
Personal Attributes Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"Judy was described as a sweet, caring, and loving person. Her passion and love for people made all those that knew her feel special."
"Charisma, more than any other attribute, is the single most important aspect of you being successful."
"Devoted cat dad, supportive brother, funkle, proud son, hard worker, wise beyond his years, magician with a camera lens, and the funniest guy in every room."
"Many who sparred with him politically or personally also spoke of his kindness, generosity, and loyalty."
"He's a right blend of swagger, strength, size, and sorrow."
"I am blessed. I am strong. I am talented. I am disciplined. I am focused. I am prosperous. I am young. I am energetic. I am vibrant. I am radiant. I am fresh. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am attractive. I am getting younger."
"Caring is one of the most important attributes, one of the final qualifications."
"Charisma stat matters more than every other stat combined, exactly."
"Maloney: attractive, passionate, patriotic, a fighter."
"What does my curly hair have to do with anything? You're more concerned about this aspect of me than I am because I'm more than my skin tone and my curly hair."
"The memory of Sydney's beautiful smile, sparkling eyes, kind heart, and loving spirit will live on..."
"Your looks will fade and my money will likely continue to perpetuate."
"To maintain that balance of confidence, humility, and work ethic."
"I don't question Kanye's ability, I question Kanye's arrogance."
"Your quick wit and keen senses will lead you to success."
"That ultimately to me just screams confidence."
"I have experience, I have grit, I have passion, I have heart, and I'm gonna give it everything that I've got."
"Happiness, confidence, and self-esteem are naturally attractive. Believe in yourself and value your worth."
"The challenge was always I can't let that part of what makes me a good basketball player bleed into eroding the team."
"You should cherish what you have. Like man, my legs are strong, I got strong legs, and I did nothing to deserve them."
"Attitude, aptitude, initiative, and a sense of urgency are crucial qualities for a good hire."
"It's honestly very simple: Your grace, your class, your poise, your confidence."
"He was everything that made a great leader and more: confident, charismatic, intelligent, powerful, cunning."
"Leslie was absolutely gorgeous inside and out."
"Anything I would've hated about myself actually ended up being a very powerful attribute in my life."
"Leadership is going to be attributed to two primary things: who you are and what you do."
"She was blessed with a handful of attractive features that compensated for the majority of average ones."
"My ability to lead. Okay, I like that because that's an intangible thing."
"Confidence and competence right there ladies and gentlemen."
"The dolphin spirit animal embodies the qualities that December born individuals often possess: intelligence, joy, playfulness, social skills, love of freedom, and adventure."
"It's his passion and his work rate, never to surrender, that's Jamie Carragher."
"Criticize his shitty politics, not his weight, speech, or posture."
"You have this incredible stamina; you're a very resilient person."
"Compassion is the number one attribute to a gunfighter."
"He was one of the kindest people that I know, literally just kind."
"He was like, 'How do you make all that music with them tiny ass ears, bro?'"
"There's no doubt about it not only our qtpie and Alexander look-alikes they both have an outstanding work ethic."
"Rarely in my life have I met an individual with a bigger heart as Miss Jean."
"Someday maybe it'll come into play or you can barter with Drew who knows he's got a good head of hair."
"That's genetic, baby, some baby soft hands; that's because for everything I had in my life, I had to work!"
"Paul Walker was a humbled, honest, and real role model."
"That's the reason he told me they called him that, apparently he's built really well."
"Her extensive knowledge of cams and her immunity to their addiction will make her unstoppable against any obstacle."
"The reason why they're not blessed is because they have a selfish energy."
"Your blue eyes, windows to the soul, beautiful deep blue ocean."
"I think I'm a nice guy and I'm reasonably bright but I'm not talented and I got lucky."
"Father, husband, veteran, millionaire, teacher, leader, entrepreneur, and all-around top bloke."
"Genetics are a mother, also he played basketball for 20 years."
"He was a kind, funny, loving person who wanted better for himself."
"Johnny is so smart, he's so insightful and he's so funny."
"Attraction, personality, and circles you run in—those are all things you need to be able to see in each other."
"Dedication and toughness, both mental and physical, are crucial components."
"John Lasseter was one of the nicest guys, just trying to be a team player."
"Sally expressed her admiration for Chen, saying that he was truly unique."
"The way he handled himself his work ethic his competitive drive."
"She was smart, she was bright, and she knew that she just wanted to be a successful woman."
"Life path three: creative, sharp-witted, charming."
"Beauty and strength are not separate qualities; you can have both."
"Looks and money only would get your foot in the door."
"You can be tall, strong, fit, smart, the best guy in bed who she's ever had."
"Fat slob, he's ahead with the resources he has in the bank."
"You need the Rock: unlimited charisma and unlimited biceps."
"You have a really strong voice, and the right person will be really attracted to that."
"Be hard-working. That's the easiest thing to ask of anybody. It's the most underrated attribute."
"He's everything I want in a guy. He's funny, he has his stuff together, and he's fine as hell." - Victoria
"Imran Khan is an extraordinary figure, incredibly personable, incredibly intelligent, incredibly honest."
"You meet these kids that are so inspired in ways that you never could've anticipated. It's moving in a way."
"Hoffenheimer is intelligent, Hoffenheimer has a good code of ethics, Hoffenheimer is tall, Hoffenheimer is funny, Hoffenheimer is hot."
"High value man is a term itself that refers to a man who possesses certain desirable traits, qualities, or accomplishments."
"These attributes are eternal and portable! Being portable, to the degree developed, they will go with us through the veil of death, and still later they will rise with us in the Resurrection when all else stays behind."
"And that woman taught me love so much whatever people say are good attributes about me I've got to credit you know a small handful of folks but Grandma's one of them."
"The idea that your sexual orientation or your gender identity should determine your politics is now as logical as saying your height or your hair color should."
"Betty Davis was never a raving beauty; be that as it may, she was a real man-eater once she got the hang of it."
"You've got balls, you've got courage, and you've got honesty on your side."
"I see someone that's prepared, very organized, very meticulous."
"Embody the light attribute of the prince or princess. It could be a really beautiful time for love, romance, dating, relationships."
"They wanted someone who is smart and they wanted someone good-looking."
"What better quality could you ask for in a human?"
"I've got this money not because I'm a superior human being, but because I was wired the right way."
"What do you want in a leader? I want the leader to be a role model."
"Assertiveness and diligence, discipline, focus are huge, huge, huge, huge."
"Maddie was bright in every way that a person could be."
"He still has that charm that twinkled that naughty twinkle in Roger's eyes and in his facial expressions and I think that's really what people will remember Roger is that he had this wonderful niche is he charming humorous leading man."
"This kid's an athlete, he's married, he's accurate, he's decisive."
"You should hire me for four reasons: I am readymade for this position, committed to lifelong learning, have a strong work ethic, and set myself goals to achieve."
"Someone sees you sexy, attractive, hard-working, creative, someone who knows exactly what they want."
"Victory is yours, you have the power, you have the looks, you have the beauty, you have the magnetism."
"His positivity and energy are his positive energy."
"What matters is your talent, drive, and believing in yourself."
"And those attributes singularly work in different contexts of course. But when you have those four, you're talking about grit."
"The self-concept is really just a set of beliefs that we have about our own personal attributes."
"Can you teach a person to be a leader? Yes, if that person has the primary attributes to be a leader."
"He stood out right away as somebody who would be successful."
"He's both physically quick and also mentally quick."
"I'm educated, hardworking, and caring."
"The most basic things we have as humans are our names, our identities, our loves and hates, our personalities."
"There's so many other things that make up individuals."
"Your income and your education, regardless of your gender, matters a lot more than your looks when it comes to dating if you're dating for longevity."
"They see you as someone who embodies all Queens."