
Emotional Appeal Quotes

There are 251 quotes

"Speak to his heart, and a man becomes suddenly virtuous."
"Facts don't work. Debating people on the facts... people come to conspiracies because of feelings."
"Socialism has a big advantage in that it appeals to a lot more people because you're appealing to people's emotions, not their intellect."
"We kind of just want to update you guys. This is a life update, live actually, story time. We should be crying in the thumbnail."
"When Batman discovers Freeze's origin story and the truth behind his quest for vengeance, it's a very compelling, sympathetic, and heartbreaking scene."
"Half of you watching aren't subscribed, which just breaks my heart."
"What kind of horrible broken evil person tries to scam someone who's desperately searching for an animal that they love? You are evil!"
"Populism is telling you what you feel... It's mirroring your feelings back to you, telling you what you want to hear."
"Our politics has become a naked appeal to anger fear and resentment."
"Tyree was just a few blocks from his home... his last words on this Earth is he's yelling out for his mother."
"Look at her face, how can anyone resist those adorable puppy eyes?"
"Show me the wound. That's how you get somebody to be likable."
"They're trying to play on tragedy and they're trying to play on people's emotions and they're trying to wrap something that's poison with something that has the appearance of being good."
"People care about emotional pulls far more than they care about facts."
"People like to feel that sweet, sweet nostalgic feeling."
"Donald Trump played into primitive feelings and stormed to victory."
"There's something emotional and mystical about that figure."
"Democrats don't actually have to act sympathetically. All they have to do is act as though they are sympathetic."
"Taylor was a sweet little girl, her big brown eyes twinkled out of every picture."
"There is a difference between causes that make us feel good and those that reduce suffering and death most effectively."
"I'm selling happiness, hope, truth, and practicality."
"If you don't like this match then you don't have a soul."
"Trust me, Mr. Spade. Oh, I... I'm so alone. Afraid. I've got nobody to help me if you won't help me."
"They do everything they can to appeal to emotion rather than logic."
"Refuse to answer any speculation... there is only one emotion that the public will relate to: sadness and sorrow."
"Why love one but eat the other? You have a dog here and a baby boy cow. Baby boy cows are murdered."
"Can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?"
"You want me to stay because of the way you feel about me."
"I just want my father's validation, I just want my dad to love me."
"Ain't we seen enough blood for one night, huh?"
"Feature creep appeals to emotion like a great salesman."
"Leftism welcomes resentment, bitterness, envy, and rage with open arms."
"This is my kid, this is... don't you understand the grief that I'm going through?"
"He was literally crying and begging his people to start having babies."
"How can you stay mad at a new parrot? Look at his eyes!"
"The sheer erotic thrill that goes with owning [a Ferrari]."
"Odyssey's world doesn't restrict itself... there's a bunch of different things you can do."
"Every single sale is a combination of emotion, logic, and urgency."
"Play to Hope but Inspire, build solidarity but for God's sake appeal to people's hearts not just their heads because it's like bringing a couch calculator to a knife fight."
"That's a baby right there, there's no way to look at that and not saying it's a baby, it's a baby."
"Guess what? No! What are you doing, Stanley? Please, I'm asking you not to take this away from me."
"I'm begging you to help me because I'm as much as you're hurting inside, I'm also hurting inside."
"What does the world need now? Love, sweet love."
"I don't want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day."
"Now essentially you have nothing more than 'we're going to raise the minimum wage, we think it's a good idea, we're going to open the borders, we think that's important.' And the only justification is some emotional appeal."
"How do you catch a customer's attention amidst a sea of similar products? You have to appeal to their hearts, not their minds. Make an emotional connection that stays with them over time."
"Help me," she mouthed, tears streaming down her face.
"He's pleading with us... we can fully trust him."
"You know what, thumbnails kill now is when it's just one person by themselves looking sad and the title is just a word like 'help' or 'you,' and then in parentheses 'not clickbait.'"
"Every time we hear it, it tugs at our nostalgia for the franchise and pulls us in for a tender embrace."
"It's so charming, it's so innocent, it's so heartwarming."
"I hope people are moved by it. I think they will be."
"We're selling emotion, we're selling dreams. We're selling a lifestyle."
"I swear on my grandfather's life who just passed away that I didn't text my Twitch rep."
"Love and hope and light join in the battle for the soul of the nation."
"Appeal to their emotions first before trying to appeal to their reason."
"I still believe that baby girl is alive I might have not had her but that's my baby that's my heart and I want her home."
"If I can have just one thing for Christmas this year, it would be for happiness to find you in a way it never has before."
"If you have not signed up for my newsletter yet, then frankly I've, uh, that offends me and it hurts my feelings."
"Please bring her back home, Slater, come home, please. We miss her so much."
"If you have any feelings left for me at all, you will give me a fair chance to prove myself."
"It adds to the whole drama. There's actually some visceral excitement for this car."
"Your daughter right now is saying she needs you, are you feeling me?"
"I think Boris Johnson better than anybody else knows that the emotional argument of Independence and take back control is how powerful it is."
"I'm pouring my heart out here, I'm hoping you care about me enough to do this."
"He tapped into the angst, the anger, the hurt, and the pain that millions of working-class people are feeling."
"Republicans are talking to voters' emotions."
"Emotions are the most powerful way to get someone to buy something from you."
"It's got so much damn heart so much unique style that I can't help but love it."
"Joel pleads for his daughter's life, begging her to stay with him as she cries from the pain."
"The whole point of being a musician is us standing up on stage crying like please love me."
"No no no no no no, her plea to the judge is clearly out of love and pain."
"Can we have more of that energy towards dog abusers, please?"
"These narratives take the place of historical accuracy and they replace them with emotion."
"Nostalgia is a very powerful marketing tool."
"Someone out there has a mother who's missing, a daughter, perhaps a sister or even a best friend that to this day does not have any peace that deserves justice for what happened to the person that they loved."
"Honda has finally put some soul back in the Civic in terms of the driving experience."
"A game that's as fresh as it is charming, as jinky as it is emotionally moving."
"Your vulnerability is the most beautiful and magnetic thing about you."
"Stop tearing yourselves apart. You may not like the style, but the people doing this are doing God bless you genocide."
"He wants you to open your eyes, Shelby. He wants you to open."
"You have to hit the like button if you like these if you don't you're a monster."
"You can't get over the cuteness and the vulnerability and the potential of a new puppy."
"May I thank you for all the love and kindness you've shown us but please, please do anything you can to help us. Thank you."
"The romance plotlines are the ones that I'm going to be drawn to the most."
"It's just so sad and um I hope if she is out there that she knows that she can come home and uh I'm sure she'll be welcomed with open arms."
"Would Fernand have wanted you to let yourself be lost this way?"
"Appealing to emotion is an effective way to gain support from people who lack the ability to think critically."
"Love wins. People matter and are worth fighting for."
"Your life is more important. I wouldn't want my kids to stop living because I'm not here anymore."
"The appeal to emotion is ultimately the most powerful tool to change someone's mind."
"It was like it was silently crying out to us, 'Help me please, help me.'"
"Speak to the love. Speak to mind. Look at things from a different perspective."
"And then just Tyrion delivers a really emotional plea."
"It's not just the body style, the lines, it's also the color. It grabs you and holds you, and it's warm, it's inviting."
"This movement, my friends, is nothing but pure love."
"Apparently, out of all the positive emotions men were told to feel, women thought those of pride were the most 'drool-worthy.'"
"This is just something else, and I want this in my life desperately."
"The vast majority of people are still religious, and we have examples of people like Francis Collins who does not have a damaged brain and yet can easily be seduced by something that's emotionally appealing about religion."
"Christian Keys added fuel to the fire with a tearful video on Instagram talking about abuse of power in the industry."
"That fuzzy warm feeling in our stomach to what seemed to be simpler and happier times."
"And if you are their other father, all I ask and I plead to you, is to be a father to them, but, I will always be Dad."
"Marcial cannot be allowed to go, I don't want him to go, he cannot be allowed to go."
"I love you, Robert, we can't lose our country."
"Oh my gosh, don't tell me they're leaving, notably don't you dare leave, don't you dare leave!"
"Gabby Patito's mother: Mama Bear's angry plea - 'Brian Laundry, please turn yourself in.'"
"I am a mother first and foremost. And I know that you're a father. And my son existed. I know you believe me."
"We have chosen to reach out to people's hearts, not with anger but with love."
"Democrats don't operate strictly on emotion... it makes it very easy for the left to be manipulated into believing and supporting nonsense like straight up illegal immigration."
"This five-year-old little boy wants his mommy, he wants to stay home, but they don't allow that."
"To compete in these bidding wars, buyers are now having to send love letters to the sellers."
"They don't need to care about me, they don't need to care about Rick, but they do."
"They have taken everything from us. You see what I'm saying? Y'all have taken everything."
"I honestly don't care what your gripes are with the special editions fact is they added way more positives into the product than negatives and you're lying if you deny that search your feelings you know it to be true."
"Aren't you tired of running? Aren't you tired of fighting him?"
"Give us another chance, give us another chance!"
"So if any of this [] resonates with you guys if any of this [] resonates look if any of it resonates with you if it hits home if it makes you feel something and you want to [__] help us please."
"Guys, I've done it. This has been amazing. If you haven't, emotional like button, please do it."
"You gotta take facts and you gotta wrap them in emotional appeal."
"I want you to get mad... I want all of you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell..."
"Conservatives are really good at capturing a person's feeling of unease."
"You're selling the brand, you're selling how you feel when you wear this."
"It's romantic, it's Mickey Mouse, it remembers him my young time and it's beautiful simple as that that's all we need it's all we need."
"The left is trying to rally troops through fear, while the right is trying to rally troops through love."
"Better they're grateful for the clansmen spared death on this miserable hilllock."
"Feel the love for your enemy, feel the love for your brother, feel the love for each other."
"Save yourself, Phil. I don't want you to get hurt."
"Passion is a plus. Jurors want to feel somebody who cares about their clients."
"Democrats have to find the words to move people emotionally, to get them out."
"Please, for the love of God, consider this stuff."
"Please come back home, it's so bad without you."
"The marketing for endgame has been appealing to the heartstrings."
"The featured ingredient is acerola cherry which is from Barbados like Rihanna, so it's kind of marketing to pull at your heart strings that you form this connection between the product and Rihanna."
"I think that level of emotion is really going to speak to fans."
"A child's smile captured the hearts of the community."
"Toyota has injected more emotion into the sheet metal."
"He gets in front of the biggest conservative donors in the world and starts to talk to them about love."
"There's no anger or hate, we just want you back and safe."
"That's the best thing about the black heart."
"Call it nostalgia. Call it a return to a more innocent time."
"This movie is beyond just a teen high school comedy; it's wrapped in incredible charm, emotion, and wit."
"Your personality is extremely attractive, very emotionally attractive."
"Appealing to hearts and minds takes people beyond just accepting it because they start to internalize it and believe in it."
"I asked him to please let me see my daughter again."
"Christianity still makes great emotional sense."
"Emotional arguments can shape the public narrative even when the facts don't support them."
"Creating a lookbook emotionally helps potential buyers feel attached to the home and the community."
"You don't want to disappoint me. Not that I'm dangerous or anything. I just end up having my heart broke, and then I cry and I cry and I cry because I'm very fragile."
"This car appeals to the heart more than the head."
"It's also just like that space of kind of memory, identity, love. You know, it's that gray matter goo place which actually the right wing weaponizes really really well."
"Let me have my daughter back, come on."
"Kenzo Tang's architecture appealed to the human heart and the logic of creativity."
"Ayumi begs Ren not to cry because she chose this."
"Number one, you need to actually make sure that you're highlighting for emotion. Don't just make up a bunch of words here."
"...put a video up really speaking from the heart, I want you to put a video up touring your new place and your vision because that allows people to invest in the emotion and the vision, not just investing because of their relationship with you."
"Don't leave me. I beg you, please. Don't leave me all by myself."
"Make your headline emotionally gripping and irresistibly clickable."
"'I just need your heart. I just need you to love me back.'"
"I hate to use the word, but there's a sentimental angle here, make a good story."
"Harry's lie appeals to her more emotional side and totally works."
"The best combination of an emotional and practical purchase."
"Let's say I came up with another angle where I was like, 'Hey, how upset would you be if you lost a five dollar watch? Not that upset. But how upset would you be if you lost a six thousand dollar watch? You'd be really, really upset.'"
"That was a very passionate debate, you moved us."
"There's an emotional hook that gets you that saving cash does not."
"...it works in the heartwarming aspects pretty well."
"Persuasive techniques include emotional appeals, logical appeals, and ethical appeals."
"You're creating an actual community... that is just kind of beautiful for lack of a better description."
"Emotional love approach: this approach usually involves some incentives, such as communication with the source's family or a quicker end to the war to save his comrades' lives."
"Give us the good, like give us the joy, not only the heartache and the torture."
"That's pretty good. I still say though, I just because it kind of tugs at the heartstrings a little bit and this is still my favorite."
"Advertising is about tucking at the heartstrings of the population. That's peak advertising."
"Part of the strength of the moral argument is it appeals to something that is so visceral within us. It touches a real human emotion. The realm of conscience is this unique and powerful human experience."
"It's pleasure, it's emotion, and it should bring out this emotion to more people."
"These are the three levels of changes that you really need to master if you want to really appeal to her emotions directly and regain that trust, that safety, that attraction back on that emotional level."
"Would you please forgive me? That means a lot."
"The author of the passage includes details about Audrey Lacoste's life in order to appeal to the reader's feelings."
"They're pulling on the heartstrings, and we're all human."
"Can we keep it, please? Pretty please?"
"It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside; do it for me, and if not for me, do it for you."
"Ben, I have no right to tell you this, after all, he is my husband, but I'm sure, as sure as we hope for salvation, that he's robbed you."
"If you want to appeal to people, appeal to people's feelings."
"I think this is poetry that will really speak to people even for people who think that they don't like poetry."
"It has to work on a human emotion level and it does."
"...there are some things that appeal to people for intellectual reasons, and there are things that appeal to people for emotional reasons, and they can't usually be justified both ways."
"End my turmoil and consent to be my wife."
"Charismatic leadership appeals to you at the emotional level."
"This is a heartfelt appeal to everyone."
"If you feel me then I know you won't let this fade away."
"We want him to want to work with us, so that's why we have to appeal to his emotion."
"Everyone who says 'I enjoy the sport, I want to hold the gun in my hand and have the live ammunition,' what I say is, you have those emotions for enjoying your sport, but feel the emotions of a parent who is never going to see their child again."
"Wake up, please wake up. Don't leave me, I'm begging you. I need you so much."
"Whatever hate you have in your heart, direct it at me alone."
"The whole concept here is that first we need to convince the shopper on an emotional basis to want the product, to desire the product."
"That allotment, Your Lordship, has been in our family for years," the prisoner was making a histrionic plea.
"Revival is born in tears because someone somewhere hears and cares enough to cry."
"Doesn't anybody want to [love] the sensitive guy?"
"Mommy, they just have to come home with us."
"The reason they booked me was because of my color, because of the way it made them feel."
"Please take them with an open mind, please take them with an open heart."