
Road Safety Quotes

There are 324 quotes

"If you're sharing the roads with humans, the best thing to do is be human-like and predictable."
"People who slow cruise in the passing lane should have their licenses revoked."
"Every 30 seconds, there's been a car accident linked to drowsiness."
"The provisions of this section shall not relieve the driver from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons."
"I really don't believe in the speed limit system that we have in America, but it doesn't mean that I don't believe in responsible speed limits."
"If we want faster speed limits in America, first we need to be able to adhere to rules, and I think we would need to change our driver training system."
"Using a cell phone while driving increases your risk of a traffic accident by fourfold."
"Practice good driving manners, obey all traffic laws dutifully."
"Drinking and driving is one of the most immoral and potentially hazardous crimes anyone can commit. It's never a good idea, not even in an emergency situation."
"Every year, around 1.3 million people are killed on the roads, almost all of them due to human error."
"There's also the potential to save the lives of some of the more than 40,000 people who die annually on American roads. We'd all want a world where these deaths could be eliminated."
"Whatever is safest for people on public roads, those are the laws that are going to be in place."
"Texting and driving can make more people suffer, and that's why it's not okay."
"Intersections are dangerous places for motorcyclists. Why are we hauling ass through it?"
"We are seeing that having real-time feedback for driving habits is resulting in Tesla owners driving the cars in a safer way."
"We're trying to do a good thing here for our customers save save people money and make the roads a little bit safer."
"Contrary to public opinion, the roads here in the UK are getting safer according to government statistics."
"Temperature sensitive paint on roads and highways will alert drivers of bad weather... a whole lot safer than checking the weather on your phone while driving."
"If you're driving tired, pull over and get out of the car for a few minutes to wake yourself."
"If you ever look at your phone in your car and it's not just to adjust Google Maps, you're a scumbag."
"It's disrespectful to overlap people in traffic when the light is red."
"Imagine being super close to this white vehicle when they decided to move over. No buenos."
"That's a blessing because with that vehicle and that individual being under the influence of something, if he was driving around these Corners at 60-70, you know, somebody could get hurt or killed."
"I don't know why people are telling the left lane, like there's a police car saying 'get off the road now.' Go ahead."
"Mods on this motorcycle that actually mean something while you're out on the road."
"Communication - you have to communicate with other road users what you are doing."
"People just don't know how to drive. People are reckless, they don't care. You got drunk drivers, people on their phone, that stuff is dangerous, bro."
"Drive safe, drive responsibly, drive legally, drive legit. It's not worth it."
"I think the people who shouldn't drive are the people who are currently driving because the the problem with the drivers aren't the drivers who are scared of driving it's the drivers who have no fear on the road."
"Imagine using every car's temperature sensors, braking patterns, fog lights, and windshield wipers to predict bad weather patterns and hazards on the road."
"Clover showed a fearlessness few have as she jumped into the middle of the road, hoping drivers of oncoming cars would stop."
"These trailers get so much momentum behind them, as soon as you turn or slow down they go berserk."
"Texting while driving can jeopardize your safety and the safety of others, it creates a risk."
"It is a bitter pill about the small compromises that we all have to make in life and how even doing the right thing can have negative consequences..."
"H2X Global to trial pumping oxygen into truck cabins to keep drivers alert. Sounds great! Well done, I want truck drivers alert. We all do!"
"Don't drink and drive because it's just a zero-sum game."
"This is great news for significantly increasing roadside safety."
"A single vehicle crash that killed a father of three."
"Thankfully, Whitney was able to maintain control of the Model Y."
"High speed traffic and a dirt gravel road are your only exits, yes, yes, this is what we want."
"If your wheel loses traction, it will sense that and it will slip your wheel so that you regain friction and traction on the road."
"This is a lesson for all our viewers: don't speed on mountain roads and get a roll cage."
"Tristan quickly moved his Tesla to block traffic and protect the woman from getting run over."
"I always give respect to truck drivers, not only for what they do but also on the road."
"Eyes on the road, man, let's go eyes on the road."
"I feel much safer than the guy who's dragging at 20 miles an hour because he doesn't have the power he needs to get this thing up a hill."
"V12 was able to handle... more complex road markings... safely."
"It's so good to see and feel that energy... and looking so good on the road so that's it from me just thanks for being part of it safe travels home."
"If you see people driving while wearing this, they're actually idiots."
"Texting while driving: Put your effing phone away!"
"All you had to do was follow the damn detours."
"You can literally die on a 125cc bike just as literally as a Hayabusa if you run a red light."
"I appreciate all the support and like I said, stay safe out there on the road, keep it up."
"Minus two for the close pass... that was too close for comfort."
"Remaining calm is going to prevent road rage and going to prevent all of the things that are going to cause you to make bad decisions while you're driving."
"The sickening result: the truck literally ran over the passenger car, two people are dead, the driver of the truck and a child in the car."
"How do you want to die in traffic? How do you want to kill a loved one of yours?"
"It's also important that you remain patient while driving because being patient is the number one thing you can do."
"It's actually quite nice that everyone's going 20 miles and well I'd say that those guys weren't but I mean it's nice everyone's going slower."
"Suddenly, out of nowhere, a young woman jumped out in front of my car."
"Your mode of transport does not define your behavior." - Insight on road safety and responsibility.
"Be courteous to the trucks, man. Be courteous to the trucks. They're slower than you, they're just trying to do their job."
"Every bit of it was unnecessary. There was no reason to be going that speed."
"If ever you do find yourself getting annoyed with cyclists just imagine it's your own daughter or your own kid or somebody you care about or your mother."
"These are things that need to come off the road."
"If you text and drive, I think you're kind of a jerk."
"You know the trucks that have like 'how's my driving?' yeah I did one time as a teenager I called one and complimented them because it was like one guy who was really courteous."
"Traffic deaths may become as rare as lightning strikes."
"Thermoplastic road marking: bright, reflective, wear-resistant lines, improved grip with added glass beads."
"Currently in the world, 1.2 million people die every year in car accidents."
"When I see a car coming at me and I don't know what's going on, I get scared too."
"Tesla hits back, stating that the only way the accident could have happened was if Mr. Hwang was not paying attention to the road ahead."
"When done responsibly, tackling twisties and mountain roads is genuinely one of the most enjoyable parts of motorcycling."
"Road conditions are really the most important thing."
"Drunk drivers are like missiles once they're launching towards you, they're locked in and it's hard to change their direction."
"Every road tale is unique, but your safety is in your hands."
"It looks really good, the cars are stopping where they should and they are slowing down only when they need to."
"I completely agree with the announcer, this guy is a very big danger to everyone on the road right now."
"This guy shouldn't be on the road."
"Cyclist is in the right, would I have done that? And I'm a good person."
"Being able to see exactly how far we are from cars, since this vehicle is pretty big."
"You just want to give them lots of room on the road."
"I'm kind of stood in the road here actually let me get out of the way um."
"He took it over onto the rumble strip for a second."
"With the invention of self-driven cars, AI is aiding road safety by reducing traffic accidents."
"Disturbingly, the segment of 93 between Kingman and Wickenburg is commonly referred to as Blood Alley."
"Motorcyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as other motorists."
"When passing a cyclist, you must leave at least one meter of space between your vehicle and the cyclist."
"Flashing red traffic lights should be treated like a stop sign."
"Are you communicating with the other road users? The way you do this is with the use of your signals."
"This lets you know that there is a flagger up ahead who might be directing traffic. Be prepared to follow their instructions to keep everyone safe on the road."
"What I learned is that that road safety can be about public perception as it is with engineers trying to protect as many people as possible."
"Let's not be the threats on the road, let's not be threats to ourselves."
"I can't stand going through three layers of menus to put the seat heaters on. This is a bit tangential to the Fuselier, but it's so important because I think the biggest road safety issue with modern cars is usability."
"Road Narrows because we need to know to check our mirrors and start to slow down and prepare for it."
"Just look left and right before you cross any road. May Allah protect you."
"Driverless cars might be able to ‘[cut] fatalities in half if we can achieve parity with an average well-behaved human driver’."
"...riding a motorcycle makes you a better Road user just in general right because it makes you think about more than what's just in your immediate vicinity it makes you have to anticipate everything that's what's happen happening around you."
"When you leave your house, your goal should be to get back to your house. Don't ever feel like you have to argue with somebody on the road because that's just not worth it."
"The road can be a dangerous place."
"All these road trips and everything, it's dangerous. Even if you're not out there acting a fool, you know, even if you're out there minding your business, just driving, just trying to get where you're going, there's a real possibility you could get seriously hurt."
"You get cars that have their high beams on and you see the light, so then you know when the car's coming out, you kind of turn your high beam off."
"Stay safe on the road, do not road rage. Let it go, live to see another day."
"I always use a turn signal bro. I don't care like it's a habit of mine now. I don't care if there's nobody behind me or not. I always use my turn signal bro. Be like him bro, use a turn signal."
"And so the highways of Bangladesh continue to be among the most dangerous roads in the world."
"...rumble strips on the side of the road...work like an alarm clock...alert drivers who doze off behind the wheel."
"Keep left of the hatched markings."
"If your vehicle is stationary, only sound the horn if you think there's a risk of danger from another road user."
"We talk about safety on the roads, efficiency, accessibility, providing self-driverless cars for those that are perhaps disabled."
"Some road surfaces are more slippery than others when wet and freezing, and bridges and overpasses tend to be the ones that freeze before the rest of the road does."
"Wait until the truck or bus turns before you turn. When a big truck or bus is making a right turn, it's a good idea to be patient and let them turn first. This helps keep everyone safe on the road."
"If people who drove cars actually took driving seriously, we could have faster and safer roads."
"We're a lot safer on the road and we're saving as well."
"If a road has excessive crown, people naturally drive in the middle, leading to big trouble."
"I really believe if we could get everybody enthusiastic about driving if we could get them to be as conscientious about driving as they are about their weekend game of golf or tennis then there would not be anything like the same number of problems on our roads."
"...some people can take advantage of foreign cars on the road to extort money from them because if it was for sure if it was if the fine was for real we could have been given a ticket..."
"Roads are going to be made more friendly for people because the way things are going more people are going to be killed on these roads because of the the cars and and the disrespect for cyclists and other people who with uh who try to use alternative transport."
"...move towards a vision of no deaths, no collisions, and safer roads."
"What geometric shape is usually used for stop signs? Octagon."
"Who is this one warning you about? Children, absolutely."
"Roundabouts is one of the most common things that people just struggle with sometimes and that's fine there's a lot to think about."
"so at the third junction signal will come across now i've exited in the right hand lane because again i know i'm going to be turning right"
"You're not doing anything wrong. You've got as much right to the road here as they have."
"...that regulates how you use the road in a very systematic way and that will keep you safe if used correctly."
"There's no need for roundabouts to worry you because if you know the highway code well and know some of the basics to get everything right you'll find that they're very easy to deal with."
"Car drivers hate cyclists, and cyclists hate car drivers. It's a war on the road at the moment."
"This road sign means that there might be a place where bicycles could be crossing the road. Be extra careful and watch for bicyclists to keep everyone safe."
"You'll just be surprised at how easy these are to drive with these great mirrors."
"Stopping lines are always red and are always on the road. One red line on the road will be stopping restrictions."
"Please, I beg you, if you ever hit a deer on the road, get out of the vehicle and help it."
"Obeying speed limits improves safety by reducing the probability and severity of crashes."
"Always assume a motorcycle is closer than it appears."
"Motorcycle and moped drivers have the same rights and duties as drivers of motor vehicles."
"When driving on downhill stretches of road, selecting a lower gear gives increased engine braking."
"Safety always wins, right? So speed limits need to be adjusted according to the situation."
"The better and safer you drive the better chances you have."
"Rollover accidents account for approximately half of all fatalities involving truck drivers."
"The car will hit the deer, smash its legs, the deer will roll over the bonnet, smash the windscreen, and roll inside the car with you."
"There's way too many cars on the road anyway so they're bound to come into conflict with each other a deer or write a car off without thinking about it and then like say just run off."
"But at least that hope we get this information out to each council so they are more aware where their hot spots are and actually take some action."
"A single solid yellow line marks the center of a road with two-way traffic. Do not pass a vehicle in front of you if there is only one lane of traffic going your direction and a solid yellow line on your side of the road."
"Center left turn lanes are used to prepare for and make left turns."
"Bicycle lanes are for bicyclists only and are marked by a single solid white line."
"Use your turn signals to let others know your intention to change lanes or turn."
"What's the rush? Speed kills. Driving is a privilege not a right. Obey posted speed limits."
"When this sign is underwater, the road is closed."
"Be courteous to other drivers and cyclists; drive slowly and stop frequently to scout ahead on foot before committing to difficult sections."
"The much more effective approach in my opinion is defensive riding, when you know the common possible road accident scenarios, you constantly looking for possible dangerous situation on the road and you react on it to prevent the accident from happening altogether."
"Anticipate well ahead, it means you're reading the road, you're braking smoothly, no heavy braking, and accelerating nice and gently."
"These amazing little lights right here give other people the opportunity to let you to let them know your intentions."
"If you're looking in the correct place, aiming for the correct part of road, you simply just turn the wheel until you feel like you're heading towards that target."
"Everybody out here on the road's just trying to get home to their families."
"Never assume that other road users can see you."
"Stay safe, look after yourself, so you are enjoying your Porsches if you're out on the road."
"Never drink and drive because that's just dumb, it could kill somebody, could kill yourself."
"Use hazard warning lights when driving on a motorway to warn traffic behind of a hazard ahead."
"When you cross the road, always cross with an adult, stop on the sidewalk near the curb, then you look and listen in both directions, and when you're sure it's safe, you can cross the road."
"Feeling a bit drowsy on the road? Pull over somewhere safe, set up your air mattress in the back seat, and take a power nap."
"Drive as though your life depended on it; it does, and so do the lives of others."
"Road narrows - warning signs are there to make you aware of potential hazards on the road ahead."
"The speed limit is not a target; it's an absolute maximum if the road conditions are perfect."
"It's really important not just to watch the traffic directly to your right but also watch the traffic ahead of you."
"Please, it can wait. Don't text while driving; it'll save lives."
"You should always scan zebra crossings and step off the accelerator as pedestrians have priority here."
"You don't master the road, the road masters you."
"I know you can't solve every single problem on the road by your own skill and ability, but you can really go a long way to protecting yourself."
"It's not about who's at fault, it's about you being the safest driver you can and trying to avoid those situations."
"There's no reason that we should have a collision on a bend."
"The Lane Keeping Assist... will actually read the lines of the road and tell you whether or not you're drifting in or out of your lane."
"It's a significant step forward in terms of road safety helmet safety."
"A few inches of moving water over a roadway can sweep your car away."
"Putting your feet on the dashboard is extremely dangerous."
"Cars are beautiful machines, and there's nothing wrong with wanting one, as long as you show respect for the road and for other road users."
"We'll look back in the years ahead and wonder why we ever just accepted that one and a half million people died annually on roadways."
"It's up to you, the driver, to drive as though your life depended on it. As a matter of fact, it does."
"It helps keep your eyes on the road better."
"Being a safe driver requires learning, planning, predicting, and thinking for yourself."
"Remember, reckless driving doesn't determine who's right, only who's left."
"Highway Safety is even more important today than it's ever been before."
"Prepare your mind by reading the road, talking in every situation."
"When you see yellow lines on the road, it means that the lanes are separating traffic moving in opposite directions."
"When you see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights, it's important to make space for it to pass safely."
"Avoid eye contact and maintain a safe distance when you see other drivers getting angry."
"To safely pass a bicyclist on a road without bicycle lanes, it's best to slow down, wait for oncoming traffic to clear, and then pass the bicyclist while leaving enough space."
"When moving your position in the road, always check your mirrors side to side, as there could easily be a cyclist or a motorbike approaching."
"The Department of Transport has created all these rules to prevent truckers from running for 24 hours and driving half asleep, making the roads safer in America."
"Safety mainly, to make the roads of America safe."
"Large vehicles can hide other vehicles that are overtaking, especially motorcycles."
"Keeping your hands on the wheel, your eyes on the road, and your mind focused on driving doesn't just make you a safer driver, it's how you can help save lives every minute you're behind the wheel."
"Raised medians prevent crashes. They also save lives."
"Don't drive drunk, kids. It's not worth it."
"If you check your mirror, guess what, you'd see a bike there."
"He knows that speed is his greatest enemy, and most important, he knows and obeys the laws."
"Carelessness around big trucks won't get you there any faster."
"There's an epidemic on our roads today. Every year thousands die needlessly as people lose control not of their cars, but of their emotions."
"Always be cautious on snowy roads."
"Maintaining a concentrated focus on the road is essential for safe driving."
"Always take care, guys. Be more careful on the roads."
"Obey speed limits, wear seat belts, and avoid reckless driving."
"The most important thing is how they work on the road."