
Moral Character Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"We are taught to see the wealthiest's charitable giving as proof of their moral character, instead of wondering how they came to have so much money in the first place."
"Psychedelics can give you insights into how to be a better person. It won't make you a better person. And if you're a bad person, you may still be a bad person."
"Broly is the MVP, and he gets to pick the wish... Rowley is a righteous person after all, a morally sound intellect."
"The greatest want of the world is the want of men who will not be bought or sold."
"Love is never any better than the lover. Wicked people love wickedly."
"Hannah is a person of utmost integrity and moral character."
"If you're a good person it always comes out."
"I mean, you can kind of fight to try and get people not to be racist, but the best way I think to be able to do that is to show that you have moral character yourself."
"You can't call yourself a good person, a smart person, somebody that does what's right, somebody that does what needs to be done if every single time things get difficult you fold."
"You just need to know about their moral character can you relate to them can you trust them."
"I'm not ready to be a bad guy. I'm a good guy."
"Your moral character is actually the set of tools that you have to operate effectively in the world."
"Sometimes that's how you judge a person of character: when the going gets tough, they do the right thing."
"I was also really impressed with Aquaman's morality this Aquaman wants nothing he has no allegiances."
"Wealth doesn't make you an evil person; it enhances who you are."
"Now that God knows you have a heart and you are a giver and you are a lover and you are valuable and everybody else has witnessed that, now God can place the restrictions on you."
"The medal of a man is judged by first off what does he do when no one's looking when there's no reward for doing the right thing but he's doing it for the right for the right thing's sake."
"Among the many virtuous individuals Walter had encountered, Kylie stood out."
"You must engage and destroy. Never fear, never flee the enemy. Only the wicked flee when no one's pursuing them. But the righteous are as bold as a lion."
"We need to be distinguished by our character and our behavior and our attitude."
"People that do stuff out of the goodness of the heart don't kill people."
"High value men don't carry themselves by evoking violence on people because of words."
"There never was a more kind, noble, candid Christian man than William Ford."
"He yells at the host that the old man who fell proved he wasn't a loser because in his last dying moments he was thinking of someone else."
"He's a good guy... in this world where most people are selfish as hell that's really an admirable quality he's."
"Character is what is revealed when you make a choice when you could hit it and nobody will know what happened."
"A person without memory, if such a thing could be, would be a person without moral character."
"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."
"The one who has these characteristics, the one who has good manners, there is no question that the fire of hell has been made haram for him." - Sheikh
"Integrity is who you are when you don't think anyone is looking."
"Sweet is uncorruptible. Somebody like Sweet cannot be corrupted."
"Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. He was an overcomer."
"You have to exhibit high moral character in your conduct."
"Courage is a virtue that normally lies in between the two extremes of recklessness and cowardice."
"The test of character is how you handle those mistakes."
"Not only is she strong physically as a warrior but she's also powerful in her own freewill and her sense of moral character and that's something that I've learned a lot from lagertha now going into so many different seasons."
"I just like how X is someone who always continues to fight for justice, in the face of any loss or tragedy."
"It's all about the content of your character."
"An uncanny ability to always do the right thing."
"It's not enough to be a good person, to be kind, to want to do great things for the world. You also have to be good in that moment."
"Just because you're popular doesn't mean you're like a good person."
"The best from amongst you is the one who has the best character."
"The sum of your character is the decisions you make when you face adversity."
"Democracy begins and will be preserved in our habits of the heart and character."
"You're never too famous to be a good person."
"A virtue is an habitual and firm disposition to do the good."
"You're a good human being. That means you're a good person."
"Everyone who had ever spoken to him about his mother told him how good of a person she was."
"Compassion is a virtue suited for anyone, even you."
"Samson didn't finish well, but it's not too late. They can finish well, they just need to repent and pivot."
"Commitments build our moral character."
"What are the distinguishing marks of a godly person? What are the distinguishing marks of the moral character of a man or woman who could be called a godly person?"
"The one who has no trace of Quran in his heart, there's no goodness within this person. He's like the destroyed house. Do you want that to be you?"
"It's important to be a good person because you have to look in the mirror and be like, 'I love that guy.'"
"If you follow it, you have good character, you are a good person. If you don't, it shows what kind of despicable character you have."
"People are seeing you for who you really are; you are a moral person, not just a good person, you're a great person."
"He was extremely respected and for the most part a really good guy."
"A man's true greatness is measured not by the amount of riches he holds, but by his moral character and the impact he leaves on others in a positive way."
"I thank the gods for giving me such a brother, who was able by his moral character to rouse me to vigilance over myself."
"You can do that, and you can still be a great person."
"Renowned for his moral integrity, he is described as blameless and upright."
"Having integrity means that we always keep our word to other people, but also to ourselves."
"Audacity will be a major requirement; it is not enough that you have a good heart."
"Never confuse kindness for weakness."
"I don't see why not, especially with him being a paragon."
"The consciousness of Allah and good character can earn Paradise."
"It's not just the charm; he actually does have a good heart."
"Being a virtuous person doesn't mean you're a perfect person; it just means you rarely do what's wrong."
"Your goodness... somebody gonna want to apologize to you."
"Everybody needs to feel good about themselves, and from my perspective, the correct basis for self-esteem has to do with moral character, achievements, creativity, kindness, intelligence."
"He's obviously one of the better moral compass characters in this show."
"You're a very good person with a golden heart."
"Pray the Holy Spirit will give us the power to be biblically correct men and women of integrity."
"There's nothing like a young person who has moral character and self-discipline."