
Diaspora Quotes

There are 221 quotes

"We are pushing to make sure that Zimbabweans in the diaspora are allowed to vote."
"Don't turn your back on Africa. Sadly, the case for a lot of Africans is where you find yourself is home. But if you're living in the West and you're an African, you are living in an environment where you're being tolerated."
"African people and their descendants in the Diaspora have always reminded the world what it really means to be human."
"This will be the best thing that can happen for the Chinese diaspora."
"We are African people, robbed of our names, our languages, our cultures, our religions."
"This ties into this whole ramp up of nationalism. It affects the diaspora so much that they feel entitled to go and attack people who are protesting or attack people that have an opinion overseas that doesn't match the Chinese government's opinion."
"They've been scattered but the people will have returned to their homeland."
"I am unique in a way that I want to tell the diaspora that it's time to make Africa home again."
"They will have returned to their ancient homeland after being scattered worldwide."
"We're broadcasting across the United States, into the continent of Africa, throughout the diaspora, and everywhere else in the world."
"Kenyans living abroad are getting more and more confident to invest back home."
"We're essentially an African people wherever we live on this earth."
"We are powerful people, foundational black Americans in particular, even our brethren in the diaspora."
"The point of the right to abode was to implement the system to make it easier for us to return back to Africa."
"I hope that all of you will come and transition back to the motherland."
"There are some people in this diasporatory and it's from home when you trace the spiritual Footprints it's from home."
"No other people in all of history have been scattered all over the world and been regathered back to their original homeland."
"Those of us who teach the gathering of Israel we probably ought to make sure we teach the scattering."
"Building is a two-way street, my brothers and sisters in the diaspora. Y'all gotta rock harder with us as allies against systematic white supremacy. You can't just hop over here and try to be a tether against us and undermine us."
"We see ourselves in little pockets and quite forget that some of us left Africa on the same slave ship."
"Our duty is Armenian diaspora, not to allow borders to separate us but to unite us."
"More than 11 million Filipinos work abroad."
"It's exciting to be here, to be connecting the dots between Africa and the Africans in the diaspora."
"If you have something doing in Ghana, why will you leave and go to America? It's modern-day slavery."
"So, the premise of this conversation is basically about the cultural differences or classic cultural differences and cultural clash in African parents and the children born in diaspora and stuff."
"Most diasporans would love to move back."
"There are high and growing numbers of diasporans moving back to countries like Nigeria in droves, setting up businesses, investing, and doing well."
"The resilience is really in everyone there in Palestinian people there but also in the diaspora."
"The Jews of Vienna do not die in Vienna, they do not die in Germany, they die in Minsk, and there's a very good reason for that."
"Why are Nigerian marriages, especially Nigerian marriages in diaspora, feeling? Why are they not lasting?"
"People are starting to see Africa differently, and Ghana has positioned itself as kind of the entry point for especially African Americans and different people in the diaspora."
"Persecution led to the scattering of believers."
"You realize two things: yes, we are an African people. There's no doubt about that. But you realize that we are not an African people as well. You realize that we are an American African people."
"Jews have not been the only people in the world to have suffered uprooting, but they have been the only people in the world eternally unable to find a place where shelter would not be given on sufferance, conditionally, provisionally, liable always to be withdrawn, terminated."
"In 1994, God willing, if we can make this pilgrimage to the country of Ghana, where Kwame Nkrumah first opened the door and said, 'Africans in the diaspora, come home and help us to build Africa.'"
"Despite all that she and others had suffered through, they had not lost their hope and still dreamt of returning one day to Zion."
"Being free, being able to get around anytime, do you think it is important for Africa diaspora or African Americans to visit Africa generally all different countries in Africa and why?"
"Slavery took us to all corners of the earth."
"There's a high degree of social integration of ancient Jewish populations in the western diaspora, but it exists together with religious or ethnic distinctiveness."
"Salvador is like the hub for the diaspora because in Africa you got 54 countries to choose from but in Brazil you only got one city to come to."
"More money comes into Africa from the African diaspora than from international aid combined."
"To consider Ireland in the Black Atlantic is therefore to peer into how the Irish diaspora's journey through the centuries crossed paths with that of the African diaspora."
"Filipinos are the second largest Asian American group, second only to the Chinese."
"Every Tibetan, wherever they may be, have the dream to go back to Tibetan, yeah."
"Those Chinese who had left China were actually not anymore Chinese."
"Singapore was most unsuccessful in keeping some of their own local-born Chinese who are part of the loyalists who won."
"It's spiritual and it's physical because you know i am the diaspora"
"140 million according to the world bank. That's about the number of people living worldwide in the African diaspora today."
"I think all peoples of the world deserve to have their own ancestral homeland, and I do believe that there is definitely a place in the world for people of African descent, that place is not Europe."
"Jews, by preserving their connectedness and their difference in diaspora, had evolved as the highest form of nation."
"Jews have been living in diaspora for 2,000 years. They speak the languages of the people who surround them, they also speak languages of diaspora, like Yiddish."
"I'm Ghanaian by birth, but I think I've become Ghanaian, truly Ghanaian by choice, after living outside of the country for, you know, almost half of my life."
"Thank you so much for taking us around your place, I think you're doing really well, this is really inspiring for people that are considering moving from the diaspora to Ghana as well."
"Blessed are you Adonai, who gathers in the dispersed of his people Israel."
"Meanwhile we have become the most educated more than the brothers and sisters in the Caribbean and in Africa."
"The truth is that the descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel were scattered throughout the world."
"We're the only nation in history that has been completely dispersed twice and we will return to our land."
"I will even gather you from the people and assemble you out of the countries where you have been scattered."
"In a captivating embrace of heritage, Zimbabwe extends an open invitation to Black Americans seeking to rediscover their roots or forge a new path."
"When you are far away from your people, you always have this feeling that you are standing one leg here and one leg there."
"Mami Wata has emerged as a transnational symbol of religion, resistance, and remembrance across the Black Atlantic."
"This is how we live, the show that celebrates the lives and homes of people across the African diaspora."
"It's good to see that people who were based in Africa left to the West and now return back to make Africa home again."
"Modi realized early on that the 18 million Indians living abroad can be a strategic asset."
"The truth is that Africans love Africans all over the world, and that includes African in diaspora."
"This is an enormous diaspora of African peoples all across the Caribbean Basin."
"There are so many opportunities for people of the diaspora to thrive in Ghana."
"Entrepreneurs of the African diaspora really can come here and thrive."
"It creates a big story and a sense of understanding how we moved, where we moved, how we practiced Judaism."
"The diaspora has been a positive force in so many ways."
"We are in the middle of an African diaspora travel renaissance."
"Kenyans in the diaspora now have an opportunity to invest back home in a practical business."
"You're Japanese no matter where you are."
"Diaspora is attracting so much attention because of globalization."
"A lot of Asian Americans rely on the app to communicate with their friends and families back home in China."
"The year of return is one of the ways that we're bridging that gap."
"The Diaspora plays a much more powerful role because they actually elevate issues way before the US media will pay attention."
"These are diaspora in a day-to-day way that are using their influence to shape public discourse, to shape policy, and to actually shape the future."
"The whole push to liberate our continent came because the Diaspora also played a role."
"The African diaspora is diverse, a multi-faceted, a multi-generational demographic."
"The diaspora can be a powerful force for the development of Africa."
"Time and distance are fluid here; the priority is on the care and well-being of the descendants of chattel slavery in the Americas."
"Ghana dubbed 2019 the year of return as the country welcomed over one million Africans in the diaspora."
"Kenyans who live abroad are a critical part of who we are."
"If there's one thing that keeps me up at night, it's not Iran; it's the future of Jews in the United States of America, and we have to fix this together."
"Afro tourism is a movement, is a strategy so you can preserve the memory of what we have done as black people in diaspora."
"As we in the African Diaspora understand more about our place in this world and the mistakes of the past, we will begin to remedy the issue by forming a new holistic African identity."
"The diaspora is an asset for the recovery and the reconstruction of Somalia."
"Nowadays, having people like you is actually a blessing in disguise because many people back in India can easily know what to do, what not to do."
"My heart is forever in Jamaica, but that will not stop me from helping to also promote and create opportunities in Africa."
"Travel Noir is a digital media company serving Millennials of the African diaspora who are seeking a better, more cultured life through international travel."
"Exile may in fact be a point of departure for thinking about cohabitation and for bringing diasporic values back to that region."
"The place is often referred to as the first home of the overseas Chinese."
"I know a lot of brothers and sisters in the diaspora are sleeping on Namibia, but it's a fantastic place."
"A staggering 1 in 10 of the population work abroad, accounting for nine percent of the economy."
"The whole purpose of The Gathering is to encourage people, particularly Irish people who've been living abroad, to come back."
"Dominicans living abroad sent an estimated three billion dollars in remittances to relatives at home in 2006."
"And not for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad."
"The ones who were scattered went about preaching the Word."
"Through our art and cultural programs, the center creates an interconnectivity between its home in El Barrio, East Harlem, the city, the African diaspora, and the world."
"I promote unity among Africans, among people in the Diaspora."
"There are many opportunities that are available here in Africa for people in the Diaspora."
"I want you to also understand that in doing that, not only did I receive a degree in Africana studies, but I've also studied the history of the African diaspora."
"African-Americans have a unique way in how we're positioned within the African diaspora."
"This was not only the scriptures of many diaspora Jews; it's also translated presumably by scribes and scholars that know something about that world and are trying to speak into it."
"This is the greatest generation, the most educated generation of Africans living in America, ever."
"The ancient sinosphere... including Japan, Korea, Vietnam... the modern day diaspora."
"The goal of coming to Jamaica was to bridge the gap between Africans in Africa and Africans on the continent."
"It's a great opportunity to be here as a speaker, a very great platform that is uniting the diaspora with Ghanaian society to grow, create opportunities for investment and networking."
"The diaspora of any nation represents a reservoir of significant assets, capital, diverse skills, and a global spotlight."
"The diaspora holds the key to propelling the nation forward and accelerating growth on multiple facets."
"We have the greatest diaspora on planet Earth."
"Returning back to your roots after so many years of living in a diaspora and seeing the opportunities that are happening in the motherland."
"Our vision now is to create equity not only for Africans and Americans but for the African diaspora."
"It warms my heart to see how many Africans in the diaspora are coming back through the African continent and really getting back in tune with themselves."
"There is no continent that develops without diaspora."
"We have a heart for Ghana, and truly speaking, when you're done in the diaspora and you've worked so hard to give back to the countries that you reside in, the least you could do is go back home and give back."
"...it's time for the Indian diaspora to actively take part in American public life... it's becoming an existential imperative."
"Never has Lebanon had greater need of its diaspora."
"No other government that I know of in history has paid as much attention to what they call their sojourners abroad."
"The Chinese overseas were meaningful to China and that started something new, something that is now become quite exceptional."
"Anytime I can be asked to speak on the intersection of the African diaspora and the Chinese diaspora, count me in; I'm there."
"Irish living abroad in Canada, Australia, Britain, and the United States urged their families to come join them."
"The year of return Ghana 2019 is a momentous spiritual and birthright journey inviting the Global African family home and abroad to the West African country."
"Let's take what has been the year of return to the decade of our return."
"We want to begin to create the dynamics where more African products are being sold on the shelves of black communities all across these United States of America and elsewhere."
"I will accept you as fragrant incense when I bring you out from the nations and gather you from the countries where you have been scattered."
"You can move or exile people to different parts of the world, but they will still be mindful of their culture."
"Nigerians are everywhere, there's no way that you won't find my people."
"India is proud of its diaspora and the relations they continue to enjoy."
"Big up to all my Jamaicans doing big things in a foreign."
"The struggle for independence started not in the continent of Africa, it started with Africans in the diaspora."
"Though I scattered them amongst the nations, yet in far-off countries they will remember me and their children will live and return."
"When we are in Africa, sometimes we fight among ourselves, but when you come to America and you see your fellow African, you're happy like you met your long-lost brother, long-lost sister."
"It's a sense of belonging... being abroad as a Ghanaian can never be the same as being in Ghana."
"We know that the billion people of African descent worldwide understand what the term African means."
"Diasporan and continental Africans must unite."
"Make sure that you're exploring the connections between the African and diaspora experience."
"Caribbean and African at the same time, this covers the diaspora I'm here for it."
"I hope that never changes and I hope that's the Algerian people even if you guys decide to leave your country and go somewhere else, that you still carry your culture and that you share that with the rest of the world because it's special."
"As of 2020, there are 6 million OCI holders among the Indian diaspora, which is amazing."
"This is to transform the African diaspora for future generations to come."
"The Somali people are asking the Somali diaspora and Somalis everywhere that Somalis must ask what their country can do for us, and not only what they can do for their country."
"We partner with our diaspora members to ensure that they achieve financial prosperity."
"Money remittances... that's the money that when somebody goes overseas to work, they would send it back to the country to their home country."
"We are the Beacon of Hope for every single person of African descent in the entire world."
"It's great to know that Nigerians in diaspora are investing in real estate."
"For people who are part of a diaspora, it's so powerful to look back into history and see that line stretching back from you to where you came from."
"When it comes to bringing our brothers and sisters in the Caribbean and Africa together, you can count on more than hundred percent support."
"The highest achievers in higher education in the United States are the African diaspora."
"The events in this book occurred while many of the Jews were living in Persia after being deported from Jerusalem."
"To a lot of Chinese people who live overseas, this is like their book into the Chinese culture."
"This video will help our Indian diaspora in the process of registering for OCI services."
"Diasporas in groups of refugees are able to unseat authoritarian regimes without ever picking up a gun."
"Parenting is tough in the diaspora, but it's doable. It can be done."
"The Chinese diaspora is not a monolith."
"It is of critical importance for the inhabitants of the continent of Africa and for the offspring, the diasporan Africans, to make maneuvers that unify us as a people."
"Our two countries both enjoy the support of a large diaspora, tens of millions of Scottish and Irish citizens found right across the globe."
"What we have is what happens when you have an African out of Africa who doesn't think in the lens of an African."
"Two thousand years ago, the Romans exiled the Jewish people from the land of Israel and dispersed them all around the world."
"We are offering loans at very good rates, affordable so that they can be able to invest back at home."
"We are celebrating 10 years of working with the Kenyans in the diaspora."
"Our true history, the diaspora in our freedom, I say yes."
"We did keep some of our culture, customs, and heritage during our scattering."
"Africa for the Africans, those at home and those abroad."
"There is something marvelous about the Chinese around the world; no matter where we end up, we always manage to keep up with our culture, history, heritage, and of course, our food."
"Tell me the story of a settler, tell me the story of somebody who's part of a diaspora and that finds a new life for his people, that founds a new society."
"For us, the myth is a somber symbol of a people losing its Homeland... wandering for 18th centuries over four continents and suffering repeated crucifixions before regaining its ancient habitation in the unstable Flux Of Our Time."
"Connecting the African diaspora one story at a time."
"The divide between inside and outside Iran got very small."
"A moving culture still keeps that sense of culture no matter where they are."
"I'm really hoping that women throughout the diaspora come and they choose Serenity House as like their first place to stay."
"Africa is not perfect, but I love the fact that Africans in the diaspora are coming back home to spark a change."
"America is Ireland's refuge, Ireland's last hope."
"The scattered tribes of people flung out to the solar system trying to figure out some identity for themselves."