
Data Sharing Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Apple does not have access to this data; it's shared only with the person you're sharing it with."
"Making this scan data open source and available to everyone is a really significant step."
"Blockchain could be used in healthcare to protect your medical information and how you share it."
"This is an open science project. We share everything—the measurements, protocols, the data—hoping this will be helpful to the entire field."
"It's really important to share [data] with your boss or other colleagues. That way there can be something actionable about it."
"Two full years into the pandemic, the agency leading the country's response to the public health emergency has published only a tiny fraction of the data it has collected."
"You have no privacy. The cell phone that you carry in your pocket, you're giving permission to those apps constantly."
"Sharing data with other researchers is vital for scientific transparency."
"Two-way binding gives components in your application a way to share data."
"It's important for security researchers out there to be able to share data."
"Using Facebook is like walking into a confession booth with a priest, except the priest is listening to two billion people's confessions."
"If you're going to address something as complex... you've got to be able to share data."
"Wouldn’t it be fun to share your childhood RPG saves with your friends, or to be able to change a Pokemon cartridge battery without losing your team?"
"Power BI is a business analytics tool for visualizing and sharing insights."
"It's cool to show people your data, it's cool to talk about the floor price. That in itself is unlocking a future where we have yet to experience even the smallest bit of what's possible."
"It's easy to set up, thread-safe since it's immutable, perfectly thread-safe."
"Only share information on legitimate websites and read the privacy policies before sharing your information."
"Alibaba shares them with the companies that operate through their markets... so that they can launch new products or... know their consumers’ preferences better."
"Don't have to share any information, including your email with them."
"So you know with all this I mean when you look at all the data sharing and the phones and all this sort of stuff eventually it's gonna be much more convenient to have a microchip."
"When you're finally ready to share your dashboard, go ahead and click the sharing icon and then you'll type the names or email addresses of the people you want to share with."
"You have rights, you don't have to share everything."
"Get a link to the summary of all responses: Easily share the results."
"Be mindful of the information you share and the consequences."
"What we're trying to do here is give you guys some data, give you guys some research and some study and then our own analysis of what things are doing in terms of the market but not financial advice."
"Zoom may or may not have known that the Facebook log in SDK software development kit, so the software library that allows that to work, apparently says it sends a bunch of private information back to Facebook."
"He published all his raw data - today something that’s a given where science is concerned."
"That dump of data and information is the disclosure. It is everything."
"One woman accuses a smartphone app of sharing data with the Chinese regime. The software helps women plan their pregnancies."
"Once 100% of all my information is out there, it's no longer my information."
"It's very exciting for us that we have a way to share this data outside of NASA with the rest of the public with the other scientists that are out there."
"So as soon as I get to the Galactic Federation mothership, Timothy's there and he's really excited to talk to me and he wants to show me all this like data and he's talking to me about all his observations on me."
"You can now share health data with family members or caregivers so they can keep track of meaningful changes in your health."
"I wanted to have scientists get involved so actually I put all data official at once."
"No single car manufacturer will ever have enough global coverage to build a truly global map, which means they will have to share data with one another."
"To share your bucket with different groups of users, consider using S3 Access Points."
"The consumers are going to decide whom they want to share that with. They're going to be in control."
"HubSpot shares its data across every application, so every team can stay aligned."
"My big concern of course is privacy and Eco it could fix this by making public sharing of data off by default even though I really do like to see that map of all those temperatures."
"We talk a lot about efficacy but we can actually accelerate our understanding of safety by a lot of this changing and sharing data even while the Drug's on the market."
"Data sharing, currently in preview, provides you read workload isolation."
"Two-way binding in Angular enables sharing data simultaneously between parent and child components, combining event and property binding."
"Data can be passed between components in Angular using input and output decorators, view child decorator, or through services or ngrx for unrelated components."
"We share our data to a larger audience so we can have many more people in my organization collaborating, working with the same authoritative content."
"Delta sharing is the foundation that makes all of this possible."
"They own it, and I'd be willing to consider in the future asking growers for their permission to share the data and what we've learned."
"We send it back into MISP so people can benefit from it."
"Everything that you've shown me this far was within my company. What about when I want to share with partners and customers b2b and b2c?"
"Snowflake just allows you to select what tables you wish. I mean you can just give access to another snowflake account just by adding it."
"But at least that hope we get this information out to each council so they are more aware where their hot spots are and actually take some action."
"I appreciate the openness of Jance and biotech and sharing their data."
"We need to make all of our data and methods publicly available, complete transparency."
"Competing on a level playing field where boat data is shared and talent actually matters."
"Sharing data between organizations... is really important for maximizing the value of data."
"Delta sharing... is a very simple REST API that any platform can implement."
"This does allow you to share limited access to your Airtable data only in the way that you want your users to interact with it."
"The property that we're aiming for is as little shared writable data as possible."
"With the use of hybrid cloud, we get the best of both worlds, combining the public cloud and the private cloud and allowing data and applications to be shared between them."
"The lake should be able to expose all of the data that it has to various different tools, whether they are open source or proprietary."
"Trees support structural sharing, which is essential for persistent data structures."
"The block manager... deals with serving blocks between machines."
"The ability to share data instantly and transparently between organizations, between data sets."
"By maximizing the availability of scientific data, we all can work together to enable researchers to rigorously test the validity of research findings."
"The policy is really flexible in how data is most appropriately shared for given projects."
"Your client can then share that with the world without endangering your actual database or any connection to it."
"Anything you save on Tableau Public is public."
"Sharing rules open up record visibility laterally across teams."
"The benefits of sharing all this data... we may have new medical discoveries."
"All of the instruments talk to each other to share data across the way."
"Its prime objective is to allow patients to share their records from each and every one of their doctors."
"If you've got information that you feel safe publishing to the public, then you don't need authentication."
"Web maps generally are more accessible or more interesting or more exciting ways to share your data."
"It's often necessary to share data across physical systems which may be either in the same location or anywhere that can be reached by the internet."
"Shared access to data, heterogeneous computing, and dynamic scaling without interruption."
"This really opens up for ClickHouse users is the ability to expose this data to people who are not necessarily ClickHouse experts."
"I'm just sharing the data that this thing gives me."
"This makes it possible for applications to share data and functionalities with each other and is a crucial part of modern software development."
"A Storage Area Network or SAN is the dedicated network that allows one to share storage between multiple servers."
"Data mesh using a semantic model where you're able to create these common assets and then share across the organization is super powerful."
"Zipping compresses multiple documents into one single file, creating smaller file sizes that are easier to share."
"The sequence of SARS-CoV-2 was deposited in GenBank and made available to the entire world on January 10th."
"Modern data sharing enables live access between data and consumers."
"Synapse makes it easier to bring our organizations together by helping them securely collaborate, share, and analyze all data in a single environment."
"The best location inside the system that this data can be shared is on the DRAM memories of the PS."
"GeoJSON is important because it's becoming a core technology in Internet mapping for sharing and displaying spatial data."
"Those of us that are doing research shouldn't submit or cite journals that don't make code and data available."
"Reproducible research is a pretty simple concept: it's the idea that scientific claims should be published with their data and with the software code used to analyze them."
"We're going to make more scientific data publicly available than any other project in history."
"If you can start with a core foundation of what is the health of everything... then what we've actually found is that we don't have to ask our customers for data sets; they'll give it to us."
"General data shared across different roles means you don't need to maintain the same data again and again."
"There is a cost to sharing private data."
"We have increased our communication so much because everyone is talking the same data."
"People share their data with impressive promiscuity on a daily basis to access the services they find valuable and enjoyable."
"Tableau Server and Tableau Online allow you also to build and share visualizations."
"Share information, share data, and even call each other's function. Pretty crazy what's possible."
"Everything is sort of separated into variables and therefore if you want to share the payload with someone, there's absolutely no risk that you're going to pass on your credentials or customer credentials."
"If you wanted to publish a paper and as part of that paper you used high-throughput sequencing... you have to make your raw sequence data available through a freely available public repository."
"We can publish this data to the network, and any device on the network can subscribe to this data and use it."
"The real powerful thing is that we can know data and we can share data."
"An increasingly important part of research is publishing and sharing research data."
"Sharing structured data between managed and unmanaged code in the fastest possible ways is as easy as sharing a soft-drink."
"We care deeply about open science and we really want to make our data and our tools available to users as quickly as we can."
"We're excited for a platform that makes it possible to really rapidly share data around the world with everybody."
"Data is extremely complicated; there's a fine line between ensuring users' privacy and opening up data to sharing."
"There's a big potential here to think about ways of sharing certain data that can contribute to safety."
"Data is more valuable when shared."
"You need things like atomicity and synchronization to be able to make sure that the sharing is done properly."
"Listen, we are presenting the facts, we present the data, you are the community."
"Sharing means you need to be able to take a data product or whatever it is and hand it to a colleague and have them be able to deal with it."
"Yelp very helpfully publishes a large dataset of their data available for public academic research and tutorials like this one."
"We launched Flo, the Freight Logistics Optimization Works initiative, to give actors across the supply chain unprecedented access to shared data."