
Dark Humor Quotes

There are 630 quotes

"Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life."
"The Addams Family started as a single panel New Yorker cartoon by Charles Addams, a satire on 20th century traditional families by featuring a family that enjoyed all things dark, horrific, and macabre."
"We killed him and released his 7,000 vampire spawn into the city. Job well done, heroes."
"Warhammer is a pretty dark universe and thus the humor that stems from it tends to be pretty dark as well. But at the end of the day, we're a family."
"She's just murdering people and so like I like the part where she's not [ __ ] around."
"You're an efficient killer. I like that in a man."
"He would stake spiders, roaches, and even mice."
"Dark humor has its place but it's not in the workplace."
"I just [ __ ] killed someone. It was amazing. I don't know how to feel at the moment. Lol, I'm kind of nervous and shaky though right now. Okay, I gotta go to church now."
"I like games where everyone dies, it's so much fun!"
"Everything I love is in this film: American frontier history, dark humor in spades, gruesome violence, homoeroticism. Oh baby, yes."
"Saltburn could be described as a Darkly comic grotesquely beautiful full dramatic Thriller that is literally dripping with sexual tension and creeping dread if that sounds insane it's because it is."
"I feel like eating some children." - Bambolina
"Who needs aliens when we've got Psychopaths."
"Dark humor and coincidence go hand in hand during the international assassins."
"Well, we've hit my most favorite part of the Spore game, and that's when genocide becomes an option."
"You're an evil baby, you can eat other babies."
"There's German Expressionism, Danny Elfman's music and vocals, dark humor, characters feeling isolated, and a celebration of the macabre."
"We've killed our ex-husband, brilliant news."
"I could take a big [ __ ] in a [ __ ] box and bury it under my floorboards and say this is a reference to [ __ ] Edgar Allan Poe's tell-tale heart, it's the tell-tale turd."
"I didn't want to go and ruin your wedding. Ben's the only one that's going to stick around because Ben understands that without him I would just be committing acts of domestic terrorism."
"Dennis is the kind of character who is seemingly always on the cusp of murdering someone and now he may have actually done just that."
"But mostly he keeps around 'cause she's just really good at killing stuff and consort of the blood God."
"Flippy at this point is only going to have a taste for blood."
"The survivors died but on the plus side so did the undead."
"That is where we will burn our enemies in the future when we have a criminal gang."
"With a bit of luck his life was ruined forever."
"When you want somebody gone and you don't want to wait too long, call the immediate murder professionals."
"Sensei asked one of them with a grin if he was definitely getting sentenced to death."
"People enjoy dark humor. Cry all you want, but the truth is there."
"It's a bit gross, and you've got to admit it does sound kind of similar to necromancy, doesn't it?"
"If the toys in Toy Story died, the kids would keep playing with them like normal but the other toys would be playing with their dead friends."
"If you're gonna be a serial killer, dude, you know what I'm saying, you gotta do it right. Yeah, it's the Dahmer one, just play it."
"We lost. I mean we're dead but yeah we did it."
"Sometimes you just have to laugh at the darkness in life."
"It's basically taking like Muppet type characters and putting them in this really real gritty real-world situation; it's all prat times."
"Now he is going to marry her because, oh let's just say after a couple of months she dies of old age."
"Therapist: 'So how depressed would you say you've been feeling lately?' Me: 'I don't care anymore if my foot hangs over the bed where a monster can get it.'"
"The problem with suicide jokes is that you always get left hanging."
"Let's just remove the warning labels and let the problem kind of sort itself out."
"The best way to save everyone from hell is to put them out of misery while they still not know."
"There's a dead body you can grab your foot if you want to."
"Oh my gosh, I always loved seeing Hitler die."
"Life's a fragile thing. Here one minute you're chewing on a burger, the next minute you're dead meat."
"So guys, we did it, we killed our whole family, poggers."
"Why won't someone just die already? Watching people live and die is really the best entertainment."
"Ronnie thought how nice it would be to pretend to be hanged here."
"I think we should just embrace our dark side and just continue to kill. I mean, we're a group of three, who can stop us honestly? You know what I mean, no one can stop us, boys and girls."
"Where's the best place to hide the body? Ask Siri, she'll know."
"Gallows humor: picking the worst conceivable scenario and mocking it."
"The best boss is you. And all of your dead friends."
"That's what you got from that situation? You literally walk into Granny killing one of your friends and the first thing that goes through your head is 'wow, she can stand'."
"I always thought making YouTube videos was my passion, but turns out it was creating torture devices."
"I started focusing on work but the black comedy, the gallows humor, and the love of shock value added up."
"Makes me want to commit some war crimes on my own."
"It's not cheating if the person isn't alive."
"Haunted Sorcerer: All My Friends Are Dead, but we still hang out."
"Barry's job as a hitman is less exhilarating, more soul-sucking corporate gig."
"The 90s films are much more interested in the dark humor of the comics than the bumbling broad comedy of the sitcom."
"When someone's that [ __ ] up, it's probably not just... they might find like 30 dead cats in his backyard."
"Charlie in the Chocolate Factory is basically the kids version of Saw."
"But hey, that's just a theory, a cannibalism theory."
"Anyone can become a psychopath, so don't feel like I'm saying you can't become one."
"And it's very sad that's actually like the darkest realest thing about the airport I think maybe it is cursed that could be real I will say."
"This is hell. You cannot die. You might want to get off Mr. Bones' wild ride but the ride never ends."
"Grand Theft Auto 3 sticks in the cultural consciousness not just for the gameplay and presentation but because of the attitude of nihilism and dark humor that has defined the series ever since."
"I think there's a sick part of all of us that narcissistically likes to attend our own funeral."
"They're a realist, they have this realistic type of vibe, like some of the stuff that they say might even be a little bit morbid or a little bit dark."
"Your husband's dead. Merry Christmas," sounds like a line from a dark comedy.
"Cocaine at your... school concession stand would make your daughter's kindergarten graduation way more enjoyable."
"You have a gangster boyfriend. I have life insurance."
"And the moral of the story is kids, if your parents don't let you read the comic books you want to, then kill them or something."
"There's no answer as to why fragments of your ex-wife should be in your backyard."
"Vault-Tec's experiments are comically evil, which is part of the fun of uncovering them."
"When the Wind Blows highlights the cruel absurdity of targeting civilians—with their sausages and chips for dinner and their lovingly tended cabbage patches—with weapons of mass destruction."
"And his humor costs people their lives, their sanity, or just their sense that they understand how the world works."
"I'm excited for when that happens though because we're gonna kill some people and killing people is fun, ladies and gentlemen."
"That's my second lesson: abuse your family if you have one."
"A friend will help you hide the body, but a best friend helps you eat it."
"Georgia leads the race to become America's number one death destination."
"I understand the awkwardness of saying like who's your favorite serial killer because that's like a weird question to ask right these just take it to another level of liking a serial killer."
"Vanilla is like the most basic ice cream, and that's why it's the foundation upon which all other ice cream flavors are built."
"Do you know who I am? I’m the man who’s gonna burn your house down! With the lemons!"
"I'm not sure is this mean you're not gonna kill me? Hahaha, no of course not."
"Dobby was evil and Old Yeller had it coming."
"Indiana Jones 5 or a bucket of AIDS? I'll take the bucket of AIDS actually if I can put in a fight."
"Hello my victims, hello my prisoners, hello my torture pals. I got a fresh idea, try not to give in to fear."
"Hard to serve a prison sentence if you're dead."
"So if you're alone this holiday season, maybe feeling a little down, remember that everything we do for Christmas really has nothing to do with family. It's all about a cheating man, child abuse and demon goats."
"Your plan is attack the church kill the people yeah I like it it's a good sign solid fun."
"Death Trash is not a game about frogs, but a game about death and trash and meat."
"This guy definitely made a deal with the devil or something."
"Congratulations. This is the darkest sketch in television history."
"You name one good story that doesn't start with a touch of cannibalism."
"Life's good except for the fact they've got to be slop out of the machine and try and not get murdered around the clock but other than that it's perfect."
"I just love killing people, I don't know, is that just me?"
"Don't Hug Me I'm Scared... I relate to it as I get older."
"Killer instinct is hysterical and shows how vicious and manipulative a 15-year-old cheerleader can be."
"I don't discriminate shape size gender or species as long as you die I'm fine with you."
"South Park's 'A Woodland Critters Christmas' makes us all thankful that no matter where we spend Christmas, at least we're not spending it in Hell."
"Laugh at Stupid Assholes and Murder Them, It's a Gift."
"I love the idea that he's gonna kill her one day. I'm sorry I just do. He is cut, although so I don't know if he'll be able to anytime soon."
"Welcome to our family, we love it here in hell."
"The best way to the King's heart was straight through his ribcage with a cleaver."
"They say only the good die young but I'm praying to god that he makes four exceptions."
"This is what you see and hear when you go to hell."
"Nothing brings a family together like certain death, am I right?"
"I would because if I ever got bored of immortality I'd just go kidnap a blacksmith and reverse the offer with his blood."
"If it's a curse then no, but if I continue as I am now and just look like a skeleton every time the moonlight touches me then I'd do it."
"Manipulating a killer with a few loose screws and a hardcore crush couldn't possibly backfire, right?"
"Even if they want you dead, it's good to have some company."
"Torture your friends with the [ __ ] voodoo doll that you can buy on the Internet. It's [ __ ] up, but alright."
"That's not dark humor, I don't know what is."
"My show contains jokes about terrible things... but they're just jokes." - Jimmy Carr
"Every good Disneyland needs at least a few dead bodies lying around."
"We live in dark times... dark comedy is hilarious..."
"Unfortunately, Jeffrey still wasn't satisfied, this time he wants us to do something more menacing—kill him, I mean d, we steal the bodyguard's car."
"By the time I kill my enemies, I am always smiling."
"A touch of Jen, a twisted cinematic and viciously funny debut."
"You met kids naked, and she thought you were a fun guy, being with you killed her harder than the fungi."
"The only thing that motivates you as an athlete at that level... especially if you haven't made it is money."
"Will it get away? I mean if it did I wouldn't show you right? I think does it, there's so many different shots about like 'die already I want to die' behind a tree."
"Damien became an interior designer specializing in torture machines. Last month Vogue magazine called his products the refined marriage between macabre and chic."
"I just learned to laugh at the darkest things in life."
"I just learned to take anything that you put negative in my life and I find it funny."
"Usually when bodies are found buried in a bog, it's a sign that someone made some very poor decisions indeed."
"Oh my god, the president's been shot! If you ask me, the president's the lucky one. How's that? He doesn't have to sit through the rest of the show!"
"Any game that gives people the creative space to exercise their inner sociopath is just fine by me."
"It's a bit of a chicken and egg situation personally, I don't think the evidence is there at least not enough to say that we need to ban or censor these things and especially not to ban a few dark comedies about to kill a doll."
"If only they knew there was like this psycho pet like psychotic freaking serial killer just murdering everybody."
"Looks like my only two options are die or die without getting a kiss. Hmm, well, they say if you've already eaten the poison, you might as well lick the plate."
"Oh, the sweet release of death, where Wartox belongs, in the ground."
"Killing these people is to give everyone mood bonuses which is nice."
"Could there be a clear definition of a problem than that? You gotta get drunk to go deal with your DUI and drive to court. That's a full goat."
"There is some sadistic enjoyment to be had from this."
"Everything is on fire... you are now being stabbed on account of being very very dead."
"One video game franchise that goes above and beyond royally wrecking humans. Well, you people are sick, depraved, and honestly pretty metal."
"I'd give you a hand but no thanks I may look like a corpse but I'm partial to living."
"You're merely a double agent looking to attain immortality by hacking into a demon realm full of murderous math rejects accidentally unleashing them and turning the world into a bunch of mind-control zombie BOTS looking to cleanse humanity."
"Analyzing why 'The Room' is a terrible movie is like kicking a legless, armless, defenseless man while he's facedown in a puddle."
"But it is undeniable that they certainly do have a knack for making those dark hilarious storylines that we can't help but tune in for."
"What would you like? I'd like a blood harvest with a side of skulls, please."
"Let's go get the [ __ ] kicked out of us by lunch hey that's the spirit positive nihilism."
"'The poor bastard. I wish our furnace was big enough to hold him in one piece.' - Shelter journal"
"The best way of keeping a secret amongst two people is for one of them to be dead."
"A Jello corpse... you can just pull out from underneath the ring and start eating them alive like a buffet in front of the thousands of people."
"Jacob as a mortician... you're picking up body parts and we are taking you there on a two-hour River Cruise every day."
"Well, thank you. No one ever compliments my killing."
"New death types are always one of my favorite features in a Sims pack, which I realize makes me sound really bad."
"Why does Dr. Pepper come in a bottle? Because his wife's dead."
"As an actual serial killer, I have to say Andy's murder game is on point."
"Looks like the bed did stop my bleeding after all. I had seven non-lethal gunshot wounds, some severe bruising, and a serious thirst - just another lovely day in Paradise moist."
"I don't often open up about what turns me on but watching underpaid immigrants being forced against their will to sift through some of the most stepped on rack this side of Colombia really gets me going."
"We're gonna die, but we're gonna die as a team of dead friends."
"I would totally stack cold bodies with you, thank you."
"Water skiing with a dead body, what a great movie."
"Eventually, everyone will die on the slide, and that's perfectly fine with me."
"She's like Gretel, fattening up the kids to eat them of some sort."
"This isn't even a slaughterhouse, this is a fun house!"
"This is like Toy Story but messed up and demonic."
"There's something very funny about having people solve a horrific challenge."
"Let's have the intelligence, let's have the decency to sign the death certificate, collect the insurance, and invest in something with a future."
"Moral of the story, what doesn’t kill you will probably make you wish it had."
"If that was one of us, we'd be practicing handshakes with the grim reaper."
"It's not a death drop until someone drops dead."
"Peter disposes of the body the only way he knows how: respectful burial... Cremation? Guess again, friends."
"It took him to murder someone to find his career path, but you know, it's better than taking an online quiz."
"The tale is darkly humorous, almost allegorical, but at the same time shot through with a sense of grander themes lurking beneath the surface, just out of reach."
"Play War Thunder, where committing military atrocities has never been more fun."
"I guarantee you the majority of the press room would be giddy at that. Yeah, I'll take a WW3, hold the nukes."
"Graveyard Keeper: Similar to a Harvest Moon style game but instead of a wholesome cute farm, you have a yard full of dead people."
"They say the better the company the darker the conversation."
"And on the bright side, it’s refreshing to hear a story about people in Florida snorting something up their nose and then having a piece of their head eaten that doesn’t involve bath salts."
"I defended my homeland by invading someone else's! Hahaha!"
"But anyway, she loves to joke about killing wolves and things like that."
"Martin Scorsese's Goodfellas opens with a morbidly funny scene."
"Friendship is someone who's there for you when you're shaky... and when you're burying a body in the bush."
"Maybe I'm just ready to go now, maybe like no, ha ha ha ha, Reaper to come and take me away like you left the Ben and Jerry's without you."
"God lost faith in humanity so he sent killer grandmas to deal with us."
"Surely this, like all other problems, can be solved with more murder."
"Magic, a little bit of Facebook marketplace, a little bit of dark web, you find a wizard, wizard does it for you, know what I mean?"
"The thing about my family is I would protect them with my life, but if anyone were going to hurt them, it would be me."
"Even people who are good for nothing have the capability to bring a smile to your face when you punch them down the stairs."
"How many babies would it take to paint a room red? It just depends on how hard you throw them."
"Some of the greatest jokes in the [ __ ] world must have been told in Auschwitz."
"Nothing erodes driving skills like committing a double murder."
"Shimmer Lake has a dark sort of true crime edge to it with some levity."
"Dark humor is sort of like cancer, not everybody gets it."
"The train of death, also known as the most efficient route to the afterlife."
"Kill all eight visionaries before midnight sounds like some kind of effed up fairy tale."
"I'm happy just to never know if I have incidentally eaten people. Probably be better not to know, wouldn't it? Yeah, if you did."
"Nothing says happy holidays like a good old murder."
"This seems like a perfectly fine path to take in life, you know? Just killing people with elves."
"There's nothing quite like physically and psychologically torturing the people we love the most for a light bit of entertainment."
"Finally, there is a game that allows you to experience what it would be like to have a girlfriend who wants to murder you"
"My fight club is special. The winners eat the losers."
"This is a good thing we sleep better at night knowing that there's a potential for imminent nuclear destruction."
"This is one of the craziest and darkest families in all of cartoon history."
"My sympathy is outweighed by my selfish morbid fascination with seeing others suffer for mine and others' enjoyment."
"Haunting your own tombstone, I guess it's kind of cool, it's kind of badass."