
Financial Risk Quotes

There are 439 quotes

"You darn well better have one because this is now 2023 and what's really happening underneath the surface actually puts all of your wealth at risk."
"The riskiest thing would be to hold bonds and bond-like real estate and bond-like equity because there's no way for them to increase their cash flows by a factor of 10 or 100."
"It's all a story, as ever, of too much leverage."
"You should never put more money in than you can afford to lose."
"This could trigger systemic financial risks internationally."
"You just lived way too high, a risk profile out of this planet."
"If something happened here where I had to declare bankruptcy, it could very strongly affect my day job." - Rico, discussing the potential impact of the restaurant's failure.
"Leverage takes these things down. It's the same thing with crypto practices. We don't have the transparency."
"I'm in too deep at this point for me to pull out now and never see my hundred grand back."
"To be honest, we wouldn't buy this club at all if it wasn't West Ham. It makes no commercial sense for anyone to buy this club."
"They're not gambling with their money; they're gambling with yours."
"The average millionaire has had about three financial catastrophes in their life."
"The four most dangerous words in the history of investing are 'this time is going to be different.'"
"Intermediation poses certain types of risks... somebody stands in the middle not necessarily intermediating but absorbing the risk."
"The company spread itself too thin and was in danger of going out of business."
"NFTs are one of the funniest easiest ways to make money but also one of the biggest most deadly traps in all of crypto."
"Selling naked options... you have theoretically unlimited loss potential."
"Trading weekly options is a high-risk high-reward activity."
"Credit cycles always end and they always end badly."
"Humans are lazy by nature... But if you are going to rely on other people's guesswork to be the solution to your financial future it's a very dangerous thing to do."
"If you have all your money in one thing, then you're screwed."
"You can lose money for three years as long as you had a dream."
"Companies that did not innovate and instead leveraged up to buy back stock and distribute dividends to satisfy short-term oriented shareholders will pay a steep price."
"Deflation is not a good thing to happen and if it does happen it could mean disaster for pretty much all of us."
"It has basically kept the asset inflation going... weaknesses which is going to Doom the dollar."
"Hey, if this is your last money, if you're actually playing with your lives here, just be careful."
"So like a warning, right? Don't put your entire net worth into crypto. Definitely a cautionary tale."
"They can take the life savings of regular people to cover your debts."
"It's still like a poker machine... it is gambling to a degree."
"So even if you're completely inexperienced and know nothing about finance or investments you are told that there is an inherent risk."
"You put a thousand dollars in the bank, the bank, once you open that bank account, the bank can say, 'Yo, we legally can take 90% of that money and do what we want to do with it.'"
"If some of tether's investments were to become worthless or decline in value, it would suffer the equivalent fate of breaking the buck."
"An economic catastrophe is what U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is warning will happen if Congress fails to raise the government's debt ceiling."
"Sure, you want to earn money from Pinduoduo, but it seems like they're after your life."
"Risking more than you can afford to lose is the unintelligent speculator's error."
"After all these warning signs if you decide now to get into it and then it continues to fail then the problem is that it isn't a speculative investment that failed there's a problem with you."
"US hits the debt ceiling, risking severe consequences."
"There was an incredible amount of risk built up in the system."
"Studios are betting hundreds of millions of dollars, hoping every film is a hit."
"Love is being willing to bet half your net worth you'll stay together forever."
"The broader global implications of China’s internal and external debt problems that we have to think about are that cross-border financial contagion can be brought about due to a ‘common creditor’."
"Renovations can be a really, really good way to spend an insane amount of money that you will never get a return on."
"This is one of the most challenging and treacherous times in history for investing."
"High returns should be accompanied by high risk."
"The majority of people that are going to get wealthy are going to do it by taking investment risks."
"Ponzi schemes work until somebody wants to withdraw their money."
"How safe is it to be in a real estate market that's 100 dependent upon debt... maybe it's under 10 percent."
"Crystal Maiden's arcane aura can change the game drastically."
"If the stock price reached 175, this investment firm would go bankrupt, they would be worth zero dollars, they would be destroyed, billions of dollars gone, like that."
"You gotta lose money to win money, so they say."
"Not everybody is cut out to take that risk because when the tide goes out you see who's been swimming naked."
"Diamond handing options is like burning hundred dollar bills."
"We're the only country where people can work their entire lives and have their savings wiped out by a single illness."
"Rampant speculation and widespread betting with borrowed money has driven the stock market to the brink of collapse."
"Crypto is just an entirely unregulated financial system prone to the same kinds of cheating fraud and collapse in the existing order."
"Excessive risk is not going to end well... for those buying in at the late stage of the cycle."
"We must evolve our understanding of banking in light of changing Technologies and emerging risks."
"They poured all their savings into homes that were never built."
"Having natural resources doesn't mean that you're immune to running out of cash."
"We learned this year, thanks to Sam Bankman Fried that traditional Ponzi schemes are possibly a better investment than crypto Ponzi schemes."
"Maybe I don't love this versus Bitcoin, but this seems like a pretty good risk-adjusted return for my money."
"Purchasers may be unable to sell their securities."
"House prices have been surging across the world since the lockdowns of 2020 and are growing at unsustainable rates far above the rate of income growth."
"So if you are unlucky enough to have bought at the top of the market you might be in a situation where you have negative equity."
"Valuations don't matter until they do, and then when they do, if you're on the wrong side of that repricing, it's going to get very, very ugly."
"If we get an economic recession, earnings recession combined with higher interest rates, that's like kryptonite for the stock market."
"Coinbase is interesting because it's so tied to the success or the downfall of Bitcoin."
"The reason Robinhood gets scrutiny is because they gamify something that makes people do a risky thing."
"Gambler's mentality: from $5,000 to $700,000 to zero."
"Houses are priced at the margin, and that will create a negative wealth effect."
"Tether is backed by fraud... when that finally collapses, we're going to feel a shock wave in the crypto market."
"Just because you're there during an NFT 'bull run' doesn't mean you're guaranteed to make money."
"A new financial crisis on the scale of the 2008 collapse could happen in less than 18 months."
"This move could very well trigger a worldwide Global recession."
"Congress would be flirting with financial disaster if it leaves for the holiday recess without addressing the debt limit."
"Elon Musk stated, 'Bankruptcy is on the table,' just weeks into his tenure at Twitter."
"Go ahead, get sick... and you will go bankrupt. That's how it works in America."
"One better was so confident he put one million dollars on it. A million dollars on Nunes to defeat Spencer."
"Elevated valuation pressures imply a greater possibility of outsized drops in asset prices."
"Investing just in these though sets you up for a fall if the interest rates fall or if the economy tanks."
"There's an extreme amount of risk here. We have hedge funds betting against us."
"The worst thing you can have happen is make money not following your rules."
"There's no guarantees in any world of lending and borrowing... you're taking on counterparty risk."
"242 units, 32 million dollars in risk, boom, I love that."
"The market is absolutely ruthless this year... you just get destroyed if you buy at the wrong time."
"Scared money don't make no money, and also use the 40% off discount I'm giving you."
"I think there's a pretty good chance that it'll go down to close to zero."
"I believe markets are absolutely mispricing the risk we face."
"It's too much money invested please this is not good."
"This is going to be such an expensive failure... I have no reason to think that this is a lower budget compared to something like Ant-Man."
"Robinhood's disproportionately high order flow... introduced risk to the stock market."
"They're going to be in a different position and that puts the US dollar at risk."
"What you hope is that somebody else comes along and pays you more money for them later on but then that person's got the problem in terms of value zero." - Warren Buffett
"I think the biggest like Black Swan... is the looming threat of that happening combined with the banking crisis combined with the liquidity crisis combined with the real estate crisis that may be emerging here."
"The greed in the banking sector can be rampant. If certain banks go down, it could bankrupt the government itself."
"People are going to be screwed worse than they understand because most people have trouble believing such heinous financial crimes."
"Market risk really comes about in two ways... Contracting earnings and multiple contraction."
"The dangers for global markets and your retirement accounts as most people lose almost everything during an economic reset."
"Anyone who's sitting with all their wealth in dollars is destined to have real problems down the road if these kinds of things happen."
"I'm literally trusting a complete stranger with like five thousand dollars of my money, what am I doing right now?"
"The intertwined nature of Evergrande's debt poses a significant risk to the Chinese and global economies."
"You should never invest more than you can afford to lose."
"There has always been the potential to lose considerable money here, but there is also the potential to make a whole lot of juicy money down the line."
"The nightmare that we always thought could happen with the S&P... it's just a giant short squeeze involving Tesla."
"It's pretty much the stock market version of putting Mentos in a Coke bottle and then watching it explode, except with money."
"Even if it does become completely worthless and you lose 90 percent of your money, you still have the rest of your life to financially recover."
"Every time you go further on the risk curve, the asset you bought from the guy who was already there or gal needs to go buy a new riskier asset."
"The risk of the proverbial Black Swan event... it triggers a panic and the panic soon descends into some kind of doom loop."
"Once they pull the rug out from us then people are... going to be destroyed."
"Essentially, you don't have to invest thousands of dollars into inventory without knowing if it's going to sell."
"I've sat down with investors in cryptos. It's mad that you know what you can either lose a lot or win a lot."
"This thing is headed to a very bad ending for the people who are stuck in these bad shorts."
"How many people have ever told you the story of my bank showed up, reassessed my property down 50, called the mortgage and liquidated, and wiped me out and I'm bankrupt? Have you ever heard that story?"
"And valuations for both interest rates and stocks are at, if you combine the two, they're so overvalued, they're at 100 year highs."
"Our entire economy is a house of cards built on a skateboard built balancing on a BOSU ball on the moon on rollerblades."
"Anyone can sound really convincing on the dark web when money's at stake."
"The biggest drawback of the Ponzi scheme is that it requires a constant flow of new investors to pay off the earlier ones."
"It's a lot of money... but you have to take a chance along the way."
"It's about getting as many people as possible to sign up under you and pay a big starter fee, and actually over 99% of people who sign up for an MLM never turn a profit."
"The short selling situation in AMC is a risk of an unnecessary and extreme loss."
"You're not gonna make millions off of a couple thousand in this market right now unless you find some balls out crazy coin that goes 1 million x."
"We have to find a different way, come back to price discovery, risk and reward."
"A wild gamble of a game that was burning money, plowing ahead even though it didn't click into place until the 11th hour."
"Sharks attacking sharks targeting the COMEX registered inventories are not the only risk for the house."
"You're just not used to putting your money at risk, and sometimes that brings a lot of fears and concerns about jumping in right now, especially when there's all of this bad news and bad headlines going on."
"The global market for specialist insurance,
with Lloyd’s of London at its center, is already
pricing in a hit."
"The Perfect Storm, the perfect setup here for such a huge pullback of double digits in a single day."
"There's a real potential you could see a larger crash ahead."
"We might lose money on this, but just to get it done easy."
"Star Wars films are no longer guaranteed to make money. Good luck with that, boys."
"All the Western assets overall are highly inflated backed by nothing."
"This is the biggest bubble in world history when it comes to the stock market and this housing market."
"If you hold coins that have liquidity threats... that is something you need to take into mind as a risk factor."
"High unpredictable fees can make crypto trading really dangerous for people who aren't rich."
"The insanity of GameStop back in January truly presented an overall systematic risk and could have potentially brought the entire Wall Street establishment to its knees."
"The fear of missing out has really taken over, people are leveraging margin to record levels at this point."
"I think that their clear mandate is to try to tighten at least until something breaks."
"The market is twice as overvalued as the average, so there's far more downside risk right now than there is upside risk."
"But this is the risk, everyone, when the market value drops enough, the customer has to either bring in new money or start selling securities in the portfolio, which is when forced selling sets in."
"I won't care if I'm in the red for a while. I'll buy more baby, that's the beauty of long-term investing."
"You're at more danger of losing money by keeping your money consistently out of the market than keeping it in."
"But where you have to be careful is when you have these gigantic whale wallets that can dump the market."
"Just saying like 'Oh but the guy's offering me money, he's offering the cash' it doesn't matter, that is a risk that you should not be willing to take."
"Billions and billions of dollars of your money being poured into the equities market at the wrong time."
"Fortune favors the brave in the tulip market."
"Tether, the largest and most pervasive stablecoin, may have become a metastasized cancer."
"The financial fate of this family hangs on essentially a suicide."
"The excessive use of abusive leverage by these speculators could swiftly erode the stability of the entire real estate market and banking system."
"All I care about is not losing money; protect yourself and average down to a better price."
"Fiat is dangerous to hold on to, very dangerous to hold on to."
"Even if you bought on that first Green Dot and dumped all your money in irresponsibly, you're still getting in when you come up to these new all-time highs."
"I hope I'm that single man board that play already pulled the money from savings to blow charges on the businesses T&E back."
"Cash is now a risk asset, people are moving to money market funds."
"Trust me, you don't want to do that unless you want to set even more piles of money on fire."
"But when you're standing at the edge of the cliff by staying invested not only do you risk losing the majority of your portfolio, but you also miss what will be the greatest opportunity of our lifetime."
"We've got to end it today, before we lose everything."
"I love the Uganda Shilling I just don't know if it's gonna make the first basket or not if it doesn't I'm going in big."
"Whenever you're in a bubble, people have the same conceit. Participants think that they'll be able to know when to get out. But if you're waiting for an obvious sign, it's going to be obvious to everybody, not just you. And then it's too late."
"If you invest and the borrower does not pay you back, the chance of you getting paid any of that money back is pretty slim."
"Putin may run out of money at the end of the day."
"Stable coins absolutely mask the true amount of leverage that is in the crypto ecosystem."
"Don't be a scared money don't make money." (Repeating for emphasis)
"The bigger risk to this strategy is if the share price booms higher and you miss out on some of those gains."
"Making money on the short side to me is the most addictive, I always compare it to being addicted to heroin."
"When they work they work in a big way when they don't work they don't work just like everything else."
"If you were worth millions would you put up a million bucks to stop your image from being hurt?"
"You slowly ratchet up your risk, your leverage, and you get that sense that you really, you can't meet to defeat it, you're too good, you're the best at it, you were just like the king of the land in that sector."
"It's always risk management, you know, how much are you willing to lose if the trade doesn't go right."
"Number one, above everything, he's just saying that he is irresponsibly long bitcoin more than anything right now."
"Right now, the NASDAQ, the S&P... way too risky."
"Crypto currencies, they're very volatile but you can still make money with crypto."
"I bet on myself before it paid off multiple times. Going full time as a YouTuber, I bet on myself putting myself under a lot of financial stress. It paid off every time."
"This is such a complicated treacherous time for investors right now."
"The world needs to internalize how close we were to being utterly fucked because of one single equity."
"Day trading is like casino roulette, where the proportion of successful players decreases with the number of rounds played."
"If I don't sell, I could be the asshole left with nothing."
"It's either going to change the world or it's going to zero."
"For investors who agree with our earnings path, they may decide to simply look through the downside this year. However, given where valuations are today, we think that is a risky strategy."
"Valentine's bold experiment with its adult fantasy series might have been a financial disappointment but it had a profound positive impact on the development of the fantasy genre."
"If the business did well, he made money. If it didn't, then you know he had some years where he lost money."
"There's nothing certain in markets. Anytime you take a position, make sure you understand where your stop loss is."
"I think there's a really big warning sign flashing in the markets for what happens after this next big push because we're seeing a transfer of money throughout"
"I'll bet there are people out there lucking out in ways you'd assume would never be successful including by going all in on bitcoin."
"You risk losing much of what you built prior to marriage if you get involved with the wrong person."
"Helicopter money is the heroine shot. You're gonna feel really, really good for a while until you get on the downside."
"Piling up of debt of any company might showcase accelerated growth in the beginning but comes at the risk of everything falling apart at once."
"The worries here could bring down a big player like that and of course that's going to create Ripple effects."
"I would say there's a 60/40 chance they go bankrupt."
"Options trading offers both risk and opportunity."
"Volkswagen is showing legacy automotive manufacturers the path forward: spin out your most valuable assets for an IPO, raise billions of dollars, spend that money trying to survive the transition to EVs, and probably go bankrupt anyway."
"I've got no doubt that from these levels the stock market provides negative returns annually over the next decade with a high likelihood of a big drop of 50 to 70 percent."
"I cannot believe today that there are still quote investors who own nicholas stock."
"even with the concerning level of debt, investors don't seem to believe that a debt crisis is inbound"
"I purposely bought this house that I cannot afford because it's going to make me work harder."
"Of all the long stretch of speakers we've had, they're all saying this is an incredibly dangerous time for investors."
"If you want to make the most money and you're willing to take more risk then look at the mining sector."
"It's even more standard when you consider he put his money into a magical trader behind a purple curtain."
"There is a genuine risk that hundreds of billions of dollars of loans could be written off."
"It is ignorance that makes people risk and lose all their money at once."
"There is danger all around in the financial system."