sent out to found the settlement in some place that had just been taken over by the Romans."
"The romans expanded their territory and bought all the etruscans under their rule in the span of a century."
"The armies that the rest of Roman Empire are able to field aren't in any way sort of technologically or even tactically superior to those of the barbarians at this point."
"Great building programs were intimately associated with the idea of a good emperor of a great emperor."
"Victory here represented the beginning of the Roman era in the region which would endure for some seven centuries."
"The common assumption is that had the romans been successful, they would have pushed their border at least temporarily up to the Elba river as opposed to the Rhine river."
"If you lived in the empire and weren’t a woman, a slave or a defeated barbarian settled in a reservation, you were now a Roman citizen."
"It was an identity based on shared culture, history, tradition and awareness of common origin."
"How massive this is that in the span of less than 400 years Christianity goes from being this tiny little Fringe group of former Jews in Jerusalem to being the state religion of the Roman Empire."
"The tetrarchy was one of the more interesting periods in Roman history."
"Augustus who was in effect the heir and successor of Julius Caesar who was the pivotal figure in the middle of the first century BCE the first Roman to be deified and it made made a god because although he was an aristocrat he was a leader of the popular party."
"Julius Caesar was assassinated shortly after he was declared dictator for life another unprecedented phenomenon technically not the first emperor but his great nephew an adopted son he adopted in as well Octavian go on to be the first emperor Augustus."
"Virtually all of modern-day prophecy scholars interpret the feet as the divided Roman Empire."
"'Sporus could be seen dressed and acting like the dead Empress sat at Nero's side as the deranged Emperor kissed and fondled him.'"
"Ten Kings will arise from what used to be the Roman Empire."
"The Roman Empire was vast and stretched all the way from Northern Africa to the British Isles."
"I'm standing in the middle of a dream, a dream of a Christian Roman Empire, a dream based on the books of the Holy Bible."
"Constantine won the battle of the Milvian Bridge, became the sole emperor of the Roman Empire."
"The Kingdom of God and the Roman Empire had now become one and the same."
"The earliest written accounts of their existence come from Roman sources."
"The stone town ruins that are visible today dates from about 213 A.D. under Roman Emperor Caracalla."
"To the Romans, it was Arabia Felix, a fortunate land of lush valleys and rich soil."