
Social Stability Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"There is a correlation between economic success and living in a stable two-parent household."
"Stable order in civilization only exists when people feel they have much to lose."
"The riot, in some sense, is the default condition, and we're so protected as modern westerners that we don't even know what the walls guard us from."
"Violence has no place in our societies, and extremists will not succeed in overruling the will of the people."
"Restoring Law and Order is Paramount as our cities descend into chaos."
"The only way to prevent social unrest is to provide a financial flow."
"Nobody wants peace more and nobody wants stability more than the Hong Kong people."
"America is teetering on the edge of a precipice at the moment because if people can't eat, that's when social unrest happens."
"If you do not have a stable Society, you can't talk about trimming spending."
"Diversity of opinion and viewpoint is important to the strength of a society."
"Destroying the middle class threatens the stability of the system."
"Responsibility, my first responsibility in this country is to secure life and property."
"Ideology is not the source of stability; the source of stability is the economic and material constraints that workers face."
"Information Warfare threatens security, informational security, social stability, and especially in states which Russia seeks to disable and which it sees as its natural enemies."
"The woke have gone crazy, we need Law and Order."
"If people have education, if they have health care, if they have jobs and are happy to live here, they're not going to want to go anywhere else."
"Understanding population demographics is key to stability."
"The family was always seen as the bedrock of social stability."
"When the home fails, the society is going to fail."
"Let peace reign... we can't afford for Lagos to be on fire." - Call for peace and order
"The Roman state prioritized keeping their bellies full. The number one thing that will cause the common people to revolt is an empty stomach."
"We need to stop the risk of civil war and deeply fragmented societies."
"The ruling class knows how wobbly this tower has become."
"The collapse of the family destabilizes society."
"We have to move back to truth. If we don't, we're going to have chaos, dissension, disharmony."
"If you make people comfortable enough, they will not revolt."
"Every society is three missed meals away from chaos."
"Monogamy and marriage and nuclear families are a part of preserving what has helped society thrive in the past and might help society thrive in the future."
"Opportunity cannot thrive where there is violence."
"Access to the right trade goods can boost happiness and reduce unrest."
"We believe everyone deserves equal access to safe and stable housing."
"There is a thin civil engineering blue collar worker line that keeps society polite and civil from collapsing."
"Everyone is just three missed meals away from a revolution."
"Those who possess the power to defend themselves against threats by their neighbors live the most pleasant life with one another."
"We can lower crime, mental issues, and suicide rates by bringing back the family nucleus."
"States which have good social cohesion and their fiscal house in order are the most likely to weather the storm."
"We need a strong middle class this stuff is happening."
"When religion loses its value, Church crumbles, and when Church crumbles, social Society crumbles."
"New people bring stability, prosperity, and harmony."
"Sita quickly turned to hiring privatized security forces in conjunction with local authorities to quell rioters and keep the peace at evacuation centers."
"Social stability is a balance of powers; centralization disrupts people's power."
"Everything around you feels a bit more settled, like you really know who your friends are."
"Xi has stifled all perceived threats to social stability, this not only in the form of protests or dissidents but also human rights lawyers, labor activists, poets, feminists, and anything else he views as a threat."
"This idea that we were fed that like this is what it is, it's going to stay this way forever and anybody who disagrees is a racist, sexist, xenophobe. It's like, it's not true."
"There is nothing more dangerous than the build-up of those who feel they have no stake in it."
"When the rule of law isn't upheld and when police aren't respected, cities turn into ticking time bombs."
"Black men don't understand that marriage is an absolute necessity to maintain a healthy household."
"There's nothing to worry about in Finland as far as it goes."
"It's never about us versus them. A divided house can't stand."
"And to have them just completely ripped away from her would be really tragic for her and really harmful like an abandonment in some ways."
"Partners come and go but good friends are forever."
"The beneficiaries of Industry 5.0 are going to be a strong middle class. The class system should look like this, should look like a bell curve with the middle class being the majority of people. That's a healthy society."
"Morality provides a certain kind of stability in society."
"The god of creation blessed them with land to live on, work to do, and status to protect themselves."
"If you have a cooperative society, you need to share at the end; if you don't, that whole cooperation is going to fall apart."
"They also maintain stability in our society by settling conflicts interests of citizens."
"Media freedom does not jeopardize social stability; in fact, media freedom can strengthen social stability if it's handled in the right way."
"Function is focus on the positives of religion, the positive functions in maintaining social stability and order."