
Progressiveness Quotes

There are 242 quotes

"Biden's legislative agenda has been more aggressive than I think anybody would have hoped."
"Aquarians are futuristic people. They are very very progressive."
"Let's be ahead of the curve. Let's embrace it."
"If Christianity can be reformed, Hinduism can be reformed, then Islam can be reformed too."
"Giving small rural communities the ability to economically empower themselves I think usually leans towards people being more progressive."
"Progressive comedy is not as delicate as you can get; it's hilarious."
"Mexico is truly one of the most diverse and forward-thinking countries."
"People aren't looking for more of the same, they're looking for change."
"It was a very progressive show, politically and socially in every way."
"It is an amazingly rich place to work and it's reflected every year it's the best government agency to work in and there's a reason for that because we're a bit progressive and we really love what we do."
"Divorce lawyers I shaved my head: absolutely soul-crushing album that deals in topics that were honestly really progressive for 2009."
"Shangri-La holds the title for the first female zombie in Call of Duty, adding to the game's progressive elements."
"If you don't like progress, by definition, you're a conservative."
"Mark's platform seems genuinely awesome. He's like very progressive."
"Your mind is going to always be innovative, thinking about new progressive ways of doing things."
"This is how you properly frame these discussions and it's encouraging to see this being done now."
"This is how our society evolves, this is how we get better, lessen death, this is us growing past you."
"It's a progressive place invigorated by a time-honored spirit of live and let live."
"The Biden Administration has earned the benefit of the doubt. They are far more Progressive than even some of those Progressive people could have ever hoped that they would be."
"I'm very ecological, which is I guess good, and I'm very progressive."
"If you're not pushing the culture forward, you're pushing it backwards."
"There will be opportunity for you for innovative and progressive investments."
"We ought to be more progressive. It's quite hard when someone's doing a really good job at something."
"Lady Gaga was speaking out at a time when it still wasn't seen as core or the norm to support progressive issues."
"The royal family's response shows a willingness to move with the times."
"Compare that to how they treated Finn in the sequels, you know? They gave Mace Windu a complete badass role, but they're more 'progressive,' right?"
"Your mission: not left, not right, but forward."
"Star Wars has always been a very progressive franchise."
"I'm all for smart immigration. Bring in people who will help advance the common good."
"I mean, look, it's incredibly out of step with the progressive base, as you mentioned. Honestly, it is out of step with what is mainstream in American politics at this point."
"Degrading a woman for confidence in her competence in multiple areas is not progressive."
"Bill Clinton and Barack Obama to be fair them I've got plenty of progressive critique of them but they were good stewards of the economy and the economy did boom in the long run in their presidency."
"Words do matter, my goodness! The Scottish National Party sounds very progressive, doesn't it?"
"They really were doing something cool and progressive."
"That girl is actually definitely moving so it's always cool when you see a movie do that because you don't really again this movie's very progressive it's very."
"The sensation of watching the most progressive people on the stage is a dynamic that I have never experienced in a democratic debate."
"Empowering women in Ministry way before that time."
"What's wrong with this clip? I think in this clip I'm making the argument that in the left we should be acceptive of people being progressive on different levels."
"In recent years, media as a whole has become more amenable to the idea of men being more emotionally complex."
"Steve being okay with Robin's sexuality is huge as homosexuality was looked down upon in the '80s."
"Ukrainians seem to be very forward-looking, very progressive in their ideas."
"Sometimes being progressive means being disruptive."
"Farmers are incredibly progressive. They have always been that way."
"Norway clearly is very Progressive and it has a fantastic way of implementing new technology new structures and Innovations very quickly into its Society for the betterment of its people."
"The new design is more modern, more Progressive and smart."
"Wow. The UK is just so forward-thinking on this."
"Copper is leading the charge on Progressive half pipe and park riding."
"They're being very progressive. They need your help, so if you have the ability to volunteer or even give them some financial support, they're looking for that."
"...why was Hamilton villainized as this dangerous reactionary when in retrospect he seems very far ahead of his time."
"Why not engage with our fans in a way that's unique and different or Progressive."
"The irony is the Islamic understanding is actually much more, to use loaded terms, progressive, liberal, I don't mean perhaps in the Western sense, but diverse and pluralistic."
"In a nutshell, what you saw in the 1940s was definitely different and more progressive than what had been around previously."
"...if you are really going to be Progressive and forward thinking... you have to be secure enough to give somebody who doesn't look like you an opportunity..."
"A woman holding her own in a film? How progressive, how ingenious, it's perfect."
"One of the things I loved about Doctor Who was because it always felt like a progressive show."
"Tanzania: One of the most progressive countries in Africa, showing which way to go."
"Integration tends to make people more Progressive. Big cities tend to be much more socially Progressive, and those are the areas where white and black people are most likely to interact with each other."
"Francis is just going where the popes have not been willing to go before."
"Mata Hari was the first example of women stepping out and being progressive."
"The themes and tropes of the film with its free love and sexually fluid society were also extremely progressive for the time."
"Edward the 7th was very much ahead of his time as monarch."
"I wanted to contrast what they were saying about us when they said yes there is forward thinking there yes they said that and the word you use before you get money which sparked me is progressive progressive thinking that is it progressive thinking"
"This is a big company, aggressive and progressive."
"If we are not progressive, we are simply protecting a system that is no longer there."
"Vans has always been on the Progressive side of equality."
"Star Trek has always prided itself on being ahead of the curve and talking about issues that maybe people weren't giving a big voice to."
"That's pretty progressive for that time you know but it's not like that for the sake of it you know I guess not progressive for the sake of it like it's like she's just genuinely a good character."
"Disney has gotten increasingly Progressive over the years which has alienated a small set of staunch Evangelical Christians but generally speaking Disney's commitment to appealing to basically everyone is unwavering."
"Gen Z just is very Progressive compared to previous generations it's not even close."
"Progressives give you better vision at all distances."
"A carnivalesque expression of chaos from below, energizing and socially progressive."
"The russians were definitely thinking a lot more progressively than our ordinance department was at the same time."
"For women watching them, they were the fetching symbols of progressive young black womanhood."
"The country seems to be fairly progressive since even in small towns you can usually find a wide variety of food options."
"Science fiction asks us to think about the criteria we use to define a society as progressive, rational, or modern."
"Sun in Aquarius... forward thinking, innovative."
"Britain was more progressive, open, free, and rich."
"I feel ahead of the times this year."
"Stan Lee's progressiveness lent himself to making a statement about racism fifty years ago."
"In this game, you could be gay, you could marry a man, which is quite progressive for 2004."
"The good news is that there's nothing stopping developers from evolving their gender representations and making more women heroes in their future games."
"An African American action soldier was issued and that was pretty forward-thinking and progressive for the 60s."
"I believe the people are way ahead of the politicians."
"Our system must look outwards and not inwards, adapting to the realities of modern life."
"I think real art is always ahead."
"We're taking out all the excuses... We are inclusive, that's the new thing, diversity."
"Philadelphia in a sense has always been an aggressive place, but this really proves that we can be both progressive and frankly humane."
"To believe in immutable characteristics determining your life is inherently anti-progressive."
"The artist's independence is revered, and their boundary-breaking is seen as forward-looking and evolutionary."
"It's the beauty of Hinduism that it doesn't matter tomorrow there could be a dalit prime minister."
"Do you want to be known as a city that's forward-thinking, that's sustainable, that's progressive, that welcomes young people?"
"It really has gone through a renaissance and it's now a very progressive, forward-looking city."
"You're not stuck in the past, you're creating things and looking ahead."
"Progressive music should be wide and varied, it should be eclectic."
"They were young, ambitious, and forward-thinking."
"You have a lot of interesting spiritual ideas or a lot of off the beaten path kind of ideas, maybe progressive even."
"This regressive approach of portraying women should definitely change."
"The majority of churches in the Western world are opening up to this idea of inclusion."
"We are very open, more open than most countries in Europe."
"We really appreciate the fact that SA is really progressive in what they do."
"Star Trek remains a beacon of inclusivity and progressive thinking."
"It's an exciting place to live; it's very progressive in a lot of ways."
"His advocacy in this area was ahead of its time, contributing to a greater societal understanding and acceptance of mental health challenges."
"We live in a good age nowadays where many things are acceptable."
"I think F1 is wanting to be incredibly progressive anyway as a series, and it was just the next step forward."
"This film is really progressive, even for 1988."
"We were the first league to accept marijuana and CBD."
"I'm always thinking progressively, I'm always thinking forward."
"K through 12 is just so effortlessly progressive."
"It's a signal that things can be different, they can be better, and they could be more equal."
"It goes back to being open-minded a little bit."
"Mine is the first generation to have that forward-looking mindset that has inclusivity, diversity, and strength and empowered women."
"American social values have largely grown more tolerant, progressive, and liberal over time."
"Thank God I was one of those progressive parents."
"Gen Z is the most progressive generation ever."
"You should watch it. It's so surprisingly progressive."
"We seem more open-minded and receptive to new ideas."
"It's logical and forward thinking, and it truly considers the needs of the people."
"I am not entirely opposed to that. I do think a progressive tax makes a lot of sense in a lot of ways."
"Interesting how much more progressive and involved the Russians were in the late 18th early 19th centuries than like the US when it came to race relations."
"My karma's too reflective, my flock so progressive, it's frightening."
"The U.S. income tax system is substantially more progressive than other advanced countries, including Germany and Sweden."
"Liberals may value progress, and open-mindedness is a virtue they aspire to embody by being willing to learn and change their mind."
"More men today are invested in gender equality, equal sharing, and co-parenting than ever before."
"I love the way the world is shifting away from making fun of different things and accepting them."
"I prefer to adapt to changes in language rather than remaining stuck in the old ways."
"Atlanta, Georgia is a most contemporary city, sophisticated and progressive."
"I love the styling, I think it looks futuristic, I think it looks progressive."
"A modern progressive woman of color at the heart of the British royal family was it ever really going to work out?"
"If you're listening to the voice of God, God is progressive."
"You can only be as woke as the year you're in."
"Someone who's progressive, someone who is right on the edge, has his finger on the heartbeat of the social scene."
"Milan isn't stuck in the past: progressive, forward-thinking."
"Those who cling to tradition blindly or out of fear of change are fools."
"I need to be around people who are forward-thinking, who I can share my energy with."
"Milwaukee was pretty progressive for the time."
"In this day and age, it's not that unusual for a woman to be a CEO."
"Progressive entertainment isn't pushing wacky ideologies; it's giving us something we didn't even know we wanted."
"He was so far ahead of his time on the race question, you wonder how different Alabama would have been."
"Their thoughts are progressive, not restrictive."
"I feel very fortunate that I live in Chicago which is very progressive."
"He's very progressive in his ideas and that makes the story a lot more accessible to modern-day audiences."
"It's just well thought out, it's forward-thinking, I absolutely dig it."
"The 2000s were not as progressive as we think they are, let's be real."
"God Hand was very progressive for its time and it features a very diverse and multicultural cast."
"She was so forward-thinking for her time."
"The Romans possessed a total vision of life, much of it was brutal and repulsive, but part of it was brilliantly progressive."
"He was also reform-minded; in today's world, some of his policies would be considered quite progressive."
"Sarah was super progressive, super ahead of her time."
"At the time of the Buddha, he did introduce incredibly advanced ordination for women and egalitarian communities."
"One of the most progressive places in Europe."
"Unbelievable how a country could be so progressive and so mindful."
"It's important probably to be more progressive and be more considerate and not reduce women to just something like that."
"That's important in a progressive society."
"I want local authorities to be running away that is forward thinking and progressive."
"Representation is important, and The Sims has always been forward-thinking in other regards, making a point of including more than just heterosexuality from the very start."
"We all are equal; he was very advanced for his time."
"Don't treat it as old-fashioned; just because something is old doesn't make it wrong, and just because something is new and progressive doesn't make it right."
"Our religion was very forward-thinking for the time."
"I think we should be a little more progressive."
"We're one of the largest countries when it comes to immigration in the entire world because of how progressive we actually are."
"The world has caught up by now with all the great and universal principles enunciated by Baha'u'llah and so, of course, it does not sound new to them, but we know that the deeper teachings, the capacity of His projected world order to recreate society are new and dynamic."
"We always need to create progressive programming."
"Almost every really well-known book sits at a crossroads where they reflect the thoughts that came in the past and are also being a bit progressive and looking forward toward the future."
"We should approach education going forward with fearlessness."
"I've always thought of myself as somebody who's very keen on progress, somebody who's very open-minded."
"Freddy has the most progressive attitude."
"The beauty of secular morality is... it's something that is progressive in nature."
"They are always going to keep pushing the envelope of what is socially acceptable."
"I think I'm pretty easygoing and forward-thinking."
"Y'all is non-binary, the south on woke."
"We will strive to be a program that is progressive and forward-thinking in everything that we do."
"That comes from you know exactly, and these amazing lyrics, which were so progressive and forward-thinking and quite visionary in a way."
"One on One is more progressive than a lot of these shows y'all think it's progressive."
"Women are the constructive ones. That's why I wouldn't mind a woman being president."
"Once you humanize it, people actually become enormously progressive."
"Do I think churches should be more accepting of gay marriage? Sure."
"Even in the 16th century, not every mind was medieval."
"We are a company that grows, we're progressive."
"No matter how exactly this energy expresses itself, it'll be done so in a futuristic, progressive, uplifting, and enlightening manner."
"Your way of thinking is ancient, and you all need to grow up."
"The Constitution was meant to be changed."
"I think Germany in that regard is just a little bit more Progressive."
"I think that we're progressive and everything's changing frequently, and we're going to be a lot more open-minded going forward."
"India probably has the most progressive social legislation in the world on most issues."
"The Indian government has extraordinarily progressive laws."
"I'm so glad that this movie exists because I think it puts the final nail in the coffin of a very heteronormative idea of what gender is."
"This is Pope Francis who was extremely progressive."
"Islam is a very progressive religion, it's a religion that preaches peace."
"Ireland is a beautifully progressive country, a super tolerant country, but our public policy has been very out of step with who the Irish people are and what we want."
"We can be empathetic, Progressive people while also caring about average people."
"We live in a new day and age, and I believe that it's an equal partnership."
"We live in a world where the notion that a character that is gay, and his gayness is not the focus of the whole thing, is actually a very important way forward."
"It's a crazy idea, but maybe gender should be less strict."
"I love the flash of progressiveness that they throw in their songs."
"We're so forward-thinking, I love us."
"I love it up here; it's very open culture up here, very liberal and kind of progressive."
"Congress should make the tax code fairer and more progressive."
"She often challenges her father's antiquated beliefs, especially on topics such as women's rights, racial equality, and social justice."
"It's great to try to be progressive and always try to learn."