
Personal Project Quotes

There are 453 quotes

"Let me actually think about life as it's the greatest project I'm ever going to work on."
"This is my favorite DIY, hands down, and I am so excited to be bringing to you more of these."
"I am making this the prettiest iteration Jerry's tree the world has ever seen."
"Like many people at the start of 2020 during the pandemic, I was like, 'I'm gonna redo everything in my home.'"
"This project was honestly so difficult for me, but I think I'm finally gonna build up this Little Pond area and just reflect on my journey."
"She saw this derelict castle and she said, 'I'm having it,' and it became a symbol of her restoration to life."
"I will turn this garden into the most beautiful place in the world."
"I was losing my mind, descending into madness, but nevertheless, I successfully managed to build a cabin in the woods."
"It's a fantastic time to build a new computer."
"I love the additions of the brick to really support the landscape. Oh, and he's used picture pods, the very thing I made my farm for. That is beautiful."
"Our kitchen's looking good, I guess I did trust the process."
"It's definitely coming together, it's definitely got the feel of the Outpost, but it's also very skulky as well."
"This is one of the coolest builds I have ever done."
"I put a mod chip onto an original Xbox I had completely rebuilt into a PC chassis because I made a number of mods to it."
"This image was the most I'd ever been paid for a personal project that had been then used in a commercial sense."
"I was underneath here, I'm working on an underwater base."
"Hot Thai Kitchen would never look the way it does if it wasn't for my brother Art."
"The biggest thing that I've ever worked on ever in the history of ever and I'm very excited for everyone to see it and let me know what you think."
"Now you're probably thinking, wow, that's really cool Linus."
"I think the first project that I can remember really feeling like it was my own and it doing pretty well was Roll Smokey."
"With a little bit of tender love and care, you can eventually get where you want to be with it."
"Step by step, my husband and I, with the help of Jesus, have created this living room to be something that we could only dream of."
"I literally could not have imagined this turning out any better than it did. What a dream for my DIY in progress art room."
"Well, I have to say this was definitely a fun project."
"This is all kind of an experiment, right? I mean, doing this whole solar and battery, I'd never done it before. I'm just doing it and I'm sharing with you what I learned."
"I want to make this base the best Minecraft base that I can possibly build."
"It's not about the keeper, like I'm trying to make this as independent as possible."
"Last year I traded a paper clip all the way up to an iPhone 11, and one year later I'm gonna try to trade a penny for the new iPhone."
"I own my CD, I did a prank call where I did LL calling a gay club."
"Oh my god I'm is writing a book and it's coming out it says the January it's called life about it already."
"Well, maybe I could make a projector work in my main setup at home."
"Guys, this video took me forever to make and there's still more videos of his I really want to cover."
"When I started, Three Blue One Brown was not a big thing by any means... it was just a side project."
"This feels like a vanity project because so many scenes are of her alone."
"I've made my island worse than a default blank one, but it's not forever—I will fix it."
"I'm just tired of that. So I wrote a script and I'm gonna make it."
"So at this point, you have successfully built yourself a gaming PC."
"I love DIY projects and I was redoing this dresser and I made it for a friend."
"Bodybuilding in itself is a very fulfilling project."
"This is going to be the first ever Paul's Hardware extra video."
"I've wanted one for 20 years and I'm finally, finally making one for myself."
"I might even be dead, so I decided to make this film a little present for my daughter."
"Thank you so much for watching my retrospective this was such a huge project for me so I really hope you enjoyed it."
"I've been working on this for probably four and a half years, full-time putting in the time."
"I'm not just building myself a new computer because what fun would that be? I'm building myself a whole new set up."
"This is my characters main home and this is what I've basically been doing through this is just kind of been adding to it over kind of the last few months."
"This is my experiment, my Buckminster Fuller-like experiment."
"This is it welcome to my latest project the mini ramp we built this here in my friend's backyard so we have kind of a safe place to skate a quarantine skate spot basically."
"That's just dawned on me. This thing's now done. My base is completed."
"This project has been a complete passion project. I've always wanted to create an emulator."
"I maybe I'll make a phone game, so I started working on a phone game."
"Everything and Ghanaian tree, document it all."
"I hope this inspires you guys to makeover your room or your dorm or your apartment."
"This ain't my sneaker no more, this is our sneaker."
"It's like the infinity Saga was Kevin Feige's baby."
"Myst works because we made it for ourselves."
"This is my little side project, I thought I found out a bunch of interesting things, I felt I wanted to share them with you."
"It's cool man, this is my show. Remember that, it's my show."
"Building a house is a desire to create something."
"My favorite song doesn't have a map, I will make it myself."
"Welcome to the syndicate project where we will be living my life in the Sims."
"Completed action in the future, will have constructed my house."
"I'm going to commit to a handmade Christmas this year."
"This is my ice cream truck, very proud of this one."
"It's going to be an easy project in the sense that I am cheating."
"That's my magnum opus that I'm doing right now."
"We ripped out the bathroom, that's right, I just demolished the bathroom at my Palm Springs Airbnb to give it an Extreme Makeover."
"I'm basically just a guy trying to rebuild my own Jurassic Park."
"It's been amazing, and so far, it's like doing Clinic book with all my mates, right?"
"I am building a sneaker wall in my new studio."
"Recently, I put in these plants that were in my other two marvel studio."
"This is My Land. This is now the Cherry Fields."
"I've worked on this since last August and I've tested in the parking lot about 6 times prior to today."
"Lawyers and dragons, which I'm just gonna plug again here because it's awesome and I'm excited about it."
"I'm gonna go make this little incline happen."
"I've been tinkering with it in the same world."
"This movie is a gift, it's my love letter to Corsicana."
"It felt like an act of self-care to make something so purely for me."
"Yeah, well, actually, I've been working on like a little project over this whole pandemic thing."
"I wrote it, I designed it, and I Illustrated it and now you can take it."
"You are the greatest project you will ever get to work on."
"I love that for you. Gone with your self-improvement project."
"I just build up some walls and then I can just kind of piece it together."
"I guess I'm doing this for a bit and that's my project."
"I wanted to create and design something for myself, the way I envision it from start to finish."
"That dumb nerdy thing I did a decade ago ended up being this so much bigger."
"Then from there we started going room by room and turning each space into something special."
"It's crazy how I opened this channel up five years ago with just the idea of doing this as a little fun thing on the side."
"This movie feels like a passion project for the people making them."
"Oh, It's a game I wrote and I've sold several thousand copies of it already."
"I'm really happy with how this cave turned out."
"I am obsessed with my peony wreath, it screams spring to me."
"What'd you guys think? I gotta be honest with you, I think it came out really good."
"This is a fantastic build this is probably my favorite build I put together so far."
"That's the thing with building a new comp car, if I build a new comp car, the Miata loses its purpose."
"This project had taken me hundreds of hours, it nearly cost me everything I had planned."
"One of the greatest features ever though is touch and drag AF settings."
"I love this photo wall, I think that turned out so well."
"I'm not necessarily a huge fan of PAP caps anyway, but I did want to do it for the winter to protect the bed."
"Every building that I constructed in X's Adventures in Minecraft has some sort of purpose."
"I can make this car the best it can possibly be."
"Creating this, my very own track racing game, made completely from scratch."
"This project mean a lot to me because I dropped two projects before this, and they got took down."
"I still have a vague plan... just looking forward to getting my hands on it."
"Jake opens his letter, and the only thing written on it is 'Time to build your own house.'"
"I decided to start myself a second channel... dedicated to van tours and van tours only."
"But as of now, I do want to make it a build with it."
"That's my new personal Channel... I do car video games."
"This is their house, I worked really hard on it."
"I sculpted out the first Walter in my apartment one night with a knife and a lump of clay and a mirror."
"This video has been a bit of a passion project for me for a while now... and I'm glad I finally bit the bullet and did it."
"I want to build him like a little cool gaming area where he can invite his friends around."
"Remember, I am the only person who writes, directs, edits, voices, designs, and animates every single one of these."
"I love how this turned out. I put it with some other accessories in my hallway and I just think it looks great."
"We're not just the background of myself so I can splice myself into multiple videos."
"It's your show, you can do whatever you want."
"I feel like a proud mom this is my this is my baby."
"I am so passionate about this and actually doing this channel."
"We definitely can, okay? So I want to set up a fungus farm."
"I know what I'm about to do sounds crazy, but I'm seriously going to attempt to use MS-DOS 6.22 from 1994 to achieve it."
"I just wanted to show the library off but now it's time to finish it here, this is the last room in the house."
"Pray for us as we try to surprise Winter with her dream room."
"This has got to be one of my favorite features on the plot this year. I've brought back the big support for my squash plants and I call it Squash Mountain."
"I'm tempted to just make a video on like actually exploring the history of Project Zack and Sicily in particular."
"I love the fact that I'm putting new wheels on this car because it's just it's missing something right here."
"It's been a labor of love man just every step of the way just trying to solve problems stay positive stay focused and focus on the goal."
"This is a special album, my thing, and I was talking about this earlier."
"What have I created? What have I done? I love it but it's also completely horrible."
"I'm making this the best car in the history of jalopy!"
"Build yourself a studio, get me an office, build an Illyrian training ring, a library for Amren and Nesta."
"I want to do like a part two and show you guys all of the renovations in the next video."
"Welcome to the 100% restoration and remodel of my family's $7,000 Mansion."
"I love being on my own show. I love that people love to watch it."
"I definitely plan to bring the setup makeover series into the living room and I've got a pretty crazy one coming up very soon."
"This isn't just any campground, this is a dream campground."
"It's my life scene and so it's a whole pro 64 different videos and tests."
"I'm planning this humongous wedding with Pap."
"My original goal was to create a portable Apple II with an LCD and maybe some thumbsticks."
"This was super cool, it's in my home lab right now."
"I've been working really hard on a VR game it's my own solo development project and I'm pouring everything I have into it."
"I want my bridge darn it! I will have my bridge and build it too!"
"I cannot thank you all enough. This car is going to be really, really special. I'm trying to do something different here and with everybody's continued support, it's just, it's gonna be amazing."
"I'm really quite proud of it, I think it's going to work."
"I thought it was quite interesting to actually see, can I make a 3D printer that's inspired by Fallout 4?"
"Let's just keep adding this orange concrete."
"I got to go do my thing because I have the drive and the will and I know that this is a good project."
"I think we're gonna start out working on my hot cocoa slash coffee station."
"I really hope you've enjoyed watching me make my childhood Warhammer dream come true."
"Welcome to my magnum opus, the best thing I've ever created."
"And that was all I needed. The car went to him and the build started."
"Quite frankly I'm really happy to work with you guys on this stuff the channels not big enough for it to be a profession yet and it's still in a hobby range so guys just let me know what you want."
"We will revive it, I'll have my own High School Musical."
"Chapter 1000 did heavily inspire me to finally make this video."
"I'm super excited about my garden bed. I've had that idea for a while now."
"I mean just don't worry about it, I'll build the good ones."
"This construction that we have going on right now, as y'all can tell we're in the backyard and I gotta be honest you guys, this is the most excited I've ever been for any construction we've ever done."
"You have a brilliant mind... find a path, find a passion, find a project."
"I made my own crypto token called Juniper Jupiter Pup. Jam that jam."
"I cannot wait to put this up in the corner for the SLS Black Series."
"I just planned on doing this let's build showing off my first impressions."
"Creating that board for yourself, opening up Canva or PicMonkey, dragging them all in, laying them all out, adding the text, the quotes, and the mantras that actually matter to you."
"I want to buy a mountain in Nagoya and make my own toge track and everything."
"I've just done some stories about some experiments I'm doing, but I just wanted to ask you guys because obviously this video has started off being quite fashion focused."
"This is my ultimate nerd cave that I've spent three solid weeks on."
"I don't really know how this video is going to perform. I just kind of wanted to do a throwback video."
"This is gonna be the best build of your life."
"I'm not afraid to say it, this is my favorite project I've ever done."
"This is my 1970 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am. This is a couple years of disregarding health and finance management and building stuff in my parents' side yard."
"A couple years ago I made my wife a desk from a single slab of black walnut."
"I believe in that... that's why I'm using it here at my own personal project."
"It's really nice to actually build something that I want that's not for a client."
"Building a lightsaber of my own has always been something that I've really wanted to do."
"That's what I'm doing. It's because I want to. That's my explanation as to why I'm building a stock Sportster and making it a chopper."
"I think I'm gonna put these aside for now. But if you committed, you could get like a canvassy case and iron these cuties onto that."
"I mean, I've already cut mine. I just got a piece of bamboo right there."
"Amity bloom is basically my baby. It's so important to me."
"This is something that I've been working on for two years."
"I wanted to do something for myself that was more interesting, experimental in its narrative approach. And I was in, I guess, kind of a dark turn of mind. And I just let myself go. And that's what came out."
"It's my favorite thing, this stream. It's my baby."
"I shall be rather busy redecorating and renovating this mansion."
"This project I'm doing especially for you, my lovely wife."
"It's our Dream project because it's going to be awesome for the boat."
"...it's going to be a replica and clone of my R34 GTR."
"I'm so excited because something that's been burning in my mind... it is the biggest Pandora box mystery box of a thing I've ever known."
"The car is really starting to come together in that mad OEM plus look that I'm going for."
"I would build this fan for myself if um I was in the market for another one right now"
"The sauna is really just practice for a bigger dream of building her a small timber frame home."
"It's been almost two years since I dove into building my first Boron 3D printer."
"It's my passion project. I just do this to make other people happy."
"This is literally my dream build, my dream truck."
"I realized that this is basically the perfect project for me."
"It improved my playing so much, in fact, that's why I'm doing my little EP album."
"This was a passion project of mine."
"It's been a really great restoration for me to do."
"I did a bunch more of these cards, like the ones I showed you at the start of the video."
"Everything you'll see in this presentation today was shot in my own yard at my own house in Pennsylvania."
"I am currently building my own home."
"It's been one of the most important projects I think I've ever undertook in my entire life."
"This is the largest project I've ever undertaken, and I actually managed to finish it."
"We were just kind of making the story for ourselves, and trying to make the best thing possible, and that's all that mattered."