
Pathfinding Quotes

There are 253 quotes

"Many men feel they have unwillingly been put on an endless road with a leaking gas tank and when they take a path they think that can help them find their way... the same society that put them on that endless road criticizes, mocks, and shames them."
"I am a creator, opening new paths to innovation."
"Avant-gardists get followed by more people; once a path has been forged, it's easier for other people to follow."
"Sometimes it's good to take the leap of faith! Let the fire burn out and let love lead the way! The path will reveal itself to you."
"If you have to bushwhack and pave your own way, that's going to take you so much longer than if you go down a path that's already been paved."
"Those who walked this path before us showed us the way forward."
"I think the fuck is you're asking that question suggests Andrus trolling on the right path."
"If you don't know the way you're supposed to do things, then you have to forge your own path."
"As soon as you step on the path, we will meet you there."
"So I would return the goal. And that, now, would be the solution, that I'm now able to return the solution and I found a path from A to E."
"We changed the layouts of Dungeons and where objectives were located... It's a great example... along the main path of the dungeon."
"The biggest and most obvious difference between push and escort is that the path that ts1 can traverse is much longer."
"Your success brings you up in some way, even if it's because you created a path that wasn't there before."
"Even when it seems like there's no way out, a path will be carved out for you by God's miraculous hand."
"Desire paths denote where they want to go, and planners don't always provide that best path."
"Life doesn't need to be overcome with despair because there is almost always a path forward."
"You must be fearless in order to pave the way to your new path... Unique, groundbreaking, new discovery."
"You're on the right path, trust in yourself and your choices."
"Every choice you make in life opens up new paths, but it also closes others."
"Starcraft 1 pathing is bad. Units are constantly lost and confused. Ramps are a nightmare, stairs require an actual PhD, and even microing around corners is a full-time job."
"I've always liked artists who kind of... carved their own paths."
"Compass, I'm ready for this path now, I set it all up, it's all cleared, I can see where I'm going."
"If you don't know where to go next, go towards excitement. Things that bring you joy."
"The road least traveled is the road that many people do not travel."
"Break up with the idea that there's only one path to where you want to be."
"We're not going to fall through the floorboards so to speak, I'm going to carve our own path and drive towards the truth."
"Thy word is a light unto my feet and a lamp unto my path."
"The paths are going to be shown, the opportunities are going to become obvious."
"Every choice you make leads to the next, and I know it's hard to know which path to take."
"There's something about you guys that you don't want to just fit in with everyone else, you want to make your own path and go on your own route and do your own thing."
"It empowered me in a way to just like find my own path."
"How do you know what the right path is, the right thing?"
"I don't personally believe that we're ever on the wrong path... it's just for the simplicity of the title and the subject matter."
"We are on the right path, even though it seems like foreign territory."
"Sometimes you just have to follow the light, it will always show you the right way."
"The way is being shown to you, the way is being cleared."
"Electricity will choose the path of least resistance."
"Look around for the path of least resistance."
"Mobs in Minecraft have gotten pretty good at pathfinding."
"Carve your own path, don't follow the pre-mapped out."
"Believe that you can get what you want. Believe that you're going to be able to see the path towards that synchronicity."
"Greatness doesn't come from following the path made by the crowd. It comes from the relentless carving out of your own."
"You're creating that path, there's a lot of paths that are showing up in all of these cards."
"Circumstances appear to be chaotic but everything that is happening now is in truth shaking things up so that you can find the real path to your prosperity."
"The path is a pathless path and the right way is no way at all."
"We want a longest path basically from... well let's do this, let's just say find that shortest path."
"The spiritual path is a graceful opportunity for us. The fact that you and I even hear there is such a path is such Grace for human life."
"Forge, don't follow. Pave a new path."
"Your heart and living from your heart is a superpower, and that is what is going to set you free so that you can find your own path."
"I'm going to teach you another approach: we'll generate a corridor around the shortest path."
"I think everybody has those days where you're genuinely questioning yourself, saying is this actually my path? Like am I good enough?"
"Choosing your path and I mentioned that this month you will get to choose that."
"That's really how we find our path."
"The adventure lies on the road that's less traveled."
"I truly believe that the best way to make something sustainable is to figure out your own path."
"RRT can work well for situations where you're just looking for a valid path and not necessarily the shortest distance."
"If the artists who are self-selected for being able to journey into the other cannot find the way, then the way cannot be found."
"Find your path forward. It's an inner journey that's there."
"The most important thing is, you've got to find your own path."
"You will know you're on the right path because all of a sudden these doors will start unlocking. And that's how you would know. This is where you're meant to be."
"If I don't stand my own ground, how can I find my way out of this maze?"
"People always go for the path of least resistance."
"Like forging your own path is hard... it's the difference between hacking your way through a jungle and having a nice trail cut and following a leader."
"If the path to what you want is too short, then you're on the wrong path."
"So they too might find their own way."
"I definitely feel like it is very important to do your own research and try and figure out what path you're trying to take in the industry."
"When the way opens up before you, suddenly there's a path forward."
"It looks like the footpath is taking us right through the farmyard and past the farmhouse."
"Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, help me find the way."
"It's all about flow, path of least resistance."
"Show us the path to righteousness."
"The world stands aside to make way for a man who knows where he's going."
"Never be a follower, always try to blaze your own path, make your own way."
"Trust the guidance of your intuition as it acts as an internal GPS uniquely attuned to your path."
"There is a happy medium somewhere here; I don't know where it is, hopefully, I'm in the right path to trying to find it."
"In all your ways recognize and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths."
"It's on you to forge your own path."
"Create your own path and find out what works for you."
"Now you have a path that connects your start configuration to your goal configuration that avoids all of the obstacles and that follows your appropriate turning radius."
"The fact that it can guide you on the most desirable path is great."
"We write our own story. We forge our own path."
"I can sense the direction and path that will lead us where we want to go."
"Stay behind me, I'll make you a path."
"He will direct and make straight and plain your path."
"Therapy is helping me find a path through it."
"...there is a path to help our people out of poverty, out of want, out of neglect..."
"I invite love to always illuminate my path."
"Luckily for us developers, we can take use of many different types of pathfinding algorithms to calculate the best possible path to direct objects to their destination."
"I am a seeker, seeking fact much fiction, researching for truth not lies, attempting to find the right path not the wrong one."
"If you want something, you will always find a route to get there."
"There are others leading the way."
"If there is no path for you, create your own."
"Honor the ancient path, look for that old good way and walk in it."
"Their motto's 'Versatility' as they pave their way ahead."
"I'll find my way, or I will make it."
"He cut a new path with his sword and left the labyrinth."
"Breadth-first search gives us much better path than depth-first search."
"Spirit is shining a light inside of you but also shining a light on the path before you."
"The more clearly I see it, the more I know which path to take."
"In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight."
"That's what it's all about, really just finding his own path whether it's BMX or with hip-hop."
"I shall either find a way or make one."
"Leaders create their own paths in life."
"There is always a best path, you just don't know it yet."
"They're forging their own path finally, which I think is a wonderful thing."
"If you follow the paths of everybody else, you'll never achieve new ground."
"The right path is the path of least resistance."
"We have to create our own path; the path is not laid before us."
"I like to find people who are doing their own thing, who are carving their own path in life, and doing something different."
"The navigation region 3D looks at your scene and sets up a mesh of all the surfaces that can be walked on."
"Going down a road less traveled and having somebody who slightly thinks outside of where maybe other people think can take a different adventure in life or a different path."
"He is directing my paths, and I'm grateful for it."
"We all have to carve out our own way."
"This guarantees you'll find a path that's as short as any that you can possibly find."
"If there isn't a way, I will make a path myself."
"I think that Morrell is basically the one person here that just has a nose for going on the right path of things."
"You're here to forge your own path and find your own way; you're an individual."
"Keep yourself extremely busy. As long as you're doing something, you will find your path."
"Your gut instinct is really going to pave the way for you."
"This full moon will also reassure you whether you are on the right path."
"If you can see a road, you form that road, you further it, and you keep going down it."
"It's up to you to see the path or make your path."
"We're going to be making a goal-based vector field for path finding."
"It's all about finding your rhythm and your path and making that your thing."
"My soul believes there's a path out."
"Don't live after the status quo, create your own path and, if it's a worthy path, people will join you on that path."
"I was made to break away from the pack, to challenge the fight, and to carve my own path."
"The path is already out; we just have to be awake enough to say, 'There it is'."
"When you seek for a path, a path will be laid before you, but it's only in realizing that you're creating the path that you turn that path back to yourself."
"Never fear, the one who walks on this path will never be lost."
"Routing is the process of finding a path from the sender to the receiver."
"It's like beyond your control, and you have to find a proper path of recovery."
"An optimal path will not necessarily spend a lot of time in a dark blue because the cost of taking actions is much higher than in the lighter blue."
"He found success in his own path."
"Find your own unique path in life, don't follow everyone, don't copy everyone else."
"There must be a path," said Rackhir, fingering his bony nose.
"Let your word, Lord God, guide our steps and be a light unto our path."
"The algorithm is developed in 1992 and it is a popular optimization technique that is used to find the optimal path."
"I was always trying to find ways to make my own path rather than just be the party kid in high school."
"I gotta find my own concept, my own path throughout my art life."
"It's funny, but had there been a path there at one time or not?"
"This is The Guiding Light from the universe that lights the way for you so you can see your path forward."
"I was really honed in on creating my own lane and creating my own path because I didn't never want to stay in nobody else shadow."
"When they made 'Straight Out the Jungle', it let us know that we're on the right path."
"I'm not out here trying to bite off nobody, trying to fall into nobody's footsteps, I'm out here trying to find my own path, my own right path to go down."
"If there are weights on the path, the action box is guaranteed to find the least cost path."
"What better way to find the path than to re-walk it?"
"Usually when there's old ruins somewhere, there's a path that leads to them."
"The exploration of different paths is extremely important to the search process."
"Erase the lines that cage me, throw away the rules, draw a new line, my own path."
"We're always going to use this best path, this least cost path."
"Knowing and staying on your path requires both the clarity and the courage to do so."
"It sweeps the path ahead of you and it shines its light beam out there."
"We run sequential convex optimization with an optimistic version of the current estimate of the dynamics to find a path to the goal state."
"You always find your way, and those who follow you will too."
"The heuristic function H(n) is the estimated cost of the cheapest path from the state at node n to a goal state."
"The A-star algorithm evaluates nodes by combining G(n), the cost to reach the node, and H(n), the cost to get from the node to the goal."
"Routing is simply determining the path between a source and a destination."
"We like BFS because it finds shortest paths."
"Sir, no one will give you the way; you have to take the way."
"Choose the path where no one goes."
"The shortest path is not always the path that requires less nodes than some other; it should take into consideration the sum of weights that are assigned to edges."
"Finding the shortest path is one of the most famous problems with graphs."
"Breadth-first search and depth-first search are used for different things; usually, for finding the shortest path, you will use breadth-first search."
"Trust that a way will be made regardless."
"You will show me the path of life."
"Ask for guidance, Pisces, because there is a new path opening up for you."
"The shortest path problem is essentially just how to calculate the shortest way to get from one place to another."
"We were all just trying to find the right path for us."
"Ideally, if you're retracing your steps, your track should land right on top of each other."
"As long as I can beat this foe, we can open a new path for ourselves."
"A message from your higher self can be really useful to understand what is the best path for you."
"Taking the road and trying to find your path again is so worth it because once you're back on that path, you can see that life was meant for so much more."
"I think cats do use roads because it's the path of least resistance."
"It really wants to turn left, but it sees this path really far away and so it knows that it has to go straight if it wants to reach the goal."
"To find the shortest path from where you are to the buoy, you actually have to follow a GPS track that is essentially tracing your way through a graph."
"We're searching for a sign, a meaning, a path forward."
"We find lost wonder walkers and guide them on the crow path."
"Water always follows the path of least resistance. So in theory, it should be our quickest route down to Jasper."
"A star is really optimized and there's a reason it's used in game development all the time because it's meant and optimized for quickly finding a pretty good path from one point to another."
"Ants are super efficient at finding the most efficient path."
"If we're open to receiving God's counsel, He can share with us where the best path is."
"Dijkstra's algorithm will always find us the shortest path no matter how many nodes that we go through as long as all these weights are greater than or equal to zero."
"If the path does not yet exist, then it shall be created."
"Forge your own path. If you see two paths, forget that. Go the other way, take the hard pass, and make your own way."
"You have this strong sense of self, this inner strength, and this resolve that you're on the right path."
"We have to find our own route through, but we will."
"You're seeing all sides of situations and finding the best path forward."
"You're a trailblazer; you're meant to see things differently and set a new path for others."
"You're all individuals and you have to find your own path and go down it."
"Choose Freedom... often That's Just an Illusion you could free yourself from the obstacles that you're so focused on by choosing a different path."
"I always paved my own path, I never went a well-known way and path as a majority of average people."
"As you start making those adjustments, this path is going to clear itself up."
"The energy is going to show her where her path is, where is the flow."
"The path is getting clarified for you."
"As she's going down this path, she's leaving little lanterns so that other people can find their way."
"Allow the universe to show you the way."
"It's so obvious what the fastest path is to get from one corner to another; you just have to stare at it."
"There's something really powerful about you guys lighting up your own path and being incredibly successful."
"If you walk along this path, you will find a way."