
Political Agenda Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Biden's legislative agenda has been more aggressive than I think anybody would have hoped."
"The America First agenda does not belong to any one man. They are bigger than any of us."
"You're pressing an agenda of the pain and trauma economy that is pressed on my people by the left."
"Priorities are clear: we're going to ax the tax, build the homes, fix the budget, and stop the crime."
"America First agenda means energy independence and the thousands of tens of thousands of jobs here in the U.S. that go with that."
"The redefinition of racism from animus on the basis of race to you don't agree with my agenda is vile and dangerous."
"Those Who attack our community are driven by an agenda of politics. It has nothing to do with medicine, it has nothing to do with science, it has nothing to do with warmth, empathy, compassion, and understanding."
"They've been trying to get rid of Social Security and Medicare for decades." - Discussion participant
"If the media are sunglasses for the Democratic Party agenda how can you trust what's behind the sunglasses?"
"We are vehicles for advancing that agenda. It is bigger than the Republican party."
"All you got is, oh my god, his agenda is pie in the sky, no it's not Scandinavian countries have it and he's just asking for the basics."
"Voting rights will be the very first matter of legislative business when the senate returns."
"The radical left wants to do things like raise the minimum wage for the first time in decades."
"America First agenda does not belong to one man, it belongs to you, the people of this country."
"Our agenda was not about right or left, Republican or Democrat, but about the good of a nation."
"We've got to grow the economy, reduce hydro rates, stop the woke culture, and put a check on lobbyists."
"The President moves at a very rapid pace and wants to get as much of his agenda accomplished."
"There's a selective engagement and endorsement... when protests are against targeted governments."
"Democrats are talking about jobs, reducing prescription drug prices, protecting veterans, and seniors."
"If you're anti-war, then you've come to the right place. If you're pro-peace, that's what our agenda is on this show."
"School choice is on the California agenda and nationally."
"People do need help from us, and that's what we've been working to do with the President's Build Back Better agenda. It is really transformational."
"But, by the way, the simple fact 'I know I can turn back' gives me the confidence to want to take that step, because I know there’s always an exit door."
"Our agenda is the agenda of working-class and middle-class Americans."
"He's going against human traffickers, that's like one of his big platforms."
"Protecting the American people from diseases... is not a priority if it comes at the expense of their amnesty and open borders agenda."
"The Republican agenda is pro-worker, pro-jobs, pro-family, pro-growth, and 100% pro-American."
"The disarmament agenda in the United States of America will never never cease never and they will look to exploit every tragedy to the maximum extent possible to twist it and act like it's your fault."
"I'm in this race to take that America First agenda to the next level."
"He has an ambitious agenda to deal with climate change and he's going to continue to move forward with that agenda."
"Our agenda speaks to the questions and the pain that people are now feeling."
"Joe Biden wants to kill American energy and impose the Green New Deal."
"The restoration of democratic accountability should be the agenda."
"What this whole fight is about... health care, education, raising the minimum wage... doing what the American people want and need."
"Lessons...you cannot abandon the Civil Rights agenda...you're ignoring what are the legitimate material interests."
"They wanted this outrage to continue so they could push forward their agenda."
"It's important to look more closely at what the agenda is and consider that this might not be an actual off-ramp for the crisis, it's just getting into another lane."
"These people are using the deaths of U.S. soldiers to advance their own deranged Cold Warrior agenda."
"Their agenda is one that's going to hurt you and the masses of people in the world."
"This government is trying to do right by the majority of the people."
"Instead of protecting the vulnerable, we made everybody shut down. It's an agenda of destruction instead of building up."
"They want to disarm Americans using mass shootings as a scapegoat."
"We're going to vote for whoever has a specific and substantive economic black agenda."
"If he's not offering a Black Agenda, he cannot stay."
"The right is very united around specific things: white supremacy. If white supremacy and capitalism is what your goal is, it's about getting to the bag, everybody could get on one accord."
"We needed to tame the beast, we needed to control the virus, and we did."
"We need to be the ones now taking that mantle and getting government back in its proper role."
"I want to get in there tomorrow so that we can start advancing this conservative agenda, this America First conservative agenda that we so desperately need."
"A recipe for an epic redistribution of wealth."
"The 15th dollar minimum wage is part of the democratic party platform this is not some radical bernie agenda point."
"Our job together is to create an economy that works for all, not just the people on top."
"We need to get America First agenda back on the Block."
"People are exploiting her pain, her tragedy, her vulnerability to try to push a political agenda that is centered on the glorification of death. And I'm not sure there is anything really more wicked than that."
"Fox News changed their reporting to suit white nationalists' protestations."
"If you're going to use a late night show because you want to further the Fox News agenda and these talking points that are harmful to all Americans, not just the people who suffer the most because of them, it's just... do like I said, do that."
"We could bring religious freedom back to this country... Catholics are not on her agenda for freedom."
"Our agenda includes reducing taxation and regulation, fostering respect for our country and its flag."
"Lowering taxes for the wealthy is not a nationally popular agenda item, taking away healthcare from Americans is not, uh, you know, another obviously, you know, it's a popular agenda for lowering taxes on the wealthy."
"They are very serious about their agenda, they are willing to do anything to get the agenda to move forward."
"It's slow, it's frustrating but we're moving in the right direction."
"Anti-science is pushed by self-interested lobbies like Russian intelligence services."
"Reparations is priority but we're going to do some other stuff too."
"Governments regularly destroy, lose, or ban insight into secret documents, erasing history for their own agenda."
"Their goal is to crush Alex Jones and use it as a template to crush others they don't like."
"The agenda is going to be way out of here... when the American people are here."
"If Republican s take back control of Congress after the midterms, what would be your agenda?"
"The goal here for the left is to get rid of Rogan because Rogan holds anti-progressive views on issues like are men women and also should people be fat or not."
"The American people want Congress to address corporate greed, income and wealth inequality, and end a tax system where some of the wealthiest people do not pay a nickel in federal taxes."
"The elites' agenda to establish a planetary world government will collapse if the people are able to block their carbon tax takeover."
"My Common Sense plan to ax the tax, build the homes, fix the budget, stop the crime is a bottom-up free enterprise agenda, not a top-down state capitalism agenda."
"Affordability is about to become the rallying cry of many politicians."
"All I want is a black agenda and reparations."
"They don't just want to take away abortion; they want to take away equal pay for women, equality in the workforce..."
"It's the fraud of our time where Americans are paying for five-dollar gas at the pump with one hand not knowing that their own 401k accounts and their own pension fund accounts and brokerage accounts are actually subsidizing the very ESG agenda."
"The New York Times' bias is so blatant, they're practically pushing an agenda."
"Big Tech is now using the banner of social justice to advance their liberal ideology."
"Climate change has always been an attempt to gain control."
"President Biden has a very, very busy week on his hands. We'll be watching closely those talks today on infrastructure and the next round of stimulus."
"But the ideologues with the majority on this court have an agenda, and they don't really care about anything other than enacting it."
"I'm definitely promoting a pro-growth agenda. I definitely want to carry on as an MP."
"What a strange interesting book this is if you're only used to the more recent of Cory's work the more politically heavy agenda Rich stuff go back to the very beginning and read this."
"The media has not helped. Like, during the Bush administration, every day the media reported how many United States deaths there were in Afghanistan and Iraq, and then as soon as the administration changed to Obama, like, that stopped."
"I don't want an election, you don't want an election, let's get on with the people's agenda."
"Sanders has a black agenda, and that black agenda is full employment economy, Medicare for all, free public higher education, and urban investment."
"He's got a long agenda; he's got a lot of work he wants to be doing for the American people."
"We share one ecosystem and issues like climate change, waste disposal, and non-human species becoming extinct has become central to the political agendas."
"We need a broad based agenda that can truly deliver for the American people, not one that gets lost in ideology."