
Search Engines Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"Google Search was built on the insight that understanding links between web pages leads to dramatically better search results."
"Google is not a search engine. Google is an answer engine."
"Our ultimate moonshot is still search...we still have a long way to go to actually understand what the user's intent is, the context, where they are coming from, and giving the best answer."
"What Google is looking for is not just any answer, but the best answer to the searcher's query."
"Matching search intent is one of those must-do things to show search engines that your page will fulfill their goal to deliver the most relevant results for any given query."
"It's an alternative to the Google search engine."
"You should also avoid using search engines that are built to track you. Google and Bing should not be used for your search queries moving forward."
"Google tries to return the most relevant results first."
"It's like Google Search, but super smart, not just keyword-based."
"Imagine a future where AI-based search replaces traditional web searches for the average person."
"Google may actually have been designed to be moving in moving Us in this direction in the first place."
"Google it... who doesn't use Google at least a dozen times a day?"
"In general, we want some privacy with our activities on the internet, and this of course extends to what we search for in search engines like Google search, which is the most popular one."
"YouTube is the second most popular search engine."
"Google is great for problem solution: How do I fix [blank]?"
"Google is deciding what's important and what's not important, effectively deleting conversations from the national narrative."
"Ian Crossland mushrooms after this, that search result, it's common, here we go, I think I think it'll get it, I think it'll get it."
"Ecosia is a search engine that plants trees with its ad revenue."
"I predicted we'd need search engines in the late 1990s because there'd be so much knowledge on the web."
"People were mind blown and said, Google is done because ChatGPT is going to replace search engines."
"Solving the Search problem is not easy, that's for sure."
"The Deep Web isn't all bad though by definition it's just websites that haven't been indexed by search engines."
"Index independence is also important, and Brave Search has that."
"YouTube is the world's second most popular search engine behind Google."
"Google knows what you want to search before you finish typing."
"It's a new day in search, it's a new paradigm for search."
"Thank goodness for Google and its ability to realize what it thinks you're trying to say even when you don't know how to say it. Truly an incredible thing."
"It's like Google, it starts refining your search as you're typing."
"YouTube is a search engine, just like Google."
"Search is alive and well, it's the slow and steady winner."
"Google owns the top two searching in the world, google.com and youtube.com."
"The point of Google is to actually provide the best search results and the best information for people who are using the search engines."
"Keyword difficulty is super important. You want to stand a chance to rank high on search engines, right?"
"There are a ton of different search engines that you can pull in here."
"I highly recommend using circs. I think it is one of the best search engines out there."
"Don't just limit yourself to one search engine if you think it's useful or you can't find what you're looking for."
"There's no excuse for this confusion because, you want to know why? Google [__] exists."
"Is the Google search over? If someone reads your content and then they go back to Google to continue reading more, or is the Google search over because ultimately that's what the search engines care about?"
"Search engines are blessings in disguise. There's so much information on the internet and you couldn't even view all of it even if you wanted to."
"Having competition among search engines to give you the very best search results is very important."
"One reason I like this box is for you to be able to get an idea of all the different ways that you can rank in search engines."
"SEO optimization is important for search engines to understand the topic of your content and display relevant information in search results."
"Now, I'm not sure if you have heard there is something called Indexing API as well as IndexNow where it will allow site owners to directly notify search engines when pages are added or removed."
"And finally, for the sitemaps test, it is checking if your site has a sitemap, which is like an index of your website that helps search engines discover your pages and links more efficiently."
"He was a search engine of his time."
"Content grade, design grade, and website grade are vital for ranking high in search engines."
"Search engines want to rank the most relevant, useful, and user-friendly content."
"Measuring SEO performance: presenting data that a customer can understand, showing growth in visibility or traffic from search engines."
"A sitemap is a list of links to pages and media in your website that you submit to search engines."
"YouTube is the second biggest search engine on planet Earth behind Google."
"When it comes to Search, we also know more than ever before."
"...the searches that populate first when you type in a keyword are the ones that are the most looked up on Pinterest throughout the year."
"This is basically good for SEO and it'll help your search your website get inducted by search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing."
"Search Engine Optimization is the process by which content is created and enhanced in a way that makes finding them on search engines like Google, YouTube, Yahoo, and Bing easier."
"Google... the two top search engines of the world are google.com and YouTube."
"Google knows the answer to everything."
"It is important, especially with regard to political issues, that search engines make their filtering practices explicit."
"There are hundreds of signals that are used by the search engines to determine the best search results for any given query."
"Search engines started to focus on factuality, accuracy."
"The more people that search on Google, the better the algorithms get, the better the search results are."
"I do trust Google; it's my best friend."
"Google is running some program that's analyzing the URL, grabbing 'q equals cats'."
"People want to use search engines like it's a very knowledgeable reference librarian."
"This allows us to do things like build a search engine."
"Every research question needs to start with a search, and becoming competent in using online search engines is imperative to that skill."
"Raise your hand if you've ever used a search engine and not found what you're looking for within the first few items returned."
"The surface web is what we use, which is Google, Bing, and Wikipedia."
"Searches are becoming far more important these days, so users need search."
"According to The Wall Street Journal, 90% of all internet searches go through Google."
"Google shows us websites, but Shodan shows us connected devices."
"Our typical search engines are only four percent of what we see on the web."
"The most relevant results are taken from the index and displayed in the form of most relevant to least relevant in the search result pages."
"We have the best algorithm in the world because we have all the search engines."
"The search engine technology that Google or Bing are using has been greatly beneficial."
"Look how amazing search engines are."
"Google is really your friend; it's highly underestimated."
"We'll talk a little bit about web search engines."
"We focused a lot more on revamping search, realizing that 10 years from now no one's gonna be asking for 10 blue links; you're going to ask for answers."
"Search is dramatically changing right before our eyes."
"Search is powerful. It is a powerful tool."
"Everything will be okay, and remember, Google is always going to be your friend here."
"I talk a lot about reputation because I believe it's getting more and more important in search, especially with Google, to have a good reputation."
"The top two search engines in the world are Google and YouTube, both owned by Google."
"Anything is possible, you just gotta use Google."
"Natural language search refers to interacting with the search engine using natural language."
"You don't go to Yahoo, you go to Google."
"Pingomatic will automatically send updates to search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc., whenever you update your site."
"Search engine visibility is important; make sure this box is not checked if you want to show up in search engines like Google."
"Once search engines can crawl 3D content across the web, they can start serving 3D content in search results."
"If you don't feel like Googling it, then you can Bing it."
"Why do you need a search engine at all? What is Elasticsearch?"