
Atoms Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"You probably already know that all of the atoms in your body are constantly being replaced by other atoms, such that every seven years or so, every single atom in your body will have been replaced."
"The electrons in atoms can only exist at well-defined energy levels—and they cannot exist in between."
"Atoms and molecules can only exist because of quantum mechanics."
"If humanity were to suffer a catastrophe in which all of scientific knowledge were lost, and he was able to choose one and only one fact to convey to the survivors to help them rebuild science from scratch, he would choose to tell them all things are made of atoms."
"Everything oscillates. I mean really, everything. Even atoms oscillate. Everything in our existence that we know about oscillates."
"By solving the Brownian motion mystery, Einstein had found definitive evidence that atoms and molecules exist."
"Most atoms are just happy the way they are. Some atoms think they're a bit too heavy and they want to lose weight."
"Chemical equations are just a rearrangement of atoms, so the number of atoms should match."
"There are more atoms in a single grain of sand than there are grains of sand on Earth."
"It's an astonishing human achievement that we now know not only how many atoms there are in the universe and how many different types there are, but why they exist at all."
"Everything in the universe made of atoms is built up from just quarks and electrons."
"Atoms... force us to rethink what we mean by past and future, by cause and effect."
"Although we've learnt an incredible amount about atoms... our scientific journey has only just begun."
"The atoms that make up my body are identical to the atoms in the rock, the trees, the air, even the stars."
"If I do that under idealism for the matter in the brain, the matter in the brain is formed of the same atoms and force fields as the rest of the universe so I have to extrapolate that otherwise I have an arbitrary discontinuity."
"The atom, a nucleus of protons and neutrons surrounded by randomly moving electrons. Cutest science ever!"
"Atoms of which our bodies are made consist of more than 99% empty space."
"Atoms are comprised of just three types of particles: positively charged protons, negatively charged electrons, and neutrons."
"Atoms, the elemental building blocks of matter that form the very fabric of our universe, when we contemplate the end of our individual existence, it's crucial to recognize that our bodies composed of these enduring atoms do not simply vanish into nothingness."
"Now the question arises: how long can atoms endure? Is there a point at which they cease to exist? To unravel this question, we must delve into the inner workings of atoms."
"As we contemplate the cosmic Destiny of atoms, a notable portion embarks on an extraordinary Journey beyond the conf of our solar system, drifting amidst the stars and venturing into the vastness of the cosmos."
"In the end, the Earth will be as it began: an incandescent mass containing the atoms that were part of every human being who ever inhabited it."
"Atoms mean indivisible little things."
"Atoms want to bond together. That's why we have molecules. That's why we have you. You are a consequence of the fact that electrons are shared between different atoms."
"Imagine what the universes are composed of: smart atoms."
"The universe is made of stories, not atoms."
"We can visualize atoms with modern technology like scanning tunneling microscopes."
"Ionic bonds are formed when atoms trade electrons in order to achieve that stability."
"The next leap in understanding may come from identifying the atoms of space and time."
"What's the smallest uncuttable piece that you get to? Now, we know in our age that if you cut far enough down, you get to atoms."
"Atoms are unchangeable, never created, never destroyed."
"Can we see atoms? Electron microscopy does image atoms. We have seen atoms which this now is widely used technique for probably well over, I can't remember, 20 years."
"Democritus thought the universe was infinite and made of atoms."
"Everything is made of these things called atoms and all the substances that look so different around you really are just different combinations of atoms."
"Methylation is the transfer of four atoms: one carbon atom and three hydrogen atoms from one substance to another."
"Matter is the stuff out of which you're made like the physical tangible stuff you the table the planet stuff like that right so atoms electrons protons and neutrons."
"Out of just one type of atoms consisting of one electron and one proton, billions of stars were formed."
"Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that describes the behavior of nature at and below the scale of atoms."
"Every atom in our body came from a star that exploded. We are Stardust."
"You are made of atoms that can be used for something else. It's a finite being in a finite universe and it has finite resources to expend to gather resources you know why you don't want these atoms? Because these atoms fight back."
"... if the electrons and protons were freely moving and not bound into atoms then they would be efficient scatterers."
"Just like atoms vibrating at specific frequencies, your thoughts and emotions emit their own unique vibrations."
"It's not much different than the indirect evidence that atoms existed well before you could ever see atoms."
"In our body, there are seven billion billion billion atoms that make up a human being. That's a hell of a lot of zeros."
"Think of the atoms of your body, each one of them, and then recognize that each one of them comes from a star."
"Matter is made of particles and there are three types of particles that scientists talk about: atoms, molecules, and ions."
"X-ray crystallography is the science of determining the three-dimensional position of atoms in a crystal."
"The unstable atom will release energy either in the form of particles or waves until eventually the atom becomes stable again."
"Atoms are ideal for when you have a small set of words that are going to be used throughout the application that indicates some meaning."
"All atoms want is a full outer shell of electrons."
"Atoms are tiny, and yet they control all the properties of the materials that we see on our scale."
"The three states of matter represent really different ways in which the atoms are attached together, bonded together."
"Atoms are not little spheres; atoms are quantum objects."
"But what are molecules if not an assembly of atoms, and what are atoms if not a bubble, a vacuum in which electrons of an elusive nature move around a nucleus of nucleons, all governed by strong and weak fundamental nuclear interactions?"
"An atom is the smallest particle of a substance that can exist."
"Atoms are the smallest stable particle of matter."
"We are collections of atoms that can contemplate atoms."
"Atoms are scientifically known as the smallest unit of matter."
"Everything is made of atoms that are far too small to see."
"A dream of atoms, Kanada was born somewhere around the year 600 BC in eastern India."
"Never trust an atom; they make up everything."
"From the perspective of physics, we know that this box contains atoms and molecules following very specific laws."
"It's remarkable that we were able to discover [molecules] at all, much less the atoms that they comprise."
"The ancient Greeks believed that matter could be split into more and more parts until what was left were the smallest indivisible constituents, or atoms."
"Although you can feel all of the atoms because you press on this piece of chalk and it pushes back, you can't squeeze it."
"Even though we can't feel an individual atom all that well, we can feel how fast those atoms are moving in the matter."
"Millions and millions of years ago, there were some atoms randomly floating through the universe."
"The relative atomic mass of any element in grams contains precisely one mole of atoms."
"The first ionization energy is the energy that is required for the removal of one electron from each atom within one mole of atoms in a gaseous form."
"If you know which of these columns a particular atom is in, you can figure out how many valence electrons it has."
"We're all composed of all these atoms; we just happen to have gathered a few of them together to make this individual."
"If we look out at all of the configurations of atoms in the universe... which of these entail conscious experiences?"
"The ionization energy is the minimum energy required to remove an electron from the ground state of a gaseous atom or ion."
"Atoms are highly reactive; they end up combining; they live only for a short time, most of them."
"This glass that I'm looking at you through, it has atoms in it. And those atoms are held together by electromagnetic forces."
"A single drop of water contains billions of atoms, and a single grain of salt contains millions of atoms."
"The arrangement of atoms produces the lowest free energy for those atoms."
"Why should you never trust atoms? Because they make up everything."
"The smallest units of matter are atoms."
"An atom with an unfilled valence shell is more likely to react with other atoms to try to obtain a full outer shell."
"A molecule is two or more atoms bonded together."
"Atoms are literally the main building blocks to life and everything in the universe."
"The neat thing about this is that a Dirichlet process has an unbounded number of atoms."
"Inside of what that was called plants, those are called organic debris, but inside of that, it's the same atoms that we make up fossil fuels."
"Every time you take a breath, you breathe in mostly nothing with a few atoms."
"An atom contains equal numbers of protons and electrons, whereas an ion contains unequal numbers."
"All things are made of atoms, little particles that move around in perpetual motion."
"Atoms are mostly empty space; it's a small nucleus with a cloud of electrons around it and a lot of nothing in the middle."
"Atoms contain three subatomic particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons."
"Most of an atom is just empty space."
"Atoms generally tend to gain, lose, or share electrons until they are surrounded by a full valence shell."
"Atoms are like the letters in the alphabet of the universe."
"Atoms are so small that you could put 1 million on the pin of this head."
"You pet your dog and the atoms that are you brush up against the atoms that are him."
"All living things are made up of atoms; in fact, everything in the world and universe is made up of atoms."
"The atom is the fundamental unit of matter; everything that has mass is made up of atoms."
"What I'd like to talk about in this lecture is how we can include the atoms and the results, in particular, the band structure of energy levels in solids."
"Electronegativity... the greediness of a particular atom for electrons."
"Atoms are nature's qubit because they're standards."
"Every single level of this hierarchy is critical down to the very last atom."
"We just make artificial atoms and we know that atoms absorb light."
"Atoms and molecules are the building stones of which matter is made."
"Several atoms of different kinds unite together and make an absolutely definite structure."
"Atoms are the simple ones, all exactly alike, that build up the elements; the molecules are also the fundamental building stones."
"Materials consist of atoms, and atoms in turn consist of nuclei surrounded by tightly bound core electrons."
"Absorption spectrum is the one in which atom absorbs specific colors or specific wavelengths."
"Emission spectrum is the one in which atom emits specific colors or specific wavelengths."
"It's amazing how everything's made of atoms, but like 90% of an atom is empty space."
"We're all connected to the quantum level of existence because we're made of atoms."
"Atoms are the tiny little particles that compose everything."
"Phase transformation means what? Structural change, large rearrangement of the atoms, that's what is called phase transformations."
"In the world of chemistry, atoms and molecules are so tiny that you're going to deal with this number all the time."
"Every atom in our bodies was once a part of a star."
"We're now able to see and touch and move individual atoms and molecules in ways that we couldn't do before."
"If you were to take all of the atoms in an orange and make them the size of a cherry, the orange would be the size of the earth."
"For any given set of conditions, the atoms in a crystal will always try to arrange themselves into the most stable structure."
"Matter makes up pretty much everything in our known universe, so atoms make up our universe."
"Every time you hear the word atom, you think what? Neutral."
"What we learn from looking at the hydrogen atom has all sorts of good non-textbook stuff that prepares you for understanding stuff in molecules."
"What holds atoms together is called a chemical bond."
"We want gaseous atoms to be exposed to light that is at exactly the right wavelength."
"Bonding is a scenario where atoms achieve stability."
"Everything is composed of atoms, which are physically indivisible."
"All matter is composed of atoms, the smallest particles that constitute elements and cannot be split by chemical means."
"The atom's a sign of a dying star that's spread across the universe."
"The idea is that by controlling and rearranging atoms, you can literally create anything."
"For a neutral atom, proton number equals electron number."
"Atoms are the smallest particle of an element that can take part in a chemical reaction."
"Everything that is living can be understood in terms of the jigglings and wiggling of atoms."
"Paramagnetic atoms or ions have unpaired electrons."
"Most of the atoms here are in a single quantum state, and these properties now can be directly measured."
"We must be clear that when it comes to atoms, language can be used only as in poetry."