
Devil Quotes

There are 319 quotes

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
"The greatest lie the devil ever told was to convince people he doesn't exist."
"The Bible says if we resist the devil...he will flee."
"The greatest trick that the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn't exist."
"How does the devil come as in angel of light? He doesn't come with a trench coat any massive horns, he comes innocently."
"The devil is not just a serpent, he's a master trickster. Nobody can manipulate you like him."
"Stirring up conflict is something the devil does... Satan sought to destroy the relationship between God and Adam and Eve. That right there is evil."
"The devil approached Jesus with no pitchfork and fire, just like, 'Hey, what's going on brother?'"
"It's time to take back everything the devil stole."
"The devil is a control freak, wanting to rule and dominate."
"Even the devil can tell the truth once in a while when he wants to."
"The devil's finest trick is to persuade you that he doesn't exist."
"He's labeling the serpents and the scorpions as the 'devil.'"
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing you he does not exist."
"The greatest trick of the devil is to convince the world that he doesn't exist."
"The devil knows that he doesn't have much time left."
"God can use the devil to accomplish his purposes. Remember, whenever you think of the devil, just remember he's God's devil."
"Who is the being that brings the most people to God? Probably the devil, actually."
"The devil's hatred towards God and especially Jesus is so great."
"The finest trick the devil ever played is to convince you that he does not exist."
"The devil is a real person, a person in the sense of having a will and an intellect."
"Ignoring the devil doesn't cause him to leave, resisting the enemy causes him to leave."
"The greatest lie the devil ever told was that he doesn't exist."
"The greatest hope the devil ever told was convincing people he didn't exist."
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing people that he doesn't exist."
"Someone should tell him that wrath is a sin. Who does he think he is, the devil?"
"That's how you gotta handle the devil, roll the footage."
"The devil scratches his head and wonders how could this be."
"He's battling the devil, he rejects the devil."
"Her I must be fed. What delight shall she have to look on the devil? So good heavens, he's quite bold, is he not?"
"Always remember, the devil takes advantage of what you mismanage."
"The Omen, a horror masterpiece that gives audiences the chance to see what would happen if the devil walked the earth."
"Tell me something, my friend. You ever dance with the devil by the pale moonlight?"
"If we resist the devil, he will flee."
"I respect the devil, but I don't fear him."
"...ever since she was a little girl, she had heard tales about a fisherman that made a deal with the devil but didn't keep his side of the deal."
"The devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur."
"It wasn't done by a man at all. It was done by the devil."
"The one concern of the devil is to keep Christians from praying."
"There's a kind of devil in all the Abrahamic religions."
"That devil, he never wants what's good for you; you have to follow God because he's always there."
"I met the devil tonight, honestly, I always thought it was me, so that was kind of disappointing."
"The ordinary aspects of our faith will always keep the devil at Bay; if you're going to mass, if you're praying, receiving the sacraments, reading the Bible, the devil is already on the run."
"There is a Bible so Unholy that it contains one of the most shocking images of the devil seen in any medieval book."
"They were busy with material worlds. The devil loves to shine, get cloud."
"The devil's agents may be of Flesh and Blood may they not there are two questions waiting for us at the outset the one is whether any crime has been committed at all the second is what is the crime and how was it committed."
"Hell was not made for man, it was made for the devil and his angels."
"The woman in Revelation 12 is at war with the devil."
"A familiar spirit is the manifestation of the devil's will through a person."
"The devil knows he has lost the soul committed to mental prayer."
"The devil's defeat parallels the defeat of the Beast and the false prophet."
"Antichrist is an imitator. Where does the power come from that he has? From the devil."
"...this song is brilliant and out of all the tracks on devil, it stands leagues above the rest."
"You confront the Devil with the truth. It's the only thing that works."
"The devil is really in the omission because safe and effective for what?"
"The Flying Dutchman is the underwater version of the devil, I mean just like the Flying Dutchman, the devil also takes people's soul."
"Don't nobody move, we about to shame the devil right now."
"The devil is still ruling, the devil is still in control, and there will be that final battle where he will overthrow all of those principalities."
"even without the devil, humans will turn to whatever power they can to smite their competition and seek revenge against their exes"
"The devil is a liar, y'all we know that."
"It's their love in this world between the angel and the devil."
"Quit letting the devil get into your mind and making you think that he's more powerful than God."
"The devil is still the Lord's devil."
"What do you think happens when the devil leaves hell? All those demons, those tormented souls. Where do you think they go?"
"Jesus is advancing to you. You better watch it. The devil's getting a hold of you."
"If the devil can't snatch it out your heart, it's going to be a permanent part of your life."
"The devil is a petty hater; he hates marriage to the core."
"The devil has power, but he can only be defeated by the power of God. The ministry of exorcism is one of the ways that we call upon this power of God."
"Hell was not made for people. Hell was prepared for the devil and his angels."
"If you are willfully just disobeying God...you have just opened up your arms and invited the devil to come in, steal, kill, and destroy."
"Don't be impressed by the supernatural. The devil can do Supernatural things."
"I don't know whether to take my glasses off or not. Take them off and put them on the devil."
"Some of you literally are battling Satan, one person, you're battling Satan and the princes of Hell, the agents of the devil."
"The devil is no powerful, it's a lie. Amen."
"We're living in the last days, and we are going to see millions of people who need a special deliverance from the power of the devil."
"One of the greatest needs in the world is for men and women to understand how to control and cast out devils."
"Could it be that the devil one day will appear on Earth as an angel of light with his other angels to deceive humanity?"
"How do you expect to stop the devil if you don't believe he's real?"
"The devil representing intensity, sometimes not always toxic."
"The holy spirit is going to restrain the work of the devil, the Lawless one."
"The devil goes after the precious life because of the potential."
"The devil marked you because he saw something in you that bothered him."
"The goodness of God trumps the plans of the devil."
"The devil is not fighting religion, he's producing a counterfeit Christianity."
"The biggest weapon of the devil is deception."
"The devil cannot attack you until deception happens."
"The devil cannot touch us because there is nothing of him in us."
"Through death, He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the devil."
"Don’t you ever let the devil get you to thinking negatively about God. Friend, we’re on the winning side."
"If the devil could cast his net here, Jesse, get everyone of these."
"Sometimes even the devil on my shoulder whispers, 'What the fuck are you up to now?'"
"...your adversary the devil is going about seeking whom he may devour."
"God is in the details they say but so is the devil."
"Let this one not be a child, let this one be a devil."
"Don't be afraid of the devil, don't have fear, but you have to be cautious. Be careful with this guy, and what exorcists almost always fall into trouble when they start fudging on the caution factor."
"The devil's side is real easy, it's Temptation, Temptation given to you."
"Through the envy of the devil, death entered the world."
"The devil's tactics: he accuses, he lies, he divides, he flatters, he tempts, and he discourages."
"The idea of the devil, evil incarnate, has irresistible symbolic force."
"The devil wants to distort the human person by making it something ugly and Despicable."
"The devil is an opportunist. If we do things to grow in vice rather than growing in virtue, the devil is going to take advantage of that."
"The devil is gonna attack you in the area of your reputation."
"The devil is a thief, he only comes to kill, to steal, to destroy."
"The devil doesn't want you to live the abundant life. He wants you to sit back and criticize the people who are living it."
"For a show about the devil, it's incredible how much kindness it's promoted amongst its fan base and stuff."
"You are the one thing that the devil fears the most."
"People who have claimed to encounter the devil or other demonic possessions."
"The devil has been ruling this world for 6,000 years. His rule is over."
"However, the devil does not have the final say."
"Fear does not come from God. The only one that we are to fear is God. Any other fear is from the devil."
"Stop giving the devil his praise, he don't deserve it."
"The devil only attacks Christians, and the Spirit enables us to tremble at the threats."
"The idea that the archetypical part of existence that the Christians gave the label 'the devil' is evidence for an unjust universe is the type of thinking that feeds Zod, that feeds watiko."
"I do think at this point, if you are not the devil, you owe this man an apology. I cannot apologize until I know what the answer is."
"The devil is the leader of the great and abominable kingdom. All churches which are built to get gain belong to the kingdom of the devil."
"Gratitude serves as a powerful defense against the strategies of the devil."
"Do we work with the devil? No, we don't. It's misconstrued and confused because of vocabulary."
"The devil does not know he's the devil. The devil thinks he's the light. He thinks he's an angel of light."
"He had sex with the Devil canonically, he's so real for that."
"The devil hates you enough he will do everything under his power to force you into an eternity with him."
"Resist the devil and what will he do? He will flee."
"Humble yourself before God, resist the devil, and then he will flee from you."
"We're sure it's God's will for all to be healed because sickness is of the devil."
"The devil doesn't have the same power as God."
"The reason why the devil sends more men than God is because there's more going to hell than being saved."
"The devil is the worst enemy of mankind."
"Faith is the title deed, and the devil wants that title."
"I believe the devil hates grateful Hearts I I believe demonic principalities and demonic assignments flee from a grateful heart."
"Anytime there's thoughts of suicide that come to anybody's mind, it's from the devil, it's not from the Lord. Give the Lord, give this world one more chance, and ask God to show Himself to you, and He will."
"Feel-good religion is a work of the devil. If you say, 'What I want to do here is really make people feel comfortable and make them like me,' that's the work of the devil."
"Lucifer cannot be the name of the devil, meaning that he is the carrier of light. It is a description of a function, not a name."
"The devil's interest lies in your mind. Your greatest protection against Satan is to protect your mind."
"The devil desires to divide people from God, from each other, and from their very selves."
"What is a Blue Devil? What do you mean, a devil that is blue? Like, what, evil?"
"The devil can't drive home the pain until you have brought the injurious person close to you."
"The word of god is the only thing that makes the devil behave."
"Jesus came to show you how to throw that devil in the fire."
"But we all have that same enemy and that is the old red dragon, that is that devil."
"The devil is more clever than he is thought by some, and he knows then he meets his match."
"The world hates Jesus for why He came, to destroy the works of the devil."
"Just imagine the devil in your room going like yes who punched me I need to get out of this place."
"The devil and his demons are looking for companions in hell."
"The devil is an employment, it's a job description. It means the one who pounces and pounces until he breaks through. Is not his name. His name is called Lucifer. And the word Lucifer simply means something simply means light."
"The devil doesn't want to be called an angel, he wants to be something greater than angels. But the problem is, he is a cherub, not a seraphim."
"The torches of hell are too mild of vengeance for thy crimes, wretched devil!"
"Did I sell my soul to the devil? Well that would imply the devil's actually interested in your soul."
"His appearance changes into that of the devil and he looks incredibly badass."
"Fear is the devil's plan. Fear is faith in the devil's power."
"God is a good God and the devil is a bad devil."
"The devil can't even lock his door."
"Don't let a negative emotion become a foothold for the devil in your life."
"Don't ever give the devil that kind of credit."
"The devil's tactics have not changed over the years."
"The devil should survive at your mercy, not you at the mercy of the devil."
"The devil's battle is for your mind."
"Don't give in to the schemes of the devil."
"Meekness gives you power over the devil."
"Meekness will actually give you power over the devil."
"Devil, of course, God's going to use someone like me because He loves me."
"Whatever the devil does, Jesus will at least match it."
"He replied that he was a Bonafide devil he ruffled his hair and showed his very tiny horns."
"She then looked at Aaron and asked if he was the one Dante confirmed that indeed this was the devil krono Aran and addressed her as your majesty astonished."
"If the devil penetrates your mind and feeds you lies, he can create a stronghold in your head, controlling you like a puppet."
"The devil moves into your head like a wicked tyrant, dominating, crushing, and subjugating you with his lies."
"Nefarious doesn't focus on all the theatrics of the devil but it really shows his intellect."
"The devil comes like a pickpocket, a scam artist, so artful in the way he steals that his exploits of thievery are nearly undetectable."
"Desperate and now out of time, Himano offers her contract devil a new contract."
"A foolish angel dances with the devil, a foolish angel and a devil both with spread wings."
"The devil can't have my whole year. Once I get that revelation, it causes a revolution."
"The devil feels more humiliated being conquered by a simple creature, Mary, than by God himself."
"They found maybe a devil inside us that we had that he brought out here."
"A good honest hoodlum is the noblest work of the devil."
"The devil will meet you at your place of ignorance."
"There's coming a time when the devil is going to exploit your vulnerabilities if you're not careful."
"We can't let the devil have swag and surf. We're not demonizing anything because it's different, we're demonizing something because it's demonic."
"I felt like I was in bed, I looked in his eyes and I saw the devil."
"Your future doesn't look a thing that the devil told you it was going to look."
"The mind is the battleground; this is where the devil attempts to defeat you."
"The devil wins all the vegetables."
"the devil loves to operate in the shadows"
"Worry is the number one instrument the devil uses to rob Believers of their peace."
"The devil is more than a knock on your door with a bag handed out Trick or Treat."
"The metric system is the tomb of the devil."
"Telling about the devil doesn't glorify the devil. Not talking about him does."
"The devil really comes to a head. Most people don't realize how evil the devil is until you see spiritually more right. People don't even know about the devil. People are always like, 'Oh yes, everyone's good, you know.'"
"...and the Very presence of the most high will be there you feel his presence in the land and there'll be no more devil reain or devil power it'll be over this is what you're working for most people don't want to get there."
"But a solid popularization for this look comes from Mephistopheles, who is not Satan, but close enough."
"I signed a deal with the devil for infinite youth."
"The devil operates in patterns and cycles. Jesus operates in principles and promises."
"If he were the devil, he wouldn't have to touch that phone. He can move that phone with his mind."
"The devil's greatest strength and asset is the people don't know who he is."
"The only way to defeat the devil is to trap him with sincere righteousness."
"The devil is real and she doesn't want to torture us, no, we do that just fine on our own."
"The devil has really caused much chaos around the subject of the baptism of the Holy Spirit."
"Whatever the devil has stolen from you, it's coming back."
"The devil wants you to see your birth chart as your Holy Scripture or the Divine blueprint... so who would ever need Jesus, right?"
"In spiritual warfare, we're told to pray, and the only one we're told to talk to is God, not the devil."
"I discovered something: when you cast The Devil out, you didn't expect a mighty uproar."
"The devil is upset that he cannot trick you. The devil is mad, 'I can't trick this person. I can't trick them in their dreams. I can't send people to them and disguise myself as their friends and family. The devil is mad."
"There's such a psychological warfare going on, there's such a grinding and a, uh, it's so aggressive in the spirit here with Satan. It must be a hub. It has to be some kind of end time scenario thing that the devil has planned."