
Capital Quotes

There are 501 quotes

"More capital means more stable banks; it means stronger banks."
"United Jerusalem is Israel's eternal capital. We have a full right to build in it."
"If you can just tie a great percentage of capital into the companies that are already dominating, you'll be able to live a lot longer."
"For the first time in history, we are seeing an unprecedented amount of capital entering into a market with unparalleled scarcity."
"Madison is its capital; the whole place is surrounded by water which affects people's moods positively."
"There are only two forces in human history that have actually generated serious prosperity: capital and innovation."
"If interest rates go by the United States and stay there, that capital destruction is going to be overwhelming."
"It's not hard to raise the capital, but those use cases, it's those kinds of use cases that are really the edge of AI, that like tip of the spear has to be light and fast."
"It's about a division of power because if capital is stronger, more powerful than labor then they can dictate the rules of the game."
"For me gentrification is about people with access to Capital investing in land in property."
"The impact of these sanctions has meant that it's now impossible for the Russian authorities and Russian companies to be able to raise any new capital."
"I'm gonna need to get some capital somewhere."
"Capital is the fuel that drives entrepreneurship and business."
"Good investors just want more assets and they will find new ways to generate Revenue if they need Capital to do so."
"The 22-year-old shot his shot after discussing the team's performance."
"Jerusalem will be the capital of the Islamic civilization... bringing much-needed restoration of peace and Justice and Harmony to the region."
"You need to use your labor to generate Capital that way you can use and deploy this Capital that way you can become wealthy in this economic system."
"Capital is the fuel for real estate investment in entrepreneurship."
"A great idea is not sufficient. You need to ensure that you have access to enough capital to get you through those first few months."
"These moves unlocked large amounts of capital for the controlling families."
"Your fan base is like a form of capital that can either be grown, or blown."
"You feel rich because this money feels like Expendable Capital—everything's taken care of."
"You can now reduce trillions and trillions of capital from being tied up."
"Lack of capital is a common cause of failure among those who start out in business for the first time."
"We're in an inefficient system so I believe part of our responsibility is to sort of reallocate capital more equitably."
"The District of Columbia is in the shape of a diamond."
"There are two ways that you can earn money: you can earn money from your labor, or you can earn money from your capital."
"The Jewish Charter... made sure that there would be the financial capital available to make London a new financial center under the new Norman rulers."
"This is what happens when money is cheap, capital is cheap. It's easy to hire, and then the market conditions change."
"The ability for smart, useful observations to get into the hands of people with fewer ideas but lots of capital has never been better."
"I Define Investments as an allocation of capital with the expectation of the probability of making a suitable rate of return."
"People who hold the most capital in being desired are often those who are inherently anti-black."
"The digital transformation of capital is the next big opportunity."
"What if we lived in a world where we proactively funneled excess back into the lives and businesses and communities of those who struggle to gain access to capital?"
"The third possibility is where the company wishes to restructure its capital funding, increasing the involvement of loan capital."
"The synthetic covered call literally gives you a 75% discount in terms of the amount of capital, the amount of cash outflow from your account that has to take place in order to enter this trade."
"You should have an outcome where even if you lose the full maximum loss you can say that's okay I've I've I'm okay losing that amount of capital and I will have enough Capital to trade tomorrow."
"Your capital comes in the form of value before you collect it."
"Bishkek is the capital of Kyrgyzstan, a modern Metropolis."
"If you know a consistent growth formula, the proper habits and techniques, you can later inject that same exact process with a larger amount of capital."
"You can make way more money with much less effort when you get paid from your Capital."
"The wealthiest people in the world are not people who earn from their labor, it's people who earn from their Capital."
"It is very challenging to raise capital right now, uh, at this stage for companies."
"It's going to be a world with higher interest rates, higher costs of capital, lower valuations, and a difficult transition from a relatively highly indebted world."
"Capital is durable physical, unlike human capital."
"Trading does involve risk. Only risk Capital should be used for trading."
"The number one thing you want to do once you go get the capital is invest in you. Get the capital, invest in yourself, which is get around mentors, and then with those mentors, you build relationships."
"There is no room in a forward looking pool of permanent capital for an asset whose only virtue is that it has a very high probability of producing a low return."
"You can invest even in a primitive economy that doesn't have money. You can invest even if one person on an island. You can invest, delay gratification, instead of eating the corn you plant the corn. That's capital, that's investment."
"When we lower our time preference, we are able to think of the future, dedicate our resources toward the creation of capital goods, which we then use to increase our productivity."
"Every single bit of capital in the world is foregone consumption. Capital can only exist by foregoing consumption, by lowering time preference, and that's how it works."
"If you start a $100,000 account and you are not cool risking 10 grand on a single trade you shouldn't be trading with that risk."
"I think more minorities will have access to capital so that they could build their their own businesses because I'm successful."
"It should not take money to make money if that makes sense."
"These are excellent times for those with capital and franchises."
"For us, being in a position to have investment capital, you have the ability to invest back in your players, invest back in fans, invest back in sponsors."
"I have the secret knowledge required, I have read the forbidden text, I know the capital of Peru."
"...our economy is just a wash in capital."
"...and the cost of capital is almost zero."
"Endless opportunities when you know how to raise capital."
"He just raised his first capital round for his own company."
"If that's the case, it would imply that we're dramatically under investing in capital in the modern economy."
"How do we realistically redistribute political and economic capital amongst so few without overcoming anticipated backlash?"
"You can't create your own Enterprise if you don't have access to Capital."
"All of those things need capital, so I've got to keep on raising money, borrowing money."
"Wealth is a product of labor. Capital is an effect not a cause, a servant not a master, a means not an end."
"We must allow our capitalization to use margin and risk per trade reasonably."
"My number one goal for investing in 2024 isn't buying so much of a stock or an ETF but it's investing more Capital than I did in 2023."
"We need the capital so that we can hire team members so that we can get ahead and actually change the dialogue happening."
"The reality is that it provides you with access to capital that you wouldn't have otherwise with a mortgage, absolutely."
"Once you're able to build up your business credit, then you will have a much stronger ability to raise capital and lenders will be lining up to give you money."
"The more active you are, the more students know you and the easier it is to raise capital, get deals, etc. Right?"
"The people of America happily built the capital in only seven years and founded a new and prosperous republic which is your glory in the new world."
"You're going to have access to more capital allowing you to purchase bigger deals."
"Your goal is not to increase your returns per month, rather your goal is to increase your capital."
"The nation's capital has a lot going for it, fill your days with visits to iconic landmarks"
"Overtrading is the biggest challenge for new traders; good traders focus on protecting their capital and taking quality trades."
"Many things will change when I reach the capital."
"You always just need wisdom more than you need capital."
"To those who wreaked havoc in our capital today, you did not win."
"He seems to take into account the value of the laborer but not the value of the initial Capital put into by the bourgeoisie or the start of the factory."
"Do your own thing. You might not have the capital right now, you know, or you can start small."
"50% of businesses fail within the first 5 years and 38% of those businesses fail due to lack of access to Capital."
"I love this country, legitimate. This is the best capital of every country."
"The value approach to investment is to protect yourself against permanent impairment of capital."
"If you go back to the railroads in the beginning of the Industrial Age, there's usually a flood of new capital and a million new businesses anytime there's a world-changing technology."
"Investing is one of the only disciplines where size is a disadvantage. And so, therefore, a person working with very small amounts of capital can invest in anything."
"...there's an unlimited amount of capital that can be raised if you have the right product."
"Capital is value in motion, it comes out of circulation, enters into it again, preserves and multiplies itself within circulation."
"Capital is value in process, not a thing. Its identity with itself is asserted only in the shape of money."
"Capital is not a thing, it is value in motion, constantly changing and multiplying within circulation."
"Capital is value in motion, and it is therefore the value system which has to be overthrown if we want to construct a society based on ethical values."
"As companies get larger, they have more access to money capital, which is money, machines, things of that nature."
"Ultimately, it's up to you. It's going to depend on how much capital you have invested in that item and how much profit it can give you when it sells."
"The Danish pastry capital of the world."
"It's a quick way on how to fail. You're starting a business. I mean, every business requires capital, right? Just how it is."
"This wave of Technology AI is more capital intensive than the cloud, which was more capital intensive than software before."
"Animal spirits are saying that they're going to get significant capital appreciation in assets."
"The main reason you are trading with a prop firm should be to raise capital for your private account. And as soon as you make money here, always keep a percentage of that money to buy more challenges, to reinvest in buying more challenges."
"Investment of $1 billion that is going to happen in this Nasha area."
"Investors are often placing their capital with the team, not the deal."
"Focus on relationships, investors want to place their capital with people they know."
"Shanghai was the big city. It was the capital, as it were."
"Real estate's a capital-intensive business. You gotta get some capital together so you have some staying power."
"One is you might have your own cash. Often that isn't the case."
"The point is to get capital but to get it as cheaply as possible."
"Wholesaling is a way of buying distressed properties that allows you to get most if not all of your capital back out after you complete the deal."
"The beauty of private capital and the beauty of Ira accounts is you can compound over and over again."
"Coober Pedy is the opal mining capital of the world."
"What we needed was a partner to capitalize great ideas."
"The means of production of entrepreneurs are not land labor and capital all the things that they accountant economists add up but minds and hearts capital of capitalism begins not with taking but with giving."
"When you're starting out with a small amount of capital, emotionally you'll be able to handle the ups and downs of the stock market better because you only have a small amount of capital invested."
"Your goal is not to lose less; your goal is to try to make money all the time and protect capital on the downside."
"You get to a point where you can live on your money, on your capital, rather than on your labor, on your work."
"...it can go into production very, very quickly for a low amount of additional capital."
"What better place to do it? It's like the capital of it."
"We had another boat... It helped to have that capital."
"How much money do you need for an initial investment?"
"...the Two Rivers, bordering the mountains of mist, eventually grew estranged from the capital..."
"Companies go public because they want access to Capital."
"If we want to invoke change, capital is going to be part of that."
"Returns on Capital employed continue to increase."
"The laborer is not in control of the commodity they produce, which belongs to capital."
"All of these forms of alienation come back, but they're now embedded in a scientific understanding of the accumulation of capital and how the laborer is alienated."
"The greatest capital one can ever acquire is the Social Capital."
"Use your existing capital which is not money: your life, your ideas, your social capital."
"Because of Berkshire's massive surplus capital, they can retain a lot more of that business."
"Toronto seems like the perfect place to call the nation's capital. But while it does hold the title of the capital of Ontario, it's actually Ottawa, another Ontario city, that holds the big label."
"Cults require infrastructure and administration which means you need capital."
"To escape these challenges, the national government... is taking an unprecedented step: it's moving away to a brand new capital–on an entirely different island."
"Innovation and expansion required capital and the banking system served the interest of the sugar planters, not their former laborers who were viewed as competition."
"Software and algorithms are the only things that seem like they can resist capital on its own terms."
"We've seen a complete starvation of capital in those areas of the market."
"Montpelier is probably the best looking state capital."
"Startups, especially in the early days, are very, very capital constrained."
"There's no limit to how much you can make, but personally, give or take, you can make like $500 to $1,000. You can make 500 to $1,000, but it depends on your account, your capital. So if you want to make more, I feel you should have more capital, obviously."
"An influx of largely British labor and capital."
"Statistically Canada's capital is near perfect."
"We've launched businesses where we didn't even need to raise money. We had so many revenue advantages that just the moment we got to market, our revenue exploded and we never had to take on capital again."
"Capital is literally the most readily available thing in the world."
"Cape Town, South Africa, is one of South Africa's three capital cities and serves as the legislative capital of the country."
"Mental capital is way more valuable than monetary capital because if you don't have mental capital, you lose confidence in your ability."
"Remember that, you'll impress women if you tell them the capital of Iceland."
"It's a lot easier to raise capital going and saying, 'We are Vida and we have vida.com,' rather than, 'We're Try Vida,' or 'We're vida.io,' or 'We're vida.xyz.'"
"This is the closed form solution for the steady state value of capital per capita."
"Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, known as Kobenhaven to locals, sits beautifully on the coastal islands of Zealand and Amager."
"Capital must keep on producing more of itself in order to continue to be itself."
"The gains of productivity in the economy stopped flowing to workers and started flowing to basically owners of capital."
"Hello everyone, here from Athens, the capital of Greece."
"The efficient way to produce a given amount is to use 2 1/2 units of capital and 5 units of labor."
"For every dollar spent on workers, you're getting the same return as a dollar spent on machines."
"Rome was now at last part of Italy under its Sovereign King Victor Emanuel II and finally took its place among the nations of Europe."
"Startup financing is all about converting financial capital into production capital. Financial capital is an investment of money used to hire people and to build products and services, and production capital is the value of those products and services once built."
"Successful trading is trading platform methodology. What's missing is how do I develop the trading mindset that allows me to extract more capital out of the markets than I give back? That's the trick."
"Emotionally-driven trading decisions transfer your hard-earned Capital to the 5% of traders who have produced a disciplined and impartial mind when they are subjected to the challenges of uncertainty."
"Warsaw is the capital city of Poland and also the country's largest city."
"War is not measured by being waged but by its speculative unfolding in an abstract electronic and informational space, the same space in which capital moves."
"Croatia's capital is Zagreb. Used to be known by the name KB."
"You could trade with up to three thousand dollars."
"Warsaw, the capital and largest city of the country."
"The Small Business Administration is huge in the US, by the way. And they provide all kinds of help to small businesses, including capital, including guarantees."
"...the risk you run is that the value of your capital investment could be higher or lower than what you had initially put in."
"I have a major amount of dry powder I will be putting into this."
"I've described the cost of capital as the Swiss Army knife of Finance."
"Within the company, the cost of capital is viewed as a cost of financing, the cost of raising debt and equity."
"Welcome to Winchester, the first capital of England and one of the most important cities in the country's history."
"Relationship capital is way more important than financial capital."
"Albany is also the capital of New York State."
"One of the last free lunches you have in the capital markets is the opportunity to diversify."
"The banking system should not be deregulated, that would be a nightmare. On the other hand, if you overregulate and you require capital standards that are so high that the banks are uninvestable, they can't grow, that doesn't serve communities well."
"Five-year return on invested capital, wow, 22.3%."
"Sophia, the dynamic capital of Bulgaria, is a city where history meets modernity, creating a captivating blend of old-world charm and contemporary energy."
"Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, is a delightful blend of old-world European charm and modern vibrancy."
"Capital project funds are used to account for financial resources designated for the acquisition, construction, or improvement of capital assets."
"When you have capital, you have strength."
"Capital doesn't work if it just sits; capital has to move."
"The original name of Peking means 'North capital'."
"The biggest challenge for African American business today is not access to capital, it is scale."
"What's really important is human capital."
"Belgrade is now Serbia's capital and a party capital with the Lonely Planet ranking it the number one Party City in 2023."
"If you are looking to secure up to four million dollars in trading capital, look no further."
"Preserve your Capital to come back the following day to trade than to blow it on one trade."
"An allocation efficient market is a market where capital is allocated for its most efficient use."
"Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia."
"To Israelis, Jerusalem is their capital. To Palestinians, Jerusalem is their capital too."
"Capital seeks ideas; it does not create ideas."
"People are human capital, the best capital there is."
"The capital of the Republic of Ireland is Dublin and the official language is English."
"If we really have this capital, if we really have this power, give it to someone who is trying to do something for us."
"It was unlike any other capital I've ever visited."
"The country's capital is Beijing, which is famous for the Forbidden City."
"The business has done very well, he's got plenty of capital now, and he's back buying."
"The return on invested capital over the cost of capital of a business. The margin between those two things is how you make money in the stock market."
"Ottawa is Canada's capital city, created so that the English and French have somewhere they can go to settle their differences."
"The capital city of Thailand is Bangkok."
"Cairo is the capital city of which country? It could be Egypt."
"The capital city of Spain is Madrid."
"During his rule, he founded the city of Oslo, which is the modern-day capital of Norway."
"The capital of Spain is in the middle of the country and it's called Madrid."
"The capital of Argentina is Buenos Aires."