
String Theory Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"I consider myself someone who is excited about the possibility that string theory is the right description of the world, but I reserve judgment to ultimately base my assessment on observation and experiment."
"The beauty of string theory... it's not merely a matter of hiding an embarrassing quality... it's the DNA of the universe."
"String theory is a theory of quantum gravity that unifies quantum mechanics and general relativity."
"Despite its challenges, string theory remains one of our best candidates for a theory of everything."
"String theory and work in quantum gravity more generally is suggesting that spacetime itself is not a fundamental ingredient in the nature of reality."
"As wrong or incomplete as current string theory may be, it may also be the inevitable early step as we seek an even more beautiful and ultimately more right understanding of space-time."
"String theory gives rise to an enormous diversity of different possibilities."
"Everything in the universe can be reduced down to these small little vibrating strings of energy."
"If string theory is correct, the unity of the elementary particles arises because the different particles are different forms of vibration of one basic string."
"If string theory is correct, it basically means that two-dimensional random quantum geometry on the string worldsheet is the key to a new kind of four-dimensional random quantum geometry."
"String theory...manages to join the quantum with space-time."
"String theory is... the only thing that so far we found that actually consistently brings the quantum world together with the world of gravity."
"Physics is the harmonies you write on a string."
"String theory is supposed to explain the universe, so the fact that 11 is noticed in string theory, no no, that's really interesting."
"String theory, multi-dimensional reality, and matter displacement all real."
"String theory: the one great hope for a theory of everything."
"Why string theory has been the obsession of a generation."
"String theory predicts gravity, almost like magic."
"String theory avoids the problem of black holes."
"I don't think it's ever happened that a theory that has the kind of mathematical appeal that string theory has turned out to be entirely wrong."
"String theory is really the Wild West of physics."
"The properties of the quantum vacuum are even more complicated again string theory seems to be the way to approach this."
"If string theory is right because strings are a finite size and so they actually there's a smallest possible thing and so a biggest possible energy you can have."
"String theory is even better. It's gravity plus a grand unified theory. That's even better."
"String theory is one of the methods proposed for developing a Theory of Everything."
"It's almost like string theory is that the entire universe and everything together is tied together in some sort of web."
"Fundamentally it's a string, you can't break it down any further, it would be the fundamental object of nature."
"If string theory was found to just somehow not be right, then you have to start thinking about rewriting all the textbooks."
"String Theory provides a concrete realization of this possibility as earlier certain theories of the origin of the universe so-called chaotic inflation had done."
"String theory is a theory that says instead of the fundamental pieces of the universe being particles they're strings."
"The mathematical contributions of string theory would stand."
"String theory was describing a multiverse and an extremely diverse one at that."
"String theory is the most promising candidate we have for unifying Einstein's theory of relativity with quantum mechanics."
"If String Theory turns out to be wrong I bet you it will have been useful."
"When it became clear that string theory was a very serious candidate and framework for trying to do that, the perspective of physicists widened."
"String theory is this vast ocean of knowledge which has led to an incredible series of surprises."
"The fact that in studying it, one has uncovered so many surprises both where one gets a better understanding of existing physical theories and sometimes new insights in pure mathematics."
"In recent progress in cosmology, string theory, and quantum mechanics...some even considering the Multiverse as non-optional."
"The richness of the string comes from the fact that the string can vibrate in many different ways, leading to all the different particles and forces that we see in the universe."
"All these other particles which we see in the subatomic world come from different ways that this string could be vibrating."
"String theory forces us to include gravity, while standard quantum theories make it impossible to include gravity."
"The public is waiting for the next Einstein, they are ready to live through an amazing historical time in physics and they think string theory is going to do that for them."
"In the 1990s, the physicists realized that string theory is not testable. Like, you have all these dimensions, like, how could we ever test this theory?"
"For string theory to work mathematically, the Universe had to have more than the standard four dimensions."
"Just like Isaac Newton didn't understand action at a distance, we don't understand string theory really and all of its predictions so far outside the realm of experimental testability."
"M-theory offers a possible solution to the problem of competing superstring theories, unifying them as aspects of a single theory."
"String Theory, whether or not it's right, has led to a lot of exciting ideas that I think are very, very likely to be true even if String Theory isn't true."
"String theory is very healthy and is by far the most popular way of thinking about quantum gravity."
"But I am not dogmatic about string theory. String theory could easily be irrelevant, and hopefully, that is something that we'll know. I'd love to know the answer to that in my own lifetime."
"String theory suggests a different story, and I say suggests because this is not a proven theory by any means, but string theory suggests that there is one more layer to this progression."
"Indeed, string theory does for the first time put together quantum theory and general relativity, the laws of the small and the laws of the big."
"For the first time in the history of science, string theory gives the framework for an explanation."
"String theory says that everything that we think of as a particle is actually a tiny, vibrating loop of string."
"But I think that's what disappointed me the most, to tell you the truth, is the one thing, if string theory had predicted a cosmological constant, it would have been great."
"String theory is currently the only scientific theory that brilliantly ties all the facets of our universe together."
"String theory is good at bringing the various dimensions of physics together."
"String theory is more predictive than standard quantum theory."
"The invention and the discovery of string theory was just looking for a physical model which would give this for its answers for its answer for scattering of two mesons or two two particles."
"Fundamental extremely deep symmetry of string theory called conformal symmetry."
"If every string theory had a tachyon, you would not have heard of string theory."
"String theory puts together general relativity and quantum mechanics into a consistent mathematical formalism, allowing calculations that blend the two."
"In string theory, we're not talking about a point particle; we're talking about an extended object. Now that's the string itself."
"The goal of string theory, one of the goals, is to try to find laws of physics that don't break down under any circumstance, no matter how extreme the conditions might be."
"String Theory uh supports the concept of brain Theory which says that the fundamental things aren't atoms but these kind tiny things that are strings that are 11 dimensional object."
"According to contemporary string theoretic views, there are these extra Six Dimensions supposed to be curled up in such a way that they don't interact with us in the normal course."
"One of the great features that attracted many of us to string theory was that you don't have the freedom to decide what kind of space-time you're gonna live in that's dictated."
"Concepts like string theory and the multiverse work great in theory, and may indeed exist, but we have no inkling about how we might look at or travel to them."
"String Theory suggests that there is only one type of particle: strings."
"String theory... became a real candidate for a theory that would unify the four forces of nature into a big theory of everything."
"I do think the string theory... does show a surprising ability to connect things that do not appear connected on the surface."
"These are resonances of strings vibrating in 11 dimensional hyperspace."
"String theory... says these things can be understood in terms of strings vibrating in up to 11 dimensions."
"The biggest surprise of all is that even though it can be defined by an explicit recipe with no reference to quantum physics... kavanov homology can also be understood using the most modern tools of quantum field theory and string theory."
"The String Theory states that all objects in our universe are composed of vibrations, or strings, and membranes of energy."
"The universe as really small strings of mass energy, not as particles."
"String theory has a reputation for being a very challenging subject, but the basic idea is very natural."
"It's a different way of representing string amplitudes in a more fundamentally combinatorial ideas."
"The greatest S-matrix theory of all time is string theory."
"String Theory derives black hole entropy."
"String theory proposes that we could see particles not as points, but instead as strings."
"You could extract general relativity from string theory, a quantum mechanical description of vibrating filaments."
"String Theory... does not have infinities, so we all love that; it's elegant and beautiful."
"The universe as strings vibrating in 9 dimensions."
"The fact that you have an exponentially large number of metastable vacua simply makes it possible to find one where the cosmological constant is small."
"Physics is nothing but the harmonies you can write on vibrating strings; chemistry is nothing but the melodies you can play on strings; the universe is a symphony of strings."
"The hope is that by changing to sheets and strings that interact over an extended space, that will eliminate some of those infinities."
"Different string modes, vibrations of strings in different modes in these higher dimensions, lead to different energies and then different string properties."
"All string theories have graviton and other particles, but there is no single string theory yet that predicts the standard model."
"If every slice is another three-dimensional brane with another three-dimensional universe on it, there could be an unfathomable number of universes out there."
"We're made of strings, all vibrating in just the right pattern to make you, you."
"The real question is, does our multiverse look like this? Well, probably not, but physicists are researching string theory every day, and it could be closer than we think."
"String theory certainly has compelling features... because to first approximation it did some things dramatically well."
"Gravity has the simplest possible final answer... the answer in gravity is a thing that's naturally lifted into... string theory."
"We have the very interesting discussion of two waves; they are cancelling each other, and somehow the string has a way to remember what happened before."
"String theory truly saves the day here by giving us examples where we can precisely map this description of this process onto a theory where information is clearly preserved."
"The most important one, of course, is the origin of the universe. Could String Theory actually explain what goes on at the beginning?"
"The landscape is a picture of the possible solutions that you seem to be able to get out of string theory."
"String theory has many successes, much promise, but because of its failures so far, the best is yet to come."
"String theory is a conservatively radical modification of the principles of physics."
"String theory automatically and surprisingly unified the gauge forces that are the basis of the standard theory with gravity."
"In the last decades, we've discovered a fantastic duality between quantum field theory and string theory."
"We've learned that [quantum field theory and string theory] are the same thing, different versions or ways of looking at the same physics."
"The real motivation for string theory is to resolve this incompatibility between the traditional formulation of quantum mechanics and the traditional formulation of the general theory of relativity."
"We'll now discuss a model for a vibrating string."
"String theory... it's a conservatively radical modification of the principles of physics."
"I make really good educational videos about like the string theory."
"We don't know yet whether we can test anything... but there is some reason to expect that from string theory there's something very unusual coming."
"The extra dimensions profoundly affect the physics that we do observe in the world around us in string theory."
"The vibrations of the strings are affected by the shape of the extra dimensions."
"The Levenshtein distance is the minimum number of individual changes you have to make to each character in one string to make it equal to the second string."
"All particles are different vibrations of strings."
"String theory doesn't make sense unless you have extra dimensions of space."
"When string theorists try to address experimental fact that the Universe right now is accelerating, they tried to do it and it did not work."
"If you study string theory and you try to explain why universe is four dimensional and why it is accelerating, it brings you this multiplicity of choices."
"The only explanation that we know right now is based on string theory Multiverse picture."
"String theory definitely works for removing these divergences."
"String theory is primarily our best shot right now at understanding a theory of quantum gravity."
"The full description of string theory is not as a theory of strings at all; it's a theory of all different possibilities of extended objects interacting in some way."
"Nature doesn't care and this is part of why string theorists are so excited."
"Supersymmetry was combined with string theory, and so the term superstring theory was born."
"The cyclic idea we've been exploring is derived from an alternative or an improved theory of gravity which physicists call String Theory."
"The distance between two strings is the number of places they differ, not the sum of the squares of the differences."
"String theory is part of the bigger framework of quantum field theory."
"Every consistent quantum field theory that we understand has a geometric dual which as extra dimensions as dynamical spacetime is like string theory."
"The existence of extra dimensions is crucial for the validity of string theory."
"Particles are not point particles; they're actually little loops of string."
"This sort of geometrical structure of the universe automatically allows string theory to have a spectrum of particles and forces which is in agreement with what we observe in nature so far."
"The most compelling argument for studying physics at the Planck scale is that string theory does provide a consistent unified quantum field theory of gravity."
"In my opinion, it is this cross-fertilization between fields which is the greatest strength of string theory."