
Environmental Goals Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"By 2030, we aim to operate on carbon-free energy 24/7. This means running every data center and office on clean electricity every hour of every day."
"We need actually a new target at the top of this hierarchy, something better than Net Zero. It's what I'm going to call net positive."
"There is a path to a fully sustainable future for humanity, and our goal at Tesla is to accelerate progress on that path as much as humanly possible."
"Mercedes-Benz aims to be completely CO2 neutral by 2039."
"By 2025, all carbon emissions will be flowing from electricity."
"Introducing Archie, a man with one goal: expand the ocean."
"The fundamental good that Tesla can achieve is to accelerate the advent of electric vehicles."
"Every product purchased will help us reach our goal of protecting over 2,500 acres from deforestation, and thereby storing over 370,000 tons of CO2 within our first year of operation."
"Tesla’s mission statement is to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy."
"We'll take steps towards my goal of achieving 100 carbon pollution free electric sector by 2035."
"Our actual mission is to accelerate sustainable energy."
"But, my goal is to make a living on a living planet."
"It's time to work towards a decarbonized, sustainable future."
"A carbon neutral future is at the core of our success."
"We intend to have all light-duty vehicles be EVs by 2035."
"The mission is to accelerate the transition of sustainable energy."
"So if we grow our production capacity as shown by 2030, we can be 100 sustainable by 2050."
"Corporations and countries everywhere are making Net Zero goals... you'll see an even bigger ramp in demand."
"Many manufacturers have joined us, many partners, everyone is really committed to our goals."
"GM's aspiration to eliminate tailpipe emissions by 2035."
"The goal has officially been reached... that's fantastic for the earth."
"It's a clear statement of Qatar's environmental ambitions."
"We have to move toward net zero emissions by 2035."
"We are aiming for net zero carbon emissions in America by 2050, and this is the first time in my life that I have felt like that might be possible."
"We need to achieve a carbon pollution-free electric sector by the year 2035."
"Their zero carbon emission goal is nothing but words."
"By 2030, Oslo's climate budget calls for a nearly 100% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions."
"I want to replace all of coal oil and gas with concentrated sunshine." - Person talking about renewable energy goals
"My goal is to make [renewable energy] cheaper than fossil fuels all day long."
"Disney's current worldwide goal is to achieve net zero emissions for their direct operations by 2030."
"The environmental goal should be to advance human flourishing."
"We are born as entrepreneurs so these are the three zeros zero net carbon emission zero wealth concentration zero unemployment."
"Every country needs to reach net zero emissions and do it fast."
"They must be reduced by 43 by 2030 84 by 2050 to reach a goal and that means Global use of coal has to drop by 95 five percent by Twenty fifty."
"We cannot reach the fleet emission targets regarding CO2 by improving technique on the combustion engines. It was not sufficient, so we thought about how can we reduce the CO2 footprint."
"Astroscale's company goal is to clean up all the trash in orbit around Earth."
"California aims to rid its electrical grid of all carbon sources by 2045."
"Our goal is to accelerate the advent of sustainable energy."
"The aim really should be for a hundred percent of vehicles to be electric well before 2050."
"The gap between what we are doing and what actually needs to be done in order to stay below the 1.5 degrees Celsius targets is widening by the second."
"I think we could probably go beyond that." - Video narrator on methane reduction goals
"Tesla's mission is to decimate the ICE car, to completely disrupt it and rid the earth of its existence."
"I'd love to make it as sustainable as possible."
"Black Arrow's stated objective: to become the first carbon neutral launch provider in human history."
"Tesla's main mission is to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy."
"Toyota wants to achieve carbon neutrality at its manufacturing sites by 2035."
"Tesla wants access to energy credits and needs to satisfy the EPA's green energy targets."
"Clearly goals work, so you know what? I'm declaring a new goal: we have to hit 30 million trees."
"Volkswagen laid out details of its plans to be carbon neutral by 2040." - Narrator
"The real goal of energy use is aiming for zero. This is the ultimate goal: to not use energy. The most efficient energy is energy we do not generate."
"We have a mutual goal of getting off coal electricity while expanding clean energy grids."
"It's entirely possible to be 100 percent renewable energy power."
"Hitting the new lower target would require ending the use of fossil fuels in the next 30 years."
"GM would be 100% electric by 2035. You changed the whole story, Mary."
"Renewable energy and EVs are just a few pieces of a puzzle for achieving net zero living."
"We're a mission-based company; our goal is to put as many EVs out there."
"Our goal is to set up sanctuaries all across."
"If the United States ever hopes to reach its goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050, affordable high-speed rail transport is a must."
"I think this is a pretty reasonable target."
"We're talking about net zero by 2050."
"If you have a goal to reduce your organization's greenhouse gas footprint, the energy attributes or RECs are also used in greenhouse gas accounting to substantiate an emissions reduction."
"We've committed to carbon neutrality by 2030 and fossil fuel free by 2050."
"If you're going to meet the global 2050 goals, hydrogen has to be part of it."
"We are constantly moving forward with the endgame to be as close to zero waste as we possibly can."
"BT aims to be net zero carbon emissions by 2030."
"A net zero was set as a goal in Paris, and it's taken three years just to trigger the review to ask the climate change committee."
"Ecological balance is the primordial objective of nature."
"At Pella, we have a big hairy audacious goal: we want to create a waste-free future."
"The White House has a goal to have a hundred percent carbon-free power by 2035."
"South Africa beats climate goals, blackouts to slash emissions."
"Understanding this larger complex system has been the goal of ecological economics from the beginning."
"If you do not meet the 2030 goals we've set, there is no Net Zero by 2050."
"China will strive to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060."
"The 30 by 30 Target is the key ambition of the UN biodiversity Summit COP15."
"Our whole purpose of existence is to reduce pesticide use in California by developing non-chemical or alternative methods to control pests."
"Ultimately 100% zero emission automobile sales by 2040."
"We have two objectives that we want to achieve with this work: to increase the size and variety of the flooded area and to hold water here for longer during the drier seasons."
"Germany is attempting to become environmentally friendly with a goal of abandoning fossil fuels entirely by 2050."
"What we're going to have to do to meet our goals for 2050 is to triple the rate of electrification."
"Of course, after the target is set and communicated, that's where the real work starts in actually needing to reduce emissions."
"Targets that are based on science and consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement."
"What's your priority and that's tip number one is to figure out what's the biggest reason because different native plants can help you with your goal."
"Its stated goal is to make a contribution to environmental protection and to create and promote ways of behaving sustainably."
"Our goal by 2030 is making our carbon footprints completely carbon neutral."
"I'd like to get to the stage where I'm basically just using recyclable packaging."
"We have a goal to reduce our emissions in half by the end of the decade."
"This is clearly a huge reduction in carbon emissions and I think this is what Formula One needs to be aiming for for 2030."
"Achieving net zero will be challenging and will require new production processes."
"We're going to see something like an 85% reduction in carbon between 1990 and 2030."
"The foundation's long-term aim is to return as many animals as possible back to the wild."
"We signed up through the Destination 2050 roadmap as the first group of airlines on any continent in the world."
"I think we can do this, that's pretty satisfying."
"Through our products, we want to help people, cities, and other partners collectively reduce one gigaton of carbon equivalent emissions annually by 2030."
"The goal of carbon markets is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions cost-effectively."
"Futures come to pass, so let's say we do get to zero-based carbon emission globally."
"The concept of middle path may perhaps give us an answer that the development goals and environmental goals can we really make some sort of balance."
"We can't lose sight of our environmental goals, we cannot. Everyone has to work on it."
"Anna Louisa is on their way to achieving their goal of having a zero carbon footprint."
"The big goal is to reduce emissions of ships by 50% by 2050."
"Anna Louisa's goal is to have a net zero carbon footprint by the end of 2020."
"Our ambition is to recycle a hundred tons of empty containers by 2025."