
Socioeconomic Factors Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"The most powerful predictor of the murder rate is the size of the gap in income and wealth between the rich and the poor."
"The racial education gap doesn't come from the racial aspect, it comes from probably largely socioeconomic and some cultural aspects."
"Over policing doesn't decrease the total amount of crime because it leads to the perpetuation of certain conditions that increase crime."
"What makes a community safe is not the number of guns but the number of good schools, the number of good jobs, the number of educational opportunities, the number of opportunities people have for living a decent life."
"The single biggest socioeconomic determining factor is, in the country bar none, according to Pew Research, according to Heritage, according to Barack Obama, what is it? If you could pick one thing that would most significantly determine your economic outlook, your criminal outlook, your personal outlook in relationships, what do you think that would be? Single-parent households."
"The homicide death rate in the United States is so high...because of the conjunction of socio-economic factors."
"Class, socioeconomics, is a better proxy for disadvantage...you actually get a better picture of who needs help by looking at socioeconomics."
"Educating parents and having good socio-economic circumstances so that parents have the time and resources to guide their children seems far more important."
"There's a massive decline in life expectancy in the most powerful, developed, richest country in the world."
"I'm not sure that the schools are generally the problem. I think that very often the circumstances in which people grow up are much more defining of whether you're gonna be a success later in life than the school to which you went."
"Even in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas, Finland’s schools serve their students just as well as those in the country’s wealthiest areas."
"Higher socioeconomic status leads to higher intelligence."
"As you go up the attainment ladder of success, overwhelmingly the more educated you are, the higher chance you have of doing better."
"Race and income really determine your access to resources."
"Even some of the poorest people in the world right now have access to the internet mostly through cell phones."
"Usually women like to date or marry guys that are making a little bit more money have a little bit higher education or from a social standpoint are perceived with higher value."
"The difference between the people that don't make money in this country and the people that do make is not their religion, it's not the color of their skin, it is not even their education, it's their readers."
"The problem in the US is socioeconomic, it's easier to point racism."
"A lot of these upper-class, wealthy immigrant families came to this country specifically because of the good schools."
"The drivers of economic inequality are complex."
"These are all things that are going to require having a two-income household."
"The quality of your education in the United States of America is defined by your zip code."
"Crime specifically... manifests in environments... due to material conditions."
"Your ability to be resilient is defined by your wealth position."
"One of the best predictors of future wealth is not the wealth of your parents but it's the average wealth of the postcode that you grow up in."
"Knowing where you live can explain your motivations, right?"
"Race is more important in terms of your access than the money you have."
"It just bears out this is the sort of resources and state this hypergamy thing that seems to be borne out in the data."
"Your education and therefore your career options in Germany don’t depend on how much money you have."
"The culture of the trading pits in London was very influenced by the working class guys who became traders there."
"Neighborhoods matter, place matters, where you live matters."
"Even the poorest in China would want a smartphone, and they would do almost anything to get their hands on one."
"Crime is tied to economics, education, and healthcare."
"This year's list of the richest Americans has been shaken up by divorce, crypto, and a presidency."
"Income inequality and poverty...are inextricably linked with crime...but his point about income inequality being the driver behind crime...is just not the case."
"I never liked the idea of limited access to information based on one’s economic power."
"Women who were higher educated and earning more were much more likely to report all types of intimate partner violence."
"The average black male built his legacy off of stable Factory Blue Collar work."
"I think Nevada is one that is primed for that both because of the dynamic that you mentioned but also it's very blue call it's a very working-class state."
"You can just corrupt anyone with money. That's all you need to corrupt someone."
"I think the question that the piece kind of asks is like how do we, what's the way forward here? Is it just that every harbor gets cleaned up like it's only rich people get to live by the water?"
"The number one thing that separates wealthy people from broke people isn't what grades you had or what degree you got or what college you went to or what skin color you are... it's how you use your 24 hours in a day."
"The assumption that people are choosing not to change their lifestyle is not sensitive to the fact that said choice is a luxury that some do not have."
"Having a child when you're poor doesn't mean it's immoral; but two parents is a reasonable expectation."
"Health is something that's across the board, whether you're rich or poor."
"Racism serves the material interest of white elites... and provides psychological benefits to working-class whites."
"People would say, 'Oh well, it's to do with cultural factors and Jewish people being wealthier or more educated or more urban or whatever. No, the difference is on G.'"
"Veganism by its nature was adopted first by the people who could afford it."
"Struggle love behavior still shows up in a lot of black love relationships even if they are in a higher tax bracket."
"I've always found in life that people who are really motivated are people who haven't had it."
"Biological advantages might not always confer advantages in sports. Socioeconomic advantages are often more important."
"One doesn't become homeless because they have excellent job skills for the most part."
"It predicts it based on three different factors: income inequality, average wages, and people competing for good jobs."
"Children who come from homes where they aren't prepared for education then fail in school and have children of their own, doomed to repeat the process."
"... as a first step one useful way to think about it is what are the characteristics of areas where we see high levels of mobility are there certain common features of those places and the answer is yes they tend to have for systemic characteristics."
"Drug running does become an avenue. It becomes an opportunity in a world that seems to be full of dead ends and cul-de-sacs and very limited other opportunities."
"The rise in youth crime can often stem from a lack of educational opportunities and socio-economic disadvantages."
"The two biggest factors to childhood cognitive development are socioeconomic status and maternal education."
"We have evidence for action... it's more to do with socio-economic, political, and environmental determinants of health."
"His story is a stark reminder of the complex socioeconomic factors that drive individuals towards a life in the shadows."
"Good political analysis and policy making requires more than a denunciation of perceived theocratic aspirations but a deep dive into historical, socio-economic, political, and theological factors that intersect in the invocation of a religious polity."
"Your zip code is a stronger predictor of how long and how well you live than your genetic code."
"People are more likely to commit crime if they're poor or don't have good educational or economic opportunities."
"...there's a lot of things you can't control and if you're going to go through it based on Merit like just based on your test scores a lot of what you can achieve has to do with like the family background that you raised in."
"The major cause of the differences in average achievement between low-income African-American children and middle-class white children was not... because teachers have low expectations... but because of the social and economic conditions with which children come to school."