
Youth Impact Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"If young people voted, the composition of Congress would be way different."
"Loot boxes in video games, especially when they are being played by so many people who are underage, do in principle the same thing as a casino floor does."
"Social media makes it worse for many people... I think you can make an extremely compelling and strong argument that social media is not good for people under the ages of 18."
"I understand that I am massively influential over the youth, and it's my influence as a whole which people are afraid of."
"And there is a turning point in society, especially the young people."
"The mismanagement of covid, the mismanagement of this quarantine is going to exact a higher toll on our young people than the virus ever could possibly."
"Teenagers have destroyed the world despite the world's best efforts."
"Revelations from the documents have intensified concerns about Facebook's influence, particularly on children's and teens' mental health."
"The whole package...very important for the youth generation."
"War is killing hundreds of thousands of young men."
"African Wonder kids are taking over English football step by step."
"I think it's just terrible to be pushing that kind of content and a viral sensation towards a bunch of young impressionable people."
"Every time we hit rock bottom, it's been one of our young players that has literally picked the team back up."
"College debt is real it's hurting young people and there's really no good reason for it."
"As awful as it is, as messed up as it is, you do need to know this stuff because this is what's affecting your children nowadays."
"This film not only would it venture into some didactic territory, it would also have an impact on young people."
"The problem with woke culture is that it's trained too many young minds to forget about creating and building."
"A rare inflammatory illness has killed three young people in New York State."
"These are issues that impact young people because as we all know your right to vote and the action of voting unlocks all the other rights including same-sex marriage."
"The sinking of Sewol ferry led to the death of 304 people, most of them being high school children."
"What a [ __ ] baller because that drove so many kids mad I respect it."
"Stop congregating in these groups practice social distancing half of all new coronavirus cases are people 40 and under this is no joke is impacting us let's be sure to save ourselves black voters matter y'all know if that means we got to go."
"Behold the fruits of the gospel right in front of you. Look at how unusual these young adults are... It's a testimony."
"For a robust market, you need the young adult segment to be able to participate."
"Having these people who have lived this experience sharing with young people actually does a great justice."
"I hope that when young men see a powerful woman character, they can kind of extrapolate that out to the women around them."
"Perhaps none has done such a profound job of shaping young people's lives as Jack Kerouac."
"This very young candidate has a clear, concise message."
"22 years old, it isn't a stretch of the imagination to state that Mr. Beast is one of the most influential figures in the history of this platform."
"He made a situation to the point where he just became a nightmare for every single one of these kids."
"The children are gonna save our lives. Thank you, kids, doing so good right now."
"Children, young adults, even our age all around the world are being addicted to their cell phones."
"I think it's a good thing that kids are getting stupider with technology."
"The reality is that all this, what is going on in the courts, will have the effect of putting the chain of debt around the neck of millions of Americans affecting how these young people can start their life."
"Showing our appreciation for everything that he did for the younger generation."
"All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth."
"Hundreds of thousands of our young men... being killed every single few years from fentanyl overdoses."
"If I'm gonna die or ever be a sacrifice, I want to make sure that my life made at least 5 million kids happy or they found some sort of answers or resolve in my life."
"They were the youngest to receive still 29 nuts BTS invited Grammys Time magazine Billboard."
"You're always on the right path when you have a youth movement."
"But most of all that is that the majority of your audience are young people to begin with so by putting out this message that it's a prank or that we were trying to prank our viewers it sends out a negative message to younger folks."
"I'm all for freedom of content, but if kids are watching this, that's a mistake."
"The more I got into it, and the more I started getting DMs from these kids and these teenagers, talking about what my TikToks have done for their expression."
"What makes me really uncomfortable is how many young people want to do YouTube and don't understand that it's like saying I want to be an Olympic swimmer or gymnast and give up my childhood."
"There is no way that this is not going to be devastating to an entire generation of girls. That's the data talking."
"One of the top social media platforms is delivering misinformation to its young users."
"There was much discussion on the effect of violent films on young teenage minds."
"They were a huge Gateway into rock and metal for millions and millions of kids."
"That's sad. It's very sad anytime somebody vanishes, but being 16 years old is, it's just tough."
"I think our generation is going to force the generations that above us to take a look at us."
"Youth are the ones who are going to be impacted the most by the climate crisis."
"Our kids have fared worse here than anywhere... including lowering their life expectancy."
"Standing athwart history yelling stop it's like stop it's like your kids are getting killed in school your adult kids are getting sent overseas to be slaughtered for oil."
"It's important that sixteen year olds in movies and TV shows... don't have to sacrifice how they feel about themselves."
"Don't tell me that you're sucking the life out of young people, that you're surrounding your founding communities of young people so that you can drink up their energy."
"The shock win of 28-year old socialist Alexandria Ocasio Cortez should be a wake-up call."
"This kind of power fantasy is important for young kids to experience for self-confidence building, so Sally normalizing this kind of fantasy for young girls in Japanese pop culture this early on is, in theory, a big positive."
"If we're gonna let corporations mess with our kids' brains, we can't be surprised those kids grow up messed up."
"It's going to stunt their growth as human beings just like you know anything like that would."
"Facebook and Twitter are harming young people's mental health."
"I felt that I was sort of robbed of my high school experience."
"It's tragic what's happening to young people."
"How much would it matter if there were a high surge of cases amongst young people if vulnerable groups were protected by the vaccine?"
"It's sad, three people are gone and five are injured, and we're talking about young souls, two 20-year-olds and a 19-year-old."
"Gen Z showed that they were the antidote, they were the answer to what we needed."
"It's amazing seeing you who've put in like a ton of work over the years but being so young and making this kind of money."
"As it relates to what it's doing to our Our Youth and how it it's really brainwashing and and they can influence anything just by turning a dial."
"if conservatives who just dropped their gol-darned old-fashioned opposition to same-sex marriage kids would stop killing themselves"
"It was a very dark chapter in European history for young people during the Second World War."
"You're going to see some things come that are going to shake this nation. This is the generation that can save the nation if they'll pray."
"The dangers of success for a young actor could be that you're just looking for fans."
"How many young people have you lost to the streets of Philadelphia or San Francisco to fentanyl?"
"I love the kids, I love the sport, I get mad at this, I get mad at that, and then when I go to eat lunch with the kids, I say, 'Ah, they got me'."
"It is young, and it's making the league better."
"I've heard really good things about it, so I really hope that there are some kids within my friend's class that end up really liking it."
"Can you imagine what will happen if we lose all electronics and phones go down in this country? Anyone under 30 or 40 years old will be lost."
"LinkedIn is an example of a force that makes it difficult for young people to really disconnect their professional identity from their social activity."
"You're basically then stuck with a permanent internet identity and this is forced upon every young kid."
"He doesn't want to be a lawyer; he actually wants to make a difference with kids."
"I'm just really grateful to those kids. Thanks to them, I'm now enjoying a peaceful retirement with my husband."
"I think overwhelmingly it's a positive effect, especially for young men, but this idea that you always set out with a plan and you only get to where you're going because you had a plan to get there, I don't believe in that."
"I'm trying to make a positive effect on the youth."
"What is something that is becoming increasingly harmful to the younger generation? Social media in general."
"I really think I've got a strong message that could influence the youth a lot."
"Stay together for the kids, that's a big one that tugged at all the little junior high and high schooler's heartstrings for sure."
"Kids can make an impact; there's so much kids can do."
"It's amazing what a child and their friends can do; you can make such a difference."