
World-changing Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Do you want to make sugar water the rest of your life, or do you want to change the world?"
"What they discover changes the world forever."
"You just saved the world one story at a time."
"Literally within a month maybe shorter I'm like wait a second this this will change the world like this is a major major thing."
"What we're about to do might change the world."
"Ilúvatar intervenes... a great chasm opened in the sea... and the world was shaken."
"Nolan draws a parallel between Oppenheimer and Einstein as two men whose work changed the world forever..."
"The real money that's going to be made is by following the smart money and investing in protocols that are going to change the world."
"This fruit's power was once used to split the world in half causing a great reset."
"We're coming to some event in the very near future, and it's going to be a 24-hour event that, once the event happens, you know, the world will change forever."
"I'd hit upon something that I think has this huge potential to change the world."
"She's a remarkable character who does what every talented ambitious person wants to do... changes the world for the better."
"It's about creating a world where you go first, always."
"Invest in that's going to change the world and then just give it enough time to actually do its thing that's exactly our investment philosophy here."
"I want to support you, I want to change this world with you."
"I potentially found the person who's going to change the world with me."
"This is something that could potentially change the world as we know it."
"Make the world what you want it to be."
"If this information got out, the entire world would change."
"That kind of creativity does matter, of course, it changes the world."
"This is the Messiah who is going to turn the world upside down."
"This is the Gatling gun, a weapon that changed the world."
"The work we're doing here, it could very well change the world."
"That's changing the world in a good way."
"It changed the world, I feel like."
"If you can wait a lifetime and you don't even need to to see the result of your doing this even while you are alive but know that it may get done after you pass then I I believe that you can change the world and I mean that."
"I'm working on something that'll change the world."
"This is your chance to build something huge and to really change the world literally."
"Its legacy is destined to change the world."
"Can your ideas change the world? Yes, his can."
"I know exactly what this is I had to figure out a way to get you here but you want to change the world well this is your speech."
"AI could be something that would change the world in a significant way."
"You are changing the world and it's incredible."
"Now we might be looking at a very real, potentially world-changing confirmation."
"I've created things that will change the world for the better."
"A treasure that, in his words, could turn the face of the world by its very existence."
"The Church of Jesus Christ has changed the world because Jesus Christ is alive and changing lives."
"Your dad, me, your 275 brothers and sisters, we're changing the world."
"This is one of those albums that you can like it you can hate it but it legitimately did change the world."
"Architecture is really all about this idea like it has this element of world-changing."
"Leo, you are truly building something that is going to change the world."
"If I'm not changing the world, I'm not living up to my potential. You know what I mean? That's healthy. I'm not fun to be around sometimes."
"No, they're about changing the world."
"I care because it affects real people on a daily basis. I care because it changes the world, quite literally, and I and the people I love are a part of that world."
"CBD changes their world. It's incredible."
"You are not here to be average; you are here to change the world. You are here to take part in the miraculous."
"To truly become a grand Mage, you have to seek out knowledge and use it to change the world."
"She's like I'm just gonna stay here and change the world."
"We're looking for world-class game-changing entrepreneurs and companies that want to change the world."
"...the research that she and her team continue to put out is quite literally changing the world."
"Heroes' quests are world-defining events that altered the course of human civilization."
"The automobile obviously is another invention that changed the world."
"A moment of courage that will influence the fate of the world... just a few seconds."
"What's the internet? Don't worry about it, it's just gonna change the world."
"Dreams shape the world, dreams create the world anew every night."
"You're young still, and to be where you're at is absolutely mind-blowing; you are gonna change the world."
"This is something that will fundamentally change the world."
"I'm working on something that will change the world, and human life as we know it!"
"I've been trying to save the world."
"Their presence can influence the course of a world; their words can affect the fate of the entire world."
"I have invented something recently that can change the world."
"It only lasted 15 minutes, very short battle, but it changed the world."
"Thank you for everything you did, you changed the world, just changed my life."
"But sailing is just the start; at sea, on land, in space, together could we change the world? Let's find out."
"It's brilliant, I promise you, it changes the world."
"This experiment could change the world; it could be used for good."
"It's the event that changed the world."
"He changed the world, perhaps more than any other person has ever done."
"I'm trying to conquer the world, I'm trying to accomplish great things."
"You guys are continuously shaping this world."
"Manifest, that baby about to come forth, and you about to give birth to something so powerful it's going to shake the whole world."
"Once upon a time in a land far, far away, an incredible miracle happened that would change the world forever."
"Highly efficient data storage could change the world."