
Collective Strength Quotes

There are 193 quotes

"We stand together and freedom does not exist in silos. Freedom is a composite project where we are all mutually strengthened by each other's freedom and we are all weakened by each other's losses and despairs."
"We are very powerful and successful when there's many of us."
"It's the ties between people that make the whole greater than the sum of its parts."
"We're going to get through this and come out stronger than ever before."
"Courage is always stronger than fear, and when you are fighting for common values, you shouldn't be afraid of the enemy, because the enemy retreats when he fears force."
"Strength through discipline, strength through community, strength through action."
"We need the people of God. You and I are all bricks, all laid one on top of the other, into a spiritual house."
"Living in a special time where we're all apes, you know, diamond hands together, ape strong together."
"This will pass through, and we're gonna be even stronger for it."
"Let the power flow through us, we're becoming Unstoppable!"
"There is unbelievable power in the truth and there is also real strength in numbers."
"This is the new era more people are recognizing that unions are the way to come together collectively and flex their muscle."
"It was not the individual fighting prowess of the soldiers that allowed Sparta to become the dominant military power."
"Women being willing to come forward and tell their story, you know there's something powerful and there's strength in numbers."
"We're not stuck in here with it, it's stuck in here with us!"
"Understanding that there's power in numbers."
"We are too small individually but if we stand together we can make a huge difference in this country."
"Our collective resilience is our greatest asset."
"The whole stronger together thing, I do believe in that."
"Strength in numbers, that's the way to play this."
"Their strength was in their unity, like a single entity."
"The power is in the group... makes it a lot harder to discredit you."
"Together in the embrace of divine grace, we shall overcome, we shall endure, and we shall triumph. Amen."
"We're stronger when we fight together, we're stronger together."
"The Chains only as strong as its weakest link."
"We are holding the line, like I said, divided we fall, united we conquer."
"Let these heartfelt words and Noble feelings give each of us immense strength and confidence that together we will overcome all challenges."
"The more members we get, the stronger we become as a group."
"Even when something feels so small and so insignificant... it's the power of numbers when tons of people come together that makes a difference."
"That fear that we are going to lose one another makes us fight harder and pushes us to be stronger together then we are alone."
"What we're up against is bigger than any one of us, but it's not bigger than all of us."
"What they really fear is that all of you will start saying what you think because there's strength in numbers."
"Dave Chappelle showed up and dropped eight four four nine and and blew it out the park they are messing with us and I just need us to be a collective group and show up and show out because you know what we're not here to take it we tired."
"Their deaths, each and every one of them, make us stronger."
"We have the power, we hold the power. Even if you feel powerless or don't know how you're going to deal with these challenges, you got this, we got this as a collective."
"Through collective bargaining you're able to make yourself stronger."
"Janet said yes she said absolutely you have my permission that is my girl and let's also make take heed for everyone listening there is power in numbers and people."
"We can totally get through our problems together, not just us because we can do everything by ourselves but with the Lord."
"Every general and every soldier was conscious of being a drop in that ocean of men and yet at the same time of his strength as a part of that enormous whole."
"If any of them were missing, I don't think we'd be quite as strong."
"A good team is more powerful than the sum of its parts."
"Together, kindness, love, all those things – that's the best force for change."
"While one HBCU is strong, all HBCUs are stronger."
"The power of a team multiplies the genius and ideas."
"Individually we might be poor but collectively we are rich."
"Together we're strong you don't have to put up with this you can make a change."
"There is an awakening of a giant. They've been going along, but they didn't count on that." - Highlight the unexpected strength of collective action.
"People starting to realize that their strength in numbers across the board everywhere."
"Their collective strength possesses the potential to transcend even the mightiest of adversities."
"Old enemies from the past come back and unite... to fight a much more powerful foe."
"We are tougher than these challenges. I mean, if we can't do it, nobody can."
"We will be stronger, we will be far greater than this."
"My vision is not one of evil but of power and solidarity."
"My lord, it seems as though our ranks have grown to 200,000 strong. The Hydro Homies are now one of the most powerful armies in the entire universe."
"Humanity wins, people awake finding their power."
"We need to link up together and strengthen ourselves as a nation."
"This team has shown that when they're largely together as a collective, they're good enough to challenge."
"The union makes us strong. The whole logic here is apes together strong."
"Blue team marching in unity Bound by purpose strong and free through trial will persist in our hearts The Blue Team exists under the sky where dreams take flight."
"No matter how critical the crisis is, and it is, this is also our collective human superpower."
"The strength of America lies not in division but in unity."
"Rise like lions after slumber in unvanquishable number."
"Our strength does not come from our efforts alone but from continuous trust in God's guidance."
"Strength in unity... there is strength in unity."
"The fact that we've all come together is what gives us hope, is what gives us strength, and inspiration."
"As individuals, we're all quite weak, but as teams, we can be strong or even powerful."
"This isn't the age of gurus, you're powerful, we're all powerful."
"United we stand strong together. We are honored and on our selfless nameless faceless fameless' and fearless we are grateful." - Q
"United we stand and all that sounds good to me."
"Pan-Africanism at its core is about Unity. It's about recognizing that together we stand, divided we fall."
"By sticking together, tiny ants can carry the elephant."
"Hello everyone. Remember the power in the union."
"Never underestimate the power of unity in overcoming adversity."
"Solidarity together we stand, divided we fall."
"Yo, we're literally about to have a giant army now."
"We're gonna be fine, we're gonna get through this."
"We are the people, we are children of the Creator, we have the power."
"This is our strength, this is how we should go forward."
"The power of three plus a few hundred will set you free, bitches."
"Community is where you'll have support, and support is how you win battles."
"We're all we have, divided we fall. United we stand."
"Together we are so much more powerful. Separate we are weak."
"Together we become something much larger than we could ever be alone."
"Their combined strength is greater than the sum of its parts."
"We need to come together stronger than ever right now."
"We aren't waiting until we get through this. We know we're gonna get through this and we're gonna get through it together and come out strong at the other end."
"We really want to collectively draw on the strength of the energy of the human experience and stand together as one collective."
"Our most powerful asset, our greatest weapon in this effort is the spirit of our people."
"Our power is in numbers to continue to grow the value."
"It is time for you to become more resilient, time for me to become more resilient, it's time for us together to be more resilient."
"When we come together and beat all as one, we become unstoppable. When we link together as one, we rise above any challenge."
"We're better together than separated and divided."
"If we embrace that posture, then we can stand together against this vicious, horrific foe who really wants to destroy us."
"Family is like a gang affiliation. Gangs, collectives, groups, animals running packs. Groups have strength."
"we are going to win we are together we're strong"
"I'm stronger than I think. We are stronger than we think if we're willing to put aside the limitations and boundaries."
"We are stronger together than we are divided... There's power in numbers."
"Strength in unity, working together for our industry."
"There is power in numbers and power in organization."
"It's time for us to realize that the power is ultimately with us. We are the lion, and it's time for us to roar."
"There's so much power in all of us if we just work together."
"We're stronger together, tackling a very bad line."
"The female gaze inspires a collective roar, filled with power as we corroborate one another, we collaborate."
"Unity will get humanity through this time of great panic."
"In a story about superpowers and superpower-driven characters, his superpower is that he relies on the collective."
"I've learned something awesome. If the three of us always help each other to get through when something's difficult, then together we can do anything."
"We are bigger than them. There's more of us."
"Together, we are strong. So come home, my people, come home. We could do it, we could make it."
"Never underestimate the power of the community."
"Together they would survive and become something greater than before."
"We're building an army: 19,000 strong and counting."
"The sum of the whole ensemble is greater than any of its individual parts."
"There's more of us than there are people who would control us."
"Start small in involvement with a local fellowship or community group. We need each other, especially in times of potential blackout or crisis."
"We are stronger than they are, and they know it."
"What makes us powerful is not our individual abilities but our collective abilities."
"We are safe and we are strong because there's power in collective work."
"We want to be there together and we want to be there strong together."
"We truly are greater than the sum of our parts."
"If we all do this, if every single person who is part of our campaign opts into this, participates, we will be stronger than ever and we will be unstoppable."
"We should be like Voltron, when all the different parts come together into one huge robot, it can't be beat."
"The strength of the labor movement lies in the power of solidarity between us all as workers."
"We're stronger in numbers than we are by ourselves."
"It's an invitation. There's no power in numbers whatsoever, but once we give power to God in everything, He might manifest in numbers."
"Collectively we're greater than the sum of our parts."
"The only power for working-class people truly comes from their numbers."
"...we have to start treating it that way we can't allow these people to divide us because then they're going to be way easier to conquer us."
"...strength in numbers... it's harder for other organizations to sit down and say we need to come together..."
"I feel like there's strength in numbers."
"One for all gets stronger with every user because the previous user has cultivated the power and increased it."
"Manifesting collectively, we're stronger."
"We need to become partners with the artists, we need to become partners with the writers, we need to become partners, it's these things, we need to create a strength in numbers."
"We're so much stronger when we're together, when we act in groups and when we get out of our individual silos and build alliances and get powerful. That's how we win."
"Everyone is stronger because of it."
"If we can move away from this celebrating who's got it the worst and start working as a team based on our collective strengths."
"The force has always been all of us."
"Our power is in the creator and in each other."
"Let's continue to get stronger together."
"They got through it, and we will get through this too."
"The strength of the team is each individual member, and the strength of each member is the team."
"The whole goal is to make a community of people that can support one another."
"We are stronger together: black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American; young, old; gay, straight; men, women; folks with disabilities."
"We who are many are never more powerful than when we are one."
"We are so strong together; we have such a capacity for amazing things when we work together."
"Whatever it is, we can face it together."
"Now you'll see what happens when six pure and brave hearts unite."
"We're all sisters. We all have commonalities. We're stronger together."
"We may not be individually the best in the country at any one area, but the sum of our parts, man, we're coming together, we're pretty dang good."
"The more pencils you have, the greater the strength."
"The advantages of being unified as opposed to being separated."
"When two or three are gathered together, there is much universal power."
"We can't hide inside ourselves; we are stronger together as one."
"You're only as good as the guys you stand next to."
"In the end, like Vermont, we decided that we were stronger together."
"But together, they make a mighty weapon."
"Our collective voice is stronger than any single voice."
"There's strength in numbers when it comes to selling insurance."
"In the depths of my soul, I know we will survive."
"Hydrogen bonds are weak in isolation, but when we put lots of them together, they add up to be quite a big force."
"If you got that camaraderie and that Brotherhood, then you can be unstoppable."
"If people are able to set aside their differences and get along, we will become more powerful than they can possibly imagine."
"We're so much more powerful together."
"There's so much power in the unity of a body that comes together."
"I'm selflessly connected to the team because we are stronger together."
"We will get through this. As a country, as a world, I 100% believe that we will be stronger than before."
"We're a community of the weak, and that we're a community that creates space for us to fail so that we can grow together."
"The power of one person is still too small."
"Hopefully, everybody will get through this, come out stronger on the other side, and we won't have to experience anything like this ever again."
"We collectively are so powerful as women."
"We're meant to be united and do it together, that's where the power comes from."
"We are never stronger than when we realize there's a problem and we work together."
"This is how we grow stronger as a community."
"Together collectively, you the people, are a force to be reckoned with."
"We're a collective species and we have power in numbers."
"Strength and camaraderie conquered all."
"Just as knowledge can be the key, there is strength in numbers."
"Never forget your power, never forget your own power, never forget the collective power."
"Action is power, and especially that collective action is power."