
Size Comparison Quotes

There are 254 quotes

"The largest prison camp in North Korea is larger than the city of Los Angeles."
"The tallest statue in the world is now in Western India... it's 600 feet tall, four times taller than the Statue of Liberty."
"The SeaWise Giant... was longer than the Empire State Building was tall."
"The entire level itself is basically a huge super organism that's the size of a dwarf planet pretty much."
"What Enceladus lacks in size, it more than makes up for in being utterly badass."
"Conventional wisdom is always held that little cars do worse in a crash than big cars."
"If accurate, these descriptions indicate that whatever this creature is, it is up to five times larger than the biggest indigenous bird in Illinois."
"Nibiru is four to eight times the size of Earth, so large planet folks, we're not going to miss it."
"These footprints range in size up to a few meters in length indicating that humans at some point in the distant past may have been even larger than many dinosaur species."
"The red kangaroo is the world's largest living marsupial."
"The flying fox is the largest known living bat."
"The eastern gorilla is the largest gorilla of its kind."
"The V90 is notably shorter than the S90 sedan."
"How small do you think the smallest police station on earth is? Surprisingly, it's only big enough to fit one person in."
"Its prominent neck accounted for close to half that size at five meters - that's almost three times longer than the neck of the average giraffe."
"Size matters, but as they say, it's not just the size of the boat, it's the motion of the ocean."
"This is literally double the size of the previous generation Sequoia..."
"Size can play a factor, but we've seen... size doesn't always mean everything."
"Crocodiles are semi-aquatic reptiles that come in various sizes, with examples like Brutus, Cassius, Lo Long, and Gustav showcasing the impressive sizes of these creatures."
"Knickers the steer from West Australia is believed to be one of the largest in the country, standing at almost seven feet tall and weighing about 1400kg or 3086 pounds, avoiding slaughter due to his massive size."
"The object was described as egg-shaped or oblong, about the size of an average car."
"The megalodon meaning giant tooth is aptly named with teeth over three times the size of the great white shark."
"American football teams are some of the largest in sports, both physically and in numbers."
"A Svyatogor sized mech would just be way too big, and a virtual fighter would be, well, too non-corporeal."
"This stadium is insane, it really is. It's so big, it's the third biggest in Europe or in the world rather, the biggest in Europe."
"The tallest pyramid: If we take a look at the Magnificent Pyramids of Giza in their entirety it seems that the central pyramid of Khufu is by far the largest structure."
"They're lightning-wielding demigods the size of a Prius and they look the part."
"No this is at least twice as large and they call this one a honey dip."
"What's better than your favorite Eeveelution? A bigger version of your favorite Eeveelution."
"Oh my actual god guys look how big he is, he is literally as big as the reindeer, he's so cute."
"Hercules beetle: Can grow to the size of an adult man's hand."
"Certainly is large, this is about as big as the surface book tablet section."
"Hercules beetles can grow to the size of an adult man's hand."
"Larger than the largest buildings and with greater firepower than the strongest armies."
"These things are immense, and would dwarf Earth the way Earth dwarfs a small village."
"Colossal... runs the length of three football pitches."
"This literal giant stood before me, it was at least half the height of the 50-foot pine trees."
"The Vatican City is a sovereign city-state that is 1/8 the size of Central Park in New York and is surrounded by a two-mile border with Italy."
"Elephants are the largest land animals on the planet, twice as tall as a man and weighing 60 times as much. They are giant manifestations of nature's power."
"That's lit though, yo! Look how giant this chair is!"
"A domino can knock over another domino. That's one and a half times bigger."
"The ps5 is gigantic... taller than pretty much any console ever made."
"The size of a Minecraft world is bigger than the surface area of Jupiter."
"Absolutely loving this park so far. Sometimes the smaller parks can be even more fun than the big ones."
"At 452 feet tall, making it one and a half times the height of the 'Statue of Liberty'."
"It's easily going to be like three meters. Yeah, it's more than a j-span."
"The PS5 console itself is definitely one of the largest ones out there."
"It was like an elephant's trunk, the largest I've ever seen in my life."
"These people were enormous standing much taller than any race of people on earth today."
"The size of the Hidden internet is estimated to be more than 500 times the size of the accessible internet."
"T-Rex is the largest land living meat-eating dinosaur we've ever discovered."
"Not only are these eggs big in size, the clutch size is huge too."
"Fishing boat dwarfed by a 30-foot shark passing by."
"Whale sharks can grow to be as long as a school bus but even though they're so big they eat tiny plants and super small animals called plankton."
"Last one, they got two big ones and then some little ones."
"It's one of the biggest and brightest stars of the Milky Way it could fit three billion Suns."
"Just take a look at these lemons, they're the size of a softball."
"It truly is one of the larger and heavier ones on the market."
"This thing was a massive Beast, bigger than a great white shark and about 22 feet long."
"I've seen some I think as large as like 3 000 or so and they end up being like the full size of the back of the iPod."
"The mastaba itself is one of the largest in all of ancient Egypt, measuring around a hundred meters long."
"Elephant Birds stood less than 10 feet tall."
"Alaska is larger than 21 of the smallest US states combined."
"A supernova is a more extreme event...when a white dwarf simply explodes."
"Number 3: 'Bulldog rat, bigger than the rats we know today' — Bigger than the rats we know today."
"The biggest black bear that I have ever seen."
"Depends on the size and the age of the dragon. I don't think a baby dragon could take on, oh my god, Steve."
"Nearly 450 feet long, it would have been a magnificent sight, certainly the biggest boat in the ancient world."
"They can sometimes be up to 10 feet in diameter so it's a rock that would very much be familiar with an Indiana Jones movie in a certain Mayan temple."
"That's a big beast, but it's actually slightly smaller than the Model X."
"This new version stood over 2 meters tall and was four to five times the size of its predecessor."
"You're essentially processing something that's the size of a dog."
"Avocado stones: the avocado stone is so so profound and big, isn't it bigger than the avocado sometimes?"
"The ring is literally bigger than you. For you, that would not be a ring, that would be a house for you."
"Will there ever be a set bigger than the Millennium Falcon?"
"They stepped it up with this one that weighs like it's big it's like a spaceship..."
"I firmly believe now that whatever's out there is still there."
"They may be small at only one foot, but they play an important role."
"The main thing that we can be certain of is that they are greater than man-sized."
"And I remember seeing him, he was fighting at 45 at the time and he walked by me and he's roughly my size, he's not that much smaller."
"Finding a 135 that thing's 20 like you're not that much bigger than the belt."
"York is probably like, I don't know, twice the height of Brooke, she's probably like 16, 17 feet tall."
"He must have stood 12 ft tall taller than the trees he was busy swatting down and massive his arms were."
"Anything named after him is of course going to be an absolute ginormous beast."
"Titan, with a radius of 2575 kilometers, dwarfs the announced planet."
"It's the third largest natural hot spring in the world and at 370 feet in diameter it's bigger than an entire football field."
"The Black Pyramid is four times larger than the Pyramid of Giza in Egypt."
"The biggest dinosaur ever... making the Tyrannosaurus Rex look like a baby chicken."
"Mature worms have been documented at 450m in length, dwarfing the Empire State Building."
"Even if we don't get to kill it, would you could just see one, a 13-footer, you know how big a 13-foot alligator is?"
"This is about the size of my whole shop plus, you know, I think you guys have more machines in it."
"It's like the seventh largest in Wyoming."
"Introducing the Goliath bird eater, just as its name suggests, this is the biggest arachnid in the world."
"Tigers are the largest natural big cat."
"The biggest flea ever recorded was one that was found in Indonesia in 1946, which was bigger than a guinea pig."
"It's wild. They're so massive. This tower of a cactus that Brian was standing next to is a Mexican giant cardon and it's the largest species of cactus in the world."
"Saturn is so big, a whopping 755 times Rap God by Eminem fits into it."
"It's a little bit smaller than a full-size but not quite as small as a Gamepad."
"If seven Argentinosaurus stood in a row, they could replace the London Bridge."
"That's about the size of a real smart car."
"We're so incredibly vast. Those countries are no bigger than half of a state here in the United States."
"If Prime is like the biggest out of them, and imagine if they recreated a Megatron but that size, like four times bigger."
"The largest pen-fed hog on record lived in 1933. Big Bill weighed 2,552 pounds, the same as a full-grown black rhino."
"Whoa, look how big this penguin is. Whoa, four feet tall! 1.3 meters high! Jeez, look how big it is."
"...here's a 2.25 carat diamond size comparison on the hand this now is more than double the size of one carat and it shows..."
"Look at this! I'm seriously the head of this spoon is like as big as the palm of my hand."
"So much bigger than that bug eye."
"It's taller than the Statue of Liberty; that is so cool. I wouldn't have known or realized that."
"I just reviewed the King Arts Mazinger or Mazinger and that figure was around what maybe three hundred dollars it's bigger I don't have it here for size comparison."
"I think this is a seller supercell Allegiant we suggest a single parent attenuation so I'd be thinking of a rat pee but sis which is quite big"
"This plane loves the size just fine, but I like the 5000, and no, you do not need the 100C. I'm just showing this for size comparison."
"That's a pretty big boat. I don't know if you can see it's, uh, it's almost the size of that house right there."
"That's a really small cat. Boo is so big compared to that cat."
"It's almost as big as some houses."
"It's by far the largest submarine built in the last 40 years or so, second only to the Typhoon class."
"It's as long as a semi-trailer you see on highways, about twice as heavy as a polar bear."
"Wow look at the size difference of these two animals so that's a very mature pool so that gentleman's over seven years of age at his height that's about five five and a half meters coming through there."
"You can kind of get a grasp of the size of some of these components, those are big fuselage pieces."
"He's big. You should see him. It's crazy. I just don't have the power."
"If you could imagine there being a giant bug the size of a small human standing, then maybe you would have ever seen the fly."
"This figure is such a great representation of Kane and how massive he is."
"These were undoubtedly bigger. I mean, it was ridiculous how big they were. Ridiculous."
"Is there a cryptid that I thought was mythical that I was surprised was real? I guess maybe trolls or dragons like the Allah. I never really thought that there were any reptiles that big besides dinosaurs."
"So, roughly the size of Pasadena, but with as much mass as our Sun, okay?"
"Supermassive black holes are the largest and they range from 20 times bigger than the sun to forever, I'm not totally sure."
"The iconic Hercules a Galaxy you see right here is already almost the same size as the ic-1101."
"Delicious, you know you have the little hot dog things that you make these, but these are a bigger version and I think these are delicious."
"Wow, that's a big one, innit? Should we start with a smaller one?"
"Jupiter, the solar system's largest planet, is so big that more than 1,300 Earths would fit inside."
"But when it comes to sheer size, one extraordinary group dominates – the Sauropods."
"The largest jellyfish species as many of you loyal listeners mention was the lion's mane jellyfish."
"Park Ranger Marty: 'Wow, this is about as large as dinosaur eggs get...'"
"Tibet is almost 10 times the size of UK."
"It's a very general sense, roughly about the size of your standard cargo van."
"Their heart is about the size of a small car and their arteries are big enough for a human to actually climb through."
"Alaska is more than twice the size of Texas."
"This is the biggest snake in Africa."
"It's like three football fields long and about 870 feet tall."
"Man, I just can't get over how huge this Megalodon is. Just giant, it's the biggest thing I think we've ever seen underwater here, isn't it?"
"Gaming is the world's largest entertainment industry, bigger than Hollywood and bigger than pro sports."
"Nauru, the world's smallest country, is only six times larger than Central Park in New York City."
"It's incredible to think of the sheer size of some species of dinosaurs and to imagine them compared to ourselves."
"This car is really, really small even by today's modern car standards where everything has gotten so big."
"The Moon is about one quarter the size of the Earth and orbits around the Earth once every 27.3 days."
"The great white shark can grow to 6 metres, three times the length of a man."
"This is my favorite top pick for an LCD, and at 85 inches, there's no OLED that can compete at that size."
"Pound-for-pound, the green anaconda is the largest snake in the world."
"The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is actually a 400-year-old storm, and you could fit four whole Earths inside of it."
"The beast's head alone was around 1 meter in length, a size that dwarfed the submarine used for the mission."
"This city of the dead is small, a mere 14 acres or 55,000 square meters, yet today it holds some 4,700 tombs and the remains of more than 350,000 departed."
"Here's the big dog. The blades on this thing are as big as my forearm; it's basically a helicopter."
"Utahraptor was essentially a hawk the size of a bear and was just as terrifying."
"This is going to be more like flying a big plane that happens to be small, that's why I really like them."
"We're talking whale big, like orca whale big."
"They grow larger than either parent species."
"The biggest eye on Earth is either the giant squid or the colossal squid."
"Everything is much bigger in the United States, and that includes this refrigerator."
"That being said, what I'm noticing here right away with the Mandalorian helmet by Novos is it's a little bit bigger."
"This ship is bigger than three football fields."
"Megalodon, the biggest carnivorous fish that's ever lived."
"It's taller than a giraffe and taller than the London double-decker bus."
"It's about the size of a silver dollar, maybe a little bigger."
"Australia is the sixth largest country in the world, similar in size to the United States of America and bigger than Europe."
"...Godzilla was about 355 feet and King Kong was a lot smaller than Godzilla coming in at 104 feet in the 2017 film."
"The palace is 500,000 square feet, 10 times larger than the White House."
"Mauritania is a big country, twice the size of France, but its population hasn't yet reached four million inhabitants."
"South America is almost double the size of Europe's 3.8 million square miles."
"Alaska appears three times as large as Mexico when Mexico is larger by 0.1 million square miles."
"The sun is 400 times larger than the moon and it is 400 times further away."
"If you laid Alaska over a map of the lower 48, it would stretch from North Dakota to Texas and California to Florida."
"Dinosaurs were bigger than elephants, but their brains were the size of a peppermint."
"That's a giant giraffe nose, guys. Check it out, he's literally as big as my arm."
"Now she was unveiled to the world, over twice the length of the Titanic, with 46 oil tanks for her cargo."
"Komodo dragons are the largest extant lizard species."
"If we were to imagine the Amazon rainforest as a contiguous country, it would be the ninth largest nation on our globe."
"The park is larger than the seven smallest USA states combined."
"They may be really small compared to the normal Oreos, but not going to lie, they are pretty darn good."
"Most elephants weigh less than a blue whale's tongue."
"We've got a big thing of fruit and veggies that we bought. Guys, look at the size of these strawberries, that is insane."
"The total area of Europe is only slightly bigger than Canada."
"The Indus civilization was even larger in terms of the area than the Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations."
"Polar bears are large land carnivores with males being two to three times larger than females."
"Recently I stumbled across some insanely large wagons, the likes of which I've never seen before."
"The ID 3 is a family car a little bit bigger than a Golf."
"The titanosaur is over 120 feet long or 37 meters, and it weighed almost as much as 10 elephants."
"The Romans gave me my name after their King of the Gods, because my size is so massive in the sea of the stars."
"The moon is 3,500 kilometers in diameter, much smaller than the Sun."
"The Great Red Spot is a storm that's been raging for at least 350 years and is larger than Earth itself."
"This Broly towered over most other figures of the line except for Shenron."
"If you visit, you want to check out the Sarawak chamber, which is big enough to hold 40 Boeing 747 aircraft."
"Everything in that world can be small and it can be gigantic."
"The largest dinosaur eggs were as large as basketballs."
"Wow, he's so big. The rhino's as big as a dinosaur."
"The sun is 400 times bigger than the Earth."
"Look at this, look how big this zinnia is; it's almost as big as my face."
"It's almost as big as King Kong, that's crazy!"
"People don't understand how large these things are; they're far larger than horses."
"To put things into perspective, look at how titan-like it looks when a car passes by."
"Alaska is a big place, almost 700,000 square miles, twice the size of Texas."
"Female blue whales are actually bigger than the males; they're huge, 100 feet long."