
Organizational Strategy Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"In challenging time, when you are under pressure as an organization, you can do things that normally you can't do. It's also an opportunity."
"The primary learning from QFD includes which customer requirements are most important and where an organization should focus their efforts."
"In sports, drafts are the way to go, getting a young prospect that can potentially change the fabric of your organization for years to come."
"For CEOs, ask yourself one major question: What can only I do?"
"More games in a group stage environment... it's only good for the development of the game." - Positive outlook on the new Champions League format.
"The XFL wants to complement fall football, delivering football each and every spring."
"Every organization will need to adopt and build their own technology."
"Imagine if Andy had an operation like Veritas where instead of just him going down for one protest, he had 10 people across the country at all of their meetings."
"We made permanent teams, so we've done away with the actual operation but the permanent teams remain in place."
"Stick to the basics - a month on two pages, week on two pages, and some task lists inside."
"It's amazing how he ties the self-interest of organizations into the success of Amazon."
"This is the most significant move our club has made in so long."
"This is a huge structural power change in the club."
"The reality is now we're not in a place where we can employ people like that."
"Systems and within all those systems... build that one super system for us."
"Good organizations aren't beholden to great players, they are beholden to building great teams."
"If you've got someone who's bigger than the company itself which really is the way that competitive sports organizations should build their stars."
"If United were run like Chelsea, what would we be doing now?"
"It was never a question of whether they should, it was a question over whether they could."
"We're going to have a relentless approach to fix our weakness."
"You see all these orgs leaving Counter-Strike to begin with, and then we sit here and complain that all these orgs are leaving Counter-Strike."
"On July 1st, when Pogba and Lingard are officially free, we won't be saying anything as a club because we've moved on already."
"You can really put two things together and make something even better than the sum of the parts."
"The sooner the club can cut their losses and move on, the better."
"How do founders position the organization for success when they're no longer here?"
"Using business terms, you've got the visionary and you've got the integrator, and that I think is very powerful for people to understand at a high level."
"Communities and groups should have as much autonomy as possible, federating when necessary to coordinate."
"An experiment in which tasks would also be distributed, taking advantage of the strengths of each of the members."
"Could Miscavige dip into the reserves and pay for all those things? Yes, but he wants to do it with new money."
"Assigning these positions in advance will allow for less headaches and consistent handling of similar mechanics."
"Budgeting is just a tool then to help the organization to accomplish this making a budget is just creating practical plan to estimate receipts prioritize spending and then manage the money."
"It's better to have a decentralized approach."
"Most organizers have this cycle going on in our heads all the time but if we don't do this with our whole group right if it's not like involving the rank-and-file membership of an organization you're not actually building leadership."
"The interesting thing about Pogba is... what do we do as a football club?"
"It's no surprise that this organization is forfeit. They threw up the white flag."
"Organized and committed boycotts are essential for peaceful revolution."
"Even smart people and resources could be deployed better if leadership decided to."
"We have to have an organized left willing to make that kind of demand organized so that demand is credible you have to help us or else we won't go with you business as usual simply won't cut it anymore that's our job."
"You don't need to organize a million people, you need to organize 500 people who are prepared."
"If we're going to set a wage budget of 200k a week, great."
"The progressive international needs in my view two things: a common program and an uncommon collective action plan."
"There is long-term sustainability set up here."
"It isn't just a case of as many of you know they have like one or two teams they've got several teams and each one of them is working in a leapfrog fashion."
"Zoning is probably the most important thing."
"There's a reason why the church has been successful."
"When you empty out and clean a space before organizing, it allows you to look at the area in a new way."
"I think it's like a brilliant idea for me and for my organization."
"They've been doing the bare minimum for a long time, and really it's inevitable."
"We rebuild but we win while we rebuild, that's the difference."
"Start with the most stressful place to you, then just put things where they belong. That was what I did for the living room."
"I'm excited about maybe my top three things... the treasury obviously because that's like a cornerstone in everything."
"Compartmentalization is purposely separating things from each other so that damage to some have limited effect on the whole."
"Changing the team only works if the next generation proves to be better."
"Delegation and specialization are crucial for governance."
"It's an organization... we combine them and we own the things that are easiest for us to own."
"There's going to be another road map well I presume right probably after May 2nd that we'll then go over the the next stuff."
"Your books, your financial story, is your engine for the organization."
"Logical and physical data models are almost everybody right there. They should be the bread and butter of your organization."
"Go into an organization and figure out what that company's doing right and do more of it."
"The procurement process must align with organizational strategy and evolve with technological advancements."
"It also forces an organization to manage information better, so the quality of decision-making is higher. It's a more thoughtful, more structured approach."
"HR analytics or personnel analytics is being used now in larger organizations."
"We all need today a business continuity plan."
"It's now time for organizations to be more mindful and intentional about their diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies."
"It must integrate security into all business processes."
"A lot of capitalist organization right now does actually address this kind of question by forms of cooperation of a certain sort."
"The TCFD is really helping you to identify what climate-related opportunities as well as risks are material to your organization."
"Make sure you have the right stakeholders; make sure that people know from an organizational perspective why you're adopting enterprise governance."
"Organizations undergoing a loss of resources should focus on the processes rather than employee reactions based solely on their level of loss."
"Understand the risk to the mission at an organizational wide level."
"One size isn't the same for everybody; it doesn't fit everybody. So talent management strategy is organization specific."
"Organizations can improve their competitive advantage in domestic and international markets."
"That is what a good organization would do."
"Organizations that are agile in their thinking but predictive in their delivery are better, far better, far more efficient, greater productivity than those organizations that are predictive in their thinking and in their delivery."
"You want to treat APIs as a product, they are a first-class citizen in your organization."
"The main thing is picking the places that are going to be the most important for you as an organization."
"I'll make my orange category be planning because I have planning emails, planning meetings, and then I have a team for planning."
"Lever is a thing that the organization can do to actually drive the objective."
"We want to highlight some of the common pitfalls we see when designing a GDPR implementation plan and working towards implementing enhancements throughout your organizations to further align with the requirements of the GDPR."
"Organizations don't just store their big data; they would eventually want to use it to process it to gather some insights."
"The data assets can be developed from an organization-wide perspective."