
Political Control Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"He's used as a way to control the masses these days by the Communist Party."
"It's total control and the use of total control to advance a singular agenda."
"Putin took back the government's monopoly on violence."
"If they could, I'm all for it because I see Parliament trying to usurp the control of the country."
"The first thing you do is establish strong border with borders around it and an armed man takes power in a place where you say that you shouldn't have firearms or weapons."
"Power preservation, people control are the aim. Gun control as part of that process."
"You think you're free until they pick your president."
"Who knew? Who made the decision? Who is controlling Joe Biden?"
"Illusory truth effect: consistent repetition of false info as the truth will teach the mind to perceive a fallacy as reality when confronted with the actual truth."
"Putin doubled down on censorship and repression."
"Certain truths and questions are censored if they go against the establishment."
"Trudeau doesn't need the rest of the government to involve themselves."
"Starting today because the Democrats now control the House, the Senate, and the Presidency."
"Reconstruction ended in a dismal backroom deal, simply so that the ruling party could remain in control of federal power."
"And increasingly those things are at risk and they're at risk because we have a party that's in control of our government that sees these causes as synonymous. That's very scary."
"Having control of each chamber of government is equally important and it could stop Bad actors like this from being able to implement their extreme beliefs on the entire nation."
"This proposal, like a lot of proposals in my democratic friends bill, it's not about public policy and it's not about taxes. It's about control."
"Bitcoin is liberating those countries 100%, but then they give up control. If you're a dictator and you want to control your entire country and just the masses, bitcoin takes that control away."
"Bormann's monopoly over access to Hitler had rendered lay impotent and demonstrated to all in government that he was the sole political voice of the Fuhrer."
"The majority of these crimes are happening in Democrat controlled areas that have been Democrat controlled for generations for decades."
"Who is letting these people run wild? Well, we know who it is. It's the guy who's in charge."
"Increasing the number of justices under an executive's authority is a recipe for an authoritarian regime."
"We cannot give these people control. If you hate Donald Trump, then Donald Trump shouldn't have control over your medicine. Donald Trump shouldn't have control over your life, over your education."
"Republicans control the State House. Republicans control the Legislature, and they are free, frankly, to implement the voting laws they see fit."
"There are no ideas, there are no organizing ideas because all their organizing ideas would have to be approved by Nancy Pelosi first."
"The United States Empire would fall in a day if it could not control the narrative."
"Gun control is not about safety or preserving life or improving Americans' quality of life, it's about control flat-out."
"If I were consumed as the left is with just accumulating and amassing and centralizing power why would I be content with just some particular amount of political power when I could take over the control to redefine reality itself?"
"Amin quickly consolidated his control of Uganda in the weeks following the almost bloodless coup of January 1971."
"Democrats need both to force a tie with vice president-elect Kamala Harris being the tiebreaker which means they will control the chamber."
"Xi Jinping tried to control the private economy by ordering all private businesses to establish their own party branch."
"The Kremlin wants people to call Vlad 'our ruler' instead of president."
"Otherwise, the president would just have his own police force, right?"
"Whoever controls the Justice Department now apparently is going to control the country."
"The threat to our democracy is a serious one. If they control all three branches of federal government, there wouldn't be meaningful checks and balances."
"A case study on how the nationals run a small town, i.e., secret dictatorship."
"Trudeau wants to have the power to regulate not only what you say online but what content you consume online."
"Xi Jinping wants private enterprises to do what the CCP says."
"They want to silence voices, they want to use censorship to control the discourse."
"So now that we've cleared that up, would it not be possible that it might be a little bit better if things were more controlled by the people, a little more democratic."
"Despite the closure, Chinese police still restricted access to the area around the consulate."
"These people hold on to power like it's a death grip because they don't believe in the next life."
"Joy boy's dangerous ideas about freedom and equality had to be completely erased from the pages of history in order to preserve the world government's very existence."
"Sexual liberation is a form of political control."
"In the Chinese system, there's no civil society and nothing is beyond the CCP's reach."
"The Biden administration is just announcing their place to determine who should and shouldn't be banned."
"In a more direct method of population and political control, it was not unheard of that newborn children of women who were suspected of being associated with Fretilin would be murdered."
"Your job is not to trust a politician. Your job is to control them. By definition, you don't trust them. You need to control them."
"We have taken all of Ireland under our control."
"It's less about the policies with him... the thing to focus on with him... is the fact that he at least controlled the conversation."
"We need recall. It's a vaccine against socialism."
"The ruling regime is vengeful and petty and will do everything in its power to destroy anyone who fails to submit."
"We control every institution academia attorney general's offices the civil service the bureaucracies the corporations the media the tech companies now let's use them and make america in our image that's what."
"Any kind of freedom movement can be snuffed out before it begins. That is the China model."
"They [the kakistocracy] feel an extreme urge to control, and being in complete control of the world is something that they crave really madly."
"There is no crisis that will not be exploited by the state to create more opportunity for power."
"Well, look, I think the pattern is pretty clear: the left seems to be completely aware that if they let the truth get out, they couldn't be in charge."
"Hindenburg invoked Article 48 and the cabinet drew up the decree for the protection of the people and state."
"Democrats hold the tiebreaker in the US Senate."
"It's not important who votes, it's important who counts the votes."
"Things got really crazy in Cuba, Fidel Castro had taken complete control of the military and political power and was now Cuba's Prime Minister."
"Hong Kong's semi-autonomy is for the birds ultimately the rule of law in Hong Kong is going to be hollowed out and gradually Hong Kong is going to be subordinated to Beijing where it matters the most which is its law."
"Australia is controlled by people engaged in high treason against the country."
"Totalitarianism is not a Jack boot in your face... it's quietly Shadow Banning."
"Trudeau and the Liberals will not raise any alarms as long as they are the ones in control and making use of the AI technology."
"It has effectively seized all the mechanisms of power to render the citizen impotent."
"Even though China masquerades as this open system... the CCP still controls all of that."
"Once control and power is seized, life can never return back to normality."
"CCP is not afraid to kill its economy because it can control its people."
"I don't think it's ridiculous that some people think that because AIPAC sets up little PACs and they write a $2,000 check to a candidate that they've somehow completely able to control them."
"But this is actually just something straight out of the Politburo from Beijing."
"In the end of the day, it's about actions, votes and the record. Right now when it comes to actions, votes and the record, Donald Trump has firm, firm control of the GOP."
"The Taliban will commit atrocities as they consolidate their power."
"The only language you’re allowed to use is a language that expresses hatred for this enemy and pride for the government."
"Why would it be kept secret? Because it belongs personally to Putin, not to the state."
"Information is one of the key ways the Chinese Communist Party tries to control the population."
"We have a tyrannically controlled government."
"Putin essentially created a system in which he has compromising information on every Russian billionaire."
"Xi has stifled all perceived threats to social stability, this not only in the form of protests or dissidents but also human rights lawyers, labor activists, poets, feminists, and anything else he views as a threat."
"Censorship: forcible suppression of opposition."
"The deep state has lost control. The takedown will begin soon."
"There's only one definition that makes sense in this particular regard in all of politics and that is this are you an individualist or are you a collectivist."
"Book banning, limiting public discussions, these are weapons of a weak and a decaying order."
"We will not give communist appointees control over the flock." - Father Jerry Murray
"One of the two major parties is currently under the thrall of the guy who tried a violent coup."
"This was the only platform which wasn't controlled by Kremlin."
"At the end of the day, a good healthy democracy needs balance, and you lose balance when one side gains way too much control."
"The British saw this as very important and they definitely had to add it as an article in the agreement to stop Buganda from expanding."
"Unlike Bismarck, Metternich never had complete control over the Austrian empire."
"The key to understanding who is really in charge, whether a revolution will ever occur, and what daily life is like, is to see how North Korea, both the state and the people within it, make money."
"The Taliban has seized control of Kabul... women can't work, they introduced Islamic punishment which is compared to our standards very archaic way of thinking."