
Geopolitical Impact Quotes

There are 277 quotes

"Losing Taiwan will be seen all over Asia as the end of American predominance. It would cause a run on the dollar. It would be the American Suez."
"Unification and the discovery of oil reserves gave hope for peace, prosperity, and progress in Yemen."
"Data is the new oil. It is the strategic asset that's going to determine which countries rise and fall."
"Just when we thought we had seen it all, Elon Musk drops a bombshell that could redefine geopolitical dynamics, environmental policies, and global commerce."
"We always have more we can do... what we're seeing in terms of the impact on the financial markets in Russia is significant."
"Over the last 18 months, Russia has faced a wave of financial sanctions which has meant that it's lost sales to countries in the west."
"The immediate implication of the invasion of Ukraine was that there was a mass exodus of educated, highly skilled people and overseas workers."
"And so far from breaking up these coalition structures, it appears so far the Russian invasion of Ukraine has reinforced them."
"The fact that El Salvador's decision really, really, really upset people."
"China's future rise and return to great power status could be fundamentally undermined by radical impacts of climate change."
"In seeking to redraw the boundaries of Europe through bloodshed, Putin has attacked not only Ukraine but all of us."
"Russia's economy will suffer during 2023 and Beyond."
"Russia’s offensive will awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with terrible resolve."
"The single thing that has moved the process, the dial of the process further and faster than it might either otherwise have gone, that has been the warm in Ukraine."
"There's a human consequence to this in the short term, in the long term, there's a geopolitical consequence that could be felt for generations."
"This is Putin's greatest mistake, he has reawoken a sleeping giant in Europe."
"Terrorist is dead, the architect and chief engineer for the world's most active state sponsor of terrorism."
"The space race necessitated global cooperation."
"We've got to produce more oil and gas, more energy in this country not only to fight back against inflation, to help our citizens, but so that we can provide energy to Europe."
"Sanctions are a disaster, not so much for Russia but for the U.S and the west in general."
"This is a game changer for Israel, the Middle East, and the world."
"This one could destroy NATO and it could destroy the United States and it could change the balance of power in the world."
"Sanctions need to be powerful enough to demonstrate our resolve and the capacity to impose overwhelming costs."
"The Europeanization of this war has made a significant step forward."
"He has the war that he has imagined but he's also mortally wounded by it, he is no longer a strong man."
"If Bakmut falls, it's a blow to Ukrainian capabilities."
"Russia and Vladimir Putin in particular have dealt maybe the biggest blow to NATO in its history."
"If there's a war with China, that's curtains for the global economy."
"The Chinese Communist Party just shut down the world with a virus."
"Gold's prominence as a medium of exchange will increase as a consequence of unstable geopolitics."
"There will be a Tipping Point where all the countries in the world say we don't need the dollar and this will be a disaster for the American economy."
"No man can challenge Almighty God and walk away unscathed," declares the Lord. "I am issuing judgments from my throne that are going to rock and shake entire countries."
"A Russian victory in Ukraine would result in Russia having the largest and most experienced land army in Europe."
"This is a story of how Putin's economy is about to evaporate."
"Ukraine proved its dominance in the region to everyone."
"Nowhere did those two things come together more explosively than in the Middle East."
"Richard Nixon's greatest mistake was not anything to do with Watergate. It actually had to do with opening the United States to China."
"It's been fun. Buy Bitcoin. No, China bought a bunch of Bitcoin. A lot of Bitcoin."
"The tide has completely turned in favor of Ukraine."
"This victory over Russia significantly concerned the Kremlin."
"Putin needs to find a way to deal with the fact that his authority and control over it are eroding with each defeat."
"The inflation was largely driven by bank lending, combined with real-world shortages from geopolitical conflicts."
"The longer this war goes on, the less of Ukraine will be left."
"There are so many different things we could do that could wreck all of their financial institutions."
"Europe now faces years of economic and geopolitical crises."
"He changed the balance of power by breaking through the Russian defensive line in Kerson and retaking strategic areas that are vital for the security and stability of Ukraine."
"The most important thing that came out of this was some of the details of this leak that have actually been absolutely devastating to both China and Russia."
"If these countries drop the petrodollar, you want to talk about expensive gas, oh boy!"
"The war in Ukraine has shown the world just how poorly prepared countries are for the return of industrial warfare."
"Giving away our jobs and buying our medicines and our Rare Earth only from China empowers them."
"The Russian economy will die by winter because of the catastrophic consequences of the military mobilization."
"We annexed Ethiopia; we also seized a bunch of equipment."
"Russia will be held accountable if it invades... it's one thing if it's a minor incursion, but if they actually do what they're capable of doing... it is going to be a disaster for Russia."
"France's victory in the Seven Years War spares it from sudden and violent upheaval."
"Soon we will summarize the second month of this conflict, which proved to be not the Short Victorious War Vladimir Putin hoped for, but a war of attrition that could change the fate of the entire region."
"The impact of these sanctions has meant that it's now impossible for the Russian authorities and Russian companies to be able to raise any new capital."
"US dependency on Taiwan production of chips for defense systems extends Beyond AI."
"If the Saudis don't exchange dollars for oil, it's over with."
"The roots of the division of the Korean Peninsula into two states and the rise of the Kim family to dominate one of those same states were sown by the occupation of the peninsula by the Soviets and the Americans in the autumn of 1945."
"This represented an important shift in the power balance of Europe."
"If you want that creative expression to thrive so you can be led to what it is you're really supposed to be doing, this is a time when the universe is really making it so you have to heal the relationship with your parents, with your family."
"A United South America would change a lot of things - including the continent’s role on the world stage."
"The expansion of NATO... has been crucial in creating the conditions that led to the present state of the world."
"The price cap strategy that went into effect just two months ago is hurting Russia right where it hurts the most, their bank account"
"Africa is already a collateral victim of the war."
"Elon Musk rescued the warships that are currently bombing Ukrainian civilians."
"This is a really big deal... but it really was the leadership shown by President Vucic, Prime Minister of Kosovo."
"The alignment of Wagner Group soldiers with Ukrainian forces could mark a significant turning point in the conflict with far-reaching consequences for the stability of the region and the future of Russia-Ukraine relations."
"Major seismic changes will be happening over the next year... whether or not the Chinese Communist Party actually collapses well it has extremely real-world implications right here in America."
"The ukrainians will prevail. It might not be as quickly as some Western analysts expected, but we will prevail." - Ukrainian civilian
"Russian war against Ukraine cannot be an exclusively European problem." - Joe Biden
"Sweden's support for Ukraine is worth considering Sweden has given Ukraine vital military supplies since the War Began."
"If this should end with the rejection of aggression, it would be a massive benefit to the whole world."
"The power of Western sanctions against Russia is probably unlike anything we've seen the last 50 years."
"The situation on the battlefronts is causing increasing panic in Ukraine."
"If they are able to indeed find nickel, cobalt, and platinum as well as copper, then not only will they get a hefty profit out of it, but it can also help alleviate our reliance on Chinese metals." - Roman, Facts Matter Update
"Let me warn you and I warn the world that this will mean War."
"The need for the dollar has actually grown and not been damaged following Russia's invasion of Ukraine."
"Nuclear weapons didn't save the British Empire, they didn't save the French in Algeria, they didn't save the Soviet Union in Afghanistan."
"Every other country that's recognized the Armenian genocide has had an increase in trade."
"The conflict in Ukraine was a contributing factor in an increase of roughly 100 billion dollars in Norway's earnings from oil and gas."
"The provision of Javelin and ENAW missiles to Ukraine has proven to be a game-changer."
"This war is having global ramifications not only for the Next Generation in Ukraine but the Next Generation all across Europe."
"If North Korea uses nuclear weapons, it would mark the end of the regime."
"Ukraine, in a sense, has won just by preventing Russia from achieving its main objective."
"If the Minsk agreements had been put in place, we would have never had the war."
"The Ukraine situation is weighing heavy on the stock market."
"Russia's invasion of Ukraine upended geopolitics."
"The biggest threat to America is actually what's happened to the Petrodollar."
"El Salvador's decision to make Bitcoin legal tender has geopolitical implications."
"If we lose the ability to carry any kind of weight with respect to the fiat currency tied to the world reserves we pretty much will destroy the United States of America from every perspective you can imagine."
"We have a travel ban on various countries and that travel ban remains until such time as we say it doesn't."
"Putin's costs are going to be very, very, very high."
"Vladimir Putin's decision to partially mobilize announced earlier had prompted many Russian citizens to leave the country."
"This conflict, this defeat of Ukraine, is going to change the world. The world will never be the same after this."
"They didn't want Japan to be able to have a victory in China and not be occupied there and to be able to use his forces elsewhere."
"Canada is a middle power militarily, an economic powerhouse, and a stable, functional, growing democracy."
"No country would benefit more from open borders than Pakistan and Afghanistan."
"Ukraine's Victory will send a message to all dictatorships."
"Putin's ambitions have led to the Russian leader losing his 24-year-old Throne forever."
"The fact that he did that in person standing next to Putin that shook the country."
"Russian economy in crisis as protests erupt."
"By not producing our own energy here... we're effectively funding regimes like Putin's."
"Gold will continue to experience high demand while geopolitical uncertainty dominates."
"The consummation of the third secret will involve Russia and Kiev specifically mentioned, and the result would be a profound change in the entire world system."
"Don't confuse geopolitics with investing. They're very different things."
"The Shale revolution in Texas and the United States helped the European Union...slash its imports of Russian oil and gas."
"For a lot of countries in Asia and elsewhere, it's almost like the world can't be into when the US is kind of torn."
"The loss of Taiwan would break that geopolitical chain that is the fulcrum for U.S Global defense."
"When Europe abandons its post, everyone loses. It's beautiful."
"The moment that the Nordstream 2 pipeline starts flowing to Germany... Europe is done. Europe has said enough is enough."
"Whether there's disintegration or unity in the Horn of Africa will determine a lot about the nature of the continent, the region, and the globe moving forward."
"A Taliban-run Afghanistan will have a direct bearing on India's security."
"China's big problems will not stay in China."
"The reopening of the embassy in Burkina Faso holds significant implications for both nations, transcending symbolic gestures to become a catalyst for tangible economic and nuclear advancements."
"Their revenge is ultimately winning this conflict and sending the U.S home... possibly out of most of the Middle East."
"The pandemic is pushing countries to rethink their relationship with China."
"Gold prices surged to record high amid coronavirus worries and U.S.-China tensions."
"Americans, we can endure higher prices for food and gas if it means putting the screws to Putin."
"Stranded planes, bombed-out buildings and
unrecoverable debts - all brought about by
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could end up costing
investors billions of dollars."
"Russia seizing these planes would mean that these
planes would likely never fly internationally."
"When Brazil adopts bitcoin, that is going to have a knock-on effect on the rest of the entire continent."
"We have taken all of Ireland under our control."
"Freedom is a universal right and it always ends badly because there's always blowback."
"This defensive strike has taken out most of the air of India's arrogance and aggression."
"The demise of Putin, his country's president for over 30 years, would undoubtedly signal the start of a huge catastrophe."
"Liberated the city from Russian occupation and a day after."
"Putin too believed the same thing, and nobody could have predicted the astonishing speed and severity of sanctions that followed Russia's invasion."
"Niger's mere hint at suspending the tsgp has sent ripples through the European Union."
"Oil almost has to go up in price because of disruptions caused by the worst European conflict since World War II."
"If you invade Iraq, the fall of Baghdad will not be the beginning of the end, merely the end of the beginning."
"Norway's Declaration of support for Ukraine dealt a crushing blow to Russia."
"Ukraine was fortunate in benefiting from Western intelligence, giving them a big edge over the Russians."
"What has been decisive were the end laws and the other portable anti-tank weapons that were provided to Ukraine which took care of a large and helped blunt the Russian armored advances very effectively."
"We could destabilize the Middle East almost three times over for the cost of one national lockdown."
"Ukraine takes key hub from Putin's forces, it's time to once again talk about pootie poo."
"Russia has seized the Strategic initiative... dominating on the battlefield, in military economy, and geopolitical support."
"Putin's war has united the west and NATO like never before."
"We did what we set out to do, South Africa is in fact a great power."
"The chip industry itself is really suffering from this because it's deeply reliant on U.S.-China and China-Taiwan trade hoping to find some sort of stable rules."
"What are the prices that both sides will pay in an event of a financial decoupling?"
"New nighttime satellite pictures from NASA show how the lights have gone out all across Ukraine."
"If Bachmat falls, and of course if the important neighboring cities of Slavyansk come under [Russian] control, well, the credibility of the Ukrainian government will be severely damaged."
"If China were to take control of Taiwan, it would spell the end of a liberal democracy and have a chilling effect on democracies around the world."
"Throughout Putin's 25 years as president, this is the weakest and most exposed he has ever been."
"Failure to retake the peninsula would mean an ongoing threat to Ukrainian State identity and Global Security."
"U.S blocks American firms from doing business with China's biggest chip maker."
"Sanctions have been put into place...and this has spelled some pretty bad news for the Russian economy."
"This changes everything; this puts America in Checkmate globally."
"Every time the West places more sanctions on Russia, it all adds up—it's death by a thousand paper cuts."
"The fall of Ukraine would vote ominously for the future of Europe and the United States."
"If they lose access to that through Hong Kong, that's a real blow."
"By the end of 2022, Russia will be in a deep recession, and it's going to be interesting to see how quickly they can come back out of that."
"Sanctions aimed at shattering the Russian economy and making it impossible for business as usual to continue have definitely had an impact."
"There are different types of sanctions, and the most impactful ones... imposed on Russian banks."
"Future offensives must convince westerners that Ukraine is worth helping and can overcome Russia with military aid."
"If you disappear in these countries you ain't coming back."
"And going forward, we could see a collapse of the Russian economy because it's entirely based on revenue from oil and gas sales."
"The gas side of things is a major problem for Russia because they've grown used to sending all of that gas down the pipelines those pipelines will very quickly become redundant they will be obsolete soon."
"Our strength and our example allow other peoples around the world to make a decision whether they share our values or not."
"Russia demonstrated remarkably to the entire world its ability to rapidly recover from Total Oblivion."
"Any fight between two big countries is not just going to affect those two countries but also the wider world."
"Israel's actions vis-a-vis the Palestinians tend to lead to greater degrees of anti-Semitism."
"The horrors that are to come are not only on the Israeli state but on the Western states who made it possible."
"Nearly a third of the world's wheat and a fifth of the world's corn both come from Ukraine."
"Political tensions with China... that could go away with the stroke of the pen."
"I don't feel war in Europe if we're not part of the EU."
"Can you really come in and change a country like that and then leave it, and everything be okay?"
"Ukraine dealing Russia one of the biggest defeats."
"So when the wagnerans arrived they immediately took control of bihau which essentially cut off the silica Rebels from the rear operating bases in Chad and Sudan."
"The most remarkable aspect of these assertions was the claim that there would be no such thing as Ukraine after the conflict."
"Putin's decisions have totally altered the situation for a long time."
"Gorbachev's choice to condemn Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in December pissed off Soviet hardliners."
"Ukrainian forces seizing control, causing setbacks for Russian troops."
"Ukraine's focus on regaining control of Crimea driving strategic decisions."
"Tonight the U.S takes an extraordinary step to change the course of the war in Ukraine."
"This election is a simple choice. If Biden wins, China wins, all these other countries win."
"The partition of India and Pakistan triggered an unprecedented mass migration."
"The fact that the Ukrainians did not give in to the Russian missiles and face the attacks with their lives caused the Russian army to take a step back"
"Russia would be happy for those 500 million people to go hungry if they thought it would help them in any way win this war."
"Sweden has confirmed that it sent a diving vessel down to the site of the Nordstream leaks to investigate the source of the problem."
"I think we have to be concerned about the wealth gap and the consequences geopolitically."
"Statistically the best thing that can happen for a kid is a mom and a dad at home."
"The acceptance of Finland into NATO set a precedent for other countries that might have tried to remain neutral."
"If China starts acting up... that's going to really tank the market."
"The Russian economy is in serious difficulties with a loss of over $240 million."
"Putin's war in Ukraine grinds on. This is day 57."
"The Syrian war is over and it has been won and won by Assad and by the Syrian government and by his allies in exactly the way that Alex was saying."
"Turkey is experiencing energy issues, heavily reliant on Russian oil and gas."
"The White House has a decision by OPEC plus to cut oil production is a clear sign."
"China owns me, yeah. China owns me, yeah. And every part of everything I do, 100."
"The recent decision by OPEC and the OPEC allies to further announce production cuts has led to the U.S not knowing what to do."
"If Pakistan actually signs a covenant with Israel for peace and prosperity, it's a game-changer in the world."
"Putin's threats against those who recently supported Ukraine have brought the global Community to its knees."
"The presence of Abram's tanks significantly strengthens Ukraine's deterrence capability against further Russian aggression."
"The Ukrainians are pushing back one of the largest countries in the world."
"What's happening in China is pushing up this market."
"Two things that are driving people away from dollars: number one, we're mismanaging our currency. Number two, we weaponized it. Our friends are sitting there saying, 'I see what they're doing.' They're starting to ask those questions."
"The war in Ukraine is among the darkest chapters of 21st-century history so far."