
Health Data Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Here's the good news: According to the latest UK data...you're more likely to have long COVID symptoms in a control group than in the COVID-positive group for kids post-infection."
"The data are pretty unambiguous that people live longer, better lives with an ALMI north of the 75th percentile."
"I'm proposing an amendment that would require the collection of Public Health Data and other impacts of new drilling on federal lands."
"Metformin makes a lot of sense and again its longitudinal data is incredible."
"Intubations are down, which is very good news."
"Omicron: 0.09 times the rate of death compared to Delta."
"We have one of the lowest case fatalities in the world."
"The overall infection fatality rate is a lot lower than originally was supposed."
"They could end this conversation forever if they could put out a study that shows that the vaccinated inside of that database are healthier than the unvaccinated. They won't do that study, they won't do any study."
"Siri will also gain the ability to access health data."
"Only one out of every 160,000 fully vaccinated Americans was hospitalized for COVID per day."
"If you had over 30 nanograms per mil of vitamin D you had a mild outcome compared to the severe outcome that's how your charts look."
"Numbers are coming down all over the United States very rapidly."
"Tight social distancing restrictions may be working," according to intriguing new data from a medical technology firm.
"I find these data unassailable... higher protein across the board is going to save more lives than it would ever hurt."
"Forget the clinical trials, it's ongoing data on a daily basis that's still being collected, still being accumulated, still being analyzed."
"The impacts of COVID-19 on children is minimal compared to other groups."
"The risk of death from Omicron still 67 percent less, so I think we can be fairly clear that Omicron is less pathogenic than Delta."
"The increasing number of cases is quite exponential."
"Cases per million people officially confirmed and diagnosed... Of course, this has to be taken with some caution."
"Grindr is letting other companies see user HIV status and location data."
"The risk of breakthrough infection with the Moderna vaccine was about 50 to 60 percent lower than with Pfizer vaccine."
"The link between cases and hospitalizations is breaking."
"Italy: Cases down, lowest daily infection rate in two months."
"There's real-world data showing unvaccinated people have about 20 times the risk of dying of COVID."
"Maybe I mean I've even heard like reports of your credit score... eventually will not also be tied to your vaccination status."
"Almost 57% of American men smoked cigarettes in 1955. Today, just 11.5% of U.S. adults are smokers."
"Natural immunity was statistically identical to the vaccine against infection."
"Some people don't want to look at that data and still think masks are a virtuous thing to do."
"The vaccine works against the new strains, that's what the data shows so far."
"The official cases have doubled in the past week."
"One of the things that's clear from the data is that even though vaccines... don't protect overly well against infection, they protect quite well against severe disease."
"Vaccinated people under 60 are twice as likely to die as unvaccinated people."
"Data shows a significant reduction in deaths among vaccinated individuals compared to unvaccinated individuals."
"The omicron variant... the data coming out... suggests this is a pretty mild illness."
"The data actually suggests this is a pretty mild illness, at least the omicron variant."
"Deaths from the variant appear to be low, very low, extremely low."
"We're likely facing a significant under count of total deaths directly and indirectly attributed to Covid-19."
"Across our portfolio, we're continuously innovating on new features with the help of personal AI so that our users can better understand their health and wellness data and, ultimately, lead healthier lives."
"The evidence and the data shows the vaccine is phenomenally effective."
"So despite reading all this stuff on the internet, the best data is gonna come from experimenting on your own body."
"The most important implication of these findings is that the number of infections is much greater than the reported number of cases."
"Nationwide, the percent of tests that come back positive has declined very significantly."
"Our results do not support a clear, general association between LCHP score and mortality."
"Why on earth would they want to redact that information? Because that means we could work out the percentages of people getting adverse reactions and the percentage of people dying due to vaccination."
"... an amazing time for health data."
"The information that we're obtaining from CGM is very meaningful and may help change behaviors."
"How important it is to have detailed, accurate, consistent health data that we can classify, that we can sort, that we can organize because we need that for research."
"The HIPAA Security Rule outlines the administrative, physical, and technological measures that covered entities must take."
"Men are more likely to get severe disease than women... it is consistent with the cumulative data from other places like China and Italy."
"Data suggests that the level of protection afforded by previous infection is at least as high, if not higher, than that provided by two doses of vaccine."
"We want health data in addition to be as protective as possible to be as liquid as possible."
"We perform health and fitness tests to get normative data, establish a baseline, and assess risk."
"The new recovered is just the total recovered of today minus the total recovered of yesterday."
"From our data, we have evidence that the heart rates are lower in healthy young adults."
"Look at your data points over a year and average them; that's probably the best example of your real number of your kidney function."
"Four billion shots in arms, and data shows that you are twice as likely to die of COVID without the vaccine."
"Empower yourself by downloading your data and assessing what changes to make."