
Inspirational Figures Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"This is a superhero movie about a woman who changed the world without needing superpowers or a cape. She just used her brain."
"Eminem and Jay-Z are perfect examples that if you don't have a great first impression, you can eventually become one of the best in what you're doing."
"Perhaps the most extraordinary power of this astonishing man is his ability to heal those around him."
"Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a beacon and an inspiration for many young women. She fought for the expansion of human rights and women's rights."
"A wonderful beautiful human being, Klopp's breaking a lot of records."
"Monty developed an aura around him that spread throughout the ranks of the British army and made him a symbol of inspiration for the men."
"Our heroes are not a source of shame, they are an example to the world."
"Preserve the words and deeds of a great hero."
"Valdor epitomized all that it means to be one of the adept's custodies: stoic, watchful, fiercely intelligent, and when required, a truly inspirational leader."
"Anyone can learn from these people, these are the world's greatest people and you can apply it to your own life."
"He was everyone's champion, a real-life superhero."
"Prophets are just people that are so incredibly special for their time and so motivational and think so far outside the box and think so humanely..."
"It's almost as if when the man puts his mind to something, nothing can stop him."
"Robin Williams was a mirthful meteor, an actor who Shone brightly in the Cinematic firmament."
"Pick better heroes, people. Pick better heroes."
"You don't even have to love everything about Tony. If you take one thing from Tony or Jeff or Evan to make your life better, that's enough."
"Within the confines of his very specific success, Jack's pretty inspiring."
"If only they had a symbol to get behind, somebody like a saint, somebody like Remembrancer Keeler."
"The next Martin Luther King's and the Gandhis is not an individual person, but it's a group of individuals that operate as one body, as one voice."
"Her incredible talent and beauty have made her a household name and inspired countless generations of women around the world."
"My hero growing up was Muhammad Ali... he was always willing to stand up for what he believed in."
"As long as you can do the best with whatever resources you have."
"She was probably the biggest role model that anybody could ever have."
"If you want to see what love can do, study the example of Gandhi, study the example of Martin Luther King."
"He allowed us to be superheroes, rock stars alongside him."
"It is absolutely inspiring to see an African-American woman serving on the Supreme Court."
"Mandela represents our collective better intentions as a nation."
"Fred Rogers shows us how kindness can cross any divide."
"He isn't one of the eSports pioneers, others walk that path first, but someday to some aspiring eSports pro, he might become their role model."
"I come from that, right, and my acting hero was Sidney Poitier."
"I'm gonna remember the guy who allowed me to believe in whatever he allowed me to dream..."
"There's something special about those people to be followed, not just admired."
"He used every success to fuel his drive to create and do more and I think if he'd lived another 95 years he would still be creating right at the end of it."
"My Mount Rushmore will consist of people that ain't my contemporary, you see? So I would put Pryor numero uno. I'd put Eddie. He died for a second with Red. Red Fox was funny as hell."
"In our history like Katherine are incredibly important as well as photos like these because they show when people were literally trying to drag her down she just kept on running."
"Vulcan was his greatest creation because he was a genuinely kind person, a human amongst gods."
"You want to have a leader who you can look up to, trust, and believe in."
"Thankfully, there are a few bright stars among us who lead by example for how we should treat planet Earth."
"She is one courageous young woman, and I applaud her."
"She's black, beautiful, and bold. She's got a lot of wisdom. She's all like a comedian, but she's got a lot of fine points."
"Imagine three generations of black children seeing the smartest people. They talk about Neil DeGrasse Tyson today, but imagine having three generations of kids who grew up around that all the time."
"Heroes get remembered, the legends never die."
"She is the first person, male or female, that has taken Steph's game and duplicated it to her skill set."
"Frontline workers, healthcare workers, nurses, the 911 firefighters who went into tower two... they're the ultimate heroes of all time."
"I created a hero that influenced so many people in the world."
"People like Kobe Bryant do give many others hope. They give them something to look forward to, to be excited about, to be passionate about."
"The consequences for women agents when caught would be the same as those of male agents."
"What an amazing woman with an amazing family."
"She had this strength of resolve and conviction."
"Cliff inspired too many other bass players to even list."
"Be like Judge Jackson and maybe you might not get to the Supreme Court, but maybe if you're lucky, you'll fall somewhere short."
"He was one of the bravest persons alive." - Recognizing true heroism.
"If anyone's gonna kill cancer, it's gonna be her."
"The famous picture of August Landmesser, one of my heroes."
"PewDiePie is inspiring because he's just a pretty average dude."
"Solitude, thoughts. I mean, I love this story. I mean, every morning you would, I do, I mean look, if it's good enough for Einstein and Steve Jobs, it's good enough for Adam Salazar."
"In her 19 short years on Earth, Joan of Arc changed the world in ways even kings and emperors rarely do."
"It's the best and when you think of the power of women what comes to mind phenomenal."
"He lived the raw life of the gospels in the 20th century."
"Ellen's life has been anything but easy to get to where she is today."
"Every room my dad went into, he made better. How few people I've known in my life that make every room they go into a better, more healed, more uplifting place." - "He made every room better."
"Maureen O'Sullivan was such a huge inspiration to many, performing at different times with the likes of Lawrence Olivier, Greta Garbo, and William Powell."
"Mad Mike Hughes' Liberty One may not have reached his intended goal, but it sparked conversation and inspired future rocketeers worldwide."
"It's her pure passion for what she's doing that is essentially the heart of the entire thing."
"This story again is a true love letter for Superman and demonstrates why Superman is easily one of the best superheroes ever created and a true beacon of light and hope."
"They rally behind her and she keeps them on track, kind of like what Captain America does with his current Avengers team in the MCU."
"The bravest characters to me are like Atticus Finch from 'To Kill a Mockingbird.'"
"Having strong heroes to look up to is good for humanity."
"Black Star Square there that was built by Kwame Nkrumah and it's inspired by Marcus Garvey."
"Embrace the visions of the future, be like Paul."
"Basically he's the real-life version of daredevil."
"I would never give up. Steve Jobs would never give up. Dan Peña would never give up."
"What I learned about on big in parks relationship is that Park really arm and I and I experienced this from hanging out with him too if he liked you and he saw something in you he would want to help you be better at whatever it is you were doing."
"All these great civil rights leaders and people that stood up for what they believed in."
"This is somebody that I cannot encourage you enough to dive into the world, to watch, to learn from them, to read and to support the things that they do in the future."
"You are incredible and I look up to you so much. Definitely one of my biggest role models."
"He's like Braveheart in the real world, not hundreds of years ago but right now." - Mike Smith
"You're a brave woman, and I think I speak on behalf of my viewers when I say we're grateful to have you."
"Understand, Amy is your inspiration. There is money everywhere for everyone."
"We're halfway through the repairs over here, meaning we got all the bad stuff off so this control arm is gone and this control arm is gone."
"Kevin Durant is the leader of that team. I watched Kevin Durant drop 50 and play every single minute of the game. I wouldn't want to let that [expletive] down, you know?"
"Unlike some of those he inspired whose characters were defined by their shtick and their self-righteousness, Scott's heroes were always flawed."
"Above all else, he makes us think of Gandalf."
"There's a word for that kind of person, and that word is 'Hero'."
"You guys and the guys I played against... were heroes and legends."
"There is someone who deserves our admiration."
"He embodied so much that is best in America."
"For anyone who believes in Freedom, the people of Ukraine should be deeply inspirational."
"The claim for one second that I or any person in history can't be awe inspiring because I don't look like them or live at the same period of time is just obscene."
"Bruce Lee's story demolishes the myth of effortless genius."
"Please try to find our great true human beings of this lifetime in this world today."
"Great people like Nelson Mandela, were people like Julia seniority, they didn't think about money, they thought about changing the society."
"Selena would have gone on to continue to change this world."
"People that changed history were those who triumphed in times of impossibility."
"Some of the most special heroes we've had throughout history represent hope and the ability to conquer adversity against all odds."
"His stage was so big that downtrodden Americans regardless of their age or race felt the glimmer of hope creep into their lives just by watching him."
"The greatest people are those who have overcome the greatest obstacles."
"We believe in the same God that inspired Jesus, that Moses, that Abraham, and Muhammad peace and blessings be upon them."
"Dalai Lama is like the Mother Teresa of dudes."
"Passion for something, that's like a role model, someone who should be looked up to."
"The perfect master is not an object of blind worship, but one to reverence, to love, and to imitate."
"I loved hearing about the stories from the women that we highlight."
"America could be proud of, our allies could trust, and our kids could look up to."
"No one's done [__] like that and obviously like I don't know I got I just love how again she inspires me so much."
"I want to put a smile on the face of Fanny Lou Hamer and Martin Luther King Jr."
"It's hard to overstate what an impact he had, I probably wouldn't have been a chef if I hadn't read his first book."
"That's like looking down and seeing Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant."
"He's easy to criticize, certainly. But there's no question that he inspires."
"These women that are currently in CS:GO serve as role models to other women who previously didn't believe that it was possible."
"These are your classic old-school fighters, and these are fighters that 10, 20, 30 years from now you could show video to your kids and be like, 'Yeah, this is who I want you to be.'"
"I just think that Ken would want us all to dream bigger. That dude dreams so big, works so hard, learns so many facts, it's an impact on so many people by dreaming so big."
"When I look at UTMB... maybe I'm not cut out for this event... but you look at a guy like Tim Tollefsen and here's a guy that's around the same age as myself, he's actually... he's an inspiration to me."
"The book is a brilliant feat of storytelling, monumental in scope, yet put together with tenderness for a man who always believed that he would be Britain's Savior."
"I think it's important to learn from actors like Rani Mukerji who are still championing stories only meant for the big screen where she is playing a solo lead."
"It's really an extraordinary joy for me to be here with one of my personal heroes."
"So yeah, there are, you're right, I think inspirational people who you play along the way, and if we can learn little fragments from them, then it'll be great."
"I'm grateful and thankful that I am on the minds of people that I look up to."
"These heroes were here the whole time to remind us that hope is real."
"Hawaii is our only hope, he did it once, he can do it again."
"We all need some positive things to lift us up and light us up right now, and I think these two just consistently have done that."
"People on sidelines saw in racers their heroes."
"They are all the pride of their country and quite possibly the greatest representatives of the human race."
"These are guys that changed the world."