
Societal Safety Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"When societies get too safe and wealthy, they fall to decadence or get conquered by barbarians and fall into degeneracy."
"I don't believe that you make a society safer or more democratic by limiting who gets to vote."
"If I could wave a magic wand, there's actually three things that are most related to safety in America: housing, income, and access to necessary care."
"Finland, where children don't get shot, is the happiest country in the world."
"You cannot have a successful society without safety for everyone."
"Chile ranks high in the Global Peace Index, with low homicide rates."
"That an armed society is a polite society and I think you need neighborhood watch you know I was reading about the..."
"Society not breaking laws equals police not killing."
"I think we have to say, we really don't want it to come to that. But I understand why people would be scared and want to defend themselves."
"Abolishing the police results in precisely the opposite of what you seek to achieve."
"The whole point of having a government is to protect us from bullies, right?"
"It was significant in taking people with bad motives off the street."
"Your inability to acknowledge the immense cruelty and evil you committed only proves you are not fit to walk free amongst us ever again."
"Enforcement matters. You change people's behavior, you deter criminal offending."
"Making good people helpless does not make bad people harmless."
"They said well, we can't let Nazis, right? We can't let Nazis be out there."
"Nothing can guarantee our safety. What happened to her is another vile reminder to women particularly, black women, that nothing can guarantee our safety."
"Justice will be served. He is where he belongs, away from innocent children."
"We cannot let the framework be undermined today by those who reject the values and disregard the rules that have kept us safe."
"When you have armed citizenry and they try to do evil, they get shot quickly, they get punished fast."
"That's what happens when you have an armed citizenry and they try to do evil they get shot quickly they get punished fast."
"I'll happily trade my right to own a gun for a safer society."
"Guns are made for mass destruction... only our army and maybe even cops should have them."
"It's really sad we have more security in airports than we do for our children's school."
"I would like to see less guns and less violence."
"I believe we can prevent violence... even if it saves lives."
"Vaccine mandates make a lot of people mad, but they save lives."
"Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and street lamps are the best policemen." - Justice Brandeis
"There's never been a safer time to be a child."
"Security always comes before prosperity because you can't have prosperity without security."
"We continue to need to be vigilant and the laws continue to need to be strengthened."
"You can't live your life that way, you can only check the precautions you can take and at the end of the day the person is responsible for the crime they've committed."
"Stephanie Scott deserved so much more. That man will never walk our streets, he'll never get to harm another woman."
"This isn't the 1930s. There's a welfare state, there's all kinds of checks and balances in the modern world."
"We live in a fearful dangerous world when the evidence suggests the contrary is true."
"The only justice here is that thank God that man will never walk the streets freely."
"How in God's name are they going to stop them? You need some younger, vibrant, strong, healthy individuals... who can put you on your ass if they have to."
"His arrest really underscores the importance of enforcing all levels of crimes."
"To mis-educate them is to make them a danger to themselves and to us."
"I thought that this author did a fantastic job of having the world very much feel like the progress has been halted as a result of war."
"I hope this generation realizes how fortunate they have been and how protective the world is that they exist in."
"Evil is a person who holds a gun to the head of a three-month-old."
"Black lives have to be corrected for everybody else to even feel safe enough to matter."
"We've got to identify and help those people well before they cross that criminal threshold."
"Walls have protected man and mankind for millennia at home."
"The solution isn't that you have guns the solution is that I don't have a gun and you don't have a gun."
"We're building a brighter, safer future and hardly anything will stand in our way."
"The government kills more people than terrorists do."
"Prevention of this kind of violence is absolutely necessary."
"Iceland has one of the lowest crime rates in the entire world."
"Predators do not target the strongest among us. They target the weakest."
"You can't ignore this reality, and we need real robust solutions to make the world around us safer for all." - R0
"One of the most important things is keeping those people who are infected or might be affected away from the rest of the population."
"A large prison population means that we are locking up our criminals, that's a good thing."
"Why would we allow some kid who just turned 18 to buy a gun that a member of the army is not allowed to carry?"
"It's definitely a good idea for us to be looking at what they're doing and do it ourselves. Civilians don't prepare like the military and government does and that shouldn't be the case."
"All that matters when it comes to that part of it is: are you a danger to others? And if you are, you just cannot be a part of society. That's it."
"We have recorded two crimes in this entire century."
"White folks always wanted the safest black they could have."
"Shouldn't every day be able to end without a mass shooting? Is our bar really that low?"
"What are you supposed to do when the people that are supposed to keep us safe are also predators?"
"Everything's so political that nothing's safe anymore."
"Personal freedoms are going to have to be taken away on a legislated level."
"I truly feel a product that's going to change the way that law enforcement does a lot of these investigations and hopefully allow us to live in a world with no more cold cases at all where everyone has answers for what happened to their loved one."
"Accountability is the safety feature for all of us."
"We will clean up our cities and stop pretending that crime is okay."
"The fundamental scientific analysis is both exciting and gives us great insight into how the volcanoes and the Earth works, but it also allows us to help society live safely with volcanoes." - Christina Neal
"Crime is everywhere. Unexpected crime. Violent crime is everywhere."
"It's the person behind the gun, and it's about helping people before they ever reach that point."
"We have to enable law enforcement to be protectors again."
"I think we also need to focus on prevention. How do we prevent these acts from happening? How can we help identify and get help for people who are at risk of hurting themselves or others before they pick up any weapon?"
"It's ridiculous. Give them the guns, protect them, but give them the guns. Let these folks defend themselves."
"De-radicalization is crucial to being able to resist ideologies."
"Leaders need to ignore the anger and frustration because they need to save lives."
"Racism is a public health issue... all for your safety."
"The police will never go out of business because somebody's always trying to take somebody from somebody else."
"I just want a world where people can just feel safe yeah that would be so nice that would be so nice imagine that just imagine that."
"Somebody that's going to go into a school and murder children is not like your average driver who needs to obey a speed limit or wear a seat belt."
"I mean as a country as big and powerful as America what more can be done to just make it safer?"
"Ultimately, you will save money as a consumer, but more importantly, society itself will be safer."
"A well-armed population is a key to domestic tranquility and safety because the government will not be there for you if things get really bad."
"We need guns, and it's defensive too. I'm not talking about initiating violence, I'm only talking about making sure innocent folks can defend themselves when they come for them."
"Women deserve protections from men, yes they do."
"It's a society that is incredibly safe, has incredibly high levels of social trust."
"Black women have a safety net that black men don't have."
"What's the reason to have an AR-15? It's not for hunting, it's not for sport. What's it for? It's to kill human beings."
"We're going to continue to fight... AR-15 and those assault weapons... taken off the streets."
"Mastering violence and the importance of mastering violence."
"We need a world where we find the shooter before he becomes a shooter."
"In the end, justice is served. That killer's off the streets. She's behind bars where she belongs."
"No law is gonna prevent someone from committing a violent crime if that person has it in their mind."
"At some point something is gonna have to be done because those who are perpetrating this kind of behavior they have no deterrent."
"Background checks have gotten a lot harder, and I like that."
"What the hell can a policy do to save people's lives?"
"The suburban woman... they want safety, security, and to be able to have their houses and leave me alone."
"An armed society is a more civilized society."
"The vast majority of people recognize that if someone is capable of that type of violent crime that they need to be identified and they need to be removed from society."
"The way they present it makes people believe the government's here to save everybody's life."
"Scientists bear the responsibility to guard against potential dangers to society."
"As much as we try, evil's still gonna be evil. But there's still those things with technology that help slow those things down or stop it outright."
"If someone embraces the theory that if you get rid of law enforcement, things will get better, in my humble opinion, no, things will get far worse without law enforcement."
"It needs to be hard for people to remain unvaccinated."
"If more guns made people safer, then America would be one of the safest countries in the world."
"In a world full of danger, teeming with violence, and overrun with crime, there's one force that keeps it all in check: the power of the law."
"It's a lot about how safe the world we live in is."
"By taking measures to deter and prevent juvenile delinquency, society can create a safer environment for young people and reduce tragic events."
"The biggest responsibility of government is to protect people from one another."
"A lot of people respect the Armed Forces because if we didn't have an armed forces, it wouldn't be very nice to live here."
"Liberty is our greatest value, and yet limits are placed even on this core right when necessary to protect the safety of society."
"How do we make sure that doesn't happen again in our time?"