
Universal Basic Income Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"If we alleviated technical poverty through universal basic income, it would be...extremely advantageous to the whole of society."
"Universal basic income, or the state as the employer of last resort is the quick and dirty or slow and dirty, but still nevertheless short term answer to this problem of, how do we rapidly automate?"
"Universal Basic Income is a policy where everyone in a society gets a certain amount of money to meet basic needs, no questions asked."
"It would be an enormous catalyst to entrepreneurship, arts, creativity, nurturing, caregiving."
"Universal basic income is this idea that let's just give people lots of money, let's just give people a monthly stipend."
"Economists nowadays are pretty friendly towards UBI; they want to believe in it."
"There is universal basic income where everybody gets 1 million rupees per month, or around 12,000 US dollars, for free to do whatever they like with."
"I do have a solution for the loss of jobs, and it's to pass a Freedom Dividend where every American adult gets $1,000 a month, free and clear."
"Sam Altman on Universal Basic Income: 'I think it is a component of something we should pursue; it is not a full solution.'"
"If they gave everybody healthcare and a $2,000 UBI during the pandemic, do you think there would be people protesting?"
"Universal basic income is a policy where every citizen in a country gets a certain amount of money to meet his or her basic needs, no questions asked."
"How does this sound? A paycheck every month, even if you do not have a job. It's called Universal Basic Income, and it's gaining in popularity."
"Bill S-233 calls for the government to establish a framework for studying the possibility of a universal basic income program in Canada. So not doing something, not planning to do something, just establishing a framework to study the possibility of maybe doing something, someday in Canada."
"Universal basic income is a policy where every member of a society gets a certain amount of money to meet your basic needs, no questions asked."
"The individual policy of creating a universal basic income is a radically centrist idea."
"I'm trying to fix it all, and this last couple of years made a lot of progress. I feel like I've advanced universal basic income to a point where I believe that we're going to get it done."
"UBI will unleash creativity and innovation as people are no longer living hand-to-mouth."
"We need to redistribute wealth, cancel climate debt, implement a universal basic income, massively invest in loss and damage funds, degrow the economy in high-income countries, increase universal public services, reduce working time, dematerialize, and re-prioritize what it means to live a human life."
"Universal basic income seems like a beacon of hope in a robot-dominated future."
"The universal basic income... everyone in a society gets a certain amount of money free and clear to do whatever they want, no questions asked."
"The one great way to stop that: get this dividend into everyone's hands."
"We should explore ideas like universal basic income to make sure that everyone has a cushion."
"Ultimately we will have to have some kind of universal basic income. I don't think we're gonna have a choice." - Elon Musk
"UBI proponents say it could lead to an explosion of new businesses, ideas, and innovation."
"A UBI might actually incentivize people to work."
"There is nothing stopping the majority of citizens in a democracy from voting ourselves a dividend."
"The debate about universal basic income is essentially a debate about whether this time technological revolution is going to be any different than the previous ones."
"We should explore ideas like universal basic income."
"Why you want to ought to be concerned about it."
"Is it time for you and I to consider having universal basic income?"
"Universal basic income is the foundation of the floor, and then we have to build this glorious structure on top of it."
"I would support UBI and ranked-choice voting."
"Andrew Yang argued that the inevitable rise of artificial intelligence would make it an opportune time to introduce a radical concept called universal basic income."
"The freedom dividend would give every American adult starting at age 18 a thousand dollars a month to do whatever you want."
"You can absolutely have very conservative people who still believe in universal basic income."
"I think some kind of a universal basic income is going to be necessary. Now the output of goods and services will be extremely high so with automation, there will come abundance."
"The narcissist's solution to his dissonant thinking is psychotic."
"The conversation about universal basic income was getting traction before this hit, and now it would be turbocharged."
"Trump reportedly on board with the idea of giving every American $1,000 a month."
"Universal basic income is going to be huge in the future because the de-skilling of America has happened."
"So, while they give the five trillion to the richest people and they screw everybody else, wouldn't it help them to give everybody health care and a UBI? It wouldn't hurt."
"I can't make any definitive statements on if UBI's good or bad just because it's hard to carry these experiments on large scales."
"UBI should basically be about evening the bottom few rungs of economic viability."
"Everyone will be getting a payment of $2,000 a month for an entire year."
"The UBI pilot programs have gone really well."
"Yang is the last one I want to hit. I think the guy is a decent guy. I think UBI is kind of interesting, not really my thing."
"If you've heard anything about me and my campaign, you've heard that someone is running for president who wants to give every American $1,000 a month."
"We need $2000 until this pandemic is over and then we would shift into some sort of form of universal basic income."
"This is a dividend on our phenomenal progress... we can easily afford a dividend of a thousand dollars a month for people."
"The freedom dividend can explain what universal basic income is for those people who don't know."
"Universal basic income is like venture capital for the people."
"You look at the way this is being administered, I do wonder if a UBI just for the entire working age population would make more sense."
"If you put $1,000 a month in the hands of the average American citizen, 78% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck."
"I think long term that there will have to be universal basic income."
"You can have UBI with no inflation and a more productive economy in a richer economy and one where people are more productive."
"I'm sure that there is no entrepreneurial market-based solution for local journalism unless you were to have something like universal basic income where people had their needs met."
"Universal basic income... it should be supplemental on top of our current social safety net programs."
"A universal basic income appeals immeasurably across demographics."
"Universal Basic Income is a deeply American idea."
"This is not a rich-to-poor transfer; it's just seen as a universal right of citizenship."
"If you put $1,000 a month in the hands of everyone... that's ten million dollars more in disposable income every single month."
"We should be giving every American a thousand dollars a month starting at age 18."
"Universal basic income would very quickly disentangle... the mixing of economic value and human value."
"My flagship proposal of this freedom dividend of $1,000 a month crosses party lines in a way that gets people excited on both sides of the aisle."
"The great thing about universal basic income is it makes it much harder to push around and exploit workers."
"If it's truly Universal everybody gets it nobody's gonna want to get rid of in Congress is gonna want to get rid of ubi if it's so popular."
"It attracts support from across the political spectrum."
"A universal basic income, all that would be necessary to create peace and prosperity."
"UBI is a stopgap measure to a better system."
"Let's look at something else before UBI to make it sustainable and feasible."
"UBI basically means everyone as in every person in the United States gets a standard amount of money so you wouldn't have to worry about basic needs anymore."
"The freedom dividend is your phrase for what most of us know is a universal basic income, yes, yeah, yeah."
"We do have to have a universal basic income of some sort."
"People are choosing not to work, that's UBI for you."
"Yang has made support of universal basic income the keystone of his campaign."
"He wants to give citizens free money to combat the coming onslaught of automation."
"California just announced it would become the latest and largest city to pilot such a universal basic income."
"Universal basic income isn't neatly left or right. 55 percent of Americans actually believe that we should have universal basic income now and forever."
"The idea of universal basic income, he normalized it he put it on the map."
"The real carrot will be UBI tied to a central bank digital currency."
"Being a finance professor, how do you view the freedom dividend of $1,000 per month?"
"Monthly ongoing payments would really be what everybody needs right now."
"Yo check out Andrew Yang for 2020 he is offering universal basic income for all Americans to help with the AI and automation takeover."
"Universal basic income aligns the incentives of the individual with society's."
"UBI seems very futuristic probably because it's never been done before, except in experiments."
"UBI of course is here. It's not emerging, it is the solution for everybody else."
"Keep your ears open for that, you're going to start hearing about a UBI."
"I genuinely believe that giving everyone money is the way to go."
"The idea of this universal basic income does not lead to laziness, it leads to people becoming business owners."
"Universal basic income... may even be necessary for the capitalist system to function."
"For a UBI Pro as computers perform more of our work we'd all be free to become artists and scholars and entrepreneurs or otherwise go after our passions in the society."
"What happens when there is no shortage of labor? This is why I think long term there will need to be universal basic income."
"That's why you might actually see something like a UBI, because I agree it's unlikely to say the least that manufacturing jobs are going to come back."
"Universal basic income (UBI) critics: If we give people money without conditions, people will stop working. The UBI pilot turns out the UBI group worked more than the control group."
"Is Universal Basic Income a solution against inequality?"
"If you had a universal basic income, you'd see little singing groups, dancing groups, cooking groups... coming up everywhere."
"Every American adult would receive $1,000 free and clear, no questions asked, every month to pay your bills, invest in your families, start new businesses, and do what you want to do."
"The most direct way to make that happen is through a universal basic income."
"If we put a thousand bucks a month into people's hands, then that serves as a virtual raise for every worker."
"The support for universal basic income is through the roof."
"...if they were getting my plan of a thousand bucks a month, and by the way, they could keep it on top of whatever they earned if they decided to take a job, part-time, full-time, whatever, I think you'd see different behaviors."
"A universal basic income is the best and most efficient way to help millions of Americans transition through this period."
"Clearly it's cash relief and universal basic income."
"...universal basic income is an approach that can be helpful. It addresses the wealth inequality side, it taxes the rich to give the poor a buffer."
"Universal basic income is the most pro-feminist policy under the sun."
"If we could do something to eventually redistribute wealth through some sort of global UBI at scale... that would be more important as AI advanced."
"We had to provide a universal basic income to let people live and flourish in a world that had much less work in it."
"A UBI... that would be fantastic, of course, I'm never going to fight against a UBI."
"Universal basic income is a guarantee, it's just a matter of how quickly it comes and what form, what does it look like, what is it called, will it be hidden as something else? But the change is coming, but don't be afraid because the change means opportunity."
"Universal basic income is part A, because there just aren't going to be enough jobs for everyone."
"A UBI or some kind of basic economic provision so people don't feel like they're one day away from losing everything."
"UBI's not left or right; it's forward."
"One idea that has emerged from that larger discussion is the possibility of a universal basic income."
"UBI is something that I think is almost certainly going to be needed."