
State Policy Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"We need to have a caring and sharing state, a very developmental state, a democratic state."
"The state should not be in the business of killing people or to assist in murdering people."
"It's like a cultural shift... I don't think there's any practical or ethical way to enforce anti-theism through the state."
"What's interesting about this downtrend in Texas is...it was pretty open."
"For pot, it's an example of a state inadequately understanding the cultural change happening around weed."
"Specific states, most notably California, do have strong policies promoting EV adoption, yet others have almost no support and federal policy has been unreliable from administration to administration."
"California's commitment to being a sanctuary for those seeking reproductive care."
"It's not very fiscally conservative for a state to pursue the death penalty when it doesn't make any sense money-wise to pursue it when we don't carry it out."
"More states will soon be in a position to gradually and safely reopen."
"The squatter scam ends today with my signature on this piece of legislation, and the State of Florida will be better for it."
"Trust Georgians with their freedom to adapt."
"We want to make sure individuals in Florida have their livelihoods and their jobs protected."
"Love the Sunshine Law, every state should have it."
"California just became the first state in the nation to mandate the study and development of proposals for reparations."
"Early reopening in the states is going to cause more cases, I believe."
"We are protecting Floridians' ability to speak."
"You left New Jersey because of failed Democrat policies and you're coming to a state that needs to be Republican and free."
"California is one of the states with the highest taxes in all of America, it's also one of the most expensive places to live."
"This budget is probably the best budget for conservation and water quality in the history of the state of Florida."
"In Florida, we believe in the protection of children."
"Gladys Berejiklian has been alone among the state premiers until Dan Andrews recent conversion to argue that the nation has to live with COVID."
"Hawaii's energy green energy interests are should be uh, you know that they've been really leading on this and and people need to pay attention of where Hawaii plans to go."
"Florida in general should be setting a trend for the rest of the country."
"State governments shouldn't be running an independent foreign policy, and now they're not."
"With a million people in between two and four years we would change the makeup in California and push the process back"
"State lawmakers in Georgia recently passed a bill to make Georgia run on daylight savings time all year round."
"California and New York have made it very difficult for businesses to thrive, their workforce is stressed out."
"What you're seeing in Georgia right now in Georgia the secretary of state is moving to end runoff elections which I think is great."
"Nebraska appears to be the first to ban TikTok at the state level."
"A state need not subsidize private education but once a state decides to do so, it cannot disqualify some private schools solely because they are religious."
"Missouri may have just made the monumental step towards freedom and individual liberty."
"Mississippi has taken that extra step of requiring people to do something, and that makes all the difference."
"Michigan has become in many ways the shining example of what it looks like when democracy actually works when the people are respected and their will is reflected in their laws."
"Florida is now the state with the most robust protections against foreign infiltration." - Governor Ron DeSantis
"Florida is open for anyone that wants to live freely."
"Government like in Florida, in Texas, in South Dakota, uh didn't have any draconian lockdowns, uh measures. Hmm, interesting. Okay, so..."
"We can either have a free society or we can have a biomedical security state. And I can tell you Florida, we're a free state."
"DeSantis has put out a statement: 'The insinuation that Florida is underutilizing vaccines is totally disingenuous.'"
"South Carolina is going to be sending out tax rebate payments this year to people who file a 2021 South Carolina income tax return."
"Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down the state's stay-at-home order."
"Texas supports legal immigration but will not be an accomplice to the open border policies that cause rather than prevent a humanitarian crisis in our state."
"I think there is hope. It matters who your Governor is, now it matters what state you're in, no longer can we count on that sort of National Standard that uniformity that protects people's rights."
"This legislation is unacceptable. It is a step backwards and it does not promote principles we have stood for in Georgia."
"Ohio wants to continue to innovate and to lead."
"The state of Oregon is planning to introduce universal health care by 2026. It could be the first state in the nation to do so."
"We are very proud that we are a Law and Order State."
"There's no doubt this is a dramatic victory for the Second Amendment because it took New York and it slapped them down dramatically."
"We should be looking at how to reform some of the property taxes but at the same time reducing the income tax."
"What is it going to do to retain and attract talented, motivated, entrepreneurial younger people to California?"
"It's about freedom, so Jesus set you free, you're free indeed, and our goal is restoring freedom to Pennsylvania."
"The recall sent a very clear warning to the rest of the nation that California is not a model for the nation."
"Governor Brian Kemp just announced he will spend up to 1.2 billion dollars in federal pandemic aid on payments of up to 350 a piece to more than 3 million Georgians."
"The payments will start in September which is next month."
"Governor Kathy Hopkin in New York state approved the health care worker bonus hospitals have until August 30th to submit worker information."
"New York State has passed an ambitious climate law."
"To think that that is a possibility for the state of california to even start is just absolutely amazing."
"The signing into law of HB2492 is a giant step toward ensuring elections are easy, convenient, and secure in our state." - Jake Hoffman
"The era of defunding the police in New York state is over."
"Massachusetts is the only state in the country with a right to shelter law, which guarantees homeless families access to emergency shelter."
"New York state has also declared a state of emergency, as well as the cities of Chicago, El Paso, and Washington DC."
"California requires proof of vaccination for all state employees and some health workers."
"Every Floridian has a right to earn a living."
"How our government regulates Tech and secures privacy, and how the states manage that, is always fascinating."
"We’re really proud of what Florida does to stand by our four-legged friends."
"Florida reopened everything on September 25th... Florida has fewer deaths per million than the UK."
"Montana's Constitution includes rights to a clean and healthful environment for residents and future Generations."
"The secular state guarantees freedom of thought, conscience, and religion."
"Indiana started sending $125 dollar payments to all residents regardless of income."
"Minnesota, 750 payments for frontline workers, eligible workers must have worked at least 120 hours in Minnesota between March 15, 2020, and June 30, 2021."
"Maine, 850 dollar direct relief payments, full-time residents with a federal adjusted gross income of less than a hundred thousand are eligible."
"Because of your leadership and example, governors across the country have been reducing the burden of regulations at the state level."
"Put money back in Pennsylvanians' Pockets right now when they need it most."
"Minneapolis to Duluth should happen pretty soon since the state is very supportive of it."
"Coming up, California's governor says the state will fully reopen its economy on June 15th."
"California's governor has announced the state could fully reopen on June 15th."
"The State of Florida is a Law and Order State, and that means we support the men and women who wear the uniform who protect and serve."
"Women are allowed to exist. Good news, women, you haven't been abolished by the British state quite yet."
"He said that um Florida this case arises out of Florida's latest assault on the right to vote"
"Florida's Chief Financial Officer said his Department would pull $2 billion worth of its assets managed by BlackRock."
"We raised the pay of our state police... to show we back them up."
"This doesn't go nearly as far as I would like to see it go, but it is an example of New York conceding certain points and shrinking the scope of their gun-free zone."
"What we really need to do is have a free college option in every state."
"Arizona even passed a statewide tax hike to bring in nearly $1 billion in new funding for its underfunded school system."
"North Carolina becomes the 40th state to expand Medicaid under the ACA covering 600,000 uninsured people."
"Every California family deserves to feel safe."
"They should definitely do the public broadband at the state level everywhere."
"Millions of Arizonans will soon live under an even more extreme and dangerous abortion ban."
"California's in such good shape, people are running away from California. Let's California the entire United States of America."
"Montana has been the first U.S state to ban TikTok from devices. This ban comes into effect on the 1st of January."
"There's no stopping what we can do to make sure that we are a state where our businesses thrive, where we have safety and security."
"The state supports the managed decline of the UK and Europe. Managed decline is an inch reading idea, I know, but for us, certainly, our state or establishment is very comfortable managing the decline of our countries."
"So, starting off with Colorado, the state is sending anywhere between $750 up to $1,500 checks to residents."
"California will start sending direct payments of $350 to $1,050 for 23 million Californians."
"The Department of Justice brings a blockbuster lawsuit against the state of Idaho for its total abortion ban."
"Texas is going to build its own wall... Texas is a state may have added more border wall than the Trump Administration did for the United States of America during his four years in office."
"But we do know this, that these were very definitely states that at a governmental level instituted atheism."
"Up to about 25 million Californians are going to be receiving these stimulus checks."
"So why is it that the state of New York is trying to say that these lawful people are not allowed to bring their guns on the Second Amendment into these businesses?"
"You got it passed, you did not go in with the mindset 'I have to compromise and be like everybody else.' You literally change the trajectory of the state of Georgia through your leadership."
"If it gets passed in a large state like Massachusetts, that has a lot of money in it, there's a lot of customers in it that it changes the way they do business in every other state."
"Ohio's COVID-19 lockdown is illegal, a state judge ruled today."
"Expanding Medicaid means creating 56,000 jobs in Georgia."
"If we expand Medicaid in the state of Georgia, we provide access to health insurance for half-a-million Georgians."
"Washington state has just passed a bill into law that all new vehicles registered in Washington state by 2030 should be electric."
"Islam was celebrated for allowing people in an Islamic state to live according to their principles and religion."
"The more we keep seeing states roll this out, we see that narrative continued here."
"These reforms hopefully will protect Florida."
"Texas is taking a stand against big tech political censorship. We're not going to allow it in the Lone Star State."
"We're going to work together to make sure that we have common sense gun legislation and protect the second amendment here in the state of Texas."
"God bless Texas and Mississippi for breaking free, doing what may possibly be the right thing."
"For too long, the Ohio government has imposed unfair restrictions with KFC restaurants."
"Florida refused to let fear shape its pandemic response."
"Illinois has the highest tax burden in the nation, where 15% of people's incomes are being eaten away by state taxes alone."
"Hawaii's going to be a state that takes care of all of its people."
"Florida does not have a state income tax for individuals."
"The conservation of the groundwater of the state is an imperative."
"Minnesota has a universal free school breakfast and lunch program, it's only the third in the nation."
"Several states have taken action to expand access to free school meals."
"Warfare has been changing, at least when waged by some states, altering the way they wage war in recent decades and bringing it into conformity with new rules that call for less brutality."
"North Carolina is an all-broker state."
"There is no state income tax in Alaska and no state sales tax."
"Shootings and murders are down in our state by 15%."
"Utah is one of the most tax-friendly and business-friendly states out there."
"No state has done more to support the men and women of border patrol and its mission than the state of Texas."
"The tools of economic policy and the will of the state is put behind specific industries to really fuel a process of industrialization."
"We must reverse the trend of people leaving our state in search of lower costs and opportunities elsewhere."
"The Evergreen State, it's one of the nine states with no broad-based personal income tax."
"The Equality State, Wyoming, is a very tax friendly state to all residents."
"Creating freedom for everybody in Georgia is the default position, not more government, not more programs, not more policies."
"Maryland can be a state that protects abortion rights and abortion access."
"I condemn racism in all of its forms. Oregon needs to be a welcoming state for all."
"California becomes the first state to offer free school lunch and breakfast for all students."
"The more constrained people's choices are, the more it is reasonable that the state at least asks the question: should we actually do something to help redress that?"
"Maybe New Mexico just has it all figured out."
"We want to see actually pathways created that wouldn't just expand what we're seeing at the state levels."
"Every single state in the United States has a first-time home buyer program."
"We're talking about closing schools in different parts of our state."