
Crowdfunding Quotes

There are 719 quotes

"Patreon and YouTube memberships are how viewers like you can support us and also gain access to exclusive content."
"This game has been as soon as it was announced, people went crazy; the Kickstarter went crazy."
"So with that in mind, why not take a chance on an Indiegogo for a project specifically about pan and ace representation?"
"For Obsidian, this came after a series of cancelled projects and failed pitches to publishers, and so the success of Project Eternity offered a lifeline that may have saved them from closure."
"Impressed with their audacity, backers wound up pledging over 1.1 million pounds."
"It's scary when publishers have all the power. Kickstarter and crowdfunding are going to be incredible tools for developers as long as we don't screw it up."
"Research is a must when operating in the realm of crowdfunding to make sure that you can mitigate problems as much as possible."
"Star Citizen is unique because it's entirely crowdfunded and doesn't answer to anyone."
"You need a YouTuber to run... I don't need donors... I just go live."
"If you feel like helping me out with my travels because gasoline and travel and Air Force is expensive my PayPal is there protectionservices.com you are more than welcome."
"It's like Patreon... but it's on the blockchain."
"Imagine if every single person who watched gave one dollar."
"24 hours before the Kickstarter was set to lunch at this time platonic revealed the main characters in Project Ukulele, Yuka and Lei Lei."
"In less than one day they already broke Kickstarter's record for the fastest video game campaign to Raise over 1 million U.S. dollars."
"Backing games on Kickstarter: putting money in the hands of passionate people just like you, with fresh ideas."
"Jon was the beneficiary of the mmrpg kickstarter craze of the early to mid 2010s and identity turned out much like the rest existing only in the imaginations of those who dared to dream of their perfect game."
"Grateful for Patreon support, it buffers against such drama."
"Your contributions allow us to build the best damn space sim ever."
"Thank you to everyone who actually donated to me via paypal or via kofi."
"I think the future is gonna be probably in crowdfunding because that's the only way where developers are accountable."
"This illustrates the beauty of crowdfunding."
"Everything is 100% funded by viewers like you."
"Thanks for watching subscribe make sure you're still subscribed hit the bell for notifications thanks everyone give them to the GoFundMe and the IndieGoGo your funding original content and an original lawsuit links are in the description."
"Their newest project, Obamagate the movie, a film they're producing that they're actually crowdfunding for with a goal of exposing the deep state."
"The campaign owner is finally changed on IndieGoGo from Paul Andrews to Susanne Martin's some nine months after his resignation from the company."
"Crowdfunding isn't just about money, it's about finding a community that supports your vision."
"Wishes can become reality with the support of a community. Harness the power of crowdfunding to make things happen."
"Unlike a lot of other crowdfunding sites, we have the ability to support a project without having to do so financially."
"We all have the ability to start a crowdfunding campaign."
"Patreon has made it so artists are accessible to thousands upon thousands of people."
"I just want to throw it out there if even 10% of our weekly listeners and viewers were to subscribe to the Patreon, we would be able to afford to do everything you want at once without any worries about anything."
"The whole Kickstarter process actually provided the marketing budget."
"We opened up the rank of a patreon and we already have 78 patrons in one week. Thank you guys so much to each and every one of you, love you."
"So many benefits to different tiers within the patreon."
"Will they be able to get this book if they don't back the Kickstarter absolutely."
"If all your subs gave you one pound, you'd be rich as Tom Knox."
"If just 10% of the people watching this kick in $1 apiece, we can push them well past their funding goal."
"With Patreon, I pay my entire month's rent. I don't really have to worry about financially being able to pull off that huge part of my monthly bill because Patreon right now covers that."
"I hope you'll enjoy this video and check out patreon.com/SophieFromMars if you want to help make more work like this possible."
"Could you imagine if this was like the biggest moment in history and it was just a guy on Kickstarter who was like, 'Yeah, so if you just give me like a million bucks, I can give humanity infinite electricity forever.'"
"The campaign promised rewards to backers, and the goal was reached in just 22 days."
"Thank you so much to all of my patrons who are helping me achieve my dream of doing this full-time."
"I've set up a Patreon... I want to be able to dedicate more time and create higher quality and hopefully higher volumes of content."
"Star Citizen has now raised 400 million dollars."
"This is an interesting opportunity, one that I'm very excited for. I'm very excited for what I can do for Gamefound, what Gamefound can do for crowdfunding, and how this space is going to shape up around us over the next 1, 2, 5, 10, 15 years."
"Crowdfunding is a great way to cover your production costs and build a solid fan base."
"This is more of the same... stepping in to get that government funding or when the government won't come in, stepping in to get this GoFundMe funding."
"KELLY AND I ARE LAUNCHING OUR VERY FIRST BOOK FOR FIFTH EDITION ON KICKSTARTER ON JUNE 28TH Dungeons of Drakenheim is a fifth edition module for characters level 1 to 13 set within a ruined dark fantasy city gripped by cosmic horror."
"A big thank you as always goes out to the wonderful people over on patreon with a special shout out to the wing commanders."
"At the end of the day, Chris Hansen cheated all of us. He cheated onto Kickstarter backers who supported Hanson vs Predator. He cheated the TCAP community by stealing their content and actively trying to take away their ability to feed themselves."
"You've seen people jumping in to support, to protect the elderly, crowdfunding to raise money for those who are injured."
"We launched a crowdfunding campaign for an animated special based on the characters and adventures... and thanks to you it became the most funded film and video project in kickstarter history."
"We shouldn't have to set up GoFundMe accounts to help people."
"Crowdfunding is the only, it's [expletive] scammy, it's so gross."
"Consider subscribing on my Patreon page; it helps give me and Misha more time to reach more people and save more lives."
"City of Titans is a superhero MMORPG that was kickstarted back in 2013."
"A machine that pointlessly uses energy to pointlessly dry household waste... just raised another seven or so million dollars on Indiegogo."
"I'd like to thank my generous supporters on Patreon and YouTube. If you like my videos, consider joining them."
"Launching a crowdfunding campaign can be time consuming and requires a good deal of preparation, however, the benefits can be huge."
"Supporting me on Patreon isn't a necessity and I don't need you all to do it but it does just help out for any of you guys who wish to further support me that is where you can do it if you wish to do so."
"Chaos Theory Comic... it's funded, it's happening, it's now."
"Join us on Patreon at patreon.com/no-till growers to support all of the work that we do including these videos."
"With enough support on patreon, we can report on heavier topics while still being able to support the creators behind Spill."
"If you would like to support me as well, then please head over to patreon.com/rex to support. Thank you once again!"
"Dreams do come true, especially with the love and support of our patrons at adept is ridiculous on patreon."
"For a one-time purchase, you can get access to nebula as long as you and nebula live which goes directly to funding projects that you'd had a hand in building."
"If you want to support us for as little as five bucks a month, you get your shoutout."
"It is your support that can help make this show possible."
"But again I'm like if I were these creators I'd be like I have a better chance of making more money on Kickstarter or Indiegogo right now."
"People backed it because it was Keanu Reeves. It wasn't because of you, and they wanted you, it was because it's Keanu Reeves."
"But I guess the point of all of this, if there is something, if you know someone who you like who's involved with Defy, support their Patreon."
"Within 24 hours, they had doubled their initial funds raised, and within four days of the video going live, the project was completely funded."
"It may be Monday but it always feels like a Friday around this gal."
"British Android Rainey has now started their crowdfunding campaign."
"The biggest crowdfunded comic book of all time and it keeps growing."
"We're still making money on Patreon, you guys have saved us."
"Every dollar basically replaces the lost revenue from three YouTube subscribers."
"Isn't that cool if everyone who watched this video donated $1 a month I'd be able to afford a house for myself."
"Patreon.com/command is the direct way to support the show."
"Congratulations to Chris Roberts who has run one of the best and most exciting campaigns ever... not to mention that the majority of the money he raised was not actually on Kickstarter at all."
"I think the power comes from a lot of people making small contributions, that's where the power in something like patreon comes from."
"Patreon helps us be more stable... make more ethical decisions."
"Cyber frog blood honey have you bought a copy yet the link is in the description it's the biggest crowdfunding comic book of all time make sure that you get your copy."
"I blame y'all 'cause y'all did not donate enough on honey fun."
"This incredible tidal wave all started back on october 4th 2013 when a random retro inspired 2d platformer showed up on Kickstarter."
"History is, in the grand scheme of YouTube’s gigantic reach not sexy enough for advertisers or to go 'viral'. That’s why we use crowdfunding for projects like our series on the Franco-Prussian War called Glory & Defeat."
"My new novel called the pride you can head on over to Kickstarter right now you can support the book and reserve your early copy."
"A buck a month is all I ask and that contribution goes in incredibly long way towards allowing me to maintain the channel."
"Thank you to our patrons for supporting us on another level."
"Midwinter Minis has almost reached 1,000 supporters on Patreon."
"We're going to be relaunching Patreon. We're going to be introducing new tiers, a lot of fan service to the people who really like what we do."
"This weekly show only exists because of the Patreon support."
"If content creators could manage to bring together funds... that would completely change the industry."
"Thank you to all my Patreon backers and supporters."
"We launched it, and we made 3.3 million off Kickstarter, and it changed Kickstarter Games for a while."
"Huge thank you to all our Patreons... your support means a lot."
"Major thanks especially to all of my supporters on Patreon who made it possible in the first place to even go to Austin and engage in this whole crazy adventure."
"If you enjoy what I do, please consider supporting me on Patreon. It really does help."
"Even just like donating a dollar a month, I mean that shit like really helps like you don't even know."
"Make sure if you are interested in this game that you go support them on Patreon."
"You guys fund what we're doing and keep us going."
"It's not a move, it's a movement. 8,000 people were already in the Discord, 3 million committed in 12 hours, $10+ million in soft commits."
"We set the goal at 30,000... we didn't anticipate how much of a nostalgic and emotional connection people have with Lisa Frank."
"Thank you to all my patrons if you go to patreon.com inside of you and you become a patron I'll message you."
"John Degenkolb, putting up a quarter of the money himself, launching a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign, and boom, 24 hours later the race is safe."
"Thanks to all of our backers for your support that allows us to build the game we've always dreamed up."
"Massive thank you to our patrons on Patreon."
"Real estate crowdfunding is the social media revolution meets property investing and there’s a lot of great benefits for mainstreet investors."
"A big thank you to all of our backers, your continued support of this project is what makes it all possible."
"The Fair Use Protection Account (FUPA)... managed to raise more than 170 thousand dollars for its cause of protecting YouTubers from these kinds of copyright bullies like Matt Haas."
"Patreon is the lifeblood of the movie trivia schmodown."
"And thank you of course to our backers without your dedication we wouldn't be able to do any of this."
"One dollar from 380,000 people would rebuild this thing 100."
"Patreon helps so freaking much, especially when you're working on a team and you have to pay people and stuff like that. It helps you just get by so you can keep producing what you're producing."
"Our videos are made possible thanks to the incredible generosity from our patreon supporters."
"If people think this is valuable, they should contribute to help you continue to do your work."
"It's so indie it was a Kickstarter game... people wanted this style of game, and I think this game definitely deserves your attention."
"Independent projects like the ones we're working on are only possible thanks to you guys."
"Thanks so much for the Patreon support, it's gone up like two dollars today!"
"Follow us on Patreon to support a black-owned business."
"I'd be excited to see this gofundme thing start moving us that direction."
"Thank you to all of my patrons for keeping the lights on right now."
"It raises about a million dollars on Kickstarter... at a time to be alive."
"Thank you very, very much to our Patreon supporters. You guys keep us in business."
"Smashed its $90,000 goal like immediately day one."
"Thank you so much to all of our patrons on Patreon, without your support guys, we literally couldn't do what we do."
"Nobody should have to resort to literally begging for strangers to support the cost of their medical care."
"For all of you wanting to throw in a buck to whatever you want to throw in and see this project hit, absolutely would love the assistance on this."
"Regardless of the public release Method, all backers will get free early access to it once complete."
"People showed up for her, donating $172,000 to make sure she has the financial security to start fighting back."
"A huge shout out to all my mega patrons. I could not do any of these videos without my Patreon supporters."
"There's a wonderful website called patreon... allowing online producers to actually make a living doing what they do."
"Consider supporting on Patreon if you've ever gotten something from my work."
"If you haven't yet, you can find the link on our website NightLightAstrology.com, click on the 2024 Kickstarter link. Come study with us, guys, if you like this kind of stuff..."
"I think crowdfunding will be dope... imagine a blueprint comes out as an incentive that everyone wants to win 10 games of rank play for."
"Nearly 30,000 people have donated to the digital freedom platform in a time of recession."
"Thanks as always to my supporters on Patreon."
"This is more of an art piece that I got. It was a Kickstarter and it just had gorgeous art."
"If you like this content and you think it's worth your time, please consider supporting Smarter Every Day on Patreon."
"So it's cool that they're doing a kickstarter for this so uh you know if it's something that you're interested in uh check it out."
"Moving from education to engagement...society can tell you these are the things we need."
"Broken Age was really the first big crowdfunding success story in gaming."
"These retail investors made it possible for AMC to amass more than two billion war chests."
"I got about 100 million people willing to give me a dollar."
"Thank you guys for your continued support thank you for backing these projects thank you for backing cyber frog thank you for backing cyber frogman Borella."
"Thank you ever so much for the support that we received on the patreon er we managed to hit three milestones within that the first couple of days which is just so incredibly impressive."
"The fact that so many of you are starting to receive money... is like..."
"Americans have to beg strangers on the internet for money so they can get life-saving treatments that are free in the rest of the developed world."
"Pebble Time Kickstarter project: 'Received $1 million in just 49 minutes.'"
"The launch of our patreon revamp... a relaunch if you will."
"Thank you to all the patreon folks out there both for your support which I depend on and very much appreciate."
"The patrons directly providing predictable and reliable support every month."
"Thank you so much to all of my Patreon supporters, you guys legit make this all possible."
"Thank you first and foremost to my platinum backers that give that little bit extra and it's really appreciated."
"The Tuttle twins had become the most successful crowdfunded children's show in history."
"There's lots of great exclusive content on our patreon website and most importantly though it helps grow this Independent Media platform."
"Thanks to your support and check us out at patreon.com Midas Touch p-a-t-r-eon.com minus touch."
"My neighbor 9 is on a thing 2.2 so you can say crowdfunding socks or doesn't work but rather a cautionary tale that simply states learn from our mistakes coz damn we made a lot of them."
"Patreon is actually how I make another five percent of my income."
"Pledging money monthly, you can get bonus perks like behind the scenes content, early teasers, and uncensored versions of videos for five bucks a month."
"Patreon is a great way to have a bit more steadier income month to month."
"Even on a more global scale... a bunch of strangers from all over the world all contributed to these two people who didn't have enough money to get fresh groceries simply because of something we're doing on social media."
"There are games coming out that would have never come out without Kickstarter, that is a fact."
"Sonya, who built such a network of love and community that when they heard about my medical bills, set up a GoFundMe to help me pay them."
"Folks, you could actually own one of these vehicles if you actually were able to crowdfund and even contribute towards this game, Escalation 1985."
"Support the channel on Patreon, it really helps us out."
"Even if you've donated a dollar, seriously, it helps me so much and I'm so, so thankful."
"He co-founded the crowdfunding page to make sure healthcare workers could stay well equipped."
"Launching a Patreon would safeguard my income and allow me to focus on my passions."
"The saddest thing about this whole thing is whoever created gofundme was it was it was it went in with good intentions."
"Black entrepreneurs of the world, come join us at CooperativeGlobal.com and become a member of the first crowdfund specifically designed to stop the common causes of poverty hurting black families around the world."
"That's pretty bonkers Kickstarter has not disappointed."
"If you want to support me doing any of those things, then Patreon would be a really good help for me."
"Be careful with those Kickstarter campaign spreads."
"Patreon support enables us, empowers us to take those risks."
"I also want to let you know that we've started a patreon page."
"It's insane to think about the company that made this thing and is now a multi-million dollar multi-million user company was birthed via public funding raising around 2.5 million dollars from 10 000 total contributors."
"Funding for ForexFurniture is provided in part by supporters on Patreon. If you want to find out more about how you can support the show, check out the link in the description."
"The Kickstarter was profoundly successful... we actually raised $79,256 dollars."
"Continue to go after people like Ethan Van Sciver for doing something awesome for crowdfunding, something being in business for himself. Ethan is a famous comic book artist, he has more talent in his pinkie than you have in your whole body."
"More than 61,000 Knights were booked in just 48 Hours, raising almost two million dollars for hosts in Ukraine."
"Thank you so much to my patrons on Patreon who make the whole channel possible."
"Kickstarter works best when creators can give people a reward specifically tied to their mission."
"If anyone is serious about climbing and or wants to go the extra mile to support my channel, consider donating to my Patreon."
"Modbook Pro X, after raising a total of 1.5 million dollars from crowdfunding and crowd equity websites."
"Well, we've learned a few things today. Never back anything on Kickstarter and if something sounds too good to be true it probably is."
"This guy just wanted to make a bowl of potato salad, who can't get on board with that?"
"Zack's quest to make potato salad was being backed by a spirit bomb of Redditors."
"More and more companies, more publishers, more individuals are using crowdfunding to get their stuff made."
"Support on Patreon is literally what allows this channel to continue doing what I do."
"Crowdfunding is gambling; you are paying money for something that is not done and banking on the fact that it will be done eventually to a somewhat satisfying state."
"Consider supporting me on Patreon if you are enjoying these videos."
"Atari, as a name, was silent until 2017 where they announced the VCS for crowdfunding which later shipped in December 2020."
"If you enjoyed the series so far and you want to support further, please head over to Patreon."
"And if you want to help us deliver non-partisan news, support America Uncovered by going to Patreon.com/AmericaUncovered."
"If each of you guys who watch these videos put in just $1 it would make a massive difference."
"I want to give a big shout out to everyone who does support on patreon... especially philanthropist Zach Renaissance Fury Cassidy Michael Angela Maria top of the world Ethan DB and Joel."
"Thank you to my patrons who made this video possible."
"It's a no-brainer if you jump in on the Kickstarter today."
"We started kind of just doing this by crowdfunding... we're 100% accountable to you."